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朱来扣 《航空港》2011,(7):80-81
潘仲武先生旅美二十多年的油画创作,从西方油画艺术的发展中汲取了大量养料,尤其是对十九世纪末二十世纪初美国著名肖像画家萨金特的潜心研究,使其创作的系列作品《芭蕾舞女》,无论在构图或是用色、用光等方面的表现,都达到  相似文献   

在中国共产党建党九十周年之际,长三角油画艺术交流中心承办的《红色的记忆——革命圣地油画作品展》五月二十四日起在上海举行。来自长三角各地各行各业的37名创作者,历时一年,深入到各地写生并收集了大量创作素材,创作了71幅革命圣地油画作品。在这些创作者中,有教师、大学生、机关干部、职工、旅日画家,有长期从事文化工作的美术工作者和新闻工作者,还有不少是年近古稀的老画家。作者中年龄最大的83岁,最小的22岁,他们怀着对党的无比热爱及满腔热情投入到创作中去,将心血之作汇聚  相似文献   

由上海市社会经济文化交流协会、上海市美术家协会主办,江苏省油画学会、浙江省油画家协会等协办的迎世博《人文江南》长三角油画作品邀请展,于11月29日至12月3日在上海科学会堂国际会议厅开幕。  相似文献   

本文是现在美国的司徒伟先生向关中人提供信息,由广东省中山图书馆梁惠卿同志查找出来的.关中人不认识作者韦基舜先生,也不清楚他怎样知道有《航空史研究》、《航空女杰》和《中国妇女航空钩沉》等书刊.从文章的第一段来看,作者似并未看过上述书刊,他之所以特别点出来,可能是因为他的文章就近避远,对沈慧芙的空姐经历只字未提之故、沈慧芙是不是中国首位空姐?甚至她是不是空姐?还都不了解,有待于查证.  相似文献   

2006年8月21日至24日,《航空标准化与质量》通讯员大会在四川雅安顺利召开。301所相关领导,《航空标准化与质量》编辑部有关人员和来自航空厂所的通讯员约50人参加了会议。会议由301所新闻宣传室主任吴宁生主持,301所原所长李占魁到会并做重要讲话,30l所新闻宣传室副主任、《航空标准化与质量》主编肖雪梅做工作报告。会议对《航空标准化与质量》杂志和通讯员队伍情况做了总结和展望,表彰了上一届的优秀通讯员并向新一届通讯员颁发了聘书。301所原所长李占魁在讲话中表达了所里对《航空标准化与质量》刊物的重视,对刊物、通讯员和编辑部提出了希望和要求。他着重指出:刊物的报道内容要围绕行业的重点工作、热点工作和难点问题,使得每期刊物都要有看点。他希望通讯员积极组稿和认真写稿,并加强与编辑部的沟通。他要求编辑部要加强与通讯员的联系,同时要做好刊物的保密工作。最后,他号召大家共同努力,使刊物成为行业及广大科技人员所喜爱的刊物。  相似文献   

在2006至2007年间宋永进创作了组画《遮蔽》(每一幅作品的尺寸:195×65cm),在油画静物创作这个体裁方面取得了值得高度重视的成果。《遮蔽》取材于特殊的静物,与以往多数  相似文献   

商羽 《航空港》2011,(7):76-77
奚文渊国家二级美术师,浦东新区政协委员。现为中国工艺美术学会会员兼工艺设计分会书画艺术研究中心副主任、上海工艺美术学会会员。奚文渊早年演习国画、油画、水粉和连环画,近年主攻水墨人物画,尤以水墨肖像画闻名于世。代表作有《红船明灯耀千秋》、《历  相似文献   

席域 《航空港》2015,(1):84
<正>星爷的《大话西游》以重映的形式再次呈现于大银幕,让我有了一种久违的买票观影的冲动。二十年前,星爷以自己独特的方式向我们讲述了一个关于"西游记"的故事;十二年前,我在学校的电影赏析兴趣小组课堂上,第一次看到了这部电影。《西游记》——一部公认的经典,被人们以各种艺术形式诠释了无数次,却被周星驰颠覆性地解构了,但那时他还没被人尊称为星爷。《大话西游》不再是一个讲述悟空从出生、被驯服到跟随师父降魔取经的神话励志故事,而是反传统地赋予了悟空人性化般的爱情理想。  相似文献   

1993年10月26日,我前往北京军区空军“劲松干休所”,专程登门访问了段祥录副军长,他是我在《东北老航校》时的同学,在抗美援朝战场上我们共同执行过“轰炸大和岛”的战斗任务,是比翼齐飞,生死与共的亲密战友.现在,他多年患病,身体虚弱,知我立志要编撰《人民空军之最》的航空历史故事,要将他试飞新中国生产的第一架飞机的事迹编写成历史故事,以激励青少年的爱国主义热忱,他虽身体不适,仍热情地介绍了当年试飞国产雅克—18的详细情况.连续说了近两个小时,精神饱满,思路清晰,并表示弄不清以后还可以说.他的革命精神深深地鼓舞着我,同时也把我的思路带回到建国初期全国人民在中国共产党,英明领袖毛主席领导下,齐心协力建设社会主义新中国的沸腾时代.  相似文献   

“张艺谋精力特别旺盛,想法特别多,创造力特别大,他好像什么都能做。我经常感叹他太聪明了,他用自己全部的生命在做电影。”这是曾经采访叶锦添时他对张艺谋的评价。比较写实。“黄土地里没有菊豆,都是红高粱。老井里就算没有水也有幸福时光,不管一个和八个,总之一个不能少。少了一个,他的代号美洲豹。我话说的太大,大红灯笼高高挂。就怕秋菊找我打官司,要讨个说法。刘三姐唱的山歌远方有了回应,是太庙里图兰朵动听的声音……”这是功夫乐队为《千里走单骑》在丽江的开幕式上串联的一首RAP歌曲。《千里走单骑》首映日里,年届55岁的张艺谋…  相似文献   


教师的表扬与批评是与学生沟通的重要手段之一,其效果的优劣直接影响教育教学,因此,教师的表扬与批评需要艺术的表达,这种艺术更多体现在对心理效应的把握与应用上;从如何掌握原则、策略及如何提高效果等三个方面阐述了教师表扬与批评的艺术。  相似文献   

蔡襄 ( 10 12 - 10 67)字君漠 ,福建仙游人。天圣八年 ,举进士甲科 ,为西京留守推官、馆阁校勘。并在漳州、福州、开封、泉州、杭州等地当过地方官。卒后谥忠惠。蔡襄为政精明 ,每到一处作官都劝农桑、兴学校、革弊修废、甚得人心。蔡襄任福州太守时 ,当地病者不服药 ,而迷信鬼巫 ,襄破除之 ,然后择民之聪明者 ,教以医药 ,使治疾病 ,久之 ,闽人大便。宋代大文学家欧阳修曾在蔡襄的墓志铭中写道 :“谁谓闽远 ,而多奇产 ,产非物宝 ,惟士之贤 ,嶷嶷蔡公 ,其人杰然 ,奋躬当朝 ,谠言正色 ,出入左右 ,弥缝补益 ,问归于闽 ,有政在人 ,食不畏蛊 ,丧…  相似文献   

An up-to-date assessment of adaptive control technology as applied to robotics is presented. Although the field is relatively new and does not yet represent a mature discipline, considerable attention for the design of sophisticated robot controllers has occurred. In this presentation, adaptive control methods are divided into model reference adaptive systems and self-tuning regulators with further definition of various approaches given in each class. The similarity and distinct features of the designed controllers are delineated and tabulated to enhance comparative review  相似文献   

A comprehensive review of wind turbine aeroelasticity is given. The aerodynamic part starts with the simple aerodynamic Blade Element Momentum Method and ends with giving a review of the work done applying CFD on wind turbine rotors. In between is explained some methods of intermediate complexity such as vortex and panel methods. Also the different approaches to structural modelling of wind turbines are addressed. Finally, the coupling between the aerodynamic and structural modelling is shown in terms of possible instabilities and some examples.  相似文献   

王巍  邢朝洋  冯文帅 《航空学报》2021,42(11):525049-525049
自主导航技术是各类运动载体自动化、智能化运行的核心技术。简要介绍了自主导航技术的基本概念,综述了国内外航天、航空、舰船、车辆、单兵等领域的自主导航技术研究进展,对于自主导航的关键技术如惯性导航、惯性基组合导航、地磁导航、重力梯度导航、天文导航和多源信息融合等技术发展现状进行了分析,对自主导航技术的发展趋势进行了展望。可为中国未来各类主流自主导航系统研制提供参考,并为多种自主导航任务的总体设计提供帮助。  相似文献   

New energy sources such as solar energy and hydrogen energy have been applied to the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV), which could be formed as the hybrid power sources due to the requirement of miniaturization, lightweight, and environmental protection issue for UAV. Hybrid electrical propulsion technology has been used in UAV and it further enforces this trend for the evolution to the Hybrid-Powered System(HPS). In order to realize long endurance flight mission and improve the energy efficiency of UAV, many researching works are focused on the Energy Management Strategy(EMS) of the HPS with digital simulation, ground demonstration platforms and a few flight tests for the UAV in recent years. energy management strategy, in which off-line or on-line control algorithms acted as the core part, could optimize dynamic electrical power distribution further and directly affect the efficiency and fuel economy of hybrid-powered system onboard.In order to give the guideline for this emerging technology for UAV, this paper presents a review of the topic highlighting energy optimal management strategies of UAV. The characteristics of typical new energy sources applied in UAV are summarized firstly, and then the classification and analysis of the architecture for hybrid power systems in UAV are presented. In the context of new energy sources and configuration of energy system, a comprehensive comparison and analysis for the state of art of EMS are presented, and the various levels of complexity and accuracy of EMS are considered in terms of real time, computational burden and optimization performance based on the optimal control and operational modes of UAV. Finally, the tendency and challenges of energy management strategy applied to the UAV have been forecasted.  相似文献   

The automatic flight control computer was a revolutionary development in the early days of flight, even in its primitive electromechanical form. It evolved into an electronic computing device, starting as an analog computer and maturing into software run on a digital, general-purpose microprocessor. The current accepted industry standard is to use a dedicated microprocessor in its own enclosure for this function that is essentially firewalled from the rest of the systems on the aircraft. This paper will explore the opportunity to integrate the flight control function into an integrated processing platform, which is a robustly partitioned platform that supports multiple functions of dissimilar design assurance levels. This approach provides all of the benefits of an integrated system, while still maintaining the separation provided by a stand-alone unit. The paper will consider both the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. The discussion will describe each of the alternatives in general and then focus specifically on autopilot and flight control functions that have potential for integration. The end goal of the paper is to impress on the reader an understanding of the different alternatives available for autopilot, flight control, and avionics modernization in general. This includes the development of a selection matrix that will assist the reader in making decisions on how best to implement these functions according to criticality and the volatility of their future requirements  相似文献   

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