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正"让我们更清晰地观察世界,让我们更自由地返回家园",是北京空间机电研究所60年发展历程中一直追求的目标。"神舟"飞天、"嫦娥"奔月,是朝这一目标迈进的新印记。进入21世纪,特别是"国家中长期科学与技术发展规划纲要(2006-2020年)"发布以后,北京空间机电研究所走上了发展的快车道。在航天返回领域,伽玛关机敏感器助力"嫦娥三号"圆满完成落月任务,实现了中华民族千年的探月梦想;突破了第二宇宙速度再入返回技术,成功实现了探月三期飞行试验器的安全回收;充气式重力梯度杆在我国首次实现了充气展开结构的在轨试验验证,填补了国内空白;完成了充气式再入与减速技术  相似文献   

为了解决现有天基太阳能电站面临的技术难度和成本问题,尽早使其实用化,文章提出了一种新型充气式球形天基太阳能电站概念。概述了新型电站的工作原理、系统构成及功能,重点分析了通过采用球形柔性薄膜太阳能电池和空间充气展开结构材料技术,新型电站无须对日定向,能高效折叠存储升空和大大降低发电模块质量。文章还对新型电站总体设计、折叠展开、在轨刚化、高精度姿态控制及大功率电量存储和传输等关键技术进行了简要论述,可为未来天基太阳能电站的技术发展提供参考。  相似文献   

充气式空间可展开天线结构概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
充气式空间可展开结构是国外空间结构领域研究的热点之一。当前,充气天线是充气式空间可展开结构研究的重点和主要应用方向。文章首先概述了充气天线的结构特点以及应用前景,然后介绍了充气天线的国外研究情况,最后对充气天线涉及的充气薄膜材料技术、充气薄膜材料硬化技术、充气和展开技术、型面精度的摄影测量方法、充气天线制造技术以及结构设计与分析技术等关键技术进行了分析。  相似文献   

反射阵天线具有平面结构、低成本、易于展开、灵活的波束形状等优点,兼具反射面天线和相控阵天线的若干优点.随着配备反射天线的ISARA、MarCO等立方体卫星相继成功在轨验证,反射阵天线的技术成熟度得以提升并且逐渐获得航天应用领域的认可.反射阵天线正在成为一种非常有潜力的高性价比星载天线形式.首先简要介绍了反射阵天线的基本原理、技术特点以及研究历程,其次重点介绍了星载反射阵的论证案例与在轨演示验证试验,最后归纳总结了星载反射阵天线未来的发展趋势,为我国后续开展星载反射阵天线技术应用提供技术参考.  相似文献   

小卫星的重力梯度控制方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林来兴 《宇航学报》1998,19(1):77-83
本文首先论述重力梯度卫星三种控制方式(重力梯度,重力梯度+飞轮,重力梯度+磁控+飞轮),其次研究重力杆和天平动阻尼球结构设计与参数分析。最后建立重力梯度卫星数学模型和进行仿真实验。对小卫星来说,重力梯度既能满足性能要求又是廉价的一种姿态控制方法。  相似文献   

8月21日,由国家国防科工局负责组织实施、中国航天科技集团公司抓总研制的实践九号卫星在北京举行交付仪式,正式投入使用.集团公司副总经理袁洁出席了仪式. 实践九号卫星在轨开展了24类我国卫星发展急需的新产品验证,以及10类、20余种国产核心元器件和原材料的考核评价,取得了中国航天技术多项第一:首次完成卫星编队飞行和高精度GPS星间测量试验,验证卫星编队建立与保持技术,为中国小卫星和微小卫星发展拓展空间;首次实现电推进、高精度光纤陀螺、半球谐振陀螺等核心部组件在轨试验,为大幅提高卫星性能和寿命可靠性奠定基础;首次在轨进行高温超导滤波器验证试验、红外探测器、新型成像技术试验,推动中国微波通信、红外遥感和高性能光学成像技术快速发展;首次在轨搭建高端元器件试验验证平台,为提升中国宇航级核心元器件研制能力、实现核心器件自主可控提供支撑.  相似文献   

空间充气展开结构的材料成型固化技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间充气展开结构的体积小,质量轻,可用于构建大型空间结构,在航天领域具有广阔的应用前景。空间充气展开结构需要采用柔性材料,通过充气展开成型固化使柔性材料具有足够的强度和刚度。成型固化是研制空间充气展开结构的关键技术之一,文章介绍了四种成型固化技术:铝/聚合物薄膜成型固化技术、热成型固化技术、热塑性/形状记忆成型固化技术和紫外线成型固化技术。通过分析,认为在目前条件下铝/聚合物薄膜成型固化技术更接近于空间充气展开结构的实际应用。  相似文献   

可展开天线研制过程中需对其进行地面展开指向精度测试以验证天线在轨实际指向性能.为了实现大型网状天线展开指向精度的地面测量,基于天线实际结构特点,从影响天线展开指向精度的因素入手,在建立的统一卫星坐标系分析模型下采用了一种基于展开臂、反射器和馈源阵等多个组成子部件单独展开指向精度直接测量的模式,并在各子部件测量结果的基础...  相似文献   

充气式进入减速技术的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
充气式进入减速系统适用于高超声速下飞行器的进入减速、可折叠展开,集成了气动热防护、气动减速和着陆缓冲等多项功能于一体,将成为航天器进入或再入返回的主要技术途径。文章首先归纳了数十年来充气式进入减速系统发展出的主要构型,简述了其主要性能特点;之后以几个典型项目为例,介绍了国际上充气式进入减速系统的发展情况。文章针对充气式进入减速系统最为重要的组成部分——充气展开柔性结构归纳了多场耦合及气动优化设计、轻质柔性耐高温材料、折叠包装与充气展开等关键技术。最后,对充气式进入减速系统的发展情况进行了小结,提出了应用展望。  相似文献   

立方星在轨任务期间的能源供给主要依靠蓄电池或体装太阳能电池阵。随着微小航天器技术的发展,立方星功能密度越来越大,星上载荷对功率的需求越来越高,传统的电池板供能方式已很难满足未来空间任务需求。另外,立方星因其特有的尺寸规范和标准,对电池阵的收纳尺寸和展开机构也有特殊应用需求。基于上述背景和立方星的结构特点,设计了一种展开原理简单、扩展性好、折展比大的一维剪叉式空间可展开机构,进行了原理样机的加工制造和地面展开试验,验证了机构设计的功能可行性以及设计参数的合理性。机构展开后阵列发电功率是传统供能方式的3~5倍,且特殊的几何外形可提供被动重力梯度稳定优势,在提升未来立方星载荷能力方面有重要应用价值。  相似文献   

空间可充气气球应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
简述了空间可充气结构的国外应用情况及可充气结构的导弹诱饵和气球卫星,介绍了可充气气球的设计特点,包括采用压力刚化铝箔的刚化结构、充气装置和释放装置,分析了太空环境中原子氧和紫外线辐射对可充气刚化气球的影响程度。  相似文献   

现代小卫星的重力梯度姿态稳定系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先论述现代小卫星重力梯度稳定系统组成,其次建立数学模型,最后进行计算机仿真,研究初始姿态角速度、惯量比、飞轮角动量和伸杆时间等因素对姿态动态特性的影响。  相似文献   

With the advances of small satellite technology in commercial space sector, using small satellite networks to form a satellite constellation and conduct commercial operational services has entered into a vigorous phase of development. As small satellite technology develops, problems in the operations of small satellite constellations are also gradually emerging. These include ground measurement and operational control systems for small satellite constellations, the commercial operational mode, support and the guarantee of laws and regulations related to small satellites. This report discusses the development of commercial space small satellite operation industrialization, explores the small satellite operational modes and technological innovation, proposes the commercial space industry chain to build the industry ecology. At the same time, it looks forward to the integration of space and terrestrial communication. It also calls on relevant organizations of China to speed up the process of space legislation, formulate the relevant policies to encourage the operations of small satellites in commercial space sector, and push China's commercial space to a new level.  相似文献   

CubeSats and small satellites have potential to provide means to explore space and to perform science in a more affordable way. As the goals for these spacecraft become more ambitious in space exploration, moving from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) to Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) or further, the communication systems currently implemented will not be able to support those missions. One of the bottlenecks in small spacecraft communication systems is represented by antennas' size, due to the close relation between antenna gain and dimensions. Current antennas for CubeSats are mostly dipole or patch antennas with limited gain. Deployable (not inflatable) antennas for CubeSats are currently being investigated, but these solutions are affected by the challenge of packaging the whole deployable structure in a small spacecraft.The work that we propose represents the first attempt to develop an inflatable antenna for CubeSats. Inflatable structures and antennas can be packaged efficiently occupying a small amount of space, and they can provide, once deployed, large dish dimension and correspondent gain. Inflatable antennas have been previously tested in space (Inflatable Antenna Experiment, STS-77). However they have never been developed for small spacecraft such as CubeSats, where the packaging efficiency, the deployment, and the inflation represent a challenge.Our study explores for the first time the possibility of developing such antenna in a way compatible with CubeSat dimensions and constraints. The research provides answers on the possible dimensions for an inflatable antenna for small satellites, on the gain and resolution that can be achieved, and on the deployment and inflation mechanism compatible with CubeSat. Future work in the development of the antenna will include the test of the antenna in flight during a specific technical demonstration mission.The article is structured as follows: context and motivation for Cubesat inflatable antenna are described; then a study to design the antenna which achieves the required performance metrics, while respecting the constraints imposed by CubeSat structure, is presented.  相似文献   

文章简要介绍了卫星精度测试过程中不同受力(包括空载、满载、充气、不充气)环境下所采取的一些新的精测思路,并通过具体的分析和计算,确定了不同的精测方法和步骤,其中涉及多基准的建立、转换及变形量的补偿等。共使用了7块立方镜、建立了4个基准,分步解决了卫星重力变形、卫星充气变形对精度造成的影响,满足该卫星的总装精度测量要求。  相似文献   

Over the past several years Satellites International has developed an integrated suite of satellite sub-systems and small satellite buses. The sub-systems include S-band communications, attitude sensing and control, power conversion and distribution, and on-board data handling. They are inherently modular and readily adaptable to different satellite configurations, a concept known as semi-standardisation. This concept has been adopted by two generic low-cost buses: MicroSIL for satellites in the mass range 40–80kg; and MiniSIL for satellites in the range 100–500kg. Their architecture is based on the semi-standard sub-systems, but easily modified to utilise sub-systems from other manufacturers. They can support all stabilisation methods including spinning, 3-axis control and gravity gradient and are adaptable to a wide variety of missions including Earth resources, scientific, communications and technology demonstration. The Company also manufactures a range of low cost ground support equipment and complete ground stations to complement the space-borne systems.  相似文献   

An extensible on-board data handling software platform for pico satellites   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Marco Schmidt  Klaus Schilling   《Acta Astronautica》2008,63(11-12):1299-1304
Miniaturization techniques enable the realization of very small satellites with interesting capabilities in space science. The University of Würzburg contributed in the scope of the cubesat program with its own pico satellite UWE-1, which is in orbit since October 2005. Despite reliable and stable operation of the on-board data handling (OBDH) system during the UWE-1 mission, the successor UWE-2 will be equipped with a more sophisticated, modular and extensible OBDH system, which was designed to facilitate the further development of the UWE satellite platform. The OBDH system was designed for high reliability and stability, but with an easier extension capability. The modular structure of the new system thus supports potential transfer to other satellite platforms.  相似文献   

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