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The Miniature Radio Frequency (Mini-RF) system is manifested on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) as a technology demonstration and an extended mission science instrument. Mini-RF represents a significant step forward in spaceborne RF technology and architecture. It combines synthetic aperture radar (SAR) at two wavelengths (S-band and X-band) and two resolutions (150 m and 30 m) with interferometric and communications functionality in one lightweight (16 kg) package. Previous radar observations (Earth-based, and one bistatic data set from Clementine) of the permanently shadowed regions of the lunar poles seem to indicate areas of high circular polarization ratio (CPR) consistent with volume scattering from volatile deposits (e.g. water ice) buried at shallow (0.1–1 m) depth, but only at unfavorable viewing geometries, and with inconclusive results. The LRO Mini-RF utilizes new wideband hybrid polarization architecture to measure the Stokes parameters of the reflected signal. These data will help to differentiate “true” volumetric ice reflections from “false” returns due to angular surface regolith. Additional lunar science investigations (e.g. pyroclastic deposit characterization) will also be attempted during the LRO extended mission. LRO’s lunar operations will be contemporaneous with India’s Chandrayaan-1, which carries the Forerunner Mini-SAR (S-band wavelength and 150-m resolution), and bistatic radar (S-Band) measurements may be possible. On orbit calibration, procedures for LRO Mini-RF have been validated using Chandrayaan 1 and ground-based facilities (Arecibo and Greenbank Radio Observatories).  相似文献   

The Japanese lunar orbiter Kaguya (SELENE) was successfully launched by an H2A rocket on September 14, 2007. On October 4, 2007, after passing through a phasing orbit 2.5 times around the Earth, Kaguya was inserted into a large elliptical orbit circling the Moon. After the apolune altitude was lowered, Kaguya reached its nominal 100 km circular polar observation orbit on October 19. During the process of realizing the nominal orbit, two subsatellites Okina (Rstar) and Ouna (Vstar) were released into elliptical orbits with 2400 km and 800 km apolune, respectively; both elliptical orbits had 100 km perilunes. After the functionality of bus system was verified, four radar antennas and a magnetometer boom were extended, and a plasma imager was deployed. Acquisition of scientific data was carried out for 10 months of nominal mission that began in mid-December 2007. During the 8-month extended mission, magnetic fields and gamma-rays from lower orbits were measured; in addition to this, low-altitude observations were carried out using a Terrain Camera, a Multiband Imager, and an HDTV camera. New data pertaining to an intense magnetic anomaly and GRS data with higher spatial resolution were acquired to study magnetism and the elemental distribution of the Moon. After some orbital maneuvers were performed by using the saved fuel, the Kaguya spacecraft finally impacted on the southeast part of the Moon. The Kaguya team has archived the initial science data, and since November 2, 2009, the data has been made available to public, and can be accessed at the Kaguya homepage of JAXA. The team continues to also study and publish initial results in international journals. Science purposes of the mission and onboard instruments including initial science results are described in this overview.  相似文献   

Radio occultation observations of the electron density near the lunar surface were conducted during the SELENE (Kaguya) mission using the Vstar and Rstar sub-satellites. Previous radio occultation measurements conducted in the Soviet lunar missions have indicated the existence of an ionosphere with peak densities of several hundreds of electrons per cubic centimeters above the dayside lunar surface. These densities are difficult to explain theoretically when the removal of plasma by the solar wind is considered, and thus the generation mechanism of the lunar ionosphere is a major issue, with even the validity of previous observations still under debate. The most serious error source in the measurement is the fluctuation of the terrestrial ionosphere which also exists along the ray path. To cope with this difficulty, about 400 observations were conducted using Vstar to enable statistical analysis of the weak signal of the lunar ionosphere. Another method is to utilize Vstar and Rstar with the second one being used to measure the terrestrial ionosphere contribution. The observations will establish the morphology of the lunar ionosphere and will reveal its relationship with various conditions to provide possible clues to the mechanism.  相似文献   

通过研究国内外主要测控通信技术现状与发展动态,梳理出了目前我国在月地及月地以远距离测控通信技术遇到的挑战:面临测量精度尚不能满足科学探测更高的要求,数据传输能力难以满足更高的数据传输速率需求,关键器件自主可控较为薄弱,激光通信高精度快速捕获手段单一,以及星载终端设计与关键技术在轨验证较少等。针对这些问题,提出了对天线组阵、激光测控通信技术、Ka波段及毫米波低温接收机、超导纳米线单光子探测器、深空光学跟瞄系统、窄线宽激光光源的产生技术、光通信调制技术和高功率低噪声放大器的迫切需求,并介绍了国外最新的用于深空测控通信的新概念与前沿技术,即一体化微波/光学混合通信系统与微波光子射频信号稳相传输技术。最后,结合我国现状,讨论了我国测控通信重点发展方向及其关键技术的建议,可供构建月地及月地以远测控通信系统参考。  相似文献   

The design of the Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) experiment is presented, which was optimized to address several of the primary measurement requirements of NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO): high spatial resolution hydrogen mapping of the Moon’s upper-most surface, identification of putative deposits of appreciable near-surface water ice in the Moon’s polar cold traps, and characterization of the human-relevant space radiation environment in lunar orbit. A comprehensive program of LEND instrument physical calibrations is discussed and the baseline scenario of LEND observations from the primary LRO lunar orbit is presented. LEND data products will be useful for determining the next stages of the emerging global lunar exploration program, and they will facilitate the study of the physics of hydrogen implantation and diffusion in the regolith, test the presence of water ice deposits in lunar cold polar traps, and investigate the role of neutrons within the radiation environment of the shallow lunar surface.  相似文献   

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) was implemented to facilitate scientific and engineering-driven mapping of the lunar surface at new spatial scales and with new remote sensing methods, identify safe landing sites, search for in situ resources, and measure the space radiation environment. After its successful launch on June 18, 2009, the LRO spacecraft and instruments were activated and calibrated in an eccentric polar lunar orbit until September 15, when LRO was moved to a circular polar orbit with a mean altitude of 50 km. LRO will operate for at least one year to support the goals of NASA’s Exploration Systems Mission Directorate (ESMD), and for at least two years of extended operations for additional lunar science measurements supported by NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). LRO carries six instruments with associated science and exploration investigations, and a telecommunications/radar technology demonstration. The LRO instruments are: Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER), Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE), Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP), Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND), Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA), and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC). The technology demonstration is a compact, dual-frequency, hybrid polarity synthetic aperture radar instrument (Mini-RF). LRO observations also support the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), the lunar impact mission that was co-manifested with LRO on the Atlas V (401) launch vehicle. This paper describes the LRO objectives and measurements that support exploration of the Moon and that address the science objectives outlined by the National Academy of Science’s report on the Scientific Context for Exploration of the Moon (SCEM). We also describe data accessibility by the science and exploration community.  相似文献   

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Overview: The Instrument Suite and Mission   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
NASA’s Lunar Precursor Robotic Program (LPRP), formulated in response to the President’s Vision for Space Exploration, will execute a series of robotic missions that will pave the way for eventual permanent human presence on the Moon. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) is first in this series of LPRP missions, and plans to launch in October of 2008 for at least one year of operation. LRO will employ six individual instruments to produce accurate maps and high-resolution images of future landing sites, to assess potential lunar resources, and to characterize the radiation environment. LRO will also test the feasibility of one advanced technology demonstration package. The LRO payload includes: Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) which will determine the global topography of the lunar surface at high resolution, measure landing site slopes, surface roughness, and search for possible polar surface ice in shadowed regions, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC) which will acquire targeted narrow angle images of the lunar surface capable of resolving meter-scale features to support landing site selection, as well as wide-angle images to characterize polar illumination conditions and to identify potential resources, Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector (LEND) which will map the flux of neutrons from the lunar surface to search for evidence of water ice, and will provide space radiation environment measurements that may be useful for future human exploration, Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment (DLRE) which will chart the temperature of the entire lunar surface at approximately 300 meter horizontal resolution to identify cold-traps and potential ice deposits, Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project (LAMP) which will map the entire lunar surface in the far ultraviolet. LAMP will search for surface ice and frost in the polar regions and provide images of permanently shadowed regions illuminated only by starlight. Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation (CRaTER), which will investigate the effect of galactic cosmic rays on tissue-equivalent plastics as a constraint on models of biological response to background space radiation. The technology demonstration is an advanced radar (mini-RF) that will demonstrate X- and S-band radar imaging and interferometry using light weight synthetic aperture radar. This paper will give an introduction to each of these instruments and an overview of their objectives.  相似文献   

The High-Definition television (HDTV) system onboard the Japanese lunar explorer Kaguya (SELENE) consists of a telephotographic camera and a wide-angle camera that each have 2.2 M-pixel IT-CCDs (interline transfer charge-coupled devices) and LSIs (large-scale integrated circuits) of the several-million-gates class. One minute-long motion pictures acquired by the HDTV system at 30 fps (frames per second) are recorded in a 1 GB semiconductor memory after compression, and then transmitted to a ground station. In the development of the space-going HDTV system, a commercial ground-model HDTV system was extensively modified and evaluated for its suitability to withstand the harsh environment of space through environmental tests. The HDTV acquired a total of 6.3 TB of movies and still images of the Earth and the Moon over the mission period that started on September 29, 2007, and ended on June 11, 2009. Footage of an “Earth-rise” and an “Earth-set” on the lunar horizon were captured for the first time by the HDTV system. During a lunar eclipse, images of the Earth’s “diamond ring” were acquired for the first time. The CCDs and the instruments used in the system remained in good working order throughout the mission period, despite the harsh space environment, which suggests a potential new approach to the development of instruments for use in space.  相似文献   

We present observations from the first passage through the lunar plasma wake by one of two spacecraft comprising ARTEMIS (Acceleration, Reconnection, Turbulence, and Electrodynamics of the Moon??s Interaction with the Sun), a new lunar mission that re-tasks two of five probes from the THEMIS magnetospheric mission. On Feb 13, 2010, ARTEMIS probe P1 passed through the wake at ??3.5 lunar radii downstream from the Moon, in a region between those explored by Wind and the Lunar Prospector, Kaguya, Chandrayaan, and Chang??E missions. ARTEMIS observed interpenetrating proton, alpha particle, and electron populations refilling the wake along magnetic field lines from both flanks. The characteristics of these distributions match expectations from self-similar models of plasma expansion into vacuum, with an asymmetric character likely driven by a combination of a tilted interplanetary magnetic field and an anisotropic incident solar wind electron population. On this flyby, ARTEMIS provided unprecedented measurements of the interpenetrating beams of both electrons and ions naturally produced by the filtration and acceleration effects of electric fields set up during the refilling process. ARTEMIS also measured electrostatic oscillations closely correlated with counter-streaming electron beams in the wake, as previously hypothesized but never before directly measured. These observations demonstrate the capability of the comprehensively instrumented ARTEMIS spacecraft and the potential for new lunar science from this unique two spacecraft constellation.  相似文献   

USB与VLBI联合确定“探测一号”卫星轨道   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国绕月探测工程“嫦娥一号”卫星将以统一S波段(USB)为主,辅以甚长基线干涉仪(VLB I)测轨分系统来完成测控任务。由于“探测一号”卫星轨道与“嫦娥一号”调相轨道段相似,有关单位于2005年3月17日—20日进行了USB和VLB I联合跟踪“探测一号”试验。通过对联合测轨数据的处理,研究了USB—VLB I联合定轨方法,分析了联合定轨和预报精度,得出了一些结论。  相似文献   

The requirements, design, implementation, and flight performance of an on-board image compression system for the lunar orbiting Radio Astronomy Explorer-2 (RAE-2) spacecraft are described. The image to be compressed is a panoramic camera view of the long radio astronomy antenna booms used for gravity-gradient stabilization of the spacecraft. A compression ratio of 32 to 1 is obtained by a combination of scan line skipping and adaptive run-length coding. The compressed imagery data are convolutionally encoded for error protection. This image compression system occupies about 1000 cm2 and consumes 0.4 W.  相似文献   

为了在满足精度要求的前提下节省月球重力场模型的计算时间,依据Kaula准则分析了目前国际上公认的最精确的两个重力场模型GLGM-2和LP165P,提出了在一定阶次截断重力场模型的问题.通过仿真不同阶次重力场模型作用下轨道高度为50 km的圆形极轨道环月卫星轨道特征的变化,验证了50 km以上高度卫星非球形摄动分析时可以将重力场模型截断至一定阶次的结论,并利用截断至70阶次的重力场模型仿真分析200 km圆轨道卫星一年内轨道下降程度.最后在仿真结果的基础上得到了200 km高度环月卫星需要每50天进行一次轨道保持控制的结论并完成一次轨道保持控制仿真.研究结论可以为我国低轨环月卫星轨道保持提供参考.  相似文献   

The Japanese lunar mission Selenological and Engineering Explorer (SELENE) was launched in September 2007 and continued its mission until June 2009, when the main orbiter impacted with the surface of the Moon. SELENE consisted of three satellites: Main, Rstar, and Vstar. Rstar’s tasks were to forward up-link signals from the Usuada Deep Space Center (UDSC) to Main, and to down-link returning signals from Main to UDSC. We refer to this tracking sub-system as a four-way Doppler measurement. In contrast, conventional tracking systems between Rstar and UDSC as well as between Main and ground stations are referred to as two-way Doppler and range measurements. Using Main and Rstar, we successfully observed the gravity field over the farside of the Moon. Because four-way Doppler measurements via a relay sub-satellite were a fundamental experiment in space for Japanese space agencies, compatibility of radiometric instruments onboard Main and Rstar to UDSC were carefully examined at the UDSC using components manufactured for flight models. These tests not only proved the feasibility of the four-way Doppler measurements but also provided biases and variations of the four-way Doppler and two-way Doppler and range measurements that were later taken into account during the processing of tracking data and the analysis of the lunar global gravity field.  相似文献   

The magnetic field around the Moon has been successfully observed at a nominal altitude of ~100 km by the lunar magnetometer (LMAG) on the SELENE (Kaguya) spacecraft in a polar orbit since October 29, 2007. The LMAG mission has three main objectives: (1) mapping the magnetic anomaly of the Moon, (2) measuring the electromagnetic and plasma environment around the Moon and (3) estimating the electrical conductivity structure of the Moon. Here we review the instrumentation and calibration of LMAG and report the initial global mapping of the lunar magnetic anomaly at the nominal altitude. We have applied a new de-trending technique of the Bayesian procedure to multiple-orbit datasets observed in the tail lobe and in the lunar wake. Based on the nominal observation of 14 months, global maps of lunar magnetic anomalies are obtained with 95% coverage of the lunar surface. After altitude normalization and interpolation of the magnetic anomaly field by an inverse boundary value problem, we obtained full-coverage maps of the vector magnetic field at 100 km altitude and the radial component distribution on the surface. Relatively strong anomalies are identified in several basin-antipode regions and several near-basin and near-crater regions, while the youngest basin on the Moon, the Orientale basin, has no magnetic anomaly. These features well agree with characteristics of previous maps based on the Lunar Prospector observation. Relatively weak anomalies are distributed over most of the lunar surface. The surface radial-component distribution estimated from the inverse boundary value problem in the present study shows a good correlation with the radial component distribution at 30 km altitude by Lunar Prospector. Thus these weak anomalies over the lunar surface are not artifacts but likely to be originated from the lunar crustal magnetism, suggesting possible existence of an ancient global magnetic field such as a dynamo field of the early Moon. The possibility of the early lunar dynamo and the mechanism of magnetization acquisition will be investigated by a further study using the low-altitude data of the magnetic field by Kaguya.  相似文献   

The observations of interplanetary scintillation of radio sources in early August 1972 are reviewed. Three-site measurements of solar wind speed were made at University of California, San Diego (73.8 MHz) and at Nagoya University, Toyokawa (69.3 MHz). Single-site measurements of scintillation index were made at Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Cambridge (81.5 MHz) and at University of Adelaide (111.5 MHz). The enhancements in solar wind speed and scintillation index associated with three shock waves were detected. The extent in both longitude and latitude of the shock wave associated with the solar flare on 7 August, the anisotropic expansion of shock waves and the detection of the corotating high-speed streams are main results deduced from the observations.  相似文献   

嫦娥三号着陆器统计定位精度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“嫦娥三号”将在月球放置着陆器,实现月面软着陆,因此,需要对着陆器进行精确定位.本文简述了月球着陆器的统计定位方法与协方差分析理论,分析了影响统计定位精度的主要误差源.基于现有测控条件,从跟踪弧段和测量数据组合2个方面,对“嫦娥三号”着陆器的定位精度进行了分析.针对短弧条件下单站测距数据定位不稳键的问题,提出了结合月面高程约束的定位方法.协方差分析结果表明:高程数据的使用可以实现单站30 min测距优于1 km的定位精度;当观测数据累积至3d时,单站测量与VLBI(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,甚长基线干涉测量)的不同组合可以实现同等量级、优于百m的定位精度;测量系统差是制约定位精度的主要因素,完全标校测量的系统偏差则能实现10 m左右的定位精度.  相似文献   

阐明地球生物在月球环境中的适应性是未来月球探索和基地构建所面临的重要课题,为此以蓝细菌为实验材料,对其在模拟月壤cas-1中的生长状态进行了研究,从生长速率、细胞形态、细胞色素含量等方面表征了月壤对蓝细菌适应性的影响。实验结果表明,四种实验蓝细菌的生长能够适应模拟月壤的影响,其生长速率在模拟月壤处理中保持与常规培养基相似的生长曲线;模拟月壤颗粒上附着生长的菌体形态与对照相比无明显变化;模拟月壤处理后的菌体内色素含量与对照条件下培养的结果无显著差异。该结果对于未来开发月壤资源和构建月球基地受控生态生保系统具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The Radio Beacon Experiment is designed to measure the total electron content and ionospheric content between the satellite and any observer within its field of view. Since Applications Technology Satellite-6 (ATS-6) is visible from about 43 percent of the Earth's surface, an international community of observers have made measurements using it. The radio parameters have to be measured to an accuracy of a few percent, which requires good system calibration and stability. The spaceborne beacon transmits signals on frequencies of 40, 140, and 360 MHz with amplitude modulations of 1 MHz and/or 0.1 MHz for the measurement of modulation phase, Faraday rotation, and amplitude. The overall system objectives and requirements are discussed along with the design of the ATS-6 transmitter and the receiver in Boulder, Colo. The role of the principal investigator in the context of the international program is considered with particular reference to the joint National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Max Planck Institute (MPI) observation program. Monthly median hourly values of total content, plasmaspheric content, and shape factor show distinct diurnal and seasonal variations. A specific event is described to illustrate the use of a spaced receiver network.  相似文献   

针对VLBI(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,甚长基线干涉测量)系统直接相位差分法的群时延测量精度与分辨率存在矛盾,以及线性最小二乘拟合法不适用于群时延失真链路的问题,采用一种基于非线性拟合的宽带信道群时延测量方法,对出现的问题进行分析与仿真,同时进行了实验验证并获取到实测数据。仿真表明,基于非线性拟合的宽带信道群时延测量方法适用于非线性相位系统,而且群时延的测量精度优于直接相位差分法2个量级。实测数据表明,在270~370 MHz频段内,传统的直接相位差分法和线性拟合测量法已失效,而该方法群时延的测量精度优于0.1ns,由此验证非线性拟合法能够以较高精度进行附加相位和群时延特性测量。  相似文献   

The Lunar Radar Sounder (LRS) onboard the KAGUYA (SELENE) spacecraft has successfully performed radar sounder observations of the lunar subsurface structures and passive observations of natural radio and plasma waves from the lunar orbit. After the transfer of the spacecraft into the final lunar orbit and antenna deployment, the operation of LRS started on October 29, 2007. Through the operation until June 10, 2009, 2363 hours worth of radar sounder data and 8961 hours worth of natural radio and plasma wave data have been obtained. It was revealed through radar sounder observations that there are distinct reflectors at a depth of several hundred meters in the nearside maria, which are inferred to be buried regolith layers covered by a basalt layer with a thickness of several hundred meters. Radar sounder data were obtained not only in the nearside maria but also in other regions such as the farside highland region and polar region. LRS also performed passive observations of natural plasma waves associated with interaction processes between the solar wind plasma and the moon, and the natural waves from the Earth, the sun, and Jupiter. Natural radio waves such as auroral kilometric radiation (AKR) with interference patterns caused by the lunar surface reflections, and Jovian hectometric (HOM) emissions were detected. Intense electrostatic plasma waves around 20 kHz were almost always observed at local electron plasma frequency in the solar wind, and the electron density profile, including the lunar wake boundary, was derived along the spacecraft trajectory. Broadband noises below several kHz were frequently observed in the dayside and wake boundary of the moon and it was found that a portion of them consist of bipolar pulses. The datasets obtained by LRS will make contributions for studies on the lunar geology and physical processes of natural radio and plasma wave generation and propagation.  相似文献   

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