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组建于2003年12月的民航呼伦贝尔空管站,地处祖国东北角,管制区域23.5万平方公里,毗邻哈尔滨、沈阳、俄罗斯赤塔、蒙古乌兰巴托管制区,辖区内主要有A345、B451、G338、W538、W539五条国际航路航线和J752、J753、J754三条地区航线以及18条航空护林航线,从组建至今,在各级领导的亲切关怀和相关单位的大力支持下,  相似文献   

2007年12月20日零时,首都机场三跑道运行空域、航路、航线进行调整,所有航班均按照调整后的进离港程序飞行。这是华北地区一次较大范围的调整,涉及航路、航线近百条,进出港点由原来的四进三出调整为七进  相似文献   

民航郑州空管中心所辖管制空域范围南北约480公里,东西约600多公里,我国最为繁忙的京广航路以及数十条航路、航线在该区域通过,区域内飞机流量每日在450架次左右,该区域内的飞行管制工作主要由平均年龄27.8岁的民航郑州空管中心区域管制室承担。该管制室从2000年-2903年保障飞行超过52万架  相似文献   

为确保春运航班更加安全顺畅,江西空域已于日前正式启用“空中立交桥”,实行空中高度层与航路相对固定使用。春运临近,民航又将迎来飞行高峰。为优化江西空域春运交通实施方案,江西空管分局区域管制室通过分析繁忙时期各条航路航线的日飞行流量和航班流向特点,确定了在上海(杭州、宁波)至西南地区(成都、昆明)航路、沪广航路上主用8400米和7200米两个高度层;  相似文献   

哈尔滨区域管制室是全国27个高空管制区之一,是我国空中交通运输的北大门。其辖区内共有G212、A588两条国际航路,B451、W33两条国际航线。有两个进出境点ARGUK和SIMLI,其中A588、G212两条航路连接中国大陆和北美洲的东海岸地区,是中国大陆与北美洲的空中桥梁。它途经美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、中国,有的飞机还穿越北极,能极大地节省飞行时间。而且多为陆上飞行,安全性比较高。  相似文献   

10月1日,由西北空管局负责建设的西部航路雷达管制工程民勤二次雷达、兰州空管自动化系统和欧亚直飞航路雷达管制工程木寨岭二次雷达飞行校验工作圆满完成。(马玉荣、田凯)10月4日,甘肃空管分局技保部通信室派遣维护人员完成西北空管局航路、区管VHF建设工程嘉峪关VHF系统安装调试。(王小武、文辉)10月9-10日,西北空管局工程建设  相似文献   

引言区域导航(RNAV),是利用飞机机载导航设备和/或全球卫星定位系统引导飞机起降、航路、航线飞行的新技术。与传统技术相比,飞行员不必总依赖于地面导航设施即可沿着精准定位的航迹飞行,使飞机在能见度极差的条件下安全、精确地着陆,极大地提高飞行的安全水平。现行运行程序存在的最突出的问题就是管制员与飞行员之间通话过于频繁,  相似文献   

引言 甚高频(VHF)地空遥控系统是现代空中交通管制系统的重要组成部分,是航路地空通信的最基本的手段。根据中国民航空中交通管理系统“九五”建设规划的要求,在中国东部地区实现3000米以上区域的甚高频(VHF)覆盖和两部地区6600米以上主要航路甚高频(VHF)覆盖,并力争3000米以上中低空主要航线的甚高频覆盖,哈尔滨在1995--2000年先后建立了佳木斯、齐齐哈尔、海青、黑河、牡丹江、北安六个VHF遥控台,基本实现黑龙江全省、吉林部分地区的VHF覆盖。  相似文献   

6月2日,哈尔滨空管中心航务部与南航黑龙江分公司飞行部门进行了业务交流与研讨,双方主要围绕如何更好地保障飞行安全,提供优质服务制定了相应措施。(迟冠东)!6月8日,成都-拉萨航线通信/监视工程西北段工程验收会在西北空管局召开。(王淳、丁蓉)!6月8日,兰州空管中心技术保障部  相似文献   

<正>2019年10月27日,波音公司的X-37B轨道再入飞行器完成第5次飞行任务(OTV-5),从近地轨道再入大气层,成功着陆于NASA肯尼迪航天中心,创造了在轨道连续飞行780天的新记录。X-37B是波音公司2019年最圆满、最具航天战略意义的一项成就,但同时其他航天计划与项目也在发展进行中,其中最具迫切性的、推进力度最大的项目是"太空发射系统"(SLS)火箭、CST-100"星际航线"(Starliner)飞船。  相似文献   


This paper addresses changes of spatial granularity in route directions in relation to information needs in multimodal traveling. We outline a model of variability in granularity and apply this model to empirical data. Results reveal that linguistic route directions produced by humans as well as automatically generated web-based services provide the most crucial route elements in hierarchically structured ways that reflect the salient structure imposed by multimodal traveling. However, although the web-based information is impressively comprehensive, human route directions exhibit more flexibility regarding switches of place-related granularity, and they provide more detailed information at complex locations or decision points.  相似文献   

刘江澜  赵宜楠  周志权 《上海航天》2015,32(3):22-25,72
基于原有信息网络指标,考虑冗余路径对网络连通性的影响,用图论中基于邻接矩阵性质的计算方法,提出了修正的信息网络指标计算方法,给出了一种衡量子网连通性的指标。给出了两个非全连通网络的子网连通性算例,并与原评估方法比较,结果表明修正的指标能真实地评估网络及其子网的连通性。  相似文献   

策略路由技术在校园网中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高校园网的出口带宽和安全性,使用了策略路由和网络地址转换的技术实现了双出口接入Internet。该方案充分考虑了现有高校校园网的实际情况,整合了教育科研网和公众网的资源优势,是行之有效的校园网出口瓶颈和IP地址严重不足的解决方案。  相似文献   

People navigating in unfamiliar environments rely on wayfinding directions, either given by people familiar with the place, or given by maps or wayfinding services. The essential role of landmarks in human route communication is well-known. However, mapping the human ability to select landmarks ad hoc for route directions to a computational model was never tried before. Wayfinding services manage the problem by using predefined points of interest. These points are not automatically identified, and they are not related to any route. In contrast, here a computational model is presented that selects salient features along a route where needed, e.g., at decision points. We propose measures to formally specify the salience of a feature. The observed values of these measures are subject to stochastical tests in order to identify the most salient features from datasets. The proposed model is implemented and checked for computability with a use case from the city of Vienna. It is also crosschecked with a human subject survey for landmarks along a given route. The survey provides evidence that the proposed model selects features that are strongly correlated to human concepts of landmarks. Hence, integrating the selected salient features in wayfinding directions will produce directions with lower cognitive workload and higher success rates, compared to directions based only on geometry, or on geometry and static points of interest.  相似文献   

文章结合LEO卫星网络的拓扑结构和运行规律,提出了一种时延受限的最小耗费(DCLC)路由算法。仿真结果显示,相对于最短路由算法,该算法具有较低的呼叫阻塞率和切换失败率,以及更好的服务质量。同时能够平衡各链路负载,使整个卫星网络更稳定。  相似文献   

Environments that are divided into regions lead to hierarchical encoding of space. Such memory structures are known to systematically distort estimates of distance and direction and affect spatial priming and memory recall. Here we present two navigation experiments in virtual environments that reveal an influence of environmental regions on human route planning and navigation behaviour. Following the hierarchical theories of spatial representations, it is argued that environmental regions are explicitly represented in spatial memory and that human route planning takes into account region-connectivity and is not based on place-connectivity alone. We also propose a fine-to-coarse planning heuristic that could account for the empirical data by planning in a representation that uses fine-space information for close locations and coarse-space information for distant locations simultaneously.  相似文献   


The nature of route learning in terms of the memorizing of landmarks was investigated. In Experiment 1, participants memorized landmarks while being guided through a computer-simulated hallway (dynamic, with spatial context), or while viewing the landmarks one by one in front of a black background (static, without context). Two more conditions completed the 2 × 2 design. One condition preserved the dynamic landmark viewing properties (observers approached each object, passed it, turned to the next object, and so on), but the background was black (dynamic, without context). In the other condition the observer saw a stationary display of each object within a hallway, but did not approach the object (static, with context). Serial recall was much better after viewing the landmarks in the dynamic presentation format with spatial context than in the other conditions. Experiment 2 showed that the superior performance in the dynamic condition with context was abolished when all hallway segments were equally long. This implies that metric information is a component of route knowledge at a very early stage, which is incompatible with the dominant framework, but is compatible with the alternative framework for spatial microgenesis.  相似文献   

欧洲空间局第一个火星探测器“火星快车”轨道器及“搭车”同行的“猎兔犬”2着陆器6月2日在哈萨克萨坦境内的拜科努尔航天发射场发射升空,开始了飞往火星的旅程。执行这次发射任务的是俄罗斯联盟-弗雷盖特运载火箭。此次发射是由俄欧合资斯达西姆公司推销的联盟号火箭的第11次飞行。该公司还打算到欧洲阿里安航天公司设在南美的发射基地圭亚那航天中心发射联盟号火箭。这次发射使火星这一地球的近邻再度成为人类关注的焦点。近年来发射的一些空间探测器已取得了大量有关这颗红色星球的数据,同时也提出了许多问题。例如,是什么力量导致火星…  相似文献   

GPS/GIS车辆路径定位方法研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
标准定位服务(SPS)的固有误差、SA 措施和市区环境的共同影响,使得GPS的导航精度难于满足特种车辆监管系统的需求。差分GPS技术虽然可以提高GPS定位的精确度,但缺乏对环境的适应能力。在对城区内GPS定位误差进行了系统分析的基础上,提出了一种融合GPS技术和结合历史数据的地图匹配技术的车辆路径定位方法,并通过对实验的统计分析证明了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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