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The purpose of this work is to study the various -ray-production mechanisms in solar flares and to calculate the flux, the spectrum, and the decay curves of radiation. Using the continuity equation and taking into account the energy losses for solar-flare-accelerated particles, we obtain the time-dependent particle distribution and thus the time behavior of the resulting rays. The important processes for producing rays in solar flares are found to be nonthermal electron bremsstrahlung, decay of neutral mesons, positron annihilation, neutron capture, and decay of excited nuclei. The results are applied to several known solar flares. For a large flare such as the class 3+ on February 23, 1956, continuous rays with energies up to 100 MeV from electron bremsstrahlung and neutral meson decays are observable at the orbit of the Earth by existing -ray detectors. Line rays from positron annihilation (0.51 MeV), neutron capture (2.23 MeV), and deexcitation of excited nuclei O16 (6.14 and 7.12 MeV) and C12 (4.43 MeV) are particularly strong and well above the continuous -ray background due to electron bremsstrahlung. These lines can be detected at the Earth.NASA-NRC Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   

Current approaches to the identification of VHE gamma rays using stereo images of erenkov light flashes are reviewed. The method of analysis developed by the University of Durham group involving a measure of cascade development is described. This method is applied to observations of a burst of VHE gamma rays from AE Aqr and enhancement of the gamma ray signal is demonstrated.  相似文献   

High energy -rays from individual giant molecular clouds contain unique information about the hidden sites of acceleration of galactic cosmic rays, and provide a feasible method for study of propagation of cosmic rays in the galactic disk on scales 100 pc. I discuss the spectral features of 0-decay -radiation from clouds/targets located in proximity of relatively young proton accelerators, and speculate that such `accelerator+target systems in our Galaxy can be responsible for a subset of unidentified EGRET sources. Also, I argue that the recent observations of high energy -rays from the Orion complex contain evidence that the level of the `sea of galactic cosmic rays may differ significantly from the flux and the spectrum of local (directly detected) particles.  相似文献   

-ray astronomy is the study of the most energetic photons originating in our Galaxy and beyond, and therefore, provides the most direct means of studying the largest transfers of energy occurring in astrophysical processes. The first certain detection of celestial-rays came from a satellite experiment flown on OSO-III (Kraushaaret al., 1972); more recently two second generation spark chamber-ray telescopes, flown on the SAS-2 (Fichtelet al., 1975) and COS-B (Bennettet al., 1974) satellites, are now obtaining more detailed results on the high energy celestial radiation causing-ray astronomy to move from the discovery phase to the exploratory phase. The most striking feature of the celestial sphere when viewed in the frequency range of-rays is the emission from the galactic plane, which is particularly intense in the galactic longitudinal region from 300° to 50°. The longitudinal and latitudinal distributions are generally correlated with galactic structural features and when studied in detail suggest a non-uniform distribution of cosmic rays in the galaxy. Several point-ray sources have now been observed, including four radio pulsars. This last result is particularly striking since only one radio pulsar has been seen at either optical or X-ray frequencies. Nuclear-ray lines have been seen from the Sun during a large solar flare and future satellite experiments are planned to search for-ray lines from supernovae and their remnants. A general apparently diffuse flux of-rays has also been seen whose energy spectrum has interesting implications; however, in view of the possible contribution of point sources and the observation of galactic features such as Gould's belt, its interpretation must await-ray experiments with finer spatial and energy resolution, as well as greater sensitivity. Instruments with much greater sensitivity and improved energy and angular resolution are now available and will greatly enhance our understanding of high energy processes in astrophysics, especially in view of the high penetrating power of-rays, which for example permit them to reach the solar system from the far side of the galaxy essentially unattenuated.  相似文献   

Cosmic-ray acceleration and transport is considered from the point of view of application to diffuse galactic -ray sources. As an introduction we review several source models, in particular supernovae exploding inside or near large interstellar clouds. The complex problem of cosmic ray transport in random electromagnetic fields is reduced to three cases which should be sufficient for practical purposes. As far as diffusive acceleration is concerned, apart from reviewing the basic physical principles, we point out the relation between shock acceleration and 2nd order Fermi acceleration, and the relative importance of the two processes around interstellar shock waves. For -ray source models the interaction of cosmic rays with dense clouds assumes great importance. Past discussions had been confined to static interactions of clouds with the ambient medium in the sense that no large scale mass motions in the ambient interstellar medium were considered. The well-known result then is that down to some tens of MeV or less, cosmic-ray nucleons should freely penetrate molecular clouds of typical masses and sizes. The self-exclusion of very low energy nucleons however may affect electron transport with consequences for the Bremsstrahlung -luminosity of such clouds.In this paper we consider also the dynamical interaction of dense clouds with a surrounding hot interstellar medium. Through cloud evaporation and accretion there exist mass flows in the cloud surroundings. We argue that in the case of (small) cloud evaporation the galactic cosmic rays will be essentially excluded from the clouds. The dynamic effects of cosmic rays on the flow should be minor in this case. For the opposite case of gas accretion onto (large) clouds, cosmic-ray effects on the flow will in general be large, limiting the cosmic-ray compression inside the cloud to dynamic pressure equilibrium. This should have a number of interesting and new consequences for -ray astronomy. A first, qualitative discussion is given in the last section.Proceedings of the XVIII General Assembly of the IAU: Galactic Astrophysics and Gamma-Ray Astronomy, held at Patras, Greece, 19 August 1982.  相似文献   

The existing paradigm of the origin of Galactic cosmic rays places strong supernovae shocks as the acceleration site for this material. However, although the EGRET gamma-ray telescope has reported evidence for GeV gamma rays from some supernovae, it is still unclear if the signal is produced by locally intense cosmic rays. Although non-thermal X-ray emissions have been detected from supernova remnants and interpreted as synchrotron emission from locally intense electrons at energies up to 100 TeV, the inferred source energy spectral slopes seem much steeper than the electron source spectrum observed through direct measurements. It remains the case that simple energetics provide the most convincing argument that supernovae power the bulk of cosmic rays. Two characteristics which can be used to investigate this issue at high energy are the source energy spectra and the source composition derived from direct measurements.  相似文献   

The containment lifetime of the cosmic radiation is a crucial parameter in the investigation of the cosmic-ray origin and plays an important role in the dynamics of the Galaxy. The separation of the cosmic-ray Be isotopes achieved by two satellite experiments is considered in this paper, and from the measured isotopic ratio between the radioactive 10Be (half-life = 1.5 × 106 yr) and the stable 9Be, it is deduced that the cosmic rays propagate through matter with an average density of 0.24 ± 0.07 atoms cm-3, lower than the traditionally quoted average density in the galactic disk of 1 atom cm-3. This paper reviews the implications of this result for the cosmic-ray age mainly in the context of two models of confinement and propagation: the homogeneous model, normally identified with confinement to the galactic gaseous disk, and a diffusion model in which the cosmic rays extend into a galactic halo. The propagation calculations use:
  1. a newly deduced cosmic-ray pathlength distribution.
  2. a self-consistent model of solar modulation.
  3. an up-to-date set of fragmentation cross sections.
The satellite results and their implications are compared with the information on the cosmic-ray age derived from other cosmic-ray radioactive nuclei and the measured differential energy spectrum of high-energy electrons. It is a major conclusion of this paper that in a homogeneous model the cosmic-ray age is 15(+7, -4) million years, i.e., about a factor 4 longer than early estimates based on the abundances of the light nuclei Li, Be, and B and a nominal interstellar density of 1 atom cm -3. The lifetime is even longer when the satellite results are applied to a diffusion halo model. The deduced traversed matter density, together with other astrophysical considerations, suggest the population of a galactic halo by the cosmic rays.  相似文献   

It is commonly accepted that candidates for very high energy -ray sources are neutron stars, binary systems, black holes etc. Close binary systems containing a normal hot star and a neutron star (or a black hole) form an important class of very high energy -ray sources. Such systems are variable in any region of the electromagnetic spectrum and they enable us to study various stages of stellar evolution, accretion processes, mechanisms of particle acceleration, etc. Phenomena connected with this class of very high energy -ray sources are discussed. Particular emphasis has been placed on the TeV energy region.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes new data in several fields of astronomy that relate to the origin and acceleration of cosmic rays in our galaxy and similar nearby galaxies. Data from radio astronomy shows that supernova remnants, both in our galaxy and neighboring galaxies, appear to be the sources of most of the accelerated electrons observed in these galaxies. -ray measurements also reveal several strong sources associated with supernova remnants in our galaxy. These sources have -ray spectra that are suggestive of the acceleration of cosmic-ray nuclei. Cosmic-ray observations from the Voyager and Ulysses spacecraft suggest a source composition that is very similar to the solar composition but with distinctive differences in the 4He, 12C,14 N and 22Ne abundances that are the imprint of giant W-R star nucleosynthesis. Injection effects which depend on the first ionization potential (FIP) of the elements involved are also observed, in a manner similar to the fractionization observed between the solar photosphere and corona and also analogous to the preferential acceleration observed for high FIP elements at the heliospheric solar wind termination shock. Most of the 59Ni produced in the nucleosynthesis of Fe peak nuclei just prior to a SN explosion appears to have decayed to 59Co before the cosmic rays have been accelerated, suggesting that the59 Ni is accelerated at least 105 yr after it is produced. The decay of certain K capture isotopes produced during cosmic-ray propagation has also been observed for the first time. These measurements suggest that re-acceleration after an initial principal acceleration cannot be large. The high energy spectral indices of cosmic-ray nuclei show a significant charge dependent trend with the index of hydrogen being -2.76 and that of Fe -2.61. The escape length dependence of cosmic rays from our galaxy can now be measured up to ~300 GeV nucl-1 using the Fe sec/Fe ratio. This escape length is P -0.05 above 10 GeV nucl-1 leading to a typical source spectral index of (2.70±0.10) -0.50 = -2.20 for nuclei. This is similar to the source index of -2.3 inferred for electrons within the errors of ±0.1 in the index for both components. Spacecraft measurements in the outer heliosphere suggest that the local cosmic-ray energy density is ~2eV cm-3 – larger than previously assumed. Gamma-ray measurements of electron bremsstrahlung below 50 MeV from the Comptel experiment on CGRO show that fully 20–30% of this energy is in electrons, several times that previously assumed. New estimates of the amount of matter traversed by cosmic rays using measurements of the B/C ratio are also higher than earlier estimates – this value is now ~10 g cm-2 at 1 GeV nucl-1. Thus altogether cosmic rays are energetically a more important component of our galaxy than previously assumed. This has implications both for the types of sources that are capable of accelerating cosmic rays and also for the role that cosmic rays may play in ionizing the diffuse interstellar medium.  相似文献   

We review the X- and gamma-ray observations of Cygnus X-1 and their theoretical interpretations, with emphasis on new developments since the mid-1970's. The overall data base at present is most consistent with the inverse Compton model by hot thermal electrons of T e 109 K, for the hard X-ray luminosity (10–200 keV). However, the origin of the soft X-rays ( 10 keV) in high states and gamma rays (> 200 keV) remain unsettled.Operated under DOE Contract W-7405-Eng-48.Partially supported by NASA Grant NGR 05-020-668.NRC/NRL Research Associate.  相似文献   

An overview is presented of the methods of probing for the geometry, and strength of intergalactic magnetic fields. Recent results are briefly surveyed for galaxy halos, galaxy clusters, and the intergalactic medium on various scales, and some rele vant physical processes and radiation processes are mentioned, as well as the coupling between intergalactic magnetic fields and cosmic rays.The general trend of recent results indicates that, wherever we detect intergalactic hot gas and galaxies, we also find magnetic fields at levels of 10–7 G, or higher. The hitherto undetected, weaker fields in the ratified i.g.m. and in large intergalactic voids could be probed by both Faraday rotation, and possibly using very energetic CR nuclei (> 1020eV), and/or transient extragalactic ray bursts.  相似文献   

The principles of an ionisation calorimeter, an instrument used to measure the energy of cosmic-ray particles and the dependence of its parameters on the conditions of operation, are discussed.Possible applications of this calorimeter in the study of nuclear interactions of 1011–1013 eV cosmic-ray particles, study of the composition of high-energy primary cosmic rays (1011–1014eV), and investigation of the electron component of cosmic-ray primaries and high-energy -rays are reviewed.Translated by Express Translation Service, Wimbledon, London.  相似文献   

This chapter gives a brief review on the theory of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs), including the models of multi-messengers (e.g., prompt multiwavelength electromagnetic emissions, high-energy neutrinos, ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, and gravitational waves) and central engines (in particular, mergers of binary neutron stars for short GRBs). For detailed reviews, please see (Piran in Phys. Rep. 314:575, 1999; Rev. Mod. Phys. 76:1143, 2004; Mészáros in Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 40:137, 2002; Rep. Prog. Phys. 69:2259, 2006; Zhang and Mészáros in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 19:2385, 2004; Zhang in Chin. J. Astron. Astrophys. 7:1, 2007; Nakar in Phys. Rep. 442:166, 2007; Kumar and Zhang in Phys. Rep. 561:1, 2015).  相似文献   

Proton acceleration in nearby blazars can be diagnosed measuring their intense TeV -ray emission. Flux predictions for 1101+384 (Mrk421) and 1219+285 (ON231), both strong EGRET sources (0.1 – 10 GeV), are obtained from model spectra of unsaturated synchrotron pair cascades fitted to publicly available multifrequency data. An experimen tal effort to confirm the predicted emission in the range 1–10 TeV would be of great importance for the problems of the origin of cosmic rays, the era of galaxy formation and the cosmological distance scale.  相似文献   

Gamma-Ray Astronomy, originated with the OSO-3, SAS-2 and COS-B satellites, has been renewed during the last three years by Compton-GRO's discovery of tens of Galactic and extra-galactic sources up to 10 GeV. Also in the last three years, a ground-based observing technique has emerged for TeV gamma rays: the identification of gamma-induced air showers via their Cerenkov emission. Extrapolating this technique down to the present limit of satellite observations has become a realistic goal, allowing fundamental questions to be tackled which would remain open until the individual spectra were extended.  相似文献   

Gamma-ray lines arise from radioactivities produced in nucleosynthesis sites, and from deexcitation of nuclei which have been activated through energetic particle collisions. Since the bulk of nucleosynthesis activity relates to activities inside massive stars, both these processes are related to the likely sources of cosmic rays: Supernova remnants show radioactivity afterglows at time scales which bracket their likely phases of relevance as CR acceleration sites; 26Al radioactivity may trace regions of intense wind interactions from groups of massive stars, and also encode information about the possible injection of matter into CR acceleration environments through interstellar dust grains. The status of -ray line measurements after the Compton Observatory mission is presented, with models and interpretations of current results, and the prospects of upcoming measurements.  相似文献   

SummaryA. Spectral features The ability of the various theories to explain the three main spectral features at 1/4 keV, 60 keV and 1 MeV is summarized in Tables II and III.Clearly, confirmation of the reality of these features, especially the soft X-ray and -ray excesses, is one of the key elements in enabling us to decide between the competing theoretical interpretations.B. Energy requirements None of the proposed interpretations are easily explained in terms of the available energy in cosmic rays (except perhaps the Seyfert galaxy proposal, and this runs into difficulties). It seems that one either has to regard normal galaxies at the present epoch as prolific sources of cosmic rays ( 1060 erg/galaxy in protons), as is required by the Brecher-Morrison model, or to argue that at early stages in their evolution far more energy is available than at present. One ends up with much the same energy requirement in this approach.One could conceivably identify such an early phase with the radio galaxy or QSO phenomena: in any event, cosmological evolution plays a major role. Cosmology does ease the energy requirements, but only for the inefficient mechanisms, such as nonthermal bremsstrahlung or ° -production.It seems that one still needs the metagalactic cosmic ray flux to be 10-2 of the galactic flux in the diffuse inverse Compton models, and 10-2–10-4 in the nonthermal bremsstrahlung models.Faced with problems of energetics, one is tempted to turn to the most energetic objects in the Universe, namely Seyfert nuclei and QSO's, to provide the basic energy source, whether directly or indirectly, for the diffuse X-ray background. A direct connection could be more readily investigated when X-ray observations are available of more extra-galactic sources.C. Angular variations Another approach, complementary to that of looking for remote discrete sources, is to seek angular fluctuations, or limits on such fluctuations in the diffuse X-ray background.The best results presently available are those from the X-ray experiment on board OSO 3. Schwartz (1970) reports a limit of I/Ifour percent on small-scale (10°) fluctuations over 10–100 keV over about one-quarter of the sky. If one assumes a astrophysics, namely the origin of cosmic rays, is intimately linked to the origin of the X-ray background.It may well be that no single mechanism suffices to account for the entire spectrum of isotropic X- and -radiation. Nature is sufficiently perverse for there to be a reasonable probability that several different processes are contributing, and considerable ingenuity will be required to ascertain which mechanism, if any, is assigned the dominant role in a given spectral region.This review is based on an invited paper presented at the joint meeting of the A. A. S. Division of High Energy Astrophysics, and the A. P. S. Division of Cosmic Physics, Washington, D. C., 28 April–1 May, 1970  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that when magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is excited by stirring a plasma at large scales, the cascade of energy from large to small scales is anisotropic, in the sense that small-scale fluctuations satisfy the inequality k k , where k and k are, respectively, the components of a fluctuations wave vector and to the background magnetic field. Such anisotropic fluctuations are very inefficient at scattering cosmic rays. Results based on the quasilinear approximation for scattering of cosmic rays by anisotropic MHD turbulence are presented and explained. The important role played by molecular-cloud magnetic mirrors in confining and isotropizing cosmic rays when scattering is weak is also discussed.  相似文献   

Observations of Variability in Cosmic Rays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cosmic rays are the main source of ionization in the atmosphere at altitudes below 55–60km. This circumstance, together with the fact that cosmic ray flux modulation closely mirrors the solar activity time history, makes cosmic rays a good candidate as a possible mediator in the solar variability – climate relationship. The observed cosmic ray flux variations are described with the aim of emphasizing the features which may be useful in the search of correlation between cosmic rays and atmospheric phenomena.  相似文献   

The problem of the origin and distribution of cosmic rays in the Galaxy is introduced by summarizing the literature on the radio and -ray studies of the Galaxy, discussing the propagation of cosmic rays in the interstellar medium, and listing the observed properties of cosmic rays. The localization of cosmic-ray electrons to their parent galaxies is an indicator that processes leading to cosmic-ray production may be common to galaxies like our own. The studies of external galaxies are therefore relevant to our own and have the advantage of better perspective.Studies of cosmic rays in exsternal galaxies are limited to the electron component which radiates synchrotron emission at radio frequencies. Multi-colour photometry of galaxies allows the separation of stellar populations that harbour particular classes of cosmic-ray sources. Statistical studies aimed at correlating integrated radio and optical properties of galaxies have reached conflicting conclusions. Although a correlation of cosmic rays with the older stellar population is proposed by some authors, others argue that the young stellar population harbours cosmic ray sources.Morphological studies of resolved galaxies provide information on the distributions of cosmic-ray electrons in galaxies. Studies in which the resolution of the radio images is much lower than in the optical are limited and have also produced contradictory results. Radio imaging at optical resolution is required for a direct comparison of cosmic-ray distributions with stellar distributions. Such studies are reviewed and the constraints they impose on cosmic-ray propagation and distribution of cosmic-ray sources is discussed.Theoretical cosmic-ray acceleration mechanisms are surveyed and an attempt is made to determine likely contributors. Mechanisms associated with shock waves in a variety of astrophysical settings are reviewed. Acceleration mechanisms not involving shocks, are also discussed. Finally, the status of the field is summarized along with some speculation on the future directions the field may take.  相似文献   

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