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Aquatic photosynthetic organisms are exposed to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation while they harvest longer wavelength radiation for energetic reasons. Solar UV-B radiation (280-315 nm) affects motility and orientation in motile organisms and impairs photosynthesis in cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae as measured by monitoring oxygen production or pulse amplitude modulated fluorescence analysis. Upon moderate UV stress most organisms respond by photoinhibition which is an active downregulation of the photosynthetic electron transport in photosystem II by degradation of UV-damaged D1 protein. Photoinhibition is readily reversible during recovery in shaded conditions. Excessive UV stress causes photodamage which is not easily reversible. Another major target is the DNA where UV-B mainly induces thymine dimers. Cyanobacteria, phytoplankton and macroalgae produce scytonemin, mycosporine-like amino acids and other UV-absorbing substances to protect themselves from short wavelength solar radiation.  相似文献   

There are now a large number of small bodies in the outer solar system that are known to be covered with dark material. Attempts to identify that material have been thwarted by the absence of discrete absorption features in the reflection spectra of these planetesimals. An absorption at 2.2 micrometers that appeared to be present in several objects has not been confirmed by new observations. Three absorptions in the spectrum of the unusually red planetesimal 5145 Pholus are well-established, but their identity remains a mystery.  相似文献   

Synthesis of meteoritic amino acids probably took place in the aqueous sub-surface regions of one or more asteroid-sized parent bodies. Starting material for those reactions apparently consisted of a population of more simple compounds including a suite of aliphatic precursors characterised by (1) complete structural diversity, (2) prevalence of branched- over straight-chain species, (3) exponential decrease in abundance with increasing C number, (4) large enrichment in D, and, probably, (5) systematic decrease in 13C/12C with increasing C number. Those properties were apparently acquired during synthesis of the precursors by ion-molecule reactions in a presolar molecular cloud.  相似文献   

Many small bodies in the solar system, including planetary satellites, comets, and asteroids, have a surface component consisting at least in part of a very low albedo (0.06 or less) solid substance of neutral or red color in the wavelength region 0.3–2.5 μm. Laboratory spectra of organic residues from meteorites and mixtures with hydrous silicates suggest that complex mixtures of complex organic molecules (kerogens) together with aqueous alteration products of igneous minerals may be the source of the dark matter that is distributed so widely throughout the solor system.  相似文献   

Interaction of the charged particles of a plasma with a solid body is an old problem which has been investigated under various conditions, in particular by the authors in several papers. However, the electric potential of the grains may be more sensitive than expected to the physical state of grain matter and the physical parameters of plasmas in the solar system. Using a new model accounting for porosity, a characteristic feature of grains observed in the solar system, we have investigated the secondary electron emission under electron impact for porous materials. The conclusion is that porosity has a significant influence on the rate of electron ejection. It follows that the floating potential of porous grains can be different from that of grains made of bulk material, with consequences for grain dynamics in the environment of planets or comets.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that a manned mission to Mars be launched at solar maximum rather than at solar minimum to minimize the radiation exposure to galactic cosmic rays. It is true that the number of hits from highly ionizing particles to critical regions in the brain will be less at solar maximum, and it is of interest to estimate how much less. We present here calculations for several sites within the brain from iron ions (z = 26) and from particles with charge, z, greater than or equal to 15. The same shielding configurations and sites in the brain used in an earlier paper for solar minimum are employed so that direct comparison of results between the two solar activity conditions can be made. A simple pressure-vessel wall and an equipment room onboard a spacecraft are chosen as shielding examples. In the equipment room, typical results for the thalamus are that the probability of any particles with 7 greater than or equal to 15 and from 2.3 percent to 1.3 percent for iron ions. The extra shielding provided in the equipment room makes little difference in these numbers. We conclude that this decrease in hit frequency (less than a factor of two) does not provide a compelling reason to avoid solar minimum for a manned mission to Mars. This conclusion could be revised, however, if a very small number of hits is found to cause critical malfunction within the brain.  相似文献   

Chemical evolution of primitive solar system bodies.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we summarize some of the most salient observations made recently on the organic molecules and other compounds of the biogenic elements present in the interstellar medium and in the primitive bodies of the solar system. They include the discovery of the first phosphorus molecular species in dense interstellar clouds, the presence of complex organic ions in the dust and gas phase of Halley's coma, the finding of unusual, probably presolar, deuterium-hydrogen ratios in the amino acids of carbonaceous chondrites, and new developments on the chemical evolution of Titan, the primitive Earth, and early Mars. Some of the outstanding problems concerning the synthesis of organic molecules on different cosmic bodies are also discussed from an exobiological perspective.  相似文献   

We discuss various photometric techniques and their absolute scales in relation to the information that can be derived from the relevant data. We also outline a new scattering model for atmosphereless bodies in the solar system and show how it fits Mariner 10 surface photometry of the planet Mercury. It is shown how important the correct scattering law is while deriving the topography by photoclinometry.  相似文献   

Recent developments of millimeter astronomy have led to the discovery of more and more complex molecules in the interstellar medium. In a similar way, attempts have been made to detect complex molecules in the atmospheres of the most primitive bodies of the Solar System, i.e. outer planets and comets, as well as in Titan's atmosphere. An important progress has been achieved thanks to the continuous development of infrared astronomy, from the ground and from space vehicles. In particular, an important contribution has come from the IRIS-Voyager infrared spectrometer with the detection of prebiotic molecules on Titan, and some complex organic molecules on Jupiter and Saturn. Another important result has been the observation of carbonaceous material in the immediate surroundings of Comet Halley's nucleus. In the near future, the search for organic molecules in the outer Solar System should benefit from the developments of large millimeter antennae, and in the next decade, from the operation of infrared Earth-orbiting spacecrafts (ISO, SIRTF).  相似文献   

In order to assess the role of impact magnetization on extra-terrestrial materials, shock magnetization laboratory experiments, and paleomagnetic studies of terrestrial impact sites, are reviewed. Both impact generated and impact modified materials are found to faithfully record the direction of the ambient field at the time of the shock event. Shock demagnetization and the acquisition of thermal remanence by cooling ejecta appear to be the primary impact-related mechanisms affecting the magnetization of lunar samples. The varied magnetization levels of shock metamorphosed meteorites probably reflect the diverse magnetic environments in which they evolved.  相似文献   

A COSPAR two days Symposium has been dedicated to "Prebiotic chemistry in Space" at the COSPAR Plenary Meeting, (Hamburg, Germany, July 1994). This Symposium was jointly organized by Commissions B (Space studies of the Earth-Moon system, planets and small bodies of the solar system) and F (Life sciences as related to space). Its goal was to review, from an interdisciplinary approach, our knowledge on organic and prebiotic chemistry in small bodies of the Solar System, and on low temperature chemistry and exobiology. The Symposium was sponsored by COSPAR and the IAU (session 1), ESA, NASA, and ISSOL (session 2).  相似文献   

Ion irradiation of carbon containing ices produces several effects among which the formation of complex molecules and even refractory organic materials whose spectral color and molecular complexity both depend on the amount of deposited energy. Here results from laboratory experiments are summarized. Their relevance for the formation and evolution of simple molecules and complex organic materials on planetary bodies in the external Solar System is outlined.  相似文献   

The present experiment indicates that oligopeptides are easily produced in solid state from mixtures of simple amino acids by irradiating with high energy charged particles. We investigated such amino acids and their mixtures as tryptophan, tyrosine and glycine. The thin films was irradiated with protons (6.6 MeV). Such dipeptides as Trp-Trp, Gly-Tyr, Tyr-Gly, and Tyr-Tyr have been detected as products of irradiation. Cosmic rays might be an effective energy source for abiotic formation of bioorganic compounds on the surface of small bodies in the solar system on early stage of formation of planets as well as at present day.  相似文献   

As space missions become longer in duration, the need to recycle waste into useful compounds rises dramatically. This problem can be addressed by the development of Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems (CELSS) (i.e., Engineered Closed/Controlled Eco-Systems (ECCES)), consisting of human and plant modules. One of the waste streams leaving the human module is urine. In addition to the reclamation of water from urine, recovery of the nitrogen is important because it is an essential nutrient for the plant module. A 3-step biological process for the recycling of nitrogenous waste (urea) is proposed. A packed-bed bioreactor system for this purpose was modeled, and the issues of reaction step segregation, reactor type and volume, support particle size, and pressure drop were addressed. Based on minimization of volume, a bioreactor system consisting of a plug flow immobilized urease reactor, a completely mixed flow immobilized cell reactor to convert ammonia to nitrite, and a plug flow immobilized cell reactor to produce nitrate from nitrite is recommended. It is apparent that this 3-step bioprocess meets the requirements for space applications.  相似文献   

卫星帆板转动和自身颤动会导致太阳X射线-极紫外射线(X-EUV)成像望远镜的成像质量下降.用移动补偿系统控制相机的CCD驱动器,使势阱转移到相邻相的位置上,转移的方向正好与图像在传感器上移动方向一致,使得图像的每个光子在移动后仍然落入传感器的同一个势阱内,补偿由于帆板移动造成的图像偏移.CCD相移沿列的方向进行,而CCD的列平行于东西向.高精度太阳敏感器使用两轴直角坐标来定位太阳的位置.移动补偿系统只使用其中一个轴向数据,由于南北指向误差远远小于东西指向,因此不对南北指向补偿.该移动补偿系统利用高精度太阳敏感器构成半闭环控制系统,通过偏移CCD势阱来实现一个方向上的移动补偿.该方案可以在不增加成本的前提下,消除长时间曝光过程中的太阳的平移和帆板颤动对图像质量造成的影响,扩大动态观测范围.   相似文献   

A number of meteorites have now been analyzed on a particle by particle basis to assess whether the magnetizations are random or are uniform in direction. The most detailed studies have been on the Allende meteorite and on the Abee meteorite. The chondrules (clasts) have randomly oriented magnetizations which strongly suggest that they record fields that predate the accretion of the meteorites. These fields are large in intensity and range from 1–20 oersteds. Although we do not know the origin of these fields we infer that they infer pre-meteorite fields in the solar system. Several other meteorites have been studied in a similar way and in some cases they show similar results, while in others there is clear evidence of accretion or post-accretion fields.  相似文献   

The analysis of interplanetary dust shows that the majority of particles in out-of-ecliptic regions comes from comets and also that near solar dust, in the ecliptic regions, results most probably largely from comets. The intense radiation flux in the solar vicinity is expected to cause strong modifications in the material composition and surface structure of interplanetary dust particles and hence the analysis of near solar dust provides interesting insights into the evolution of meteoritic, especially cometary materials. Because of the lack of in-situ measurements our present knowledge concerning these processes derives from remote sensing, i.e. observations of the solar F-corona. In particular these are observations of albedo, polarization and colour temperature given in terms of average particle properties. For example the analysis of near infra-red F-corona data points to the existence of a strong component of irregularly structured silicate particles, most probably of cometary origin. The data may indicate a subsequent sublimation of different particles or different constituents of the particles. Here we compare particle properties derived from F-corona observations with model calculations of single particle properties and discuss perspectives of future analysis of cometary dust in the interplanetary cloud.  相似文献   

Solar cycle 22 had significant, large fluence, energetic particle events on a scale reminiscent of the 19th solar cycle. Examination of the characteristics of these large events suggests that some of the old concepts of spectral form, intensity-time envelope and energy extrapolations, used to estimate the dose from large events that occurred during previous solar cycles should be re-evaluated. There has also been a dramatic change in perspective regarding the source of solar protons observed in interplanetary space. Very large fluence events are associated with powerful fast interplanetary shocks. The elemental composition and charge state of these events is suggestive of a dominate source in the solar corona and not from a very hot plasma. Furthermore, there is a strong suggestion that the intensity-time profile observed in space is dominated by the connection of the observer to an interplanetary shock source rather than to a unique location near the surface of the sun. These concepts will be examined from the perspective of energetic particles contributing to the dose experienced by an astronaut on an interplanetary space mission.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of analyzing the relative importance of particle fluxes of different origin in the Earth-Mars-Earth route during different solar activity periods. The analysis has been made in terms of the galactic cosmic ray and solar energetic particle flux models developed at Moscow State University. The results demonstrate the extreme importance of the high-energy solar particle fluxes in interplanetary space even during the years of "quiet" Sun.  相似文献   

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