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During the pre-launch phase of NASA’s THEMIS mission, the Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program successfully brought the excitement of THEMIS to the public, students and teachers through a variety of programs. The Geomagnetic Event Observation Network by Students (GEONS) was the main effort during this time, a project in which 13 magnetometers were placed in or near 13 rural schools across the country. High school teachers and a few middle school teachers at these and/or neighboring schools took part in a long-term professional development program based around space science and the magnetometer data. The teachers created week-long to semester-long projects during which their students worked on THEMIS lessons that they, their colleagues, and the E/PO team created. In addition to this program, THEMIS E/PO also launched the only Lawrence Hall of Science (LHS) Great Explorations in Mathematics and Science (GEMS) site in Nevada. This site provides a sustainable place for teacher professional development using hands-on GEMS activities, and has been used by teachers around the state of Nevada. Short-term professional development for K-12 teachers (one-hour to two-day workshops), with a focus on the Tribal College and Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) communities have reached hundreds of teachers across the country. A Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) ViewSpace show on auroras and THEMIS was created and distributed, and shown in over a hundred science centers and museums nationwide. The THEMIS E/PO program developed and maintained a THEMIS E/PO Website for dissemination of (1) information and multimedia about the science and engineering of THEMIS, (2) updated news about the mission in language appropriate for the public, (3) the GEONS data, the GEONS teacher guides with classroom activities, and (4) information about the THEMIS E/PO program. Hundreds of thousands of visitors have viewed this website. In this paper, we describe these programs along with the evaluation results, and discuss what lessons we learned along the way.  相似文献   

The Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program serves as a pipeline of activities to inspire and educate a broad audience about Heliophysics and the Sun-Earth system, specifically the Van Allen Radiation Belts. The program is comprised of a variety of formal, informal and public outreach activities that all align with the NASA Education Portfolio Strategic Framework outcomes. These include lesson plans and curriculum for use in the classroom, teacher workshops, internship opportunities, activities that target underserved populations, collaboration with science centers and NASA visitors’ centers and partnerships with experts in the Heliophysics and education disciplines. This paper will detail the activities that make up the RBSP E/PO program, their intended audiences, and an explanation as to how they align with the NASA education outcomes. Additionally, discussions on why these activities are necessary as part of a NASA mission are included. Finally, examples of how the RBSP E/PO team has carried out some of these activities will be discussed throughout.  相似文献   

The IBEX mission includes a comprehensive Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program that develops programs and products in exciting themes from astronomy and space physics. With the active involvement of the Principal Investigator and several science team partners, it is overseen and implemented by the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum. The program includes an internationally distributed planetarium show with accompanying informal education materials that are also accessible to individuals with special needs; a national Space Science Core Curriculum for grades 6–8 in collaboration with other NASA missions; a professional development program for teachers; and workshops that engage Hispanic and Native American students. Materials are made available for download or for order via the IBEX website: http://www.ibex.swri.edu/. Our program is developed, implemented and monitored for effectiveness by organizations with proven capabilities and experience in their respective areas of E/PO. This paper describes these program elements in detail and includes the rationale and design process for this E/PO program.  相似文献   

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) is the third mission in NASA’s Solar Terrestrial Probes program. The mission is managed by the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and implemented by The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU/APL). This two-year mission provides a unique and revolutionary view of the Sun–Earth system. Consisting of two nearly identical observatories, one ahead of Earth in its orbit around the Sun and the other trailing behind the Earth, the spacecraft trace the flow of energy and matter from the Sun to Earth and reveal the three-dimensional structure of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) to help explain their genesis and propagation. From its unique side-viewing vantage point, STEREO also provides alerts for Earth-directed solar ejections. These alerts are broadcast at all times and received either by NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) or by various space-weather partners.  相似文献   

The Dawn mission??s Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program takes advantage of the length of the mission, an effort to maintain level funding, and the exceptional support of the science and engineering teams to create formal and informal educational materials that bring STEM content and modes of thinking to students of all ages. With materials that are based on researched pedagogical principles and aligned with science education standards, Dawn weaves together many aspects of the mission to engage students, teachers, and the general public. E/PO tells the story of the discovery of the asteroid belt, uncovers principles of physics behind the ion propulsion that powers the spacecraft, and explains what we can learn from the instrumentation and how the mission??s results will expand our understanding of the origins of the solar system. In this way, we not only educate and inform, we build anticipation and expectation in the general public for the spacecraft??s arrival at Vesta in 2011 and three years later at Ceres. This chapter discusses the organization, strategies, formative assessment and dissemination of these materials and activities, and includes a section on lessons learned.  相似文献   

The Low-Energy Telescope (LET) is one of four sensors that make up the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) instrument of the IMPACT investigation for NASA’s STEREO mission. The LET is designed to measure the elemental composition, energy spectra, angular distributions, and arrival times of H to Ni ions over the energy range from ~3 to ~30 MeV/nucleon. It will also identify the rare isotope 3He and trans-iron nuclei with 30≤Z≤83. The SEP measurements from the two STEREO spacecraft will be combined with data from ACE and other 1-AU spacecraft to provide multipoint investigations of the energetic particles that result from interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and from solar flare events. The multipoint in situ observations of SEPs and solar-wind plasma will complement STEREO images of CMEs in order to investigate their role in space weather. Each LET instrument includes a sensor system made up of an array of 14 solid-state detectors composed of 54 segments that are individually analyzed by custom Pulse Height Analysis System Integrated Circuits (PHASICs). The signals from four PHASIC chips in each LET are used by a Minimal Instruction Set Computer (MISC) to provide onboard particle identification of a dozen species in ~12 energy intervals at event rates of ~1,000 events/sec. An additional control unit, called SEP Central, gathers data from the four SEP sensors, controls the SEP bias supply, and manages the interfaces to the sensors and the SEP interface to the Instrument Data Processing Unit (IDPU). This article outlines the scientific objectives that LET will address, describes the design and operation of LET and the SEP Central electronics, and discusses the data products that will result.  相似文献   

The Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) is primarily a solar and interplanetary research mission, with one of the natural applications being in the area of space weather. The obvious potential for space weather applications is so great that NOAA has worked to incorporate the real-time data into their forecast center as much as possible. A subset of the STEREO data will be continuously downlinked in a real-time broadcast mode, called the Space Weather Beacon. Within the research community there has been considerable interest in conducting space weather related research with STEREO. Some of this research is geared towards making an immediate impact while other work is still very much in the research domain. There are many areas where STEREO might contribute and we cannot predict where all the successes will come. Here we discuss how STEREO will contribute to space weather and many of the specific research projects proposed to address STEREO space weather issues. The data which will be telemetered down in the Space Weather Beacon is also summarized here. Some of the lessons learned from integrating other NASA missions into the forecast center are presented. We also discuss some specific uses of the STEREO data in the NOAA Space Environment Center.  相似文献   

The Deep Impact mission’s Education and Public Outreach (E/PO) program brings the principles of physics relating to the properties of matter, motions and forces and transfer of energy to school-aged and public audiences. Materials and information on the project web site convey the excitement of the mission, the principles of the process of scientific inquiry and science in a personal and social perspective. Members of the E/PO team and project scientists and engineers, share their experiences in public presentations and via interviews on the web. Programs and opportunities to observe the comet before, during and after impact contribute scientific data to the mission and engage audiences in the mission, which is truly an experiment.  相似文献   

The STEREO/Waves experiment is dedicated to the study of inner heliosphere radio emissions. This experiment is composed of a set of two identical receivers placed on each of the two STEREO spacecraft. The STEREO/Waves receivers have instantaneous Goniopolarimetric (GP) capabilities (also referred to as direction-finding capabilities). This means that it is possible to retrieve the direction of arrival of an incoming electromagnetic radio wave, its flux and its polarization. We review the state of the art of GP-capable radio receivers and available GP techniques. We then present the GP capabilities of the STEREO/Waves experiment. We finally show some GP results on solar Type III radio bursts, using data recorded with the Cassini/RPWS/HFR, which are very similar to the STEREO/Waves data.  相似文献   

SWEA, the solar wind electron analyzers that are part of the IMPACT in situ investigation for the STEREO mission, are described. They are identical on each of the two spacecraft. Both are designed to provide detailed measurements of interplanetary electron distribution functions in the energy range 1~3000 eV and in a 120°×360° solid angle sector. This energy range covers the core or thermal solar wind plasma electrons, and the suprathermal halo electrons including the field-aligned heat flux or strahl used to diagnose the interplanetary magnetic field topology. The potential of each analyzer will be varied in order to maintain their energy resolution for spacecraft potentials comparable to the solar wind thermal electron energies. Calibrations have been performed that show the performance of the devices are in good agreement with calculations and will allow precise diagnostics of all of the interplanetary electron populations at the two STEREO spacecraft locations.  相似文献   

The magnetometer on the STEREO mission is one of the sensors in the IMPACT instrument suite. A single, triaxial, wide-range, low-power and noise fluxgate magnetometer of traditional design—and reduced volume configuration—has been implemented in each spacecraft. The sensors are mounted on the IMPACT telescoping booms at a distance of ~3 m from the spacecraft body to reduce magnetic contamination. The electronics have been designed as an integral part of the IMPACT Data Processing Unit, sharing a common power converter and data/command interfaces. The instruments cover the range ±65,536 nT in two intervals controlled by the IDPU (±512 nT; ±65,536 nT). This very wide range allows operation of the instruments during all phases of the mission, including Earth flybys as well as during spacecraft test and integration in the geomagnetic field. The primary STEREO/IMPACT science objectives addressed by the magnetometer are the study of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), its response to solar activity, and its relationship to solar wind structure. The instruments were powered on and the booms deployed on November 1, 2006, seven days after the spacecraft were launched, and are operating nominally. A magnetic cleanliness program was implemented to minimize variable spacecraft fields and to ensure that the static spacecraft-generated magnetic field does not interfere with the measurements.  相似文献   

The Qualified Manufacturer List (QML) approach, detailed in MIL-I-38535, General Specification for Integrated Circuits (Microcircuit) Manufacturing, embraces many of the commercial practices employed by high volume microcircuit suppliers. Nevertheless, with the availability of highly reliable and lower cost commercial parts, the QML approach becomes unnecessary and undesirable. In this paper we attempt to show why US government support of the QML program is leading the military and government to unaffordable access to out-dated technologies, damaging our country's military and avionics position. We will present information to show why we support the retraction of MIL-PRF-38535 and any other documents which imply that QML parts are superior to commercial parts, including those of QPL, MIL-STD-454, and MIL-HDBK-217 (now prohibited from use in all new Army programs)  相似文献   

The Solar-Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission addresses critical problems of the physics of explosive disturbances in the solar corona, and their propagation and interactions in the interplanetary medium between the Sun and Earth. The In-Situ-Measurements of Particles and CME Transients (IMPACT) investigation observes the consequences of these disturbances and other transients at 1 AU. The generation of energetic particles is a fundamentally important feature of shock-associated Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and other transients in the interplanetary medium. Multiple sensors within the IMPACT suite measure the particle population from energies just above the solar wind up to hundreds of MeV/nucleon. This paper describes a portion of the IMPACT Solar Energetic Particles (SEP) package, the Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) which identifies the heavy ion composition from the suprathermal through the energetic particle range (~few 10 s of keV/nucleon to several MeV/nucleon). SIT will trace and identify processes that energize low energy ions, and characterize their transport in the interplanetary medium. SIT is a time-of-flight mass spectrometer with high sensitivity designed to derive detailed multi-species particle spectra with a cadence of 60 s, thereby enabling detailed studies of shock-accelerated and other energetic particle populations observed at 1 AU.  相似文献   

Vitally important to the success of any mission is the ground support system used for commanding the spacecraft, receiving the telemetry, and processing the results. We describe the ground system used for the STEREO mission, consisting of the Mission Operations Center, the individual Payload Operations Centers for each instrument, and the STEREO Science Center, together with mission support from the Flight Dynamics Facility, Deep Space Mission System, and the Space Environment Center. The mission planning process is described, as is the data flow from spacecraft telemetry to processed science data to long-term archive. We describe the online resources that researchers will be able to use to access STEREO planning resources, science data, and analysis software. The STEREO Joint Observations Program system is described, with instructions on how observers can participate. Finally, we describe the near-real-time processing of the “space weather beacon” telemetry, which is a low telemetry rate quicklook product available close to 24 hours a day, with the intended use of space weather forecasting.  相似文献   

The STEREO Mission: An Introduction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The twin STEREO spacecraft were launched on October 26, 2006, at 00:52 UT from Kennedy Space Center aboard a Delta 7925 launch vehicle. After a series of highly eccentric Earth orbits with apogees beyond the moon, each spacecraft used close flybys of the moon to escape into orbits about the Sun near 1 AU. Once in heliospheric orbit, one spacecraft trails Earth while the other leads. As viewed from the Sun, the two spacecraft separate at approximately 44 to 45 degrees per year. The purposes of the STEREO Mission are to understand the causes and mechanisms of coronal mass ejection (CME) initiation and to follow the propagation of CMEs through the inner heliosphere to Earth. Researchers will use STEREO measurements to study the mechanisms and sites of energetic particle acceleration and to develop three-dimensional (3-D) time-dependent models of the magnetic topology, temperature, density and velocity of the solar wind between the Sun and Earth. To accomplish these goals, each STEREO spacecraft is equipped with an almost identical set of optical, radio and in situ particles and fields instruments provided by U.S. and European investigators. The SECCHI suite of instruments includes two white light coronagraphs, an extreme ultraviolet imager and two heliospheric white light imagers which track CMEs out to 1 AU. The IMPACT suite of instruments measures in situ solar wind electrons, energetic electrons, protons and heavier ions. IMPACT also includes a magnetometer to measure the in situ magnetic field strength and direction. The PLASTIC instrument measures the composition of heavy ions in the ambient plasma as well as protons and alpha particles. The S/WAVES instrument uses radio waves to track the location of CME-driven shocks and the 3-D topology of open field lines along which flow particles produced by solar flares. Each of the four instrument packages produce a small real-time stream of selected data for purposes of predicting space weather events at Earth. NOAA forecasters at the Space Environment Center and others will use these data in their space weather forecasting and their resultant products will be widely used throughout the world. In addition to the four instrument teams, there is substantial participation by modeling and theory oriented teams. All STEREO data are freely available through individual Web sites at the four Principal Investigator institutions as well as at the STEREO Science Center located at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.  相似文献   

The IMPACT (In situ Measurements of Particles And CME Transients) investigation on the STEREO mission was designed and developed to provide multipoint solar wind and suprathermal electron, interplanetary magnetic field, and solar energetic particle information required to unravel the nature of coronal mass ejections and their heliospheric consequences. IMPACT consists of seven individual sensors which are packaged into a boom suite, and a SEP suite. This review summarizes the science objectives of IMPACT, the instruments that comprise the IMPACT investigation, the accommodation of IMPACT on the STEREO twin spacecraft, and the overall data products that will flow from the IMPACT measurements. Accompanying papers in this volume of Space Science Reviews highlight the individual sensor technical details and capabilities, STEREO project plans for the use of IMPACT data, and modeling activities for IMPACT (and other STEREO) data interpretation.  相似文献   

对机载雷达罩提出一种分段变厚度的设计思想,实现变厚度机载雷达罩的建模。分别采用低频的多层快速多极子方法(MLFMM)、高频的物理光学法(PO)及高低频相结合的物理光学混合矩量法(PO/MoM),利用这三种方法对一个中等尺寸机载雷达天线罩在分段变厚度情况下进行远场辐射方向图的计算,通过对三者所得结果的比较得出:PO/MoM混合方法在电大尺寸雷达罩电磁性能仿真计算中所具有的优越性及机载雷达罩分段变厚度方法的可操作性。  相似文献   

An essential component of the STEREO IMPACT investigation is its nearly 6 m long boom that provides several of the instruments with a sufficiently clean magnetic environment and minimally restricted fields of view, while having the required rigidity to ensure the spacecraft pointing accuracy for the STEREO imaging investigations. Details of the customized telescoping IMPACT Boom design, construction and testing are described in this review. The successful completion and verification of the IMPACT Booms represents a demonstration of the use of Stacers as motive forces for rigid boom deployment.  相似文献   

We summarize the theory and modeling efforts for the STEREO mission, which will be used to interpret the data of both the remote-sensing (SECCHI, SWAVES) and in-situ instruments (IMPACT, PLASTIC). The modeling includes the coronal plasma, in both open and closed magnetic structures, and the solar wind and its expansion outwards from the Sun, which defines the heliosphere. Particular emphasis is given to modeling of dynamic phenomena associated with the initiation and propagation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The modeling of the CME initiation includes magnetic shearing, kink instability, filament eruption, and magnetic reconnection in the flaring lower corona. The modeling of CME propagation entails interplanetary shocks, interplanetary particle beams, solar energetic particles (SEPs), geoeffective connections, and space weather. This review describes mostly existing models of groups that have committed their work to the STEREO mission, but is by no means exhaustive or comprehensive regarding alternative theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

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