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The problems are considered of a modelling research of navigation features and improvement of the navigating filters algorithms used in the navigating devices of ground mobile vehicles (MV). It is supposed that the methods and approaches known as real time kinematic (RTK) are incorporated in a basis of researched navigating devices and algorithms. Thus, the measurements from satellite navigating systems such as GLONASS/GPS, and also the measurements from other traditional measuring means (tactile sensors, steering wheel angle and/or inertial measuring instruments) are used in the navigating device of the MV. In the present report we solve the problems and describe the methods of a modeling research of the features of functional units algorithms of the MV navigating processor with account of a satellite navigation set integration with other measuring instruments. The improvement of these devices interaction is made by means of the computer complex "AutoMobil," allowing us to simulate the certain conditions of these navigating tools operation. The imitation computer complex "AutoMobil" for researches of the MV navigation is developed within the frameworks of a programming environment "Delphi-7".  相似文献   

王明明  罗建军  袁建平  王嘉文  刘聪 《航空学报》2021,42(1):523913-523913
代表国家科技实力的空间站、空间望远镜、大型通信天线、空间太阳能电站、在轨燃料补给站、深空探测中转站及地外基地等空间大型平台和基础设施的建设需求日益迫切,如何对此进行智能自主建造是当前的巨大技术挑战。鉴于大型平台与基础设施在未来空间探索中的重要性,国内外航天研究机构均提出并发展了在轨装配的系列技术方案。本文主要对在轨装配研究现状和技术发展情况进行系统地综述。首先分析了有人与无人在轨装配的国内外技术进展,总结了在轨装配技术的发展路线、装配层次与方法;然后在此基础上,详细梳理了在轨装配的技术需求和应用前景,并得出在轨装配的使能关键技术——模块化技术、机器人技术和地面模拟装配技术,预期为中国未来的空间在轨装配研究提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

基于姿态偏置的卫星天线方向图在轨测试实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对静止轨道通信卫星在轨测试期间天线方向图测试的需求,分析了天线方向图测试的方法。针对利用姿态机动进行天线方向图测试问题,给出了地面操作及操作计划制订方法,并通过工程实际验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The French space mission MICROSCOPE aims at testing the Equivalence Principle (EP) up to an accuracy of 10?15. The experiment will be carried out on a satellite which is developed and produced within the CNES Myriade series. The measuring accuracy will be achieved by means of two high-precision capacitive differential accelerometers that are built by the French institute ONERA, see Touboul and Rodrigues (Class. Quantum Gravity 18:2487–2498, 2001). At ZARM, which is a member of the science team, the data evaluation process is prepared. Therefore, a comprehensive simulation of the real system including the science signal and all error sources is built for the development and testing of data reduction and data analysis algorithms to extract the EP violation signal. Currently, the ZARM Drag-Free simulator, a tool to support mission modelling, is adapted for the MICROSCOPE mission in order to simulate test mass and satellite dynamics. Models of environmental disturbances like solar radiation pressure are considered, also. Additionally, detailed modelling of the on-board capacitive sensors is done. The actual status of the mission modelling will be presented. Particularly, the modelling of disturbances forces will be discussed in detail.  相似文献   

首先,按照空间系统的采办类型将美空间系统分为试验型系统和操作型系统,并介绍了美军两种类型的空间系统试验鉴定管理机制;其次,从试验技术、试验模式、试验手段、试验资源和试验能力多个角度,综合分析了美军空间系统在轨试验的主要做法与特点;最后,对我国空间系统在轨试验的发展提出启示建议。  相似文献   

机上大感性负载和电源接触器在进行通/断电及工作模式转换过程中,电源汇流条上会产生电瞬变干扰信号,继而导致同一汇流条上其它设备的敏感。通过对商用客机电瞬变电磁兼容性机上验证方法的研究,给出了商用客机机载电瞬变干扰源和敏感设备的选取原则和方法,介绍了电瞬变电磁兼容性机上地面试验验证方法的实施流程,为CCAR/FAR-25部第25.1431(d)条款的试验验证提供了技术支持,并指导完成了我国自主研发的商用客机首次电瞬变电磁兼容性的测试。  相似文献   

The National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) performed unmanned autonomous rendezvous docking (RVD) experiments using the Engineering Test Satellite VII (ETS-VII) in 1998 and 1999. In these experiments, a rendezvous laser radar (RVR) was used as the primary navigation sensor during the final approach phase (relative distances from 500 m to 2 m). The RVR functioned properly, and its characteristics, which are measurement accuracy, optical propagation, and acquisition/tracking, satisfied the requirements. The experimental results show that RVR is effective for autonomous rendezvous docking.  相似文献   

在轨航天器和地面航天飞控中心天地2个系统缺乏相互支持和配合,是导致对航天器故障诊断和预测能力不足的重要因素之一。为了提高航天器故障诊断和预测的有效性、可靠性和准确性,需要将天地2个系统集成为一个整体(天地一体化系统)。设计了航天器故障天地一体化集成诊断和预测系统,讨论了航天器故障天地一体化集成诊断和预测方法,对航天器故障天地一体化集成诊断系统和方法的特点进行了分析。将天地2个系统集成在一起对航天器故障进行诊断和预测,其效率、准确性和可靠性较高。  相似文献   

如何实现GNSS全球瞬时高精度服务一直是GNSS领域的迫切需求和研究热点。采用低轨导航增强技术体制,利用低轨卫星运动几何变化快的特点,解决GNSS精密单点定位快速收敛问题和性能提升问题,是GNSS高精度定位服务未来发展的重要方向。从全球瞬时高精度服务内涵出发,阐述了天象一号低轨导航增强试验系统的技术体制,包括系统工作模式、兼容互操作与通导一体化信号体制,以及实时自主定轨、快速高精度定位、完好性监测服务等。仿真试验和在轨试验表明基于低轨增强可在1min左右实现厘米级的高精度定位性能。  相似文献   

对检定与校准、检定规程与校准规范的再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,对检定与校准、检定规程与校准规范的区别及各自的重要性,不少资料和文章都做了叙述与讨论,本文结合工作实践,从测量器具的检定与校准、检定规程与校准规范的编写等方面,谈谈对其再认识。  相似文献   

一种改进的IMU加表标定模型及快速标定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对MEMS产品工程应用的需求,提出了一种改进的IMU加表标定模型,更清晰地分离出与安装误差有关的投影关系阵以及与器件误差有关的刻度转化阵。并且,在此模型的基础上给出了不需转台的快速标定方法。投影关系阵不变,该方法减少了观测量,只需6位置来估计加速度计的零位和标度因数,同时进行了现场误差补偿。  相似文献   

介绍了基于顶杆原理的主客方校准法;叙述了以三轴重合为功能设计重点、以天顶天底和屋顶地面照准标融为一体为主线、可见光与激光校准项目有机结合的实现主客方校准法的校准装置设计思路与构建原则。最后,给出了装置复现的准铅垂线的准确度分析。  相似文献   

为了对海洋浊度测量传感器的计量性能做出快速、准确、科学的评价,构建了海洋浊度测量传感器的校准系统。本文详细阐述了海洋浊度测量传感器的校准原理,最佳校准方法的确立,并以具体实例介绍了校准数据处理及测量不确定度的评定,最后评估了该项目的校准测量能力(CMC),选用单一的相对值表示CMC,为2%。  相似文献   

基于可重构标定板的激光与视觉联合标定方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
目前,激光雷达与视觉传感器的联合标定方法包含动态在线标定与静态离线标定两大类.动态在线标定对标定的环境有较高的要求,且标定结果不稳定;静态离线标定通常采用标定板,因而对标定板的要求较高,手动选择与线拟合都易引入或放大误差,故提出了一种基于可重构标定板的激光雷达与视觉传感器的联合标定方法.首先,对传统的标定板进行拆分与重...  相似文献   

介绍了湿度测量和校准方法及其相互关系.强调指出,正确使用饱和盐法、分流法、双温法、双压法湿度发生装置对于保证湿度检测校准至关重要.  相似文献   

讨论了涡轮流量计的几种标定系统,包括稳态标定,动态标定,在线标定和实时标定,其中在线标定和实时标定是提高涡轮流量计测量精度的重要措施,计算机辅助测试系统的建立已不难实现这2种标定。  相似文献   

Infrared astronomical measurements are calibrated against reference sources, usually primary standard stars that are, in turn, calibrated either by direct or indirect means. A direct calibration compares the star with a certified source, typically a blackbody. Indirect methods extrapolate a direct measurement of the flux at one wavelength to the flux at another. Historically, α Lyr (Vega) has been used as the primary standard as it is bright, easily accessible from the northern hemisphere, and is well calibrated in the visual. Until recently, the direct absolute infrared calibrations of α Lyr and those derived from the absolute solar flux scaled to the observed spectral energy distributions of solar type stars increasingly diverged with wavelength from those obtained using a model atmosphere to extrapolate the absolute visual flux of Vega into the infrared. The exception is the direct calibration by the 1996/97 Midcourse Space Experiment of the absolute fluxes for a number of the commonly used infrared standard stars, including Vega.In the mid-1980s, the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory began a program that led to the establishment of a network of stars with which to calibrate infrared space-based sensors. α Lyr and a CMa were adopted as the fundamental references and the absolute 1.2 to 35 µm infrared spectral energy distributions for the 616 secondary standard stars in the network were derived through spectral and photometric comparisons with the primary standards. The stars are also used for calibration at ground-based infrared observatories. For applications in which the network stars may not be bright enough, particularly at the longer infrared wavelengths, planets and the larger asteroids are used. Planets and asteroids move and rather sophisticated thermal modeling of the bodies is required to predict the disk-integrated brightness at a specific time with reasonable accuracy. The Infrared Space Observatory applied such a sophisticated ‘thermo-physical’ model to the largest asteroids to support calibration of the sensors to a claimed accuracy of within 5%. The AFRL program also created a spectral atlas of the brightest stars in the sky that, although they are variable, may be used for calibration if the large(r) attendant uncertainties are acceptable.  相似文献   

本文介绍了惯性组合标定“6位置12点采样”的编排方案,可补偿测试设备调平、对北误差的影响,测试过程简单合理。此外介绍了对组合性能有特殊意义的ωe、g自检及迭代求解方法,并以此作为求算标准偏差的依据。  相似文献   

Design requirements and tradeoffs related to the calibration of a portable test system are discussed. Current and future approaches to the problem are examined, and their applicability to portable systems is discussed. Solutions developed at the author's company are detailed. The approach has been to provide the test system with an internal calibration standard so that the system operator can easily verify the station's calibration by just loading and executing a calibration program  相似文献   

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