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<正>2014年11月12日,欧洲"罗塞塔"探测器向距离地球5.14亿千米的67P/丘尤穆夫-杰拉西门克彗星(简称67P彗星)的彗核投放了所携带的着陆器"菲莱",使它成为世界首个在彗星着陆的探测器。这是人类历史上第一次登陆彗星"近距离"开展研究,它将开启人们对彗星和宇宙的新认知。尽管"菲莱"着陆不十分完美,因而目前面临着一些困难,但从总体讲是基本成功的,并已获得一些重要  相似文献   

韩淋 《空间科学学报》2017,37(5):512-512
<正>ESA网站2017年6月8日报道,利用Rosetta彗星探测器测量彗星67P上的氙同位素,首次以定量方式揭示了彗星与地球大气之间的关联。研究表明地球原始大气中的氙约有1/5可能来自彗星,相关论文发表于Science。氙是最重的稳定稀有气体,通过对地球、火星、小行星陨石、木星和太阳风等进行采样,研究各类氙同位素的相对丰度。在当前的地球大气中,较重的氙同位素丰度更高,这是由于较轻的同位素更易散逸。20世纪70年代,通过研究氙的散逸效  相似文献   

彗星富含挥发物,这表明它们形成并长期保存于太阳系外部低温区。本文分析了星云盘外缘区的结构,论证了那里不可能存在彗星形成带。作者认为,彗星是木星到海王星这个区域中的残存星子演变而成的。   相似文献   

美国“国际彗星探险者”(ICE)于1985年9月11日探测了贾可比尼-津纳彗星,通过对这颗彗星的直接测量证实了这样一种理论,即彗星是由冰形成的“脏雪球”,当彗星接近太阳时,这些冰爆裂成为逆向雪暴物质并升离彗星表面。“国际彗星探险者”提供的第一批有关这颗彗星的直接测量结果证明,彗星体的主要成分是水冰。它是在四十亿年前同木星、土星、天王星和  相似文献   

在彗星物质所形成的巨大“尘暴”中,美国航宇局的星尘号彗星探测器于北京时间2004年1月3日凌晨3时许近距离飞过“怀尔德—2”彗星,成功收集到彗星喷射出来的尘埃。现在星尘号已经在返回地球的途中了。它将把彗星物质带回地球供科学家进行深入的分析。  相似文献   

李元 《太空探索》1997,(4):21-23
从1947n的大彗星到1997年看到明亮的海尔—波普彗星,我看彗星已经整整50年了。 1947年我到紫金山天文台工作时,那年共发现了14颗彗星,而n彗星是最亮的,可惜北半球很难看到。第二年,19481大彗星出现了,是许多年来,北半球肉眼可见的最亮彗星之一,也是我亲眼看到的第一颗彗星。  相似文献   

欧空局于7月1日展示“罗塞塔”彗星探测器模型 它将在2012年与“维尔塔宁”彗星会合。欧洲在彗星探索方面已居于领先地位,1986年曾成功把“乔托”探测器发射到了距离“哈雷”彗星不到600km远的地方。与“乔托”不同的是,“罗塞塔”在2012年5月28日与“维尔塔宁”彗星会合之后,将沿距彗星表面仅1km的轨道环绕彗星飞行,而不仅是擦肩而过。它还将向彗星扔下一个100kg重的着陆器,着陆器再发射一把带倒钩的叉子,使之插入彗星,以确保探测器不会因为碰撞而弹离彗星。日本H-2A火箭开发受阻 1999年3…  相似文献   

2005年1月12日,举世注目的“深入撞击”彗星探测器在德尔它2火箭的托举下,从卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射升空。这一价值3.3亿美元的彗星探测器,将在飞行4.31亿千米之后,于2005年7月4日,撞击“腾佩尔”彗星,以研究彗星内部的秘密。该项目主要负责人赫恩教授认为:“从太阳系形成至今,只有彗星的内部物质是一直没有变化的。在这之前,我们并不了解彗星内部的情况,因此我们希望通过这次‘深入撞击’来收集彗星内部的信息。”此举是人类第一个实际接触并探索彗星的空间计划。俄罗斯发射白杨导弹2004年12月24日,俄罗斯战略导弹部队从普列谢茨克航天发…  相似文献   

肖东 《飞碟探索》2012,(2):10-11
彗星是太阳系较特殊的天体,它们的轨道多数是抛物线,少数是极为狭长的椭圆或双曲线,具有椭圆轨道的彗星,周期性地在太阳附近出现。不过,长周期彗星的轨道可以和黄道面成任何夹角。彗星要到离太阳相当近时才会被发现,出现肉眼可见的  相似文献   

今年春天夜空中出现了上颗新彗星,这是我国天文爱好者首次发现的彗星,也是全世界在新世纪发现的第一颗较明亮的彗星,它的彗尾最长时已超过一千万千米。 大家想知道这颗彗星发现前后充满深情的故事吗?  相似文献   

本文探讨1910年5月18日菉葭浜天文台所记录的一次地球磁暴的暴源;解释哈雷彗星凌日与磁暴开始时刻之差;分析哈雷I型彗尾的某些特征并讨论磁暴机制.   相似文献   

Looking at the chance of the next apparition of the Halley comet in 1986, ISAS decided to send a first Japasanese interplanetary spacecraft for the study of cometary hydrogen coma and solar wind. The Planet-A spacecraft which carries VUV imaging camera and solar wind plasma analyser will be launched in August 1985 and flyby the Halley comet in early March 1986 with the distance of several million kilometers from the comet nucleus. This mission is not only self-consistent but collaborative with other space mission as well as earth-bound observations. In the present paper, the Planet-A mission to Halley is described with brief explanation of the spacecraft.  相似文献   

From the discrete spectra of the emissions from the comet in the frequency range from 30 to 195 kHz named CKR (Cometary Kilometric Radiation), movements of the bow shock at comet Halley are concluded, i.e., the observed CKR emissions can be interpreted as being generated and propagating from the moving shock. The motion of the shocks are possibly associated with time variation of the solar wind and of the cometary outgassings. By in-situ plasma waves observations using PWP (Plasma Wave Probe) onboard the Sakigake spacecraft, the characteristic spectra of the electrostatic electron plasma waves, the electron cyclotron harmonic waves, and the ion sound waves have been detected during the interval of the Halley's comet fly-by. Compared with the results of a Faraday cup observation and a magnetometer, it is concluded that these plasma wave phenomena are the manifestation of the ion pick-up processes. The ion pick-up processes are taking place even in the remote region within a distance range from 7×106 to 107 km from the cometary nucleus.  相似文献   

The collisionless plasma environment at the current sheet of the Earth’s magnetotail is subjected to fast dynamic evolutions such as tearing instability. By considering agyrotropic pressure for electron and ion components of a collisionless plasma, we analytically investigate the dynamics of tearing mode instability, in which, breaking the frozen-in condition can either be provided by the electron inertia or by agyrotropic electron pressure. A set of linearized Hall-Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations describes the evolution of tearing mode in a sheared force-free field. The presented scaling analysis shows that if the plasma-ββ exceeds a specified value, then the main mechanism of magnetic reconnection process is the nongyrotropic electron pressure. In this regime, the role played by agyrotropic ion pressure inside the reconnection layer is out of significance. Therefore, the electron-MHD framework, adequately, describes the dynamics of tearing instability with a growth rate which is much faster compared to the cases with a dominated bulk inertia or a gyrotropic plasma pressure.  相似文献   

Comet organics are traced to their origin in interstellar space. Possible sources of comet organics from solar nebula chemistry are briefly discussed. The infrared spectra of interstellar dust are compared with spectra of solar (space) irradiated laboratory organic residues and with meteorites. The spectra compare very favorably. The atomic composition of first generation laboratory organic residues compares favorably with that of comet Halley organics if divided into appropriate "volatile" (less refractory) and "refractory" (more refractory) complex organics.  相似文献   

The physical and chemical processes responsible for cometary ionospheres are now beginning to be understood, due to comparisons between theoretical results and recently obtained in situ observations of the ionospheric plasma and magnetic field of comet Halley. The contact surface which separates outflowing cometary plasma from solar wind controlled cometary plasma can be explained in terms of a balance between the magnetic pressure gradient force and ion-neutral drag. An analytic expression for the magnetic field in the vicinity of the contact surface is given in this paper.  相似文献   

ISAS's (Institute of Space and Astronautical Science) project for the exploration of comet Halley consists of two spacecraft, Sakigake and Suisei, launched on 7 January 1985 and 18 August, respectively.

Sakigake passed the sunward side of the comet on 11 March 1986 with a miss distance of 6.99 million km. Three experiments, a plasma wave probe with dipole and search-coil antennae, a magnetometer with three axis ring core sensor on an extended boom and a four-grid Faraday cup attached to the inner side of the wall of the spacecraft, detected various phenomena caused by the comet at a distance as far as 7 million km.

The other spacecraft, Suisei, flew by the comet on its sunward side with a miss distance of 151 thousand km on 8 March 1986. It carried two experiments, an ultraviolet imager and an energy analyzer for ions. The UV imager was able to take the first image of the hydrogen cloud of comet Halley on 26 November 1985. With this experiment, the spin period of the cometary nucleus, location of jets, amount of water evaporation, distribution of hydrogen density inside cloud, etc. were clarified. The energy analyser experiment provided information on the intensive interaction between cometary and solar wind ions.  相似文献   

Various experimental data acquired during the visit of Halley's comet in 1986 have shown that the amount of carbon produced due to photodissociation of parent carbon bearing species is not ample enough to explain the observations. This requires the presence of an additional source of atomic carbon. One of the possible source could be auroral-type activities resulting from the precipitation of high-energy "auroral electrons" of solar wind origin, the evidence of which have been inferred from many observations at comet Halley. We have developed a coupled chemistry-transport model to study the role of auroral and photoelectron impact as well as of chemistry on the modelling of carbon in the inner coma (< or = 10(4) km) of comet Halley. Our study suggest that electron impact dissociation of CO is the major source of carbon production in the inner coma, not the recombination of CO+ as suggested by earlier workers, while transport is the main loss process.  相似文献   

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