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MIMO雷达的信号处理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵永波  董玫  张守宏 《航空计算技术》2009,39(3):103-106,113
在对多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达原理分析的基础上,研究了MIMO雷达的信号处理方法,并给出了两种信号处理实现方法。理论分析和公式推导表明,这两种信号处理实现方法具有相同的输出结果,计算机仿真结果也表明了结论的正确性。另外还对这两种实现方法的运算量进行了分析和比较。  相似文献   

Certain fading models have in the past become standard for taking into account the effects of fluctuations in target echoing area in the theoretical prediction of radar range performance. In the application of these models, fading has always been treated as an entirely random phenomenon. In this paper it is noted that this is not necessarily true for radars which have the transmission frequency as a controlled variable, since in that case the fading characteristics of the target may be modified by properly controlling the transmission frequency. A strategy for taking advantage of this possibility is developed and theoretical results obtained by Monte Carlo simulation for a specific logic indicate that gains in detectability of several decibels (relative to what is usually considered optimum) may be obtained when certain realistic assumptions are made for the target fading characteristics.  相似文献   

通用的雷达信号处理平台在中断响应、数据传输等方面对系统的实时性和可靠性要求较高,在设计时有必要采用高性能的实时操作系统,同时采用PCI总线来保证高速的数据传输。为此,基于实时操作系统VxWorks,以高性能微处理器PowerPC7457为核心,采用PCI总线机制,借鉴软件模块化思想,构建了通用的雷达信号处理平台。可用于信号处理算法的开发验证,具有较高的实时性和扩展性。  相似文献   

雷达在其发展前期,连续波雷达由于收发隔离等问题不易解决,应用受限制。但是随着技术的发展,这些问题得到改善,连续波雷达越来越受到人们的关注。文章针对现有调频连续波雷达平台,通过分析研究雷达平台,介绍信号处理软件的设计思路与系统结构,设计与开发了信号处理软件。在此基础上,对雷达功能设计实现进行分析,对软件各模式功能进行实验测试,验证了其功能实现及测量精度,并进一步研究调频连续波雷达毫米波雷达用于导弹近程制导的可行性,介绍了调频连续波毫米波雷达的性能,指出其用于末端制导的缺陷并给出改善方法。  相似文献   

简述了雷达信号脉冲压缩的几种实现方法,着重讨论了数字式脉冲压缩的特点及其信号处理方法;分析了所选择的TMS320C6XEVM信号处理板的接口实现;给出了基于TMS320C6X的信号处理系统软硬件的设计。由于采用高速数字信号处理器件进行脉冲压缩,使得软件设计具有很大的灵活性。  相似文献   

The problem of determining target parameters of a known number of radar targets falling in the same range-Doppler-angle-angle resolution cell is examined for the noise-free case. The required minimum number of radar beams is determined, based upon approximating the beam patterns by a Taylor series expansion, both for the general problem and for factorable beams. Signal processors for target position estimation are developed for the two-target case and equations are presented for the general case.  相似文献   

结合 FPGA 嵌入式系统高并行度和控制简单的特点,采用基于可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)的直接数字合成(DDS)技术编程实现了雷达信号的模拟,并以雷达线性调频脉冲信号和雷达视频信号的模拟为例,分析了该方法实现雷达信号模拟的原理及具体过程.最后,给出了雷达信号模拟的部分实验结果,并与 DDS 专用芯片的方法进行了详细的比较  相似文献   

该文主要讨论共形相控阵列的天线方向图合成以及杂波中慢速运动目标的检测问题.文中从建立共形阵列的空间导引矢量入手,首先研究了共形阵列的低旁瓣加权技术,给出了基于能量迭代法和交替投影方法的权值计算方法;接下来讨论了采用空时自适应处理技术抑制杂波、检测目标的问题.建立了共形阵列杂波模型,给出了最优权值以及输出信干噪比的计算方法,最后讨论了共形阵列降维处理算法的实现问题.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the existing and planned radar measurements of the planetary bodies. The dielectric properties of water ice and other potential surface and subsurface materials are discussed, as well as their dependency on temperature and structure. We then evaluate the performance of subsurface sounding radars using these parameters. Finally we describe some laboratory technique to help interpret the radar data, presenting some results obtained using dielectric spectroscopy methods.  相似文献   

基于周期FRFT的多分量LFMCW雷达信号分离   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄宇  刘锋  王泽众  向崇文  邓兵 《航空学报》2013,34(4):846-854
 多分量线性调频连续波(LFMCW)信号的截获和特征提取是雷达情报侦察的难点,为了实现对多分量LFMCW信号的快速检测和有效分离,提出了一种基于周期分数阶Fourier变换(PFRFT)的多分量LFMCW雷达信号分离新方法。首先介绍了PFRFT,分析了PFRFT和FRFT之间的关系,讨论了LFMCW信号的PFRFT特征。然后给出了一种离散PFRFT的计算方法,结合周期分数阶Fourier域(PFRFD)的窄带滤波和CLEAN算法实现了多分量LFMCW信号的分离。仿真结果表明:①PFRFT的计算效率较周期Wigner-Hough变换(PWHT)具有明显优势;②LFMCW信号分量在特定PFRFD中具有能量峰值,分离后能较好保留时频特征;③当两个LFMCW信号分量的功率相差较大时,适合在PFRFD分离,反之适合在时域分离;④当信噪比(SNR)为0 dB时,两个具有相同功率的LFMCW信号分量分离后,与初始信号分量的相关系数都达到了0.9以上。  相似文献   

The loss of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is derived when the magnitude of weak signals in noise is discarded and the phase angle is quantized for digital processing. It is shown that very coarse quantization results in only a small loss.  相似文献   

由于接收信号长度有限而存在频率离散化采样的限制,FFT(Fast Fourier Transform,快速傅里叶变换)对雷达信号频率的估计精度会降低。基于相位差分的频率估计方法可以对这一偏差进行估计,从而减小FFT的估计误差。尝试将该方法应用于LFM(Linear Frequency Modulated,线性调频)信号带宽的估计问题,并对此进行了仿真验证,结果证明该方法对雷达信号频率和带宽估计有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

为满足雷达装备不断增长的保障需求,研制了一套便携式雷达装备检测系统,该检测系统的核心组成部分是超宽带雷达信号模拟器。模拟器采用低频段基带信号与高频段本振信号2次混频来模拟产生0.05~16 GHz范围内多种体制的雷达信号,最后完成了电路实现,经过信号测试各项指标均达到设计要求。  相似文献   

Some radar image processing algorithms such as shape-from-shading are particularly compute-intensive and time-consuming. If, in addition, a data set to be processed is large, then it may make sense to perform the processing of images on multiple workstations or parallel processing systems. We have implemented shape-from-shading, stereo matching, resampling, gridding, and visualization of terrain models in such a manner that they execute either on parallel machines or on clusters of workstations. We were motivated by the large image data set from NASA's Magellan mission to planet Venus, but received additional inspiration from the European Union's Center for Earth Observation program (CEO) and Austria's MISSION initiative for distributed processing of remote sensing images on remote workstations, using publicly-accessible algorithms. We developed a multi-processor approach that we denote as CDIP for Concurrent and Distributed Image Processing. The speedup for image processing tasks increases nearly linearly with the number of processors, be they on a parallel machine or arranged in a cluster of distributed workstations. Our approach adds benefits for users of complex image processing algorithms: the efforts for code porting and code maintenance are reduced and the necessity for specialized parallel processing hardware is eliminated.  相似文献   

A general-decision theoretic procedure for the design of optimum space-time signal processors is developed. Each antenna element output is processed separately before summing. The parameters for groups of 1, 2, . . . , n targets are estimated, followed by hypothesis testing to decide which group is most likely. Block diagrams for one-and two-target estimators of angular location are derived. The technique can be extended to more than two targets.  相似文献   

采用硬件描述语言VHDL设计了专用于方向余弦阵计算的集成电路,可用于对激光陀螺或挠性陀螺输出的脉冲信号或脉宽调制信号进行方向余弦阵计算。输入脉冲频率最高可达1 MHz;分辨力为1.57"时,最大角速率可达400(°)/s。方向余弦阵的元素采用64位有符号定点数表示,计算精度达1.08×10-19。硬件结构采用64位宽度的循环移位链,核心计算单元由46个8位加法器构成3级流水线并行处理。  相似文献   

相参雷达典型干扰信号产生及关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种基于DRFM的相参雷达典型干扰样式信号产生方法,并对其关键技术进行了研究。该干扰信号能够携带雷达发射信号的相位等细微特征信息,可以用于在实验室条件下对相参雷达进行抗干扰性能测试。  相似文献   

In synthetic aperture radar a large linear phased array is formed from the rapid movement of a single element through each position in the array. Storage and coherent combining of the successive radar echoes are central to the array-forming process. Optical processing is the most common technique because of the efficiency with which Fourier transformation may be accomplished with simple optics. Real-time operation, however, requires all-electronic processing, which is difficult to accomplish because of the huge quantity of data to be manipulated. Dynamic range compression by hard limiting may ease the problem by reducing the number of bits per frame. The effects of hard limiting are analyzed in this paper. It is shown that large targets simultaneously illuminated by the radar antenna will produce image targets or ghosts displaced in angle. Statistically homogeneous clutter will "linearize" the hard-limited receiver and suppress the ghosts without loss in contrast, as does thermal noise if it is larger than the target echoes. Pulse compression reduces the probability of images from prominent targets. Judicious choice of the pulse-compression waveform is a powerful tool for destroying coherent buildup of images from all large targets not in the same range resolution cell. Linear FM, the most common choice, unfortunately does not exhibit this desirable property.  相似文献   

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