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针对目前航电系统硬件的升级换代而导致老的软件的不可用的问题,提出了一个用于航电系统软件升级的二进制翻译系统(BTASUP系统)。该系统能把解释执行和动态翻译结合起来,在PowerPC处理器上实现对1750A处理器的二进制可执行代码的透明执行。介绍了系统的结构和工作原理,重点讨论了作为系统重要组成部分的动态翻译器的设计与实现。  相似文献   

针对目前航电系统硬件平台的升级而导致的原有的经过验证的软件资源不可用的问题,提出了一个用于航空电子系统升级的二进制翻译系统(BTASUP).该系统将解释和动态二进制翻译结合起来,在PPC上实现了对1750A二进制可执行代码的透明执行.采用了快速模拟、直接替换段等技术提高了系统的运行效率及适应性.开发的验证工具VERBT验证了系统的功能及效率.验证结果表明系统能对原有的环境进行正确的仿真(/模拟),代码的运行速率满足原系统的要求.  相似文献   

基于模型管理框架的机翼结构多目标优化设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用演化算法对某高空长航时无人机机翼结构进行多目标优化设计时,由于需要大量的演化迭代和很多次的有限元分析计算,使演化算法相当耗时.为了提高效率,采用模型管理框架对该机翼结构进行多目标优化设计.采用模型管理框架可以建立满足精度要求的目标及约束的近似模型,使演化算法不仅避免了大量的有限元分析计算,而且获得了满意的该高空长航时无人机机翼结构的多目标优化设计结果.  相似文献   

空中作战任务规划是一项复杂的任务,随着空中作战飞行器的种类、数量及其之间交互性的增加,任务规划也变得越来越复杂。任务规划人员必须在有限的时间内制定出最优的任务分配策略。决策支持工具可以辅助任务规划人员找到最优的规划方案。介绍了设计多目标进化算法以及在空中作战任务规划领域的框架和工作流程,具体的任务包括空中打击动态目标的定位问题和情报监视侦察(ISR)任务规划。总结了这些研究的经验教训,探讨了未来可能的发展方向。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种基于布谷鸟算法(CS)的多目标公差设计方法。在传统的制造成本和质量损失函数基础上,引入产品的装配性能,建立新型多目标公差设计优化模型,并提出使用模糊层次分析法确定各分目标的权重因子。运用非惯性权重方式调整步长因子,改进布谷鸟算法并用于求解得到的多目标公差设计模型。以一个齿轮组装配件作为算例,验证布谷鸟算法求解公差设计模型的适用性与可行性,为公差设计的分配方案提供新的求解方式。  相似文献   

二冲程航空活塞发动机的换气过程直接影响燃烧效果和发动机性能,以某二冲程航空活塞发动机为例,建立仿真模型,基于动力性能、经济性能、扫气性能进行多目标优化,对扫气道、排气道结构参数的不同组合优化分析。另外,还对不同海拔工况点下(转速为5 600 r/min,100%节气门开度)的气道结构参数进行优化。结论表明:使用NSGA-Ⅱ算法对发动机气道结构的优化可以有效提高扫气效率和功率,优化后(转速为5 600 r/min)分别为0.841 kW和2.712 kW,燃油消耗率降低22.08 g/(kW?h);另外,在不同海拔工况点中,随着海拔高度的增加扫气道长度呈现出减短的趋势,而排气道长度逐渐增加,且在海拔高度大于1 800 m时趋势变化更加明显。   相似文献   

基于多目标遗传算法的再入飞行器气动布局优化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文采用多目标遗传算法来确定再入飞行器气动布局优化问题的Pareto最优解集,并和传统的多目标优化方法(加权和方法、约束法)进行比较。通过计算表明,多目标遗传算法能够在一次运行中搜索到优化问题的近似Pareto最优解集,这为飞行器设计得进行目标折衷决策提供了充分的依据。  相似文献   

为了提高多目标优化问题的求解效率,提出了一种新的处理约束多目标优化问题的基于Kriging的多目标遗传算法(MOKGA)。MOKGA采用物理规划法将多目标优化转化为单目标优化,然后构建目标函数的考虑约束的EI(Expected Improvement)模型,并采用遗传算法进行求解。六峰值驼背函数和一个导弹多目标多学科设计优化问题用于MOKGA算法性能的测试。结果表明,与理论解相比,MOKGA算法有很好的优化结果;与NSGA II相比,MOKGA有很快的收敛性。  相似文献   

多飞行器追踪动态目标是一个协同控制问题,需要根据目标飞行状态,协同各个追踪飞行器的飞行状态,最终能够在某动态的最佳点实现同时到达。考虑到目标具有较强的机动性,轨迹通常为非线性的,设计了一种基于非线性轨迹预测的、以剩余时间为控制变量的一致性控制方案。仿真结果表明,提出的控制方案能够实现空间位置相距较远的多飞行器动态追踪,具有较好的灵活性和收敛性,目标轨迹的预测结果与实际轨迹误差较小,恰当的轨迹估计有助于缩短追踪时间,提高追踪效率。  相似文献   

针对多目标决策中的最优问题,提出了一种实用的模糊决策方法。最后应用该决策方法分析解决了一个实际问题。  相似文献   

为了获得空间目标的微动信息,需要对雷达回波中的高速平动分量进行精确补偿。针对空间目标高速运动对微动信息提取的影响问题,首先分析了空间目标平动对微多普勒频率的调制影响,得到目标高速平动,特别是平动加速度、平动加加速度对微多普勒频率趋势性调制现象将干扰微多普勒频率提取的结论。在此基础上,利用目标平动直接导致目标多普勒频谱展宽的特点,提出了一种基于图像质量度量准则的空间目标平动参数估计方法,并根据估计出的平动参数实现运动补偿。最后,采用空间目标多散射中心模型,进行平动补偿分析,仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

When a radar with amplitude comparison monopulse arithmetic encounters signals from multiple Gaussian sources it will "point" to the centroid of the incident radiation. The probability density function (pdf) of the monopulse ratio when N independent samples of difference and sum signals are processed in a maximum likelihood receiver is derived. For finite jam-to-noise ratio the estimate has a bias which is independent of N. The variance in the estimate does however depend upon N. Central moments of order less than or equal 2N - 2 exist and are given by a simple formula. Plots of the pdf and its bias and variance for various jam-to-noise ratios, locations of the centroid with respect to the boresight direction, and number of samples processed are presented in the accompanying figures.  相似文献   

Varieties of Average Monopulse Responses to Multiple Targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A monopulse receiver exhibits three apparently distinct types of average response when the radar sees two jammers, two passive targets, or one of each. This variety of response types is analyzed and shown to be consistent, i.e., the responses are shown to be special cases of a general formula which applies to two independent targets with uniformly distributed phase difference.  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of tracking multiple spawning targets with multiple finite-resolution sensors is considered and a new algorithm for measurement-to-track association with possibly unresolved measurements is presented. The goal is to initialize new tracks of spawned targets before they are resolved from the mother platform so that one has the ability to carry out early discrimination when they become resolved. The multiple scan data association problem is first formulated as a multidimensional assignment problem with explicit new constraints for the unresolved measurements. Then the top M hypotheses tracking (TMHT) is presented where the state estimates and their covariances are modified based on the M best hypotheses through the assignment solutions. A modification to the assignment problem is developed that leads to a linear programming (LP) where the optimal solution can be a noninteger in [0,1]. The fractional optimal solution is interpreted as (pseudo) probabilities over the N - 1 frame sliding window. The best hard (binary) decision assignment solution and the M best via TMHT are compared with the soft decision solution for 2-D tracking scenarios with various sensor configurations. Based on the simulation results, the soft assignment approach has better track maintenance capability than the single best hard assignment and a performance nearly as good as the TMHT. Its computational load is slightly higher than the single best hard assignment but much lighter than TMHT.  相似文献   

Effect of Monopulse Signal Thresholding on Tracking Multiple Targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The monopulse angle of arrival measured from two targets may wander far beyond the angular separation of the targets. In order to remove large errors, angle of arrival measurements are passed through a threshold detector and the measurements which do not satisfy the threshold are rejected. Thresholding has the tendency to move the mean indicated angle of arrival away from the stronger target and toward the power centroid of the targets, which may be undesirable in some applications. Expressions for the probability density function, the mean, and the variance of the in-phase angle of arrival are developed in this paper as a function of the threshold setting. Background noise and interfering signals are neglected in the analysis.  相似文献   

基于序贯关联算法,对多目标无源跟踪问题进行了研究。在只有角度信息可以利用的情况下,首先,利用波门技术对各个无源传感器角度测量数据进行关联和滤波,形成参数航迹;然后,将各个无源传感器的参数航迹送到融合中心进行关联配对,并在关联过程中通过构造关联质量函数对参数航迹的关联历史情况进行度量,解决参数航迹关联模糊问题;最后,通过对关联成功的参数航迹进行交叉定位,给出多个不同目标的位置信息,实现分布式无源系统对多目标的数据关联和跟踪,并通过仿真分析,对算法的有效性和可行性进行验证。  相似文献   

A new technique is described by which radar tracks can be established and maintained in a dense multitarget environment. These targets may fly in formation, maneuver relative to each other, or be on crossing paths. They may fade and reappear, lose their resolution, or become resolved. If the formation members move apart, the formation track is split into separate tracks. Typical requirements for a formation tracking system are stated, followed by a discussion of the principles on which this design is based. The same logic applies both to single targets and to forma. tions. Finally, results from field tests are presented.  相似文献   

Dynamic Programming Solution for Detecting Dim Moving Targets   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
An on-board scanning or mosaic sensor is staring down from a satellite to a fixed ground point while producing a set of frames that contain target and background signals. Detecting dim moving targets should ideally be done by exhaustively searching over all in he maery(mached fltering), as ppoed possible trajectories in the imagery (matched filtering) as opposed to assembling trajectories from thresholded frames. The dynamic programming approach equivalently substitutes the above prohibitive exhaustive search by a feasible algorithm.  相似文献   

非合作目标动态RCS仿真方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴崇  徐振海  肖顺平 《航空学报》2014,35(5):1374-1384
针对非合作目标难以开展动态测量的问题,根据空气动力学原理提出了一种非合作目标动态雷达散射截面(RCS)仿真方法。该方法首先建立测量背景下典型飞行航路模型,然后计算雷达视线在机体坐标系上的时变姿态角。根据姿态角开展电磁计算,获得F-117A隐身攻击机在侧站平飞、背站拉起、对站俯冲、侧站盘旋4种航路下的动态RCS数据。着重分析了动、静态RCS特性在起伏目标检测性能评估上的差异。结果表明:静态RCS特性难以反映目标运动时真实的雷达特性,利用静态数据描述目标特性可能导致错误结论,而文中方法获取的动态RCS数据可以提高结论的完整性和可信度。  相似文献   

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