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Selection of the Mars Science Laboratory Landing Site   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The selection of Gale crater as the Mars Science Laboratory landing site took over five years, involved broad participation of the science community via five open workshops, and narrowed an initial >50 sites (25 by 20?km) to four finalists (Eberswalde, Gale, Holden and Mawrth) based on science and safety. Engineering constraints important to the selection included: (1)?latitude (±30°) for thermal management of the rover and instruments, (2)?elevation (<?1?km) for sufficient atmosphere to slow the spacecraft, (3)?relief of <100–130?m at baselines of 1–1000?m for control authority and sufficient fuel during powered descent, (4)?slopes of <30° at baselines of 2–5?m for rover stability at touchdown, (5)?moderate rock abundance to avoid impacting the belly pan during touchdown, and (6)?a?radar-reflective, load-bearing, and trafficable surface that is safe for landing and roving and not dominated by fine-grained dust. Science criteria important for the selection include the ability to assess past habitable environments, which include diversity, context, and biosignature (including organics) preservation. Sites were evaluated in detail using targeted data from instruments on all active orbiters, and especially Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. All of the final four sites have layered sedimentary rocks with spectral evidence for phyllosilicates that clearly address the science objectives of the mission. Sophisticated entry, descent and landing simulations that include detailed information on all of the engineering constraints indicate all of the final four sites are safe for landing. Evaluation of the traversabilty of the landing sites and target “go to” areas outside of the ellipse using slope and material properties information indicates that all are trafficable and “go to” sites can be accessed within the lifetime of the mission. In the final selection, Gale crater was favored over Eberswalde based on its greater diversity and potential habitability.  相似文献   

The Rover Environmental Monitoring Station (REMS) will investigate environmental factors directly tied to current habitability at the Martian surface during the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission. Three major habitability factors are addressed by REMS: the thermal environment, ultraviolet irradiation, and water cycling. The thermal environment is determined by a mixture of processes, chief amongst these being the meteorological. Accordingly, the REMS sensors have been designed to record air and ground temperatures, pressure, relative humidity, wind speed in the horizontal and vertical directions, as well as ultraviolet radiation in different bands. These sensors are distributed over the rover in four places: two booms located on the MSL Remote Sensing Mast, the ultraviolet sensor on the rover deck, and the pressure sensor inside the rover body. Typical daily REMS observations will collect 180 minutes of data from all sensors simultaneously (arranged in 5 minute hourly samples plus 60 additional minutes taken at times to be decided during the course of the mission). REMS will add significantly to the environmental record collected by prior missions through the range of simultaneous observations including water vapor; the ability to take measurements routinely through the night; the intended minimum of one Martian year of observations; and the first measurement of surface UV irradiation. In this paper, we describe the scientific potential of REMS measurements and describe in detail the sensors that constitute REMS and the calibration procedures.  相似文献   

The alpha-particle X-ray spectrometer (APXS) for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission was calibrated for routine analysis of: Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr, and Y. The following elements were also calibrated, but may be too low to be measured (10s–100s ppm) for their usual abundance on Mars: V, Cu, Ga, As, Se and W. An extensive suite of geological reference materials, supplemented by pure chemical elements and compounds was used. Special attention was paid to include phyllosilicates, sulfates and a broad selection of basalts as these are predicted minerals and rocks at the Gale Crater landing site. The calibration approach is from first principles, using fundamental physics parameters and an assumed homogeneous sample matrix to calculate expected elemental signals for a given instrument setup and sample composition. Resulting concentrations for most elements accord with expected values. Deviations in elements of lower atomic number (Na, Mg, Al) indicate significant influences of mineral phases, especially in basalts, ultramafic rocks and trachytes. The systematics of these deviations help us to derive empirical, iterative corrections for different rock groups, based on a preliminary APXS analysis which assumes a homogeneous sample. These corrections have the potential to significantly improve the accuracy of APXS analyses, especially when other MSL instrument results, such as the X-ray diffraction data from CheMin, are included in the overall analysis process.  相似文献   

A principal goal of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) rover Curiosity is to identify and characterize past habitable environments on Mars. Determination of the mineralogical and chemical composition of Martian rocks and soils constrains their formation and alteration pathways, providing information on climate and habitability through time. The CheMin X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) instrument on MSL will return accurate mineralogical identifications and quantitative phase abundances for scooped soil samples and drilled rock powders collected at Gale Crater during Curiosity’s 1-Mars-year nominal mission. The instrument has a Co X-ray source and a cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) detector arranged in transmission geometry with the sample. CheMin’s angular range of 5° to 50° 2θ with <0.35° 2θ resolution is sufficient to identify and quantify virtually all minerals. CheMin’s XRF requirement was descoped for technical and budgetary reasons. However, X-ray energy discrimination is still required to separate Co?Kα from Co?Kβ and Fe?Kα photons. The X-ray energy-dispersive histograms (EDH) returned along with XRD for instrument evaluation should be useful in identifying elements Z>13 that are contained in the sample. The CheMin XRD is equipped with internal chemical and mineralogical standards and 27 reusable sample cells with either Mylar? or Kapton? windows to accommodate acidic-to-basic environmental conditions. The CheMin flight model (FM) instrument will be calibrated utilizing analyses of common samples against a demonstration-model (DM) instrument and CheMin-like laboratory instruments. The samples include phyllosilicate and sulfate minerals that are expected at Gale crater on the basis of remote sensing observations.  相似文献   

This work describes the interpretation of THEMIS-derived thermal inertia data at the Eberswalde, Gale, Holden, and Mawrth Vallis Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) candidate landing sites and determines how thermophysical variations correspond to morphology and, when apparent, mineralogical diversity. At Eberswalde, the proportion of likely unconsolidated material relative to exposed bedrock or highly indurated surfaces controls the thermal inertia of a given region. At Gale, the majority of the landing site region has a moderate thermal inertia (250 to 410?J?m?2?K?1?s?1/2), which is likely an indurated surface mixed with unconsolidated materials. The primary difference between higher and moderate thermal inertia surfaces may be due to the amount of mantling material present. Within the mound of stratified material in Gale, layers are distinguished in the thermal inertia data; the MSL rover could be traversing through materials that are both thermophysically and compositionally diverse. The majority of the Holden ellipse has a thermal inertia of 340 to 475?J?m?2?K?1?s?1/2 and consists of bed forms with some consolidated material intermixed. Mawrth Vallis has a mean thermal inertia of 310?J?m?2?K?1?s?1/2 and a wide variety of materials is present contributing to the moderate thermal inertia surfaces, including a mixture of bedrock, indurated surfaces, bed forms, and unconsolidated fines. Phyllosilicates have been identified at all four candidate landing sites, and these clay-bearing units typically have a similar thermal inertia value (400 to 500?J?m?2?K?1?s?1/2), suggesting physical properties that are also similar.  相似文献   

The Mars Science Laboratory Mission (MSL), scheduled to land on Mars in the summer of 2012, consists of a rover and a scientific payload designed to identify and assess the habitability, geological, and environmental histories of Gale crater. Unraveling the geologic history of the region and providing an assessment of present and past habitability requires an evaluation of the physical and chemical characteristics of the landing site; this includes providing an in-depth examination of the chemical and physical properties of Martian regolith and rocks. The MSL Sample Acquisition, Processing, and Handling (SA/SPaH) subsystem will be the first in-situ system designed to acquire interior rock and soil samples from Martian surface materials. These samples are processed and separated into fine particles and distributed to two onboard analytical science instruments SAM (Sample Analysis at Mars Instrument Suite) and CheMin (Chemistry and Mineralogy) or to a sample analysis tray for visual inspection. The SA/SPaH subsystem is also responsible for the placement of the two contact instruments, Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS), and the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI), on rock and soil targets. Finally, there is a Dust Removal Tool (DRT) to remove dust particles from rock surfaces for subsequent analysis by the contact and or mast mounted instruments (e.g. Mast Cameras (MastCam) and the Chemistry and Micro-Imaging instruments (ChemCam)).  相似文献   

浅谈自动化科学与技术的发展历程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过阐述自动化科学与自动化技术的内容及作用、自动化学科的发展历程、研究内容以及分类体系,展望了未来自动化技术的发展方向和趋势,指出了“综合化、网络化、人性化、绿色化”的自动化科学与技术的发展理念。  相似文献   

Our scientific forefathers discuss the interrelationships between water, climate, the atmosphere, and life on Earth and other terrestrial planets at a workshop in Nichtchatel, Switzerland.  相似文献   

Galimov  E.M. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,106(1-4):249-262
Contrary to the often stated view, an enrichment of organic material in the light isotope is not a conclusive evidence of its life-related origin. The β13C - σ13C correlation is a special feature of biological systems. Therefore it can be used as a criterion for identification of organic carbon. A survey of the available isotopic data for organic compounds in meteorites shows that they do not comply with the β13C - σ13C correlation. The prevalence of amino and hydroxy acids in purines and sugars found in carbonaceous meteorites indicates that condensation of HCN and HCHO passed through cyanohydrin reaction, while biological evolution proceeds through formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This, in addition to the isotope criterion, indicates that the organic compounds in carbonaceous chondrites are not life-related substances. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a passive sorption pump, capable of maintaining high-vacuum conditions in the InSight seismometer throughout the duration of any extended mission. The adsorber material is a novel zeolite-loaded aerogel (ZLA) composite, which consists of fine zeolite particles homogeneously dispersed throughout a porous silica network. The outgassing species within the SEIS evacuated container were analyzed and the outgassing rate was estimated by different methods. The results were used to optimize the ZLA composition to adsorb the outgassing constituents, dominated by water, while minimizing the SEIS bakeout constraints. The InSight ZLA composite additionally facilitated substantial CO2 adsorption capabilities for risk mitigation against external leaks in Mars atmosphere. To comply with the stringent particle requirements, the ZLA getters were packaged in sealed containers, open to the SEIS interior through \(1~\upmu\mbox{m}\)-size pore filters. Results from experimental validation and verification tests of the packaged getters are presented. The pressure forecast based on these data, corroborated by rudimentary in situ pressure measurements, infer SEIS operational pressures not exceeding \(10^{-5}~\mbox{mbar}\) throughout the mission.  相似文献   

基于2012年30省份30部门的区域间非竞争型投入产出表,通过投入产出模型测算出生产和消费双重视角下省域间的实际碳排放量,并结合SBM-DEA模型度量碳排放效率。研究结果表明,大部分省份为碳净进口省份,少部分省份如河北、山西、内蒙古等为碳净出口省份;北京、上海和广东的生产型碳排放三种效率都完全有效,消费型碳排放效率完全有效的省份在生产型的基础上增加了江苏和福建,就规模效率而言大部分省份的消费型碳排放要略高于生产型碳排放。  相似文献   

火焰温度及温度场分布的测量是航空航天超声速发动机测量技术的重要环节。由于超声速发动机内部温度过高、工况复杂恶劣,应用于亚声速发动机的接触测量技术已难以达到测量要求。针对超声速发动机温度测量传感器的设计方式、试验、温度、测量误差等核心问题,本文综述了现阶段超声速发动机接触式温度测量的方法,重点介绍了辐射与红外测量、可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱(TDLAS)、相干反斯托克斯拉曼散射(CARS)及温度敏感涂料(TSP)等非接触温度测量技术在超声速发动机应用的研究进展和发展趋势,对后续的超声速发动机温度测量技术研究工作具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

通过与国外碳刹车技术指标的对比,提出了目前国内碳刹车技术研究的几个主要问题,分析指出了这些问题对碳刹车整体性能的影响。  相似文献   

Ongoing research on martian meteorites and a new set of observations of carbonate minerals provided by an unprecedented series of robotic missions to Mars in the past 15 years help define new constraints on the history of martian climate with important crosscutting themes including: the CO2 budget of Mars, the role of Mg-, Fe-rich fluids on Mars, and the interplay between carbonate formation and acidity. Carbonate minerals have now been identified in a wide range of localities on Mars as well as in several martian meteorites. The martian meteorites contain carbonates in low abundances (<1 vol.%) and with a wide range of chemistries. Carbonates have also been identified by remote sensing instruments on orbiting spacecraft in several surface locations as well as in low concentrations (2–5 wt.%) in the martian dust. The Spirit rover also identified an outcrop with 16 to 34 wt.% carbonate material in the Columbia Hills of Gusev Crater that strongly resembled the composition of carbonate found in martian meteorite ALH 84001. Finally, the Phoenix lander identified concentrations of 3–6 wt.% carbonate in the soils of the northern plains. The carbonates discovered to date do not clearly indicate the past presence of a dense Noachian atmosphere, but instead suggest localized hydrothermal aqueous environments with limited water availability that existed primarily in the early to mid-Noachian followed by low levels of carbonate formation from thin films of transient water from the late Noachian to the present. The prevalence of carbonate along with evidence for active carbonate precipitation suggests that a global acidic chemistry is unlikely and a more complex relationship between acidity and carbonate formation is present.  相似文献   

范灵 《飞机设计》2021,41(2):68-73,80
飞机项目研制是一个极其复杂的系统工程,其中设计过程是飞机项目研制的关键过程之一.设计过程质量是飞机项目质量的源头,如何开展项目研制设计过程监视与测量活动,提高设计过程能力和设计过程质量,是项目研制人员和质量管理人员一直致力研究的课题.文章以飞机项目研制设计过程质量为研究对象,对飞机项目设计过程存在的主要问题进行了分析....  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2001,3(1-2):80-84
‘Beagle 2’ is a Mars lander, which will be flown in 2003 as part of ESA's Mars Express mission. Like the Huygens probe to Titan, it is critically dependent on the correct functioning of on-board software to control its descent. Beagle 2 is a much lower cost mission and cannot afford to develop all of its software from scratch. How has the Huygens software been given a new lease of life on-board Beagle 2?  相似文献   

公允价值计量新动态及启示:金融危机视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前金融危机蔓延的背景下,澄清公允价值与金融危机的关系,解析国际应对公允价值计量的对策,对于厘清我国公允价值研究思路、推广公允价值应用具有重要意义.公允价值计量只是暴露金融危机的指示器,不是金融危机的祸首,我国必须坚持公允价值计量方向不动摇.提高公允价值信息的可靠性,必须从把握可靠性、提升计量技术和强化信息披露等方面,完善公允价值信息,维护金融稳定.  相似文献   

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