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We give a brief review of the origin and acceleration of cosmic rays (CRs), emphasizing the production of CRs at different stages of supernova evolution by the first-order Fermi shock acceleration mechanism. We suggest that supernovae with trans-relativistic outflows, despite being rather rare, may accelerate CRs to energies above \(10^{18}\mbox{ eV}\) over the first year of their evolution. Supernovae in young compact clusters of massive stars, and interaction powered superluminous supernovae, may accelerate CRs well above the PeV regime. We discuss the acceleration of the bulk of the galactic CRs in isolated supernova remnants and re-acceleration of escaped CRs by the multiple shocks present in superbubbles produced by associations of OB stars. The effects of magnetic field amplification by CR driven instabilities, as well as superdiffusive CR transport, are discussed for nonthermal radiation produced by nonlinear shocks of all speeds including trans-relativistic ones.  相似文献   

Galactic cosmic ray nuclei and energetic protons produced in solar flares and accelerated by coronal mass ejections are the main sources of high-energy particles of extraterrestrial origin in near-Earth space and inside the Earth’s atmosphere. The intensity of galactic cosmic rays inside the heliosphere is strongly influenced by the modulation of the interstellar source particles on their way through interplanetary space. Among others, this modulation depends on the activity of the Sun, and the resulting intensity of the energetic particles in the atmosphere is an indicator of the solar activity. Therefore, rare isotopes found in historical archives and produced by spallation reactions of primary and secondary hadrons of cosmic origin in the atmosphere, so-called cosmogenic nuclides, can be used to reconstruct the solar activity in the past. The production rate of 10Be, one of the cosmogenic nuclides most adequate to study the solar activity, is presented showing its variations with geographic latitude and altitude and the dependence on different production cross-sections present in literature. In addition, estimates for altitude integrated production rates of 10Be at different locations since the early nineteen sixties are shown.  相似文献   

Modulation of cosmic electrons is similar to that of nuclei, but there are clear differences. At energies below 100 MeV the electron spectrum has a negative slope, which may in some way be related to electrons released from the magnetosphere of the planet Jupiter. If there is such a relationship, its nature is not established, and alternative explanations for the upturn exist. At higher energies, electrons are predominantly negatively charged, and it is probable that the difference in net charge sign from that of nuclei is responsible for many of the observed differences in the behavior of electrons and nuclei under modulation. A consistent picture of the cosmic positron abundance and its time variation may be emerging from the world dataset.  相似文献   

Energetic nonthermal particles (cosmic rays, CRs) are accelerated in supernova remnants, relativistic jets and other astrophysical objects. The CR energy density is typically comparable with that of the thermal components and magnetic fields. In this review we discuss mechanisms of magnetic field amplification due to instabilities induced by CRs. We derive CR kinetic and magnetohydrodynamic equations that govern cosmic plasma systems comprising the thermal background plasma, comic rays and fluctuating magnetic fields to study CR-driven instabilities. Both resonant and non-resonant instabilities are reviewed, including the Bell short-wavelength instability, and the firehose instability. Special attention is paid to the longwavelength instabilities driven by the CR current and pressure gradient. The helicity production by the CR current-driven instabilities is discussed in connection with the dynamo mechanisms of cosmic magnetic field amplification.  相似文献   

Fisk  L. A.  Wenzel  K.-P.  Balogh  A.  Burger  R. A.  Cummings  A. C.  Evenson  P.  Heber  B.  Jokipii  J. R.  Krainev  M. B.  Kóta  J.  Kunow  H.  Le Roux  J. A.  McDonald  F. B.  McKibben  R. B.  Potgieter  M. S.  Simpson  J. A.  Steenberg  C. D.  Suess  S.  Webber  W. R.  Wibberenz  G.  Zhang  M.  Ferrando  P.  Fujii  Z.  Lockwood  J. A.  Moraal  H.  Stone  E. C. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,83(1-2):179-214
The global processes that determine cosmic ray modulation are reviewed. The essential elements of the theory which describes cosmic ray behavior in the heliosphere are summarized, and a series of discussions is presented which compare the expectations of this theory with observations of the spatial and temporal behavior of both galactic cosmic rays and the anomalous component; the behavior of cosmic ray electrons and ions; and the 26-day variations in cosmic rays as a function of heliographic latitude. The general conclusion is that the current theory is essentially correct. There is clear evidence, in solar minimum conditions, that the cosmic rays and the anomalous component behave as is expected from theory, with strong effects of gradient and curvature drifts. There is strong evidence of considerable latitude transport of the cosmic rays, at all energies, but the mechanism by which this occurs is unclear. Despite the apparent success of the theory, there is no single choice for the parameters which describe cosmic ray behavior, which can account for all of the observed temporal and spatial variations, spectra, and electron vs. ion behavior.  相似文献   

Bromage  B.J.I.  Browning  P.K.  Clegg  J.R. 《Space Science Reviews》2001,97(1-4):13-16
The evolution of open field regions on the Sun over the last cycle is illustrated by observations of coronal holes in SOHO EIT images. The development of a large equatorial coronal hole near solar minimum is discussed, indicating the processes which led to the appearance of open field regions at low latitude. The observed cosmic ray signature is presented and interpreted in terms of the passage of the Earth through the streamer belt, which at this time had become distorted by the coronal hole and associated active region. The times when such equatorial coronal holes might be expected to directly influence cosmic ray counts in this way are seen to be limited to the approach to solar minimum, around minimum and the approach to maximum. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The dynamical and chemical effects of the Galactic Wind are discussed. This wind is primarily driven by the pressure gradient of the Cosmic Rays. Assuming the latter to be accelerated in the Supernova Remnants of the disk which at the same time produce the Hot Interstellar Medium, it is argued that the gas removed by the wind is enriched in the nucleosynthesis products of Supernova explosions. Therefore the moderate mass loss through this wind should still be able to remove a substantial amount of metals, opening the way for stars to produce more metals than observed in the disk, by e.g. assuming a Salpeter-type stellar initial mass function beyond a few Solar masses. The wind also allows a global, physically appealing interpretation of Cosmic Ray propagation and escape from the Galaxy. In addition the spiral structure of the disk induces periodic pressure waves in the expanding wind that become a sawtooth shock wave train at large distances which can re-accelerate “knee” particles coming from the disk sources. This new Galactic Cosmic Ray component can reach energies of a few×1018 eV and may contribute to the juncture between the particles of Galactic and extragalactic origin in the observed overall Cosmic Ray spectrum.  相似文献   

The Solar Cosmic Ray and Trapped Particle Experiment was designed to study the entry, propagation, and loss of solar cosmic rays and the acceleration and loss of trapped electrons and protons in the magnetosphere. Two orthogonal proton and alpha partical telescopes measure protons from 300 keV to 250 MeV and alphas from 2 MeV to 200 MeV. Electron spectrometers measure electrons from 50 keV to 1 MeV and are used in conjunction with the 300-keV to 1.2-MeV proton channels to study the injection of electrons and protons into the magnetosphere during substorms. Two solar cosmic ray events were observed during the first four months of operation. The first of these began on July 3, 1974, and is probably one of the more complicated events in recent years. There were numerous flares and sudden commencements as well as intense fluxes of low energy plasma with a severly perturbed magnetosphere. The second solar cosmic ray event was smaller and was associated with an isolated east limb flare. The first increase was observed on September 11, 1974.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of how galactic and anomalous cosmic rays are modulated in the inner heliosphere has been dramatically enlarged as a result of measurements from several missions launched in the past ten years. Among them, Ulysses explored the polar regions of the inner heliosphere during the last solar minimum period and is now revisiting southern polar latitudes under solar maximum conditions. This gives us for the first time the possibility to compare modulation of cosmic rays at high heliographic latitudes during such different time periods. We present data from different instruments on board the Ulysses spacecraft together with 1 AU measurements in the ecliptic. In this paper we focus on measurements that have direct implications for our understanding of modulation of cosmic rays in the inner heliosphere. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Our picture of modulation in the inner heliosphere has been greatly affected by observations from the Ulysses mission, which since 1992 has provided the first comprehensive exploration of modulation as a function of latitude from 80° S to 80° N heliographic latitude. Among the principal findings for the inner heliosphere are: a) the cosmic ray intensity depends only weakly on heliographic latitude; b) for the nuclear components, and especially for the anomalous components, the intensity increases towards the poles, qualitatively consistent with predictions of drift models for the current sign of the solar magnetic dipole; c) no change in the level of modulation was observed across the shear layer separating fast polar from slow equatorial solar wind near 1 AU; d) 26-day recurrent variations in the intensity persist to the highest latitudes, even in the absence of clearly correlated signatures in the solar wind and magnetic field; e) the surface of symmetry of the modulation in 1994-95 was offset about 10° south of the heliographic equator; f) the intensity of electrons and of low energy (< 100 MeV) protons showed essentially no dependence on heliographic latitude.  相似文献   

In the current paradigm for the modulation of galactic cosmic rays (GCRs), diffusion is taken to be the dominant process during solar maxima while drift dominates at minima. Observations during the recent solar minimum challenge the pre-eminence of drift at such times. In 2009, the ~2 GV GCR intensity measured by the Newark neutron monitor increased by ~5% relative to its maximum value two cycles earlier even though the average tilt angle in 2009 was slightly larger than that in 1986 (~20° vs. ~14°), while solar wind B was significantly lower (~3.9 nT vs. ~5.4 nT). A decomposition of the solar wind into high-speed streams, slow solar wind, and coronal mass ejections (CMEs; including post-shock flows) reveals that the Sun transmits its message of changing magnetic field (diffusion coefficient) to the heliosphere primarily through CMEs at solar maximum and high-speed streams at solar minimum. Long-term reconstructions of solar wind B are in general agreement for the ~1900-present interval and can be used to reliably estimate GCR intensity over this period. For earlier epochs, however, a recent 10Be-based reconstruction covering the past ~104 years shows nine abrupt and relatively short-lived drops of B to ?0 nT, with the first of these corresponding to the Spörer minimum. Such dips are at variance with the recent suggestion that B has a minimum or floor value of ~2.8 nT. A floor in solar wind B implies a ceiling in the GCR intensity (a permanent modulation of the local interstellar spectrum) at a given energy/rigidity. The 30–40% increase in the intensity of 2.5 GV electrons observed by Ulysses during the recent solar minimum raises an interesting paradox that will need to be resolved.  相似文献   

The simple tilted dipole picture of Corotating Interaction Regions which prevailed during the first polar pass of Ulysses no longer applies since the Sun entered a more active phase. Recent observations show that CIRs still persist, though the large polar coronal holes of solar minimum shrink to smaller areas and move to lower latitudes. We present 3-D simulations for the cosmic-ray intensity variations in a model with non-polar high speed streams. Latitudinal and recurrent time-variations are discussed, but more detailed and realistic simulations are required before quantitative comparisons with observations can be made. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Webber  W.R.  Lockwood  J.A. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,83(1-2):159-167
This paper summarizes cosmic ray data on both galactic and anomalous particles in the inner and outer heliosphere near the sunspot minimum in 1995 and 1996 at the end of solar cycle 22. These data come from the IMP spacecraft in the inner heliosphere and the Voyager and Pioneer spacecraft in the outer heliosphere. In the inner heliosphere, the cosmic ray intensities at all energies in 1996 have recovered to almost the same maximum values they had at the last sunspot minimum in 1987 and the intensities are an even closer match to those observed two 11-year cycles earlier in 1976. In the outer heliosphere beyond 40 AU the intensity recovery is very slow and the intensities at all energies and for all species are almost constant in 1995-96 indicating that little further recovery can be expected in this cycle. The intensity of galactic cosmic rays in 1996 is only 0.3-0.5 of that observed at the same radius of 42 AU in 1987 and for anomalous cosmic rays this ratio is only 0.1-0.2. This suggests a dramatically different entry of particles into the heliosphere in the two cycles for both types of particles as well as significantly different particle flow characteristics in the outer heliosphere. The net result of these different characteristics is that near the Earth only a relatively small intensity difference is observed between successive 11-year solar cycles whereas in the outer heliosphere the differences between cycles become very large and may even dominate the overall modulation.  相似文献   

We present a brief overview of the probable velocity-shear induced phenomena in solar plasma flows. Shear-driven MHD wave oscillations may be the needed mechanism for the generation of solar Alfvén waves, for the transmission of fast waves through the transition region, and for the acceleration of the solar wind. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Moraal and Steenberg (1999), showed that the peak energy in the anomalous cosmic ray spectra is independent of the radial distance up to a few AU away from the termination shock but dependent on the solar wind speed, the radius of the termination shock and the scattering strength. In this paper we will discuss the variation of the cosmic ray oxygen energy spectrum as measured by the Ulysses EPAC and the COSPIN/LET on board Ulysses. We found that the peak energy decreased from ∼5 MeV nucl−1, when Ulysses was at high northern heliographic latitudes embedded in the fast solar wind to ∼3.5 MeV n−1, in the streamer belt. The shift towards lower energy might also be caused by changing modulation although Voyager measurements indicate no variation of the ACR Oxygen spectrum at ∼60 AU. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The isotopic abundances of the Galactic cosmic radiation measured in the Heliosphere provide unique information on acceleration, propagation modes and containment times in the Galactic magnetic fields. Nuclear interactions with interstellar matter lead to observable γ-radiation production and, thus, to direct information on cosmic ray distribution throughout the Galaxy and its magnetic halo. The COSPIN High Energy Telescope (HET) has excellent isotopic resolution from hydrogen to nickel over the ten year period of Ulysses in space. Based on our recent work, we discuss the implications for modeling the acceleration and propagation of the cosmic radiation. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

During the solar journey through galactic space, variations in the physical properties of the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) modify the heliosphere and modulate the flux of galactic cosmic rays (GCR) at the surface of the Earth, with consequences for the terrestrial record of cosmogenic radionuclides. One phenomenon that needs studying is the effect on cosmogenic isotope production of changing anomalous cosmic ray fluxes at Earth due to variable interstellar ionizations. The possible range of interstellar ram pressures and ionization levels in the low density solar environment generate dramatically different possible heliosphere configurations, with a wide range of particle fluxes of interstellar neutrals, their secondary products, and GCRs arriving at Earth. Simple models of the distribution and densities of ISM in the downwind direction give cloud transition timescales that can be directly compared with cosmogenic radionuclide geologic records. Both the interstellar data and cosmogenic radionuclide data are consistent with two cloud transitions, within the past 10,000 years and a second one 20,000–30,000 years ago, with large and assumption-dependent uncertainties. The geomagnetic timeline derived from cosmic ray fluxes at Earth may require adjustment to account for the disappearance of anomalous cosmic rays when the Sun is immersed in ionized gas.  相似文献   

The galactic cosmic rays arriving near Earth, which include both stable and long-lived nuclides from throughout the periodic table, consist of a mix of stellar nucleosynthesis products accelerated by shocks in the interstellar medium (ISM) and fragmentation products made by high-energy collisions during propagation through the ISM. Through the study of the composition and spectra of a variety of elements and isotopes in this diverse sample, models have been developed for the origin, acceleration, and transport of galactic cosmic rays. We present an overview of the current understanding of these topics emphasizing the insights that have been gained through investigations in the charge and energy ranges Z≲30 and E/M≲1 GeV/nuc, and particularly those using data obtained from the Cosmic Ray Isotope Spectrometer on NASA’s Advanced Composition Explorer mission.  相似文献   

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