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简·奥斯汀独特的生活经历决定了她狭小的文学创作题材,但她敏锐的观察与奇特的敏感却使读者从她 的作品中觉察到当时广阔的社会现实。  相似文献   

伊丽莎白·威拉德是舍伍德·安德森作品《俄亥俄州瓦恩斯堡镇》中一个怪异的角色.她拥有着安德森书中人物的共同特点--孤僻,不安,不满,醒悟.本文围绕着她的压抑的情感以及其形成过程进行了详细地分析.  相似文献   

伊丽莎白.威拉德是舍伍德.安德森作品《俄亥俄州瓦恩斯堡镇》中一个怪异的角色。她拥有着安德森书中人物的共同特点——孤僻,不安,不满,醒悟。本文围绕着她的压抑的情感以及其形成过程进行了详细地分析。  相似文献   

艾丽丝·门罗在《女孩和女人们的生活》中塑造了一个勇于挑战父权社会性别秩序和性别规范的女性形象——艾迪,但作为被整个社会耻笑的对象,艾迪并没有改变其边缘性的社会地位。她对女性天性的刻意压制和对知识宗教的狂热追求,最终使她成为父权社会中独自跳舞的女性“小丑”。  相似文献   

早期经历:萨维茨卡娅的家庭教育良好,在父母的主张下,她除了学习学校的功课之外还学习音乐、英语和游泳。她深受父亲的影响,16岁那年她决定去当飞行员,她瞒着父母报名在一所业余航校训练。因她年龄小不适于参加飞行训练被拒于门外,她转而开始跳伞训练,直到父亲在她的书包里发现一把伞刀才知道实情。  相似文献   

王一 《航天员》2012,(5):48-50
她是刘洋,中国首位女性航天员,一个乐善好施,善于沟通表达的女孩。她勤思多问,绝不做读书的工具。她说航天员大队是她家,航天员都是她的家里人。她是这个时代的“中国梦”!  相似文献   

早期经历:阿努什毕业后开始在美国著名的通讯公司(MCI)工作(在那里她遇到了她后来的丈夫哈米德·安萨里,他们于1991年结婚。她以自己是伊朗穆斯林和拥有的波斯祖先为荣)。1993年,当电信产业超常发展时,她劝说她的丈夫哈米德·安萨里和她的内弟阿米尔·安萨里利用他们的积蓄和公司退休帐号共同创立了电信技术股份有限公司。  相似文献   

张京 《航天员》2012,(3):48-49
31岁那年,她实现了两个重要的人生目标;37岁那年,她的事业迈向了一个新制高点;38岁的一天,她被选为航天员,开始从事一直梦想着的职业;47岁那年。不懈的努力得到回报,她终于实现了航天梦。  相似文献   

刘苗 《航天员》2013,(5):72-73
1959年在纽约玩具展览会上诞生了一个明艳动人的万人偶像,她就是芭比娃娃。从此,她风靡全球数十年而不衰,她是美丽与梦想的象征。她那百变的造型,漂亮的服饰是女孩子心中的时尚风向标;她那变幻丰富的职业与身份角色也给予了女孩们努力实现梦想的正能量。她身上总是散发着浓郁的与时俱进的气息。最近,一款为纪念“好奇”号火星车登陆火星一周年,由美泰公司与NASA联合打造的“探索火星的芭比娃娃”,以其独特的魅力吸引了人们的眼球。  相似文献   

嫦娥成功奔月,几千年来的美丽神话,不再是梦想。嫦娥三号,无数航天科研人员为她日夜守候、为她翘首企盼,她,就是大家心中美丽的“三姑娘”。为了让美丽的“三姑娘”美丽健康,完美完成探月之旅,中国航天科技集团公司五院总装与环境工程部的科研工作者们,攻坚克难,实现了多项技术跨越,日以继夜地为她缝制“嫁衣”,并做好各项“体检”,让“三姑娘”不断成长、日臻完善,护送她启航。  相似文献   

SRAM单粒子效应检测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用中国科学院近代物理研究所的回旋加速器HIRFL产生不同LET值的重离子,以模拟空间辐射环境,检测了两种国产SRAM器件抗单粒子翻转和单粒子锁定的能力。试验中采用了两套单粒子效应检测系统,结合试验检测过程和最终结果,讨论了两套检测系统各自的优缺点,总结了试验中需要注意的其他问题。本研究为今后构建其他器件的单粒子效应检测系统提供了参考。  相似文献   

硅橡胶"O"形密封圈Mooney-Rivlin模型常数的确定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
依据非线性力学理论,用工程实用的测试方法,对硅橡胶材料单轴拉伸力学行为进行了测试,通过对测试结果的拟合处理,得到了四参数的Mooney-R ivlin模型常数,模型曲线与实测应力应变曲线吻合较好。采用该模型常数对硅橡胶“O”形密封圈工作状态的变形和应力进行了有限元分析,加深了对其密封性能的了解,对密封结构的设计分析具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Dubois K 《Acta Astronautica》1991,25(8-9):605-613
"Moderne dance" (as opposed to a more academic or classical dance form) uses techniques from kinesiology, anatomy and improvization which are adapted to a cultural, technological and political environment. The function of a choreographic system is to take and give a measure of the world. This includes, with the present tendency of the evolution of culture, a new "naturalism" which seeks the secrets of the body. Dance movements express in terms of space the dimension fo the infinite. It gives somehow the measure of a world within which everything is relative. Except for the speed of light, time and space are bound together by the same principle. The qualities of body awareness and specific motricity in dancers imply--besides a strict discipline--balance, coordination, muscular performance and perfect orientation, problems that astronauts also encounter in microgravity. Could chosen exercises used in modern dance technique be applied to the training of astronauts? Dancer-choreographer Kitsou Dubois has been working in this direction since 1988. She was granted a "Villa Medicis Hors Les Murs" by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to carry on with her research at NASA, Houston, Tex. in April 1989. It allowed her to investigate the reality of this analogy. She intends to evaluate the dancers' subjective vertical refering to Mittelstaedt's observations on the proportional relationship between "space sickness" and some astronauts poor evaluation of the subjective vertical. This study should create a relationship between a choreographer's empirical intuition and a scientific reality.  相似文献   

“资源三号”卫星三线阵相机辐射质量评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了推动"资源三号"(ZY-3)卫星影像数据早日为相关领域提供服务,文章采用主观评价和客观评价相结合的方法,对资ZY-3卫星三线阵图像的辐射特性进行了全面评价。分析结果表明,ZY-3卫星三线阵相机图像清晰,信噪比高,能够有效反映不同地物的细节特征,在量化深度和细节表现等方面具有优势。  相似文献   

基于电磁感应的线圈磁传感器由于其灵敏度高、工作原理简单、性能可靠,在空间微弱磁场测量方面获得广泛应用。文章介绍了线圈磁传感器性能提高的几项主要技术及其基本原理,以及线圈磁传感器的发展及空间应用现状。通过采用优化设计磁芯,改善线圈结构以及与其他类型磁传感器协同工作等技术,线圈磁传感器的性能已经获得极大提高。随着这些技术的进一步完善,线圈磁传感器将在未来空间环境探测领域中发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

The methodological approach to the study of cosmonauts errors is discussed in the paper. Within its framework an error is considered in psychophysiological aspect as consequence of cosmonaut "psychophysiological troubles" caused by combined effect of flight extreme conditions on his/her organism. This approach was used for the investigation of interrelation between cosmonauts errors, their psychophysiological state and work-rest schedule peculiarities. It includes procedures of expert analysis of data received in the course of radio and TV sessions with crew, analysis of timelines as well deviations in "crew-spacecraft" system functioning. These data are accumulated, systematized and processed in data base. Realization of the suggested approach does not require specialized onboard equipment and crew members time expenditure. Some results of inflight data analysis are presented to illustrate its potentials.  相似文献   

Current topological and geometrical distances in Space Syntax are based on the premise that each change of direction along a path is a mental cost because one loses orientation. This paper proposes to extend the analysis to the case in which esthetic and variety, rather than orientation, are the key elements of street selection. It is widely recognized that most people are attracted to curvy paths rather than straight ones; therefore, when one is not worried about losing orientation in her walk, or when the preferred path is well recognizable even when it requires changes of direction, we should adopt another criterion to weigh distances: morphoahestetic and networkvariety criteria are shown as potential parameterization for Space Syntax distances.  相似文献   

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