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The High-Definition television (HDTV) system onboard the Japanese lunar explorer Kaguya (SELENE) consists of a telephotographic camera and a wide-angle camera that each have 2.2 M-pixel IT-CCDs (interline transfer charge-coupled devices) and LSIs (large-scale integrated circuits) of the several-million-gates class. One minute-long motion pictures acquired by the HDTV system at 30 fps (frames per second) are recorded in a 1 GB semiconductor memory after compression, and then transmitted to a ground station. In the development of the space-going HDTV system, a commercial ground-model HDTV system was extensively modified and evaluated for its suitability to withstand the harsh environment of space through environmental tests. The HDTV acquired a total of 6.3 TB of movies and still images of the Earth and the Moon over the mission period that started on September 29, 2007, and ended on June 11, 2009. Footage of an “Earth-rise” and an “Earth-set” on the lunar horizon were captured for the first time by the HDTV system. During a lunar eclipse, images of the Earth’s “diamond ring” were acquired for the first time. The CCDs and the instruments used in the system remained in good working order throughout the mission period, despite the harsh space environment, which suggests a potential new approach to the development of instruments for use in space.  相似文献   

The Japanese lunar explorer SELENE (Kaguya), which was launched on September 14th, 2007, was the target of VLBI observations over the period November 2007 to June 2009. These observations were made in order to improve the lunar gravity field model, in particular the lower degree coefficients and the model near the limb. Differential VLBI Radio sources, called VRAD instruments, were on-board the subsatellites, Rstar (Okina) and Vstar (Ouna), and the radio signals were observed by the Japanese VERA (VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry) network, and an international VLBI network. Multi-frequency and same-beam VLBI techniques were utilized and were essential aspects of the successful observing program. Multi-frequency VLBI was employed in order to improve the accuracy of the orbit determination obtained from the phase delay from the narrow-band satellite signals, while the same-beam VLBI method was used to resolve the cycle ambiguity which is inherent in the multi-frequency VLBI method. The observations were made at three S-band frequencies (2212, 2218 and 2287 MHz), and one X-band frequency (8456 MHz). We have succeeded in correlating the recorded signals from Okina/Ouna, and we obtained phase delays with an accuracy of several pico-seconds at S-band.  相似文献   

The absolute reflectance of the Moon has long been debated because it has been suggested (Hillier et al. in Icarus 151:205–225, 1999) that there is a large discrepancy between the absolute reflectance of the Moon derived from Earth-based telescopic data and that derived from remote-sensing data which are calibrated using laboratory-measured reflectance spectra of Apollo 16 bulk soil 62231. Here we derive the absolute reflectance of the lunar surface using spectral data newly acquired by SELENE (Kaguya) Multiband Imager and Spectral Profiler. The results indicate that the reflectance of the Apollo 16 standard site, which has been widely used as an optical standard in previous Earth-based telescopic and remote-sensing observations derived by Multiband Imager, is 47% at 415 nm and 67% to 76% at 750 to 1550 nm of the value for the Apollo 16 mature soil measured in an Earth-based laboratory. The data also suggest that roughly 60% of the difference is caused by the difference in soil composition and/or maturity between the 62231 sampling site and the Apollo 16 standard site and that the remaining 40% difference can be explained by the difference between the compaction states of the laboratory and the actual lunar surface. Consideration of the compaction states of the surface soil demonstrates its importance for understanding the spectral characteristics of the lunar surface. We also explain and evaluate data analysis procedures to derive reflectance from Multiband Imager data.  相似文献   

The Lunar Crater Observation Sensing Satellite (LCROSS), an accompanying payload to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission (Vondrak et al. 2010), was launched with LRO on 18 June 2009. The principle goal of the LCROSS mission was to shed light on the nature of the materials contained within permanently shadowed lunar craters. These Permanently Shadowed Regions (PSRs) are of considerable interest due to the very low temperatures, <120?K, found within the shadowed regions (Paige et al. 2010a, 2010b) and the possibility of accumulated, cold-trapped volatiles contained therein. Two previous lunar missions, Clementine and Lunar Prospector, have made measurements that indicate the possibility of water ice associated with these PSRs. LCROSS used the spent LRO Earth-lunar transfer rocket stage, an Atlas V Centaur upper stage, as a kinetic impactor, impacting a PSR on 9 October 2009 and throwing ejecta up into sunlight where it was observed. This impactor was guided to its target by a Shepherding Spacecraft (SSC) which also contained a number of instruments that observed the lunar impact. A?campaign of terrestrial ground, Earth orbital and lunar orbital assets were also coordinated to observe the impact and subsequent crater and ejecta blanket. After observing the Centaur impact, the SSC became an impactor itself. The principal measurement goals of the LCROSS mission were to establish the form and concentration of the hydrogen-bearing material observed by Lunar Prospector, characterization of regolith within a PSR (including composition and physical properties), and the characterization of the perturbation to the lunar exosphere caused by the impact itself.  相似文献   

The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) is a spacecraft-to-spacecraft tracking mission that was developed to map the structure of the lunar interior by producing a detailed map of the gravity field. The resulting model of the interior will be used to address outstanding questions regarding the Moon’s thermal evolution, and will be applicable more generally to the evolution of all terrestrial planets. Each GRAIL orbiter contains a Lunar Gravity Ranging System instrument that conducts dual-one-way ranging measurements to measure precisely the relative motion between them, which in turn are used to develop the lunar gravity field map. Each orbiter also carries an Education/Public Outreach payload, Moon Knowledge Acquired by Middle-School Students (MoonKAM), in which middle school students target images of the Moon for subsequent classroom analysis. Subsequent to a successful launch on September 10, 2011, the twin GRAIL orbiters embarked on independent trajectories on a 3.5-month-long cruise to the Moon via the EL-1 Lagrange point. The spacecraft were inserted into polar orbits on December 31, 2011 and January 1, 2012. After a succession of 19 maneuvers the two orbiters settled into precision formation to begin science operations in March 1, 2012 with an average altitude of 55 km. The Primary Mission, which consisted of three 27.3-day mapping cycles, was successfully completed in June 2012. The extended mission will permit a second three-month mapping phase at an average altitude of 23 km. This paper provides an overview of the mission: science objectives and measurements, spacecraft and instruments, mission development and design, and data flow and data products.  相似文献   

We examine the magnetic field in the martian magnetosheath due to solar wind draping. Mars Global Surveyor provided 3-D vector magnetic field measurements at a large range of altitudes, local times, and solar zenith angles as the spacecraft orbit evolved. We choose orbits with very clean signatures of draping to establish the nominal morphology of the magnetic field lines at local times of near-subsolar and near-terminator. Next, using a compilation of data from Mars Global Surveyor, we determine the average magnetic field morphology in the martian magnetosheath due to the solar wind interaction. The topology of the field is as expected from previous observations and predictions. The magnetic field magnitude peaks at low altitude and noon magnetic local time and decreases away from that point. The magnetic field has an inclination from the local horizontal of 5.6° on average in the dayside magnetosheath and 12.5° on the nightside. The inclination angle is closest to zero at noon magnetic local time and low altitude. It increases both upward and to later local times. The magnetic field in the induced magnetotail flares out from the Mars—Sun direction by 21°. Finally, we compare the observations to gasdynamic model predictions and find that the shocked solar wind flow in the martian magnetosheath can be treated as a gasdynamic flow with the magnetic pileup boundary as the inner boundary to the flow.  相似文献   

针对基于ARINC653操作系统的多余度机载系统消息映射和配置传统设计方法工作量大,维护困难的缺陷,提出一种改进的设计方法,以减少传统设计方法的复杂性,有效提高消息映射和配置设计的效率,增强系统的维护性.  相似文献   

The Electric and Magnetic Field Instrument and Integrated Science (EMFISIS) investigation on the NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (now named the Van Allen Probes) mission provides key wave and very low frequency magnetic field measurements to understand radiation belt acceleration, loss, and transport. The key science objectives and the contribution that EMFISIS makes to providing measurements as well as theory and modeling are described. The key components of the instruments suite, both electronics and sensors, including key functional parameters, calibration, and performance, demonstrate that EMFISIS provides the needed measurements for the science of the RBSP mission. The EMFISIS operational modes and data products, along with online availability and data tools provide the radiation belt science community with one the most complete sets of data ever collected.  相似文献   

Erdos  Géza  Balogh  André  Kóta  József 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):221-224
We study the solar cycle, radial, and latitudinal dependence of the characteristics of magnetic field irregularities in the Heliosphere. The frequency of magnetic field discontinuities is determined, using high time resolution magnetic field observations by Ulysses, covering the time interval from 1992 to 2000. The quasi-linear scattering mean free path of particles is also calculated. These investigations aim at understanding/exploring transport properties of energetic charged particles in the Heliosphere. We find that the travel time of solar wind plasma from the Sun to the observer is the key parameter of the process, by controling the decay of the irregularities. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Space Science Reviews - In this chapter, we review the contribution of space missions to the determination of the elemental and isotopic composition of Earth, Moon and the terrestrial planets, with...  相似文献   

磁射流抛光中磁场的分析与设计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
介绍了一种新型抛光技术——磁射流抛光中磁场对磁流变液粘度的影响,设计了相适应的磁场形式,重点分析了铁磁喷嘴头部形状对磁场的影响,并通过ANSYS有限元软件仿真了结构形状对磁场空间特性的影响。  相似文献   

依据经典的磁探仪应召搜潜方法,以某型反潜巡逻机为背景,建立了反潜巡逻机利用磁探仪执行平行航线、扩展矩形和螺旋形搜潜模型.对3种方法的搜潜概率进行分析,仿真了相同潜艇运动模型条件下,潜艇初始位置散布、初始距离、潜艇经济航速和海洋环境磁噪声对搜潜概率的影响.实验结果表明:相同条件下,螺旋形搜潜效能最高;潜艇只进行航速机动时...  相似文献   

原子磁导引利用载流导线产生的磁场与原子相互作用来操控冷原子,针对冷原子操控和传输的要求,提出了双曲线薄板导引、双平行平板导引、三根等边三角形和四根正方形分布载流导线实现对冷原子进行单路磁导引的方案,利用Ansoft maxwell 2D软件计算各导引的磁场分布和沿特殊轴的磁场变化值,分析其导引特点。这几种磁导引都采用通直流电的载流导体,其结构中心位置的场强存在极小值,形成了沿着导引的方向呈现管状磁场分布,适合导引弱场搜寻态的原子。越接近导体表面的地方,磁场梯度越大,所以原子不易与材料的相互作用而被吸引到导体表面造成损耗,而且使用时不需另加控制磁场,在实验中易于实现。  相似文献   

在野外条件下,测绘装备的伴随保障对于保证测绘装备技术性能、提升装备的保障能力,随时遂行各种测绘任务至关重要。本文系统地介绍了测绘装备野外计量保障系统的设计目的、原则和依据;车载式长度、角度、频率检定标准装置的组成和建立方法,野外维修保障设备的配备、计量保障方舱的重心偏移量。分析了野外条件下长度、角度标准的测量不确定度,证明了测绘装备野外计量保障系统完全可以满足检定和维修大地测量装备的要求。  相似文献   

提出了采用多根对称分布载流导线构成原子分束器的方法,包括三导线和四导线磁导引。阐述了原子分束器的分束机制,用Ansoft Maxwell 2D软件计算给出了部分载流导线移动到不同位置时的磁场分布图。通过分析了导引中心的变化,发现只要通过改变载流导线之间的相对位置就可以来实现从单路到双路导引和三路导引的转换。由此分别设计由3根对称分布载流导线构成的原子双路分束器和4根对称分布载流导线构成三路分束器,然后运用Monte Carlo方法模拟验证其原子分束功能。最后以三线对称分布分束器为基础构成Mach-Zehnder原子磁干涉仪。  相似文献   

为了研究冷原子在磁导引中的运动规律,设计优化导体结构、电流和偏置磁场,本文根据毕奥-萨伐尔定律计算理想化导体的常规数值解,并由Matlab和VC混合编程设计出导线磁场计算工具;根据麦克斯韦方程组选择Ansoft MaxweU计算宽导线、复杂结构导体、通交变电流等情况的有限元数值解.取宽度为100μm,高度为10μm的宽...  相似文献   

The Lunar Gravity Ranging System (LGRS) flying on NASA’s Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission measures fluctuations in the separation between the two GRAIL orbiters with sensitivity below 0.6 microns/Hz1/2. GRAIL adapts the mission design and instrumentation from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) to a make a precise gravitational map of Earth’s Moon. Phase measurements of Ka-band carrier signals transmitted between spacecraft with line-of-sight separations between 50 km to 225 km provide the primary observable. Measurements of time offsets between the orbiters, frequency calibrations, and precise orbit determination provided by the Global Positioning System on GRACE are replaced by an S-band time-transfer cross link and Deep Space Network Doppler tracking of an X-band radioscience beacon and the spacecraft telecommunications link. Lack of an atmosphere at the Moon allows use of a single-frequency link and elimination of the accelerometer compared to the GRACE instrumentation. This paper describes the implementation, testing and performance of the instrument complement flown on the two GRAIL orbiters.  相似文献   

阮晓东 《航空学报》2006,27(5):742-745
用数字粒子图像测速技术(DPIV)测量了扩散火焰周围气流在梯度磁场作用下的速度分布,并与无磁场作用下的速度分布比较。结果表明当梯度磁场作用于扩散火焰时,火焰周围气体运动被加速,火焰的形状变得尖锐,亮度增加。实验定量地验证了梯度磁场可以诱导气体对流的发生,从而进一步推进扩散火焰燃烧反应。  相似文献   

宋健  李超  蔡蒨  佘湖清 《推进技术》2022,43(10):73-81
低压室初始长度的改变直接影响火箭弹自力弹射过程中低压室压强的建立,进而对弹射出筒过程中的尾流场产生影响。本文基于二维轴对称N-S方程建立了火箭弹自力弹射出筒尾流场的数值计算模型,采用动网格技术对弹射出筒的全过程进行了非定常数值计算。采用文中计算模型对超声速冲击射流试验进行了模拟,得到的流场结构与试验纹影图匹配良好;开展了自力弹射的实弹发射试验,仿真数据与试验数据的一致性较好,在此基础上分析了低压室初始长度对尾流场不同阶段的影响。结果表明,随低压室初始长度的增加,发射筒底部的第一个压强峰值增大;尾流场初始阶段震荡幅度增加且震荡时间延长;尾流场发展阶段内弹体的位移增量及速度增量减小,低压室压强峰值及峰值过后的压强下降速度减小;尾流场稳定阶段内弹体的位移增量及速度增量增加。  相似文献   

An analytical solution is presented for linear force fields within a spherical shell, representing the solar corona. Allowing for a global magnetic helicity, we find magnetic fields over the entire corona with realistic inner boundary conditions obtained from transformation and extrapolation of photospheric magnetograms and considering alternative outer boundary conditions. Such fields are found for the well known coronal hole extension event of August 1996. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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