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lt is possible that usable combination codes can be obtained if Barker and Huffman sequences are chosen as the inner and outer codes. lt is shown that an improvement in either energy efficiency or time sidelobe structure will result either from a modification of a Huffman sequence or from a modification of a Barker sequence. Results are given for a combination code of length 91, with inner and outer codes of length 7 and 13.  相似文献   

The utility of Barker-type phase-reversal codes is extended by the use of sidelobe suppression techniques that can be easily implemented in digital form. It is shown that sidelobe suppression techniques can be found where the tapped delay line used to reduce the sidelobes has only a few distinct tap weights, in which case the complexity of the digital processor is greatly reduced. An example is given where the technique is applied to Barker codes with positive sidelobes, specifically, the 13-element Barker code. If higher pulse compression factors are desired than are obtainable with Barker codes, multistage Barker codes may be used. The sidelobes then may be suppressed for any one or all of the different coding stages.  相似文献   

针对短码DSSS(Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum,直接序列扩频)信号扩频码MLE(Maximum Likelihood Estimation,最大似然估计)问题,提出了一种基于Viterbi算法的扩频码搜索方法,并将其应用到同步CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access,码分多址)信号的扩频码估计中.该算法利用了扩频码码元为±1的先验知识,以向量的2-范数平方或1-范数作为度量值;每次判决扩频码码元时,计算2条可能路径的度量值,并选择使度量值最大的那条路径作为幸存路径,最终的幸存路径即为估计的扩频码;所提算法不仅计算复杂度低,而且能同时估计扩频信号的扩频码和信息序列.仿真实验表明,本算法在低信噪比时同样具有较好的性能.  相似文献   

The output response of a matched filter for several cases of combined Barker codes is computed for various amounts of Doppler mismatch. It is shown that combined Barker codes, like conventional Barker codes, are extremely sensitive to Doppler shift.  相似文献   

The authors suggest a new algorithm for binary coding waveform sidelobe reduction after matched filtering and present a general method by which optimized sidelobe suppression filters for Barker codes can be obtained with a peak output sidelobe 2.62 dB lower than the results found in the literature (for 13-b Barker code). This optimization algorithm is also promising for other binary coding waveforms, such as truncated pseudonoise (PN) sequences and concatenated codes. This new approach can readily be applied to sidelobe-reduction filter design for other binary coding waveforms, such as truncated PN sequences, concatenated codes, etc., which often find their applications in radar systems and spread spectrum communication systems  相似文献   

The autocorrelation functions ?I(?) and ?II(?) of Codes I and II are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively. Several interesting points are noted from a comparison of these figures.  相似文献   

The inverse problem of finding the required signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) given a set of probability parameters and number of samples is a nontrivial problem. Several past attempts have proposed simple approximations for the SNR, but the achieved accuracy varied across the parameter space and was at times poor. The approximation equations proposed here are considerably more accurate over a larger parameter space.  相似文献   

对一般数列的情况进行了讨论,给出了数列的子列权的概念,得出了关于数列的算术平均序列的一个定理,即存在有限划分的收敛子列的数列,其算数平均序列收敛于其子列极限的线性组合,而系数正是相应子列的权。对其他的一些情况也进行了讨论。  相似文献   

VCI-CODE是北京宏博远达公司自主开发的企业级通用编码管理系统,用于企业应用中PDM、CAPP、ERP、MES、数控刀具管理系统、实物标识系统等多种系统过程中编码的生成及管理.该系统能够更好的保证物料/实物与编码在企业内的一致性和唯一性,不仅提供了常规的编码(包括类编码和实物的标记码)管理功能,还定义了编码组件服务与具体业务应用系统的集成接口规范,使用户在各应用系统内透明地使用编码系统.  相似文献   

设E是严格凸和自反的实Banach空间且其范数是一致Gateaux可微的,K是E中非空闭凸子集,Ai:K→E(i∈N)是m-增生映像且公共不动点集非空,u∈K是给定点,X1∈K是任一初始点,{αn}^∞ n=1、{β}^∞ n=1是[0,1]中的实数列且满足如下条件:(i)lim n→∞αn=0,∑^∞ n=1 αn=∞,∑^∞ n=1|αn+1-αn|〈∞;(ii)lim n→∞βn=0,∑^∞ n=1|βn+1-βn|〈∞。设{Xn}^∞ n=1是由下面复合Halpern格式定义的迭代序列:{yn=βnXn+(1-βn)SXn,n≥0 Xn+1=αnu+(1-αn)yn其中S=∑∞ i=1ξiJAi,JAi=(1+Ai)^-1(i∈N),那么{Xn}∞ n=1强收敛于{Ai}i∈N的公共0点。本文的结果改进和推广了Zegeye和Shahzad,Ofoedu以及其他作者的相应结果。  相似文献   

在严格凸的Banach空间E中,介绍了一种新的复合迭代方法强收敛到一族m-增生映像公共零点。K是E中非空闭凸子集,假定E的每个非空闭凸子集上的非扩张映像都存在不动点,Ai:K→E(i=1,2,…,r)是一族m-增生映像,{xn}是由复合Halpem格式定义的迭代序列,证明了当n→∞时,{xn}强收敛于方程Aix=0(i=1,2,…,r)的公共解,改进和推广了Zegeye和Shahzad等人的相应结果。  相似文献   

A modified form of the basic Savage statistic is considered and the performance of a modified Savage (MS) nonparametric detector using this modified statistic is derived. Also, a detector using a modified rank squared statistic (MRS) is introduced. The asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the detectors is determined for chisquare, Rician, and log-normal signal fluctuations when the background noise is assumed Gaussian. The ARE performance of the generalized sign (GS) and Mann-Whitney (MW) detectors is also determined for these families of fluctuations. The ARE performance of the various detectors is then compared, and the results of a computer simulation are presented in which, for a finite number of samples, the performance of the modified detectors is compared with the performance of the GS and MW detectors. It is shown that when using a large number of reference noise samples, the ARE of the GS and MW detectors, the MRS and RS detectors, and the MS and Savage detectors are 0.75, 0.868, and 1, respectively. It is also shown that when using a finite number of reference noise samples the MS and MRS detectors can give a superior performance to that obtained with the MW detector, and that this is particularly true in the cases in which the degree of signal fluctuation is high.  相似文献   

利用数字图像处理的方法开发了轮胎胎号字符识别系统。首先通过CCD摄像头获取轮胎胎号图像,再对得到的图像进行预处理和特征提取,最后用人工神经网络的方法识别出图像中的字符信息。实验结果表明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   

数控加工仿真器加工代码的计算机识别   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着数控技术、计算机仿真与建模技术的发展,建立一个能够分析机床设备加工效率、预测产品加工精度、反映真实加工过程的数控加工仿真器就显得尤为重要.根据数控代码的特点,采用预处理控制流程,很好地解决了加工代码的计算机识别这一建立精确数控加工过程仿真器的关键问题.  相似文献   

A new type of phase detector for pseudonoise code tracking is introduced and analyzed in comparison with the delay lock loop (DLL) and tau-dither loop (TDL) configurations. It is shown that the double dither loop (DDL) combines the best features of the DLL and the TDL in that the DDL is insensitive to gain and offset imbalances and does not suffer the 3-dB degradation in noise performance typically associated with the TDL. The double dither concept is applicable to other dual channel detectors such as in a Costas-type carrier tracking loop.  相似文献   

描述了二维条码的主要用途,二维条码与精确保障的关系;阐述了航空标准化二维条码工作的主要内容,给出了每个工作内容的工作要点,最后提出了应用建议。  相似文献   

基于图象处理的QR码识别   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着智能手机技术的发展和二维码技术的推广,QR码的手机识别技术的应用越来越广泛.根据QR条码图像符号的特殊性,针对QR码识别过程中手机图像采集的实际情况,应用并改进多种图像处理的方法,用C语言实现了对QR条码的译码,取得了良好的效果.  相似文献   

目前各民航企业都面临着航材备件积压问题。即使是依照渡音公司的首期清单推荐的备件数量准备还是不能避免出现积压问题,这就要求从整体上对备件进行优化。BARLOW模型是一种简单有效的优化模型,但是它的评价函数不甚理想。改进了BARLOW模型的评价函数,使其更符合民航备件的实际情况。  相似文献   

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