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基于经验加速度的低轨卫星轨道预报新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究将定轨过程中的经验加速度应用于地球低轨卫星轨道预报的新方法. 利用GPS伪距观测数据和简化动力学最小二乘批处理方法对地球低轨卫星定 轨, 其中卫星位置、速度及大气阻力系数和辐射光压系数可以直接用于轨道预报. 作为简化动力学最重要特征的经验加速度呈现准周期、余弦曲线特点, 可通过 傅里叶级数拟合建模. 确定性动力学模型与补偿大气阻力模型误差的切向经验 加速度级数拟合模型组成增强型动力学模型用于提高轨道预报精度. 应用 GRACE-A星载GPS伪距观测数据和IGS超快星历定轨并进行轨道预报, 结果表明 轨道预报初值位置精度达到0.2m, 速度精度达到1×10-4m·s-1, 预报3天位置精度优于60m, 比只利用确定性动力学模型进行预报精度平 均提高2.3倍. 先定轨后预报的模式可用在星上自主精确导航系统中.   相似文献   

星载GPS低轨卫星几何法精密定轨研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论了星载GPS接收机为单频情形的代轨卫星几何法定轨,包括载波一相对定轨法和动态网定轨法,并利用Topex/Poseidon卫星星载GPS实测数据中L1载波相位观测值进行验证,结果表明,载波相位相对定轨精度与地面基准站的观测质量有关,其三轨道位置精度为分米级;载波相位动态风定轨精度介于各基准站皮相位相对定轨之间,它相当于在各基准站相对定轨之间加权均衡,而且提高了定轨的可靠性。  相似文献   

星载GPS几何法实时定轨有关问题的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先讨论了星载GPS几何法实时定轨的绝对定位方法和各种差分技术。由于伪距差技术能克服GPS卫星的星历误差、卫星钟误差,特别是SA误差的影响,而且实现难度不大,所以应用它来实时定轨。实测数据的处理表明,它能明显提高定轨的精度。然后分析了星载GPS所受扰动影响的情况,对应用抗差估计削弱GPS卫星信号扰动的影响进行了试验,试验的结果说明抗差估计能进一步提高星载GPS几何法定轨的精度。  相似文献   

精密GPS卫星钟差的改正和应用   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
分析了GPS卫生钟差的变化特性,探讨了利用GPS地面跟踪站的观测数据估算GPS卫星钟差的可行性,建立了相应的算法和软件系统,并把由地面跟踪站的实测数据估算的卫星钟差用于星载GPS定轨计算,得到优于1m的定轨精度。  相似文献   

基于单频星载GPS数据的低轨卫星精密定轨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足搭载单频GPS接收机低轨卫星的精密定轨需求以及深化单频定轨研究,文中解决了单频星载GPS数据的周跳探测问题,并利用“海洋二号”(HY-2A)卫星及“资源三号”(ZY-3)卫星的单频星载GPS实测数据采用两种方法确定了二者的简化动力学轨道,并通过观测值残差分析、与双频精密轨道比较、激光测卫数据检核等方法对所得轨道精度进行评定。结果表明,在不考虑电离层延迟影响的情况下,HY-2A卫星定轨精度为2~3dm,ZY-3卫星为1m左右;而采用半和改正组合消除电离层延迟一阶项影响后,二者定轨精度均显著提高,HY-2A卫星三维精度提高至1dm左右,ZY-3卫星提高至1~2dm。文章的研究成果表明,搭载单频GPS接收机的低轨卫星也可获得厘米级的定轨精度。  相似文献   

在基于伪距的GEO卫星精密定轨中, GEO卫星的静地特性导致定轨解算无法对星地组合钟差进行有效估计, 需要独立的时间同步支持. 本文讨论了卫星和测站钟差支持条件下的GEO卫星定轨原理, 利用仿真数据系统地分析了中国区域网跟踪条件下GEO卫星的定轨精度, 从定性和定量角度分析了钟差二次项、星地时间同步精度、站间时间同步精度及系统差等因素对定轨精度的影响.   相似文献   

导航星座轨道的长期保持是星座导航系统运营管理的重要组成部分,而现有的导航卫星地面定轨算法又存在精度不高或计算量大不适合工程应用的问题。为此,研究了单向、被动测量模式的导航卫星地面定轨算法。基于单向伪距观测,将导航卫星钟差参数作为状态量,推导了滤波算法的状态方程、测量方程,并最终建立了滤波器模型。以不同轨道面的4颗GPS导航卫星为例进行了2天的仿真试验,考虑卫星的可见性仿真中加入了测量中断,并设计在测量恢复后重启滤波算法。仿真结果表明,4颗卫星的轨道位置估计精度可以达到米级,钟差随机偏差的估计精度可以达到纳秒级,并且在滤波中断后重启滤波器,仍然可以达到此估计精度,表明此定轨算法具有收敛性和稳定性。  相似文献   

受地球非球形引力、第三体摄动和太阳光压等摄动因素的影响,导航卫星位置存在长周期变化趋势,需要定期对导航卫星进行轨道机动,以保持卫星轨位和导航服务区.导航卫星机动后的定轨,特别是GEO卫星,其频繁轨控后的轨道快速确定问题,是制约卫星可用度和导航系统服务性能的重要因素.在基于伪距相位数据的轨道测定中,轨道与钟差的统计相关是制约卫星轨道快速确定的关键因素,特别是在观测弧段短的情况下,待估参数之间的相关性更强,动力学参数估计结果严重失真会导致轨道预报精度衰减明显.当卫星钟差与测站钟差通过外部手段高精度测定后,可以减少待估参数的估计,同时利用长弧定轨的动力学与运动学参数先验信息,对短弧定轨模式进行参数约束,卫星定轨精度将有很大的提升空间.通过钟差与力学参数的联合约束,实现了北斗卫星短弧快速定轨,解决了卫星机动后的轨道快速确定问题,SLR评估的卫星机动后4 h定轨外符视向精度优于0.71 m,比常规方法提高了3倍,预报1 h轨道视向精度为1.89 m,用户等效距离误差(UERE)精度达到1.85 m.  相似文献   

利用自适应卡尔曼滤波进行星载GPS低轨卫星定轨时,必须解决量测方程中经常存在的粗差问题.在分析以往方法的优缺点后,用拟准检定法来探测和修正量测方程中存在的粗差.该法的优点是辨识粗差准确率高,能同时定位多个粗差.另外,为了克服星载GPS低轨卫星定轨的滤波器可能出现的数值不稳定性及发散现象,还采用了UD分解算法及Sage自适应滤波器.最后用一个CHAMP卫星的模拟算例验证本方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

传统动力学定轨法受制于动力学模型精度,传统几何定轨法精度受限,只能达到亚米级,而基于精密单点定位(PPP)模式的几何定轨法一般采用浮点解,定轨精度及可靠性较基于双差模式的相对定位较差。为提高PPP模式低轨定轨的定位性能,利用中国区域内外的IGS测站计算出当前所有卫星的宽巷和窄巷相位小数偏差产品,对经过中国大陆区域上空的国产低轨卫星海洋二号(HY-2)和资源三号 (ZY-3) 卫星进行固定模糊度PPP的定轨解算,与事后精密轨道结果进行比较,分析其外符合精度。结果表明:仅利用约10min弧段的HY-2和ZY-3卫星数据,切向与径向的定轨精度可达2cm左右,法向为5cm左右,较浮点解定轨精度大幅提升。基于固定模糊度PPP的定轨方法能够满足厘米级的实时精密定轨。  相似文献   

潜艇只在必要时刻才浮出水面,对实时通信和导航定位造成极大制约。蓝绿激光具有深水穿透性高、衰减系数低等优势,已在机载和星载平台对潜艇通信中得到验证。借鉴GNSS导航信号产生原理,结合蓝绿激光通信测距一体化与低轨卫星自身精密定轨,提出了基于蓝绿激光通信的低轨卫星对潜定位算法。通过在激光通信中增加载波相位调制,实现潜艇激光接收器的伪距测量,联合其高程测量信息实现水下定位。以一带一路海域,特别是中国南海区域为服务对象,优化星座参数设计了3颗卫星组成的低轨稀疏星座。潜艇在星座覆盖区域内保持静态,间隔1~3min完成至少两次通信测距和导航电文接收,联合两组观测数据、精密星历及高程测量信息进行定位解算。仿真结果显示,在卫星过境期间,考虑卫星定轨精度,激光在空气、水下传播误差等因素,潜艇可在水下实现X、Z方向定位误差优于100m,Y方向误差约100~150m的高精度定位,对提升潜艇的战场作战能力具有意义。  相似文献   

Spaceborne GPS receivers are used for real-time navigation by most low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites. In general, the position and velocity accuracy of GPS navigation solutions without a dynamic filter are 25 m (1σ) and 0.5 m/s (1σ), respectively. However, GPS navigation solutions, which consist of position, velocity, and GPS receiver clock bias, have many abnormal excursions from the normal error range for space operation. These excursions lessen the accuracy of attitude control and onboard time synchronization. In this research, a new onboard orbit determination algorithm designed with the unscented Kalman filter (UKF) was developed to improve the performance. Because the UKF is able to obtain the posterior mean and covariance accurately by using the second-order Taylor series expansion through the sampled sigma points that are propagated by using the true nonlinear system, its performance can be better than that of the extended Kalman filter (EKF), which uses the linearized state transition matrix to predict the covariance. The dynamic models for orbit propagation applied perturbations due to the 40 × 40 geo-potential, the gravity of the Sun and Moon, solar radiation pressure, and atmospheric drag. The 7(8)th-order Runge–Kutta numerical integration was applied for orbit propagation. Two types of observations, navigation solutions and C/A code pseudorange, can be used at the user’s discretion. The performances of the onboard orbit determination were verified using real GPS data of the CHAMP and KOMPSAT-2 satellites. The results of the orbit determination were compared with the precision orbit ephemeris (POE) of the CHAMP and KOMPSAT-2 satellites.  相似文献   

星间相对测量在三星编队中的应用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以NASA新千年计划中的深空计划3为背景,使用星载类GPS的伪距和载波观测数据,研究利用编队卫星间相对测量,高精度自主确定三星编队星座相对状态的有关问题;研究星间相对测量各种可能的测量方案和可能达到的精度,验证这种星间相对测量技术是否能够满足深空计划3的系统要求.首先建立了三星编队星间相对测量系统的数学模型,然后利用星载高精度伪距和载波观测信息,对各种可能的测量方案进行仿真协方差分析;研究利用卫星姿态机动提供的几何信息,进行单差整周模糊度初始化的问题,讨论了卫星姿态机动方案;最后针对每一种测量方案给出了仿真结果和相关的结论。  相似文献   

根据目前天基导航系统现状,结合中国对低、中轨卫星精密定轨的要求,给出了天地基信息融合定轨的原理;结合卫星待估融合参数的先验信息,提出了基于Bayes统计模型的卫星精密定轨方法;在卫星观测的线性化融合模型中引入观测噪声,利用概率估计融合模型,根据Bayes理论进行卫星状态改进量的最大后验估计,并分析了Bayes估计方法的定轨精度;依据期望融合的待估改进量方差最小规则建立了相应的参数求解算法;最后以导航融合测控系统中测距和测速数据的融合定轨为例进行了仿真实验,表明该融合方法能够得到很好的定轨效果。  相似文献   

We present a method to estimate the total neutral atmospheric density from precise orbit determination of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. We derive the total atmospheric density by determining the drag force acting on the LEOs through centimeter-level reduced-dynamic precise orbit determination (POD) using onboard Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking data. The precision of the estimated drag accelerations is assessed using various metrics, including differences between estimated along-track accelerations from consecutive 30-h POD solutions which overlap by 6 h, comparison of the resulting accelerations with accelerometer measurements, and comparison against an existing atmospheric density model, DTM-2000. We apply the method to GPS tracking data from CHAMP, GRACE, SAC-C, Jason-2, TerraSAR-X and COSMIC satellites, spanning 12 years (2001–2012) and covering orbital heights from 400 km to 1300 km. Errors in the estimates, including those introduced by deficiencies in other modeled forces (such as solar radiation pressure and Earth radiation pressure), are evaluated and the signal and noise levels for each satellite are analyzed. The estimated density data from CHAMP, GRACE, SAC-C and TerraSAR-X are identified as having high signal and low noise levels. These data all have high correlations with anominal atmospheric density model and show common features in relative residuals with respect to the nominal model in related parameter space. On the contrary, the estimated density data from COSMIC and Jason-2 show errors larger than the actual signal at corresponding altitudes thus having little practical value for this study. The results demonstrate that this method is applicable to data from a variety of missions and can provide useful total neutral density measurements for atmospheric study up to altitude as high as 715 km, with precision and resolution between those derived from traditional special orbital perturbation analysis and those obtained from onboard accelerometers.  相似文献   

The Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) satellite is a crucial part of the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) constellation. However, due to various perturbation forces acting on the GEO satellite, it drifts gradually over time. Thus, frequent orbit maneuvers are required to maintain the satellite at its designed position. During the orbit maneuver and recovery periods, the orbit quality of the maneuvered satellite computed with broadcast navigation ephemeris will be significantly degraded. Furthermore, the conventional dynamic Precise Orbit Determination (POD) approach may not work well, because of a lack of publicly available satellite information for modeling the thrust forces. In this paper, a near real-time approach free of thrust forces modeling is proposed for BDS GEO satellite orbit determination and maneuver analysis based on the Reversed Point Positioning (RPP). First, the station coordinates and receiver clock offsets are estimated by GPS/BDS combined Single Point Positioning (SPP) with single-frequency phase-smoothed pseudorange observations. Then, with the fixed station coordinates and receiver clock offsets, the RPP method can be conducted to determine the GEO satellite orbits. When no orbit maneuvers occur, the proposed method can obtain orbit accuracies of 0.92, 2.74, and 8.30?m in the radial, along-track, and cross-track directions, respectively. The average orbit-only Signal-In-Space Range Error (SISRE) is 1.23?m, which is slightly poorer than that of the broadcast navigation ephemeris. Using four days of GEO maneuvered datasets, it is further demonstrated that the derived orbits can be employed to characterize the behaviors of GEO satellite maneuvers, such as the time span of the maneuver as well as the satellite thrusting accelerations. These results prove the efficiency of the proposed method for near real-time GEO satellite orbit determination during maneuvers.  相似文献   

基于伪距和观测量的地球同步卫星动力学定轨研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
利用伪距和观测量对同步卫星进行了动力学定轨的研究,给出了伪距和观测量的测量方程和修正方法,采用国内4个监测站的模拟数据进行了仿真计算.结果表明,采用7天弧长伪距和数据进行轨道改进及轨道外推的精度,与5天弧长数据的计算结果相当,但远优于3天数据的计算结果.在观测随机误差为3m时,7天弧长数据定轨精度约为5m,预报7天径向精度优于20m.  相似文献   

由于轨道机动燃料消耗,科学载荷加载、分离,以及伴飞小卫星在轨释放等原因引起天宫二号空间站质心(COM)发生位移,从而影响天宫二号的动力学质心定轨精度。针对这一问题,提出了基于全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)测量数据的简化动力学质心估计方法。燃料消耗是引起天宫二号质心发生位移的主要原因,质心在本体坐标系X轴方向位移最为显著。利用GNSS测量数据对天宫二号进行质心估计和精密定轨,在三轴对地稳定姿态下,本体坐标系X轴方向与轨道切向重合,定轨结果对本体坐标系X轴方向的质心位移并不敏感。但在连续偏航模式下,本体坐标系X轴在轨道法向上有较大分量,X轴方向的质心位移对基于GNSS测量计算的精密定轨结果有较大影响。定性和定量分析结果表明:偏航姿态模式下天宫二号本体坐标系X轴方向质心位移估计具有可行性。天宫二号实测数据计算结果表明:与未做质心估计的定轨结果进行对比,质心估计后表征轨道动力学建模误差的经验加速度补偿水平在轨道径向、切向和法向上分别降低62%、50%和65%;载波相位后验残差标准差降低0.04 cm;精密轨道与全球激光测距数据比较精度提高0.86 cm。所提方法可以应用于大型低轨航天器在轨质心估计。   相似文献   

Precision orbit determination on the TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P) altimeter satellite is now being routinely achieved with sub-5cm radial and sub-15 cm total positioning accuracy using state-of-the-art modeling with precision tracking provided by a combination of: (a) global Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) and Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS), or (b) the Global Positioning System (GPS) Constellation which provides pseudo-range and carrier phase observations. The geostationary Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS) satellites are providing the operational tracking and communication support for this mission. The TDRSS Doppler data are of high precision (0.3 mm/s nominal noise levels). Unlike other satellite missions supported operationally by TDRSS, T/P has high quality independent tracking which enables absolute orbit accuracy assessments. In addition, the T/P satellite provides extensive geometry for positioning a satellite at geostationary altitude, and thus the TDRSS-T/P data provides an excellent means for determining the TDRS orbits. Arc lengths of 7 and 10 days with varying degrees of T/P spacecraft attitude complexity are studied. Sub-meter T/P total positioning error is achieved when using the TDRSS range-rate data, with radial orbit errors of 10.6 cm and 15.5 cm RMS for the two arcs studied. Current limitations in the TDRSS precision orbit determination capability include mismodeling of numerous TDRSS satellite-specific dynamic and electronic effects, and in the inadequate treatment of the propagation delay and bending arising from the wet troposphere and ionosphere.  相似文献   

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