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Much of our knowledge of planetary surface composition is derived from remote sensing over the ultraviolet through infrared wavelength ranges. Telescopic observations and, in the past few decades, spacecraft mission observations have led to the discovery of many surface materials, from rock-forming minerals to water ice to exotic volatiles and organic compounds. Identifying surface materials and mapping their distributions allows us to constrain interior processes such as cryovolcanism and aqueous geochemistry. The recent progress in understanding of icy satellite surface composition has been aided by the evolving capabilities of spacecraft missions, advances in detector technology, and laboratory studies of candidate surface compounds. Pioneers 10 and 11, Voyagers I and II, Galileo, Cassini and the New Horizons mission have all made significant contributions. Dalton (Space Sci. Rev., 2010, this issue) summarizes the major constituents found or inferred to exist on the surfaces of the icy satellites (cf. Table 1 from Dalton, Space Sci. Rev., 2010, this issue), and the spectral coverage and resolution of many of the spacecraft instruments that have revolutionized our understanding (cf. Table 2 from Dalton, Space Sci. Rev., 2010, this issue). While much has been gained from these missions, telescopic observations also continue to provide important constraints on surface compositions, especially for those bodies that have not yet been visited by spacecraft, such as Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), Centaurs, the classical planet Pluto and its moon, Charon. In this chapter, we will discuss the major satellites of the outer solar system, the materials believed to make up their surfaces, and the history of some of these discoveries. Formation scenarios and subsequent evolution will be described, with particular attention to the processes that drive surface chemistry and exchange with interiors. Major similarities and differences between the satellites are discussed, with an eye toward elucidating processes operating throughout the outer solar system. Finally we discuss the outermost satellites and other bodies, and summarize knowledge of their composition. Much of this review is likely to change in the near future with ongoing and planned outer planet missions, adding to the sense of excitement and discovery associated with our exploration of our planetary neighborhood.  相似文献   

The surface morphology of icy moons is affected by several processes implicating exchanges between their subsurfaces and atmospheres (if any). The possible exchange of material between the subsurface and the surface is mainly determined by the mechanical properties of the lithosphere, which isolates the deep, warm and ductile ice material from the cold surface conditions. Exchanges through this layer occur only if it is sufficiently thin and/or if it is fractured owing to tectonic stresses, melt intrusion or impact cratering. If such conditions are met, cryomagma can be released, erupting fresh volatile-rich materials onto the surface. For a very few icy moons (Titan, Triton, Enceladus), the emission of gas associated with cryovolcanic activity is sufficiently large to generate an atmosphere, either long-lived or transient. For those moons, atmosphere-driven processes such as cryovolcanic plume deposition, phase transitions of condensable materials and wind interactions continuously re-shape their surfaces, and are able to transport cryovolcanically generated materials on a global scale. In this chapter, we discuss the physics of these different exchange processes and how they affect the evolution of the satellites’ surfaces.  相似文献   

Internal processes in icy satellites, e.g. the exchange of material from the subsurface to the surface or processes leading to volcanism and resurfacing events, are a consequence of the amount of energy available in the satellites’ interiors. The latter is mainly determined shortly after accretion by the amount of radioactive isotopes incorporated in the silicates during the accretion process. However, for satellites—as opposed to single objects—important contributions to the energy budget on long time-scales can come from the interaction with other satellites (forcing of eccentricities of satellites in resonance) and consequently from the tidal interaction with the primary planet. Tidal evolution involves both changes of the rotation state—usually leading to the 1:1 spin orbit coupling—and long-term variations of the satellite orbits. Both processes are dissipative and thus connected with heat production in the interior. The way heat is transported from the interior to the surface (convection, conduction, (cryo-) volcanism) is a second main aspect that determines how internal processes in satellites work. In this chapter we will discuss the physics of heat production and heat transport as well as the rotational and orbital states of satellites. The relevance of the different heat sources for the moons in the outer solar system are compared and discussed.  相似文献   

Water content and the internal evolution of terrestrial planets and icy bodies are closely linked. The distribution of water in planetary systems is controlled by the temperature structure in the protoplanetary disk and dynamics and migration of planetesimals and planetary embryos. This results in the formation of planetesimals and planetary embryos with a great variety of compositions, water contents and degrees of oxidation. The internal evolution and especially the formation time of planetesimals relative to the timescale of radiogenic heating by short-lived 26Al decay may govern the amount of hydrous silicates and leftover rock–ice mixtures available in the late stages of their evolution. In turn, water content may affect the early internal evolution of the planetesimals and in particular metal-silicate separation processes. Moreover, water content may contribute to an increase of oxygen fugacity and thus affect the concentrations of siderophile elements within the silicate reservoirs of Solar System objects. Finally, the water content strongly influences the differentiation rate of the icy moons, controls their internal evolution and governs the alteration processes occurring in their deep interiors.  相似文献   

The surfaces of the Solar System’s icy satellites show an extraordinary variety of morphological features, which bear witness to exchange processes between the surface and subsurface. In this paper we review the characteristics of surface features on the moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Using data from spacecraft missions, we discuss the detailed morphology, size, and topography of cryovolcanic, tectonic, aeolian, fluvial, and impact features of both large moons and smaller satellites.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements of physical properties of planetary ices generate information for dynamical models of tectonically active icy bodies in the outer solar system. We review the methods for measuring both flow properties and thermal properties of icy planetary materials in the laboratory, and describe physical theories that are essential for intelligent extrapolation of data from laboratory to planetary conditions. This review is structured with a separate and independent section for each of the two sets of physical properties, rheological and thermal. The rheological behaviors of planetary ices are as diverse as the icy moons themselves. High-pressure water ice phases show respective viscosities that vary over four orders of magnitude. Ices of CO2, NH3, as well as clathrate hydrates of CH4 and other gases vary in viscosity by nearly ten orders of magnitude. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity of detected/inferred compositions in outer solar system bodies have been revised. Some low-temperature phases of minerals and condensates have a deviant thermal behavior related to paramount water ice. Hydrated salts have low values of thermal conductivity and an inverse dependence of conductivity on temperature, similar to clathrate hydrates or glassy solids. This striking behavior may suit the dynamics of icy satellites.  相似文献   

The subject of satellite formation is strictly linked to the one of planetary formation. Giant planets strongly shape the evolution of the circum-planetary disks during their formation and thus, indirectly, influence the initial conditions for the processes governing satellite formation. In order to fully understand the present features of the satellite systems of the giant planets, we need to take into account their formation environments and histories and the role of the different physical parameters. In particular, the pressure and temperature profiles in the circum-planetary nebulae shaped their chemical gradients by allowing for the condensation of ices and noble gases. These chemical gradients, in turn, set the composition of the satellitesimals, which represent the building blocks of the present regular satellites.  相似文献   

The atmospheres/exospheres of icy satellites greatly vary from one to the next in terms of density, composition, structure or steadiness. Titan is the only icy satellite with a dense atmosphere comparable in many ways to that of the Earth’s atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere prevents the surface from direct interaction with the plasma environment, but gives rise to Earth-like exchanges of energy, matter and momentum. The atmospheres of other satellites are tenuous. Enceladus’ atmosphere manifests itself in a large water vapor plume emanating from surface cracks near the south pole. Io’s SO2 atmosphere originates from volcanoes. Europa’s tenuous O2 atmosphere is produced by intense radiation bombardment. This chapter reviews the characteristics of the atmospheres of Titan, Enceladus, Io and Europa based on observations.  相似文献   

Phase Behaviour of Ices and Hydrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The primary volatile ‘rock-forming’ minerals in the icy satellites of the outer solar system include water-ice and various hydrated crystals of methane and ammonia. The rich polymorphism of these substances as a function of pressure and temperature are described in this chapter. This polymorphism has a fundamental influence on the exchange of mass and energy between the core and the surface of icy satellites. We describe the current state-of-the-art in our understanding of the high pressure phase behaviour and the measurements of thermoelastic and transport properties of these substances. In addition we describe the structures and properties of hydrated phases of methanol, sulfuric acid, and various sulfate salts.  相似文献   

Liquid water is essential for life as we know it, i.e. carbon-based life. Although other compound-solvent pairs that could exist in very specific physical environments could be envisaged, the elements essential to carbon and water-based life are among the most common in the universe. Carbon molecules and liquid water have physical and chemical properties that make them optimised compound-solvent pairs. Liquid water is essential for important prebiotic reactions. But equally important for the emergence of life is the contact of carbon molecules in liquid water with hot rocks and minerals. We here review the environmental conditions of the early Earth, as soon as it had liquid water at its surface and was habitable. Basing our approach to life as a “cosmic phenomenon” (de Duve 1995), i.e. a chemical continuum, we briefly address the various hypotheses for the origin of life, noting their relevance with respect to early environmental conditions. It appears that hydrothermal environments were important in this respect. We continue with the record of early life noting that, by 3.5 Ga, when the sedimentary environment started being well-preserved, anaerobic life forms had colonised all habitable microenvironments from the sea floor to exposed beach environments and, possibly, in the photic planktonic zone of the sea. Life on Earth had also evolved to the relatively sophisticated stage of anoxygenic photosynthesis. We conclude with an evaluation of the potential for habitability and colonisation of other planets and satellites in the Solar System, noting that the most common life forms in the Solar System and probably in the Universe would be similar to terrestrial chemotrophs whose carbon source is either reduced carbon or CO2 dissolved in water and whose energy would be sourced from oxidized carbon, H2, or other transition elements.  相似文献   

The origin of the regular satellites ties directly to planetary formation in that the satellites form in gas and dust disks around the giant planets and may be viewed as mini-solar systems, involving a number of closely related underlying physical processes. The regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn share a number of remarkable similarities that taken together make a compelling case for a deep-seated order and structure governing their origin. Furthermore, the similarities in the mass ratio of the largest satellites to their primaries, the specific angular momenta, and the bulk compositions of the two satellite systems are significant and in need of explanation. Yet, the differences are also striking. We advance a common framework for the origin of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn and discuss the accretion of satellites in gaseous, circumplanetary disks. Following giant planet formation, planetesimals in the planet’s feeding zone undergo a brief period of intense collisional grinding. Mass delivery to the circumplanetary disk via ablation of planetesimal fragments has implications for a host of satellite observations, tying the history of planetesimals to that of satellitesimals and ultimately that of the satellites themselves. By contrast, irregular satellites are objects captured during the final stages of planetary formation or the early evolution of the Solar System; their distinct origin is reflected in their physical properties, which has implications for the subsequent evolution of the satellites systems.  相似文献   

Spectroscopy of Icy Moon Surface Materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remote sensing of icy objects in the outer solar system relies upon availability of appropriate laboratory measurements. Surface deposits of specific substances often provide our most direct route to understanding interior composition, thereby informing theories of endogenic surface modification, exogenic surface processing and processes involving exchange of material with the interiors. Visible to near-infrared reflectance spectra of properly prepared compounds are required to enable retrieval of surface abundances through linear and nonlinear mixture analysis applied to spacecraft observations of icy bodies. This chapter describes the techniques, conditions and approaches necessary to provide reference spectra of use to theoretical models of icy satellite surface compositions, and summarizes the current state of knowledge represented in the published literature.  相似文献   

Measurements of the chemical composition of the giant planets provide clues of their formation and evolution processes. According to the currently accepted nucleation model, giant planets formed from the initial accretion of an icy core and the capture of the protosolar gas, mosly composed of hydrogen and helium. In the case of Jupiter and Saturn (the gaseous giants), this gaseous component dominates the composition of the planet, while for Uranus and Neptune (the icy giants) it is only a small fraction of the total mass. The measurement of elemental and isotopic ratios in the giant planets provides key diagnostics of this model, as it implies an enrichment in heavy elements (as well as deuterium) with respect to the cosmic composition. Neutral atmospheric constituents in the giant planets have three possible sources: (1) internal (fromthe bulk composition of the planet), (2) photochemical (fromthe photolysis ofmethane) and(3) external (from meteoritic impacts, of local or interplanetary origin). This paper reviews our present knowledge about the atmospheric composition in the giant planets, and their elemental and istopic composition. Measurements concerning key parameters, like C/H, D/H or rare gases in Jupiter, are analysed in detail. The conclusion addresses open questions and observations to be performed in the future.  相似文献   

Evolutionary scenarios for the major satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto-Charon are discussed. In the Jovian system the challenge is to understand how the present Laplace resonance of Io, Europa, and Ganymede was established and to determine whether the heat being radiated by Io is in balance with the present tidal dissipation in the moon. In the Saturnian system, Enceladus and Titan are the centers of attention. Tidal heating is the likely source of activity at the south pole of Enceladus, although the details of how the heating occurs are not understood. An evolutionary scenario based on accretion and internal differentiation is presented for Titan, whose present substantial orbital eccentricity is not associated with any dynamical resonance. The source and maintenance of methane in Titan’s present atmosphere remain uncertain. Though most attention on the Saturnian moons focuses on Titan and Enceladus, the mid-size satellites Iapetus, Rhea, Tethys, and the irregular satellite Phoebe also draw our interest. An evolutionary scenario for Iapetus is presented in which spin down from an early rapidly rotating state is called upon to explain the satellite’s present oblate shape. The prominent equatorial ridge on Iapetus is unexplained by the spin down scenario. A buckling instability provides another possible explanation for the oblateness and equatorial ridge of Iapetus. Rhea is the only medium-size Saturnian satellite for which there are gravity data at present. The interpretation of these data are uncertain, however, since it is not known if Rhea is in hydrostatic equilibrium. Pluto and Charon are representative of the icy dwarf planets of the Kuiper belt. Did they differentiate as they evolved, and do either of them have a subsurface liquid water ocean? New Horizons might provide some answers when it arrives at these bodies.  相似文献   

Geochemical investigation of Martian meteorites (SNC meteorites) yields important constraints on the chemical and geodynamical evolution of Mars. These samples may not be representative of the whole of Mars; however, they provide constraints on the early differentiation processes on Mars. The bulk composition of Martian samples implies the presence of a metallic core that formed concurrently as the planet accreted. The strong depletion of highly siderophile elements in the Martian mantle is only possible if Mars had a large scale magma ocean early in its history allowing efficient separation of a metallic melt from molten silicate. The solidification of the magma ocean created chemical heterogeneities whose ancient origin is manifested in the heterogeneous 142Nd and 182W abundances observed in different meteorite groups derived from Mars. The isotope anomalies measured in SNC meteorites imply major chemical fractionation within the Martian mantle during the life time of the short-lived isotopes 146Sm and 182Hf. The Hf-W data are consistent with very rapid accretion of Mars within a few million years or, alternatively, a more protracted accretion history involving several large impacts and incomplete metal-silicate equilibration during core formation. In contrast to Earth early-formed chemical heterogeneities are still preserved on Mars, albeit slightly modified by mixing processes. The preservation of such ancient chemical differences is only possible if Mars did not undergo efficient whole mantle convection or vigorous plate tectonic style processes after the first few tens of millions of years of its history.  相似文献   

The geologic evolution of the Jovian and Saturnian satellites is reviewed with regard to the major discoveries of the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters with Jupiter and Saturn.Nearly forty satellites are now identified in the Jovian and Saturnian systems. Three of these satellites (Ganymede, Titan, and Callisto) are larger than Mercury, two (Io and Europa) have sizes similar to the Moon, and four others (Rhea, Iapetus, Dione, and Tethys) are larger than the largest asteroids.They all have experienced different geologic evolutions related to their composition, and to their location in the two systems. The emphasis is given upon the cratering record of their surfaces, and on their thermal evolution, with regard to the tidal effects produced by the giant planets. The small satellites are also presented with no attempt to review their geologic record since they are almost only known from their orbital properties.  相似文献   

In the last 25 years, the explorations of the Voyager and Galileo missions have resulted in an entirely new view of the icy worlds orbiting the giant outer planets. These objects show a huge diversity in their characteristics, resulting from their formation histories, internal processes and interactions with their space environments. This paper will review the current state of knowledge about the icy satellites and discuss the exciting prospects for the upcoming Cassini/Huygens mission as it begins a new era of exploration of the Saturn satellite system.  相似文献   

In order to understand the evolution of planetary satellite surfaces and atmospheres it is important to understand their external environments. In this paper we look at the interactions between plasma in planetary magnetospheres and satellite atmospheres responsible for the production and loss of atmospheric mass. We focus on the processes which take place in the tenuous atmospheres of the Galilean satellites and in the Enceladus water plume. We also review the impact histories of satellites in the outer solar system, and compare the record of impacts in the inner and outer solar system.  相似文献   

Earth as a planet under firm control of life processes since more than 3 Ga has evolved global biogeochemical cycles, biogeomorphogenetic processes and structures also called plates or global tectonics including global climate and movement of water masses. These processes have deep impact on the shape and thickness of continental land masses as well as the chemistry and mineralogy of the crust and upper mantle. Biogenerated rock structures in this sense can be visualised through the analysis of sedimentary rock structures exhibiting e.g., biogenerated stromatolites, onkolites, oolites or cementing structures of sandstones which clearly preserve biochemical processes and biophysical structures. Further the chemical composition including the segregation of mineral layers, ore deposits, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and granites hint to sun powered energy storage (gas, gas hydrates, hydrocarbons, coal) and tectonic processes initiated or at least modified through the enormous input of external energy through reduced carbon and iron compounds. One can state with considerable reliability that a planet under control of life must exhibit rock chemistry, mineralogy and structures typical for the impact of life on the geodynamic cycles. This includes the idea of top-down geotectonics instead of bottom-up processes.  相似文献   

Comets belong to a group of small bodies generally known as icy planetesimals. Today the most primitive icy planetesimals are the Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs) occupying a roughly planar domain beyond Neptune. KBOs may be scattered inward, allowing them to collide with planets. Others may move outward, some all the way into the Oort cloud. This is a spherical distribution of comet nuclei at a mean distance of ~50,000 AU. These nuclei are occasionally perturbed into orbits that intersect the paths of the planets, again allowing collisions. The composition of the atmosphere of Jupiter—and thus possibly all outer planets—shows the effects of massive early contributions from extremely primitive icy bodies that must have been close relatives of the KBOs. Titan may itself have a composition similar to that of Oort cloud comets. The origin and early evolution of its atmosphere invites comparison with that of the early Earth. Impacts of comets must have brought water and other volatile compounds to the Earth and the other inner planets, contributing to the reservoir of key ingredients for the origin of life. The magnitude of these contributions remains unknown but should be accessible to measurements by instruments on spacecraft.  相似文献   

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