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提出将各种主流仿真、计算机辅助设计、诊断推理和虚拟仪器软件的核心运行组件进行集成,构成功能完备、配置灵活、用户免编程的虚拟测试平台,来满足高性能智能化产品动态测试、参数调整与优化、诊断排故的需要。对虚拟测试平台所具备的功能、系统结构及关键技术进行了详细的论述,最后结合智能运动控制系统的全数字与半实物仿真测试,就虚拟测试平台的典型应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

面向对象的涡扇发动机及控制系统仿真平台   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
研究了面向对象的航空发动机数值仿真平台实现机理, 构建了涡扇发动机及其控制系统模型库, 采用面向对象方法完成了模型库及辅助类库的代码实现;研究了交互式仿真界面及模块化构建仿真系统的关键技术, 在此基础上结合模型库、辅助类库构建了涡扇发动机及其控制系统通用仿真平台, 仿真结果表明, 该平台可计算发动机从零加速到最大状态的全程实时动态仿真, 动态误差小于8%, 控制系统响应快, 超调小, 能够满足发动机控制仿真的需求.   相似文献   

ARINC661服务器软件自动化测试的研究与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对ARINC 661服务器软件测试的规模庞大、维护困难等问题,结合ARINC 661服务器软件标准部件库特点,本文提出了一种自动化测试方法,研究了自动化测试的关键技术,并完成了自动化测试工具的开发。实际测试结果表明,自动化测试方法以及自动化测试工具可以显著提高软件的测试水平,减少测试的成本。  相似文献   

The methods of cognitive graphical information presentation are considered to support decision-making in earth stations of command measurement systems. The work is performed on transforming telemetric data, readings of the sensors of space module and earth station into visual images.  相似文献   

为了更好地落实航空电子模块的可制造性设计审查工作,结合航空电子模块产品特点和技术要求,建设了基于Valor软件的PCB/PCBA设计与检测自动化分析系统.元器件模型库作为该系统的必要组成部分,其覆盖范围和数据精度对审查结果至关重要.本文将从元器件模型库建设必要性、建设过程和建模工艺要求三个方面进行阐述,并提出一种基于V...  相似文献   

针对大型计算流体力学(CFD)软件的验证与确认,为了减少人工成本,提高软件质量和开发效率,并适应于未来高性能计算发展的要求,基于云计算思想,提出了自动化测试云平台的解决方案。该方案采用模块化的浏览器/服务器(B/S)网络架构;利用LAMP(Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP/Python)开发工具;建立了持续集成的专业数据库;构建了涵盖可靠集群监控、复杂作业调度及大规模并行计算功能的云端环境;实现了通过便捷的网络访问,自动加载测试算例、提交集群计算、监测实时进度、自动化后处理、输出分析结果,并提供丰富的实验对比图、误差分析报表和汇总报告等;完成了对大型CFD软件的自动化验证与确认。将该方案应用于某大规模并行计算的CFD软件,验证了该解决方案的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

对国外短周期涡轮实验技术的发展及其应用范围开拓的情况进行了综述和分析.比较了长短周期涡轮实验技术各自的优点和不足.近年来, 在发展高性能航空发动机的需求带动下, 短周期涡轮实验技术正在努力克服自身的薄弱环节, 力争达到长周期涡轮实验技术所能达到的性能测试精度.其发展目标是争取部分替代长周期涡轮实验, 由单纯机理性实验平台向部件性能研发平台扩展.同时, 作为重要的基础研究平台, 短周期涡轮实验台在机理研究领域也有所拓宽, 开始被应用于新设计理念的验证、CFD设计分析软件的校验等新的领域.   相似文献   

测试系统的软件平台   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
测试软件平台为测试系统的组建提供了可视化的测试程序开发环境、测试资源的管理、测试数据的管理和仪器驱动库的管理等工具。文章介绍了软件平台的总体结构。并对软件平台的实现作了描述。  相似文献   

Testing for minimum resolvable temperature (MRT), a subjective test technique used to demonstrate the performance of thermal imaging sensors with human observers, is addressed. The results of automated MRT testing are presented and compared with those of traditional MRT testing for the same thermal imaging sensor. The theory of MRT as it relates to automated testing is described. The reasons for developing automated MRT testing are explored, as is the motivation for promoting acceptance of this kind of testing  相似文献   

This describes a unique approach to performing high fidelity UHF circular array simulations on a High Performance Computer (HPC). Traditional airborne surveillance simulations have been limited in either spatial or temporal fidelity due to the expensive software and hardware requirements. Recently, advances have been made which provide the rapid deployment of high fidelity scenarios through a modular visual programming environment on an HPC. Based on the visual programming environment Khoros, the Radar Analysis Simulation Tool (RAST-K) is a flexible simulation for quickly prototyping airborne surveillance configurations containing radar system features, point targets, and USGS maps. Additionally, RAST-K has been ported to a Linux cluster to simulate realistic flight scenarios. As these scenarios involve changing characteristics between Coherent Processing Intervals (CPIs), additional interfaces were developed to control platform, target, and environmental attributes, as well as partition the simulations across the resource of processors. This paper will discuss these topics by providing an overview of the RAST-K simulation and its use in the simulation of a circular UHF antenna configuration. After which, the simulation of realistic flight scenarios through the use of the HPC is discussed, along with relevant results.  相似文献   

目前,六自由度平台角位置精度的测量大多采用激光跟踪仪等仪器进行,其测量成本高且测试原理及操作过程较为复杂。针对这一问题,提出了一种测量成本低、测试方法及操作较为简单的六自由度平台角位置精度测量方法,其主要包括六自由度平台的角位置测量精度以及角位置测量重复性。应用倾角仪对该平台横滚和俯仰两个方向的精度等进行了测量,使用光电自准直仪配合360多齿分度盘对该平台偏航方向的精度等进行了测量,测量结果表明:该测量方法能够准确快速测量出六自由度平台的角位置测量精度及角位置测量重复性,通过实验测出某Stewart六自由度平台横滚、俯仰及偏航方向的运动范围均为-10°~+10°,角位置测量精度分别达到0.012°、0.009°、0.018°,角位置测量重复性分别达到0.005°、0.007°、0.001°,能够很好地满足六自由度平台的技术指标。  相似文献   

针对一种用于小型飞行器的新型高效升力和推力系统——轮翼,为了解决其所面临的测量参数多、气动力/力矩量值小、实时性强、耦合性高的困难,研制了基于虚拟仪器(VI)的气动实验系统。该系统采用四分量高精度应变天平、AC伺服电机及驱动器、应变放大器等设备搭建实验平台,利用基于虚拟仪器的LabWindows/CVI软件进行数据采集和数据处理。实验测得天平输出信号电压值与软件采集记录结果一致,为进一步做模型试验提供了可靠的基础。  相似文献   

船载测控设备船摇隔离度自动化测试方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旨在对船载测控设备船摇隔离度自动化测试方法进行研究,首先介绍传统的船摇隔离度测试方法,说明了该方法不能进行自动化测试的原因,并在此基础上提出了两种可以实现自动化测试的方法,一种是通过数字低通滤波器滤除误差电压中的高频分量后再折算船摇残差的方法,另外一种是用大地角的变化来折算船摇残差的方法。  相似文献   

在飞机综合健康管理研究中,为了实现高效低成本的仿真验证,需要对飞机关键构件进行可视化仿真。首先建立飞机及其平尾关键构件的三维模型,然后在VC++6.0平台的MFC框架下,利用Vega开发了基于任务驱动的飞机关键构件可视化仿真系统,并对关键构件故障模型进行加载。实现了不同飞行任务时水平尾翼及其内部大轴的可视化仿真。结果表明,该仿真系统具有直观逼真的交互界面,便于仿真过程的观测和关键数据的获取,为飞机综合健康管理提供了一个通用的可视化仿真实验平台。  相似文献   

Integrated track maintenance for the PMHT via the hysteresis model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Unlike other tracking algorithms the probabilistic multi-hypothesis tracker (PMHT) assumes that the true source of each measurement is an independent realisation of a random process. Given knowledge of the prior probability of this assignment variable, data association is performed independently for each measurement. When the assignment prior is unknown, it can be estimated provided that it is either time independent, or fixed over the batch. This paper presents a new extension of the PMHT, which incorporates a randomly evolving Bayesian hyperparameter for the assignment process. This extension is referred to as the PMHT with hysteresis. The state of the hyperparameter reflects each model's contribution to the mixture, and thus can be used to quantify the significance of mixture components. The paper demonstrates how this can be used as a method for automated track maintenance in clutter. The performance benefit gained over the standard PMHT is demonstrated using simulations and real sensor data  相似文献   

简要阐述了边界扫描测试的基本用途,介绍了边界扫描的结构及特点;分析了JTAG的命令和使用方法、测试向量的生成方法;最后给出三个应用实例:使用JTAG对单个器件的测试,互连测试和对器件编程。  相似文献   

针对微型涡轮发动机测控要求,设计了集试车、控制系统半物理模拟、电动供油试验功能于一体的综合测控系统.各传感器调理信号并接到测控计算机与电子控制器;电子控制器通过串口接受测控计算机操纵指令,并采集p2进行转速间接闭环控制.详细介绍了转速测量方法、电动油泵(pulse width modulation,PWM)驱动设计,并分析、设计了发动机控制律.测试软件以Lab Windows/CVI为平台,采用多线程技术设计.应用表明,系统结构简单、试验效率高,可为同类发动机研发提供支持.   相似文献   

 本文简要介绍了某歼击机42点协调加载疲劳试验的方案选择和试验支持方式、加载装置、综合安全保护系统特点及破坏情况和结果分析。此外还介绍了全数字直接控制协调加载系统和控制程序系统的设计特点。  相似文献   

Radar involves similar operations applied to large amounts of data. It is thus well suited to data parallel (SEMD) hardware. In the past, large data-parallel machines have been applied to radar with limited success. This has been due to such reasons as programming issues, cost, and the hardware being too big for most embedded applications. Most SBVED machines went away a decade ago. There is now a new generation of SIMD COTS technology with powerful processing elements (PEs) and floating-point hardware. WorldScape is applying these chips to radar processing, and has demonstrated significantly more performance with much lower power dissipation (GFLOPS/Watt). These implementations provide attractive alternatives to traditional FPGA and DSP solutions. Lockheed-Martin has provided benchmark validation testing and support for these implementations. The current implementation is based on a 64 PE, 25 GFLOP CS-301 chip supplied by ClearSpeed Technology PLC. WorldScape has demonstrated FFT, Pulse Compression, a form of QR factorization, and other applications on this generation of hardware using a mix of C-level programming and optimized assembly. The next generation chip is compatible, but also has several improvements that will significantly enhance I/O performance as well as raw GFLOP throughput. An updated demonstration and discussion of a scalable processing platform for embedded radar processing which significantly improves I/O performance and provides a roadmap to government-qualified hardware for technology insertion. Architectures, data parallel coding approaches, additional functionality of the scalable processing platform, and relevance to embedded defense radar applications will be discussed.  相似文献   

研究了一种机场应急救援拖车的同步电气控制系统。基于ARM—Linux平台.上位机以ARM9为核心,下位机以PLC为核心,使用Qt/Embedded和梯形图完成对上、下位机的GUI和程序设计,上下位机采用485通讯。连接试验模型和控制系统,实现了用遥控器控制机场应急救援拖车同步转向,通过对模型的测试,其可行性已被初步的实验证实.  相似文献   

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