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IMM estimator versus optimal estimator for hybrid systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The special feature of the interacting multiple model (TMM) estimator that distinguishes it from other suboptimal multiple model (MM) estimators is the "mixing/interaction" between its "mode-matched" base state filtering modules at the beginning of each cycle. This note shows that the same feature is exactly what it has in common with the optimal estimator for hybrid (MM) systems and this can be seen as the main reason for its success.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the design of a Variable Structure Interacting Multiple Model (VS-IMM) estimator for tracking groups of ground targets on constrained paths using Moving Target Indicator (MTI) reports obtained from an airborne sensor. The targets are moving along a highway, with varying obscuration due to changing terrain conditions. In addition, the roads can branch, merge or cross-the scenario represents target convoys along a realistic road network with junctions, changing terrains, etc. Some of the targets may also move in an open field. This constrained motion estimation problem is handled using an IMM estimator with varying mode sets depending on the topography, The number of models in the IMM estimator, their types and their parameters are modified adaptively, in real-time, based on the estimated position of the target and the corresponding road/visibility conditions. This topography-based variable structure mechanism eliminates the need for carrying all the possible models throughout the entire tracking period as in the standard IMM estimator, significantly improving performance and reducing computational load. Data association is handled using an assignment algorithm. The estimator is designed to handle a very large number of ground targets simultaneously. A simulated scenario consisting of over one hundred targets is used to illustrate the selection of design parameters and the operation of the tracker. Performance measures are presented to contrast the benefits of the VS-IMM estimator over the Kalman filter and the standard IMM estimator, The VS-IMM estimator is then combined with multidimensional assignment to gain “time-depth.” The additional benefit of using higher dimensional assignment algorithms for data association is also evaluated  相似文献   

An extension is presented to the particle filtering toolbox that enables nonlinear/non-Gaussian filtering to be performed in the presence of out-of-sequence measurements (OOSMs) with arbitrary lag, without the need to adopt linearising approximations in the filter and without the degradation of performance that would occur if the OOSMs were simply discarded. An estimate of the performance of the OOSM particle filter (OOSM-PF) is obtained for bearings-only tracking scenarios with a single target and a small number of sensors. These performance estimates are then compared with the posterior Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the state estimate rms error and similar performance estimates obtained from the oosm extended Kalman filter (OOSM-EKF) algorithms recently introduced in the literature. For a mildly nonlinear bearings-only tracking problem the OOSM-PF and OOSM-EKF are shown to achieve broadly similar performance.  相似文献   

Update with out-of-sequence measurements in tracking: exact solution   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In target tracking systems measurements are typically collected in "scans" or "frames" and then they are transmitted to a processing center. In multisensor tracking systems that operate in a centralized manner, there are usually different time delays in transmitting the scans or frames from the various sensors to the center. This can lead to situations where measurements from the same target arrive out of sequence. Such "out-of-sequence" measurement (OOSM) arrivals can occur even in the absence of scan/frame communication time delays. The resulting "negative-time measurement update" problem, which is quite common in real multisensor systems, was solved previously only approximately in the literature. The exact state update equation for such a problem is presented. The optimal and two suboptimal algorithms are compared on a number of realistic examples, including a GMTI (ground moving target indicator) radar case.  相似文献   

Radar target tracking-Viterbi versus IMM   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of the Viterbi and the interacting multiple model (IMM) algorithms, applied to radar tracking and detection, are investigated and compared. Two different cases are considered. In the first case, target acceleration is identical to one of the system models while in the second case it is not. The performance of the algorithms depends monotonically on the maximal magnitude of the difference between models acceleration, on the time interval between measurements, and on the reciprocal of the measurements error standard deviation. In general, when these parameters are relatively large, both algorithms perform well. When they are relatively small, the Viterbi algorithm is better. However, during delay periods, namely right after the start of a maneuver, the IMM algorithm provides better estimations  相似文献   

Integrated active fault-tolerant control using IMM approach   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An integrated fault detection, diagnosis, and reconfigurable control scheme based on interacting multiple model (IMM) approach is proposed. Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) is carried out using an IMM estimator. An eigenstructure assignment (EA) technique is used for reconfigurable feedback control law design. To achieve steady-state tracking, reconfigurable feedforward controllers are also synthesized using input weighting approach. The developed scheme can deal with not only actuator and sensor faults, but also failures in, system components. To achieve fast and reliable fault detection, diagnosis, and controller reconfiguration, new fault diagnosis and controller reconfiguration mechanisms have been developed by a suitable combination of the information provided by the mode probabilities from the IMM algorithm and an index related to the closed-loop system performance. The proposed approach is evaluated using an aircraft example, and excellent results have been obtained  相似文献   

A reduced state estimator is derived for systems with bounded parameters as inputs. Optimal filter gains are derived for minimizing the total covariance of the estimation error due to measurement noise and parameter uncertainty. It is shown that these filter gains for a two-state system with a Gaussian parameter satisfy the Kalata relation in steady state. Equations are also derived for optimally filtering measurements in arbitrary time order. This reduced state estimator offers novelties over a traditional Kalman filter in its application to the class of problems considered. The total error covariance, which is minimized, makes no use of plant noise. Furthermore, the filter is easier to optimize in high dimensional and multiple sensor applications as well as in processing out-of-sequence measurements.  相似文献   

A nonlinear IMM algorithm for maneuvering target tracking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In target tracking, the measurement noise is usually assumed to be Gaussian. However, the Gaussian modeling of the noise may not be true. Noise can be non-Gaussian. The non-Gaussian noise arising in a radar system is known as glint noise. The distribution of glint noise is long tailed and will seriously affect the tracking performance. We develop a new algorithm that can effectively track a maneuvering target in the glint environment The algorithm incorporates the nonlinear Masreliez filter into the interactive multiple model (IMM) method. Simulations demonstrate the superiority of the new algorithm  相似文献   

Consider a discrete- time stochastic hybridsystem  x( k 1 ) =f( k, ( k) ,x( k) ,m( k 1 ) ) ζ( k,m( k 1 ) ) q( k) ( 1 )  z( k 1 ) =h( k 1 ,x( k 1 ) ,m( k 1 ) ) v( k 1 ,m( k 1 ) ) ( 2 )where state x∈ Rn;measurement z∈ Rm;input∈ Rp;modeling noise q( k)∈ Rqis a zero- mean,Gaussian white noise with covariance Q( k) ;measurement noise v( k 1 )∈ Rm is also a zero-mean,Gaussian white noise with covariance R( k 1 ) ;q( k) and v( k) are statistically indepen-dent. Th…  相似文献   

Efficient fault tolerant estimation using the IMM methodology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Space systems are characterized by a low-intensity process noise resulting from uncertain forces and moments. In many cases, their scalar measurement channels can be assumed to be independent, with one-dimensional internal dynamics. The nominal operation of these systems can be severely damaged by faults in the sensors. A natural method that can be used to yield fault tolerant estimates of such systems is the interacting multiple model (IMM) filtering algorithm, which is known to provide very accurate results. However, having been derived for a general class of systems with switching parameters, the IMM filter does not utilize the independence of the measurement errors in different channels, nor does it exploit the fact that the process noise is of low intensity. Thus, the implementation of the IMM in this case is computationally expensive. A new estimation technique is proposed herein, that explicitly utilizes the aforementioned properties. In the resulting estimation scheme separate measurement channels are handled separately, thus reducing the computational complexity. It is shown that, whereas the IMM complexity is exponential in the number of fault-prone measurements, the complexity of the proposed technique is polynomial. A simulation study involving spacecraft attitude estimation is carried out. This study shows that the proposed technique closely approximates the full-blown IMM algorithm, while requiring only a modest fraction of the computational cost.  相似文献   

In this work we present a new track segment association technique to improve track continuity in large-scale target tracking problems where track breakages are common. A representative airborne early warning (AEW) system scenario, which is a challenging environment due to highly maneuvering targets, close target formations, large measurement errors, long sampling intervals, and low detection probabilities, provides the motivation for the new technique. Previously, a tracker using the interacting multiple model (IMM) estimator combined with an assignment algorithm was shown to be more reliable than a conventional Kalman filter based approach in tracking similar targets but it still yielded track breakages due to the difficult environment. In order to combine the broken track segments and improve track continuity, a new track segment association algorithm using a discrete optimization approach is presented. Simulation results show that track segment association yields significant improvements in mean track life as well as in position, speed, and course rms errors. Also presented is a modified one-point initialization technique with range rate measurements, which are typically ignored by other initialization techniques, and a fine-step IMM estimator, which improves performance in the presence of long revisit intervals. Another aspect that is investigated is the benefit of "deep" (multiframe or N-dimensional, with N > 2) association, which is shown to yield significant benefit in reducing the number of false tracks.  相似文献   

基于交互多模型和中值滤波的加速度估计方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
针对交互多模型算法对目标加速度估计误差较大的不足,提出了一种基于交互多模型和中值滤波的目标加速度估计方法.通过对交互多模输出的加速度信息进行中值滤波提高对加速度估计的精度.计算机仿真表明,该方法比交互多模型对匀速目标,特别是机动目标具有更好的加速度估计能力,且便于工程实现.  相似文献   

针对机动目标跟踪中交互式多模型算法(IMM)的马尔可夫转移概率矩阵固定不变造成跟踪精度降低的问题,在已有的基于隐马尔科夫模型(HMM)的自适应IMM算法的基础上,对隐马尔可夫链的长度和Baum-Welch算法迭代次数的2个参数对该算法跟踪性能的影响,进行了深入研究分析,进一步明确了这2个参数选择的依据;并针对该算法在目标机动转换时峰值误差增大的问题,给出了2种修正方法,从而提出了改进的基于HMM的自适应IMM算法。最后,通过仿真分析了算法的参数和修正方法对跟踪性能的影响,并与传统IMM算法进行对比,证明了文章提出算法的有效性。  相似文献   

基于自适应IMM的高超声速飞行器轨迹预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
翟岱亮  雷虎民  李炯  刘滔 《航空学报》2016,37(11):3466-3475
为了给基于预测命中点法的高超声速飞行器中制导拦截提供先验知识,提出高超声速飞行器的轨迹预测方法。首先,给出高超声速环境下与目标姿态近似线性的气动参数;其次,针对气动参数作控制量的运动模型,设计自适应交互多模型(IMM)跟踪算法,并进行性能有效性验证;然后,根据气动参数特性和目标假设机动方式,设计基于最小二乘拟合的轨迹预测方法。通过对目标轨迹进行跟踪和预测仿真,预测100 s的位置误差均小于5 km,速度误差均小于100 m/s,结果表明基于自适应IMM的轨迹预测方法对有规律机动的目标进行轨迹预测,效果良好。  相似文献   

The problem of tracking a maneuvering target with a high measurement frequency is considered. The measurement noise is significantly correlated when the measurement frequency is high. A simple decorrelation process is proposed to enhance the interacting multiple model (IMM) algorithm to track a maneuvering target with correlated measurement noise. It is found that the decorrelation process may improve system performance significantly, especially in velocity and acceleration estimations  相似文献   

飞行轨迹预测的两种变结构IMM算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对交互式多模型(IMM)算法的缺陷,把变结构思想运用到此算法中,给出变结构交互式多模型(VSIMM)算法。基于图论知识,提出两种变结构算法:转换图交互式多模型(SGIMM)算法和自适应图交互式模型(AGIMM)算法。通过仿真试验,验证了这2种变结构算法的优越性,同时分析了2种算法的不同点。  相似文献   

We present the development and implementation of a multisensor-multitarget tracking algorithm for large scale air traffic surveillance based on interacting multiple model (IMM) state estimation combined with a 2-dimensional assignment for data association. The algorithm can be used to track a large number of targets from measurements obtained with a large number of radars. The use of the algorithm is illustrated on measurements obtained from 5 FAA radars, which are asynchronous, heterogeneous, and geographically distributed over a large area. Both secondary radar data (beacon returns from cooperative targets) as well as primary radar data (skin returns from noncooperative targets) are used. The target IDs from the beacon returns are not used in the data association. The surveillance region includes about 800 targets that exhibit different types of motion. The performance of an IMM estimator with linear motion models is compared with that of the Kalman filter (KF). A number of performance measures that can be used on real data without knowledge of the ground truth are presented for this purpose. It is shown that the IMM estimator performs better than the KF. The advantage of fusing multisensor data is quantified. It is also shown that the computational requirements in the multisensor case are lower than in single sensor case, Finally, an IMM estimator with a nonlinear motion model (coordinated turn) is shown to further improve the performance during the maneuvering periods over the IMM with linear models  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of tracking multiple maneuvering targets in the presence of clutter using switching multiple target motion models. A novel suboptimal filtering algorithm is developed by applying the basic interacting multiple model (IMM) approach and the joint probabilistic data association (JPDA) technique. Unlike the standard single-scan JPDA approach, the authors exploit a multiscan joint probabilistic data association (mscan-JPDA) approach to solve the data association problem. The algorithm is illustrated via a simulation example involving tracking of four maneuvering targets and a multiscan data window of length two  相似文献   

Efficient algorithms exist for the square-root probabilistic data association filter (PDAF). The same approach is extended to develop square-root versions of the interacting multiple model (IMM) Kalman filter and the IMMPDAF algorithms. The computational efficiency of the method stems from the fact that the terms needed in the overall covariance updates of PDAF, IMM, and IMMPDAF can be obtained as part of the square-root covariance update of an ordinary Kalman filter. In addition, a new square-root covariance prediction algorithm that is substantially faster than the usual modified weighted Gram-Schmidt (MWG-S) algorithm, whenever the process noise covariance matrix is time invariant, is proposed  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new interacting multiple model (IMM) filter for actuator fault detection. Since each individual filter of the IMM filter uses the combined information of the estimation values from all the operating filters, it can effectively estimate system parameter variations, thereby it can diagnose the actuator damage with an unknown magnitude. In this study, to diagnose the actuator failure fast and accurately, fuzzy logic is used to tune a transition probability among multiple models. This makes the fault detection process smooth and reduces the possibility of false fault detection. Also, a discrete fault tolerant command tracker is derived to cope with actuator damages. To validate the performance of the proposed fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) algorithm, numerical simulations are performed for a high performance aircraft system.  相似文献   

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