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硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT)卫星是中国首个专门进行天文探测的空间科学实验卫星,运行于高度约550km、倾角约43°的低地球轨道.星载空间环境监测器为星上科学任务开展提供背景辐射实测资料.该监测器采用固体探测器望远镜系统和扇形阵列全新组合设计,可获取轨道空间高能质子和高能电子能谱、方向综合动态结果,给出更为全面的粒子辐射分布图像.初步探测结果显示,卫星运行轨道遭遇的带电粒子辐射集中分布在经度80°W-20°E,纬度0°-40°S的南大西洋异常区,粒子辐射在该区域表现出不同程度的方向差异分布,高能电子方向差异分布显著强于高能质子.2017年9月空间环境扰动期间,爆发的太阳质子事件并未对该轨道粒子辐射产生影响,而地磁活动导致该轨道穿越经度120°W-60°E,纬度40°-43°N的北美上空和经度60°-120°E,纬度43°-40°S的澳大利亚西南区域时遭遇增强粒子辐射影响,增强的粒子辐射表现出极强的方向分布.   相似文献   

空间辐射粒子引起单粒子翻转率预计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
空间辐射粒子引起单粒子翻转(SEU)率预计的基础是地面粒子加速器模拟试验数据、卫星轨道的粒子辐射环境模型和高能粒子与器件相互作用模型。引起SEU的空间辐射粒子包括银河宇宙射线、太阳宇宙射线和地磁俘获粒子。高能粒子通过电离产生多余电子-空穴对引起SEU。介绍了计算轨道中SEU率的程序CREME。以80C31微控制器为例,根据串列静电加速器地面模拟试验结果,进行了在轨SEU率预计。  相似文献   

介绍了南大西洋异常区的辐射环境及其特点,重点研究了发生于2000年7月14日的太阳质子事件对太阳同步轨道空间环境造成的影响,太阳质子事件期间,抵达近地空间的高能电子、质子及重离子对太阳同步轨道空间环境造成剧烈地扰动,并且不同种类不同能量的粒子扰动特征不尽相同。  相似文献   

基于嫦娥一号高能粒子数据的地球磁层屏蔽效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球绕地球运行轨道约有1/4位于地球磁层内,因此,地球磁层是否会为月球轨道附近高能粒子提供足够的磁场屏蔽对于探索月球活动具有重要影响.嫦娥一号是中国首颗绕月人造卫星,其绕月飞行的工作轨道距离月球表面200 km.通过对嫦娥一号高能粒子探测器(HPD)的探测数据进行分析,比较了当月球位于地球磁层内外6个不同能道(能量范围4~400 MeV)时质子通量的变化,发现当月球位于地球磁层内时,这些能道的质子通量并没有发生显著减少,结果表明地球磁层不能为月球轨道附近高能粒子提供显著的磁屏蔽.  相似文献   

在木星轨道的空间辐射环境中,占主导地位的粒子是能量大于1MeV(甚至高于100MeV)的高能电子,这可能会产生卫星内部介质充电效应。在卫星的防辐射设计中,通常需要一定厚度的材料来屏蔽这些电子,使得进入卫星内部的电子通量达到安全的水平。利用所建立的GEANT4-RIC(radiation induced conductivity)方法,研究了运行于木星轨道的卫星对高能电子的最佳屏蔽材料设计。研究了铝、钛、铁、铜、钽和铅作为卫星屏蔽材料的可能性。研究结果表明,在木星探测任务中,为了减轻卫星内部介质充电效应,高原子序数材料比低原子序数材料在相同质量下提供的屏蔽效果更好。因此,用钛、铁、铜、钽或铅代替地球轨道卫星上常用的屏蔽材料铝,可以节省屏蔽质量。  相似文献   

本文利用1994年和1996年两次返回式卫星的搭载条件对舱内辐射剂量进行了对比测量.通过对比测量,研究不同掺杂、不同厚度LiF剂量计测量空间辐射剂量的特点;研究GM计数管计数和LiF剂量间的转换系数以及转换系数随屏蔽状况的变化;由剂量和GM计数研究粒子平均碰撞阻止本领的估计方法.结果表明,不同掺杂、不同厚度的LiF剂量计测量结果间无显著差异,而转换系数几乎不受舱内位置和屏蔽状态的影响.不同厚度LiF剂量计,不同屏蔽状态的GM计数管计数和剂量—计数转换系数的比较研究以及对粒子平均碰撞阻止本领的估计表明,舱内辐射剂量起决定作用的是高能粒子成分,其平均碰撞阻止本领估计约为5MeV/cm.  相似文献   

介绍了中国科学院国家空间科学中心新建成的空间电子辐射环境探测载荷测试定标试验平台.该平台由中、高能极弱流电子加速器以及内置多维真空转台的真空靶室试验终端组成,用于对星载空间电子辐射探测器进行地面加速器测试定标.重点描述了为得到中能极弱流均匀平行束,采用电子轨迹程序Egun对中能极弱流电子加速器进行的物理设计和模拟计算,给出球形结构电子枪在栅网孔不加栅网、加理想栅网和直径1mm孔栅网以及在不同加速管出口能量情况下,初聚系统和加速管以及经过二次扩束时输运段中电子轨迹的模拟结果.最终得出能够实现电子枪初始束流减弱8个数量级,获得满足测试定标试验需求的极弱流均匀平行电子束(在试验终端直径50mm靶上束流面密度为105~109cm-2·s-1)的结论.   相似文献   

空间带电粒子对在轨航天器会产生辐照剂量效应,严重时可导致星载设备及航天器等的性能衰减及寿命下降,因此采用了星内多点多方位的辐照总剂量探测技术.在中国首次采用深度剂量监测方案.每个探头设置5个剂量监测点,对应屏蔽厚度分别为0(开窗),1mm,2.5mm,3.5mm,6mm的铝结构,探测剂量总量程为2×106rad (Si),最高灵敏度为1rad (Si).所设计的星载辐照剂量深度分布探测仪可以对卫星在轨遭受的辐照剂量进行实时监测和预警,其探测结果用于研究星内剂量深度分布,对卫星载荷在轨工作状态进行分析评估,并为后续卫星的抗辐照加固设计提供依据.   相似文献   

太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particle,SEP)事件是影响地球空间以及深空辐射环境的主要因素之一。“渐进型”太阳高能粒子事件中的高能粒子主要来自于日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,CME)所驱动的激波扩散加速(Diffusive Shock Acceleration,DSA)过程。CME驱动的激波在行星际的传播过程中,其结构不断演化,进而影响到高能粒子的加速过程。本文利用二维太阳高能粒子加速和传播模型,对发生于2014年4月18日的太阳高能粒子事件实例进行了数值模拟。模型考察了黄道面上2 AU的距离以内包含地球所在位置的4个不同点,分别计算了每个点上高能粒子的通量。数值模拟的结果表明:黄道面内不同位置的观察点,与激波波前的磁力线连接不同,从而导致观察点处高能粒子的通量有着显著的差异。该模型的计算结果可以为深空探测计划开展辐射环境研究提供必要的输入。  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星与NOAA系列卫星高能带电粒子实测结果的比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
FY-3A卫星是运行于830 km高度的太阳同步轨道气象卫星, 其搭载的空间环境监测器可观测3~300 MeV的高能质子和0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子. FY-3A卫星在轨工作期间, 太阳活动处于由谷年向峰年过渡期, 空间环境非常平静, 探测结果显示3~300 MeV的高能质子分布主要集中在南大西洋辐射带异常区, 0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子分布区域除南大西洋异常区外, 还分布在南北两极高纬区域. FY-3A与NOAA卫星测量结果反映出带电粒子强度及分布区域随投掷角变化的空间各向异性特征. 本文在充分考虑了带电粒子时间、空间分布差异以及比对探测器之间自身设计差异的前提下, 经过归一化处理后, 首次对两颗卫星同期探测结果进行相关性分析, 验证了两颗卫星相同时空条件下高能带电粒子通量分布的一致性; 说明FY-3A空间环境监测器不仅具备空间带电粒子辐射监测能力, 且探测结果有效可靠, 可用作辐射带环境数据源的组成部分, 为发展新的模型, 深入研究辐射带高能粒子的分布、起源和传输等提供新的观测依据.   相似文献   

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has proposed a Polar Communications and Weather (PCW) satellite mission, in conjunction with other partners. The PCW will provide essential communications and meteorological services to the Canadian Arctic, as well as space weather observations of in situ ionizing radiation along the orbit. The CSA has identified three potential Highly Elliptical Orbits (HEOs) for a PCW satellite constellation, Molniya, Modified Tundra and Triple Apogee (TAP), each having specific merits, which would directly benefit the performance/longevity of a PCW spacecraft. Radiation shielding effectiveness of various materials was studied for the three PCW orbit options to determine the feasibility of employing materials other than conventional aluminium to achieve a specified spacecraft shielding level with weight savings over aluminium. It was found that, depending on the orbit-specific radiation environment characteristics, the benefits of using polyethylene based materials is significant enough (e.g., 22% in Molniya for PE at 50 krad TID) to merit further investigation.  相似文献   

Electrostatic space radiation shielding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
For the success of NASA’s new vision for space exploration to Moon, Mars and beyond, exposures from the hazards of severe space radiation in deep space long duration missions is ‘a must solve’ problem. The payload penalty demands a very stringent requirement on the design of the spacecrafts for human deep space missions. The exploration beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) to enable routine access of space will require protection from the hazards of the accumulated exposures of space radiation, Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR) and Solar Particle Events (SPE), and minimizing the production of secondary radiation is a great advantage. There is a need to look to new horizons for newer technologies. The present investigation revisits electrostatic active radiation shielding and explores the feasibility of using the electrostatic shielding in concert with the state-of-the-art materials shielding and protection technologies. The full space radiation environment has been used, for the first time, to explore the feasibility of electrostatic shielding. The goal is to repel enough positive charge ions so that they miss the spacecraft without attracting thermal electrons. Conclusions are drawn for the future directions of space radiation protection.  相似文献   

The 2001 Mars Odyssey spacecraft was launched towards Mars on April 7, 2001. Onboard the spacecraft is the Martian radiation environment experiment (MARIE), which is designed to measure the background radiation environment due to galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and solar protons in the 20–500 MeV/n energy range. We present an approach for developing a space radiation-shielding model of the spacecraft that includes the MARIE instrument in the current mapping phase orientation. A discussion is presented describing the development and methodology used to construct the shielding model. For a given GCR model environment, using the current MARIE shielding model and the high-energy particle transport codes, dose rate values are compared with MARIE measurements during the early mapping phase in Mars orbit. The results show good agreement between the model calculations and the MARIE measurements as presented for the March 2002 dataset.  相似文献   

Measurements of the radiation environment aboard U.S. and Soviet manned spacecraft are reviewed and summarized. Data obtained mostly from passive and some active radiation detectors now exist for the case of low Earth-orbit missions. Major uncertainties still exist for space exposure in high altitude, high inclination, geostationary orbits, in connection with solar effects and that of shielding. Data from active detectors flown in Spacelabs 1 and 2 suggest that a variety of phenomena must be understood before the effects of long-term exposure at the space-station type of orbit and shielding can be properly assessed.  相似文献   

Future space missions outside the magnetosphere will subject astronauts to a hostile and unfamiliar radiation environment. An annual dose equivalent to the blood-forming organs (BFOs) of approximately 0.5 Sv is expected, mostly from heavy ions in the galactic cosmic radiation. On long-duration missions, an anomalously-large solar energetic particle event may occur. Such an event can expose astronauts to up to approximately 25 Gy (skin dose) and up to approximately 2 Sv (BFO dose) with no shielding. The anticipated radiation exposure may necessitate spacecraft design concessions and some restriction of mission activities. In this paper we discuss our model calculations of radiation doses in several exo-magnetospheric environments. Specific radiation shielding strategies are discussed. A new calculation of aluminum equivalents of potential spacecraft shielding materials demonstrates the importance of low-atomic-mass species for protection from galactic cosmic radiation.  相似文献   

The ionizing radiation environment was analyzed for a variety of potential Highly Elliptical Orbits (HEOs) with orbital periods ranging from 6 h to 24 h suitable to continuously monitor the Arctic region. Several models available from the ESA Space Environment Information System (SPENVIS) online tool were employed, including the new-generation AE9/AP9 model for trapped radiation. Results showed that the Total Ionizing Dose (TID) has a well-pronounced local minimum for the 14-h orbit, which is nearly identical to the overall minimum observed for the longest orbital period (24 h). The thickness of slab aluminum shielding required to keep the annual TID below 10, 5 and 3.33 krad (i.e. 150, 75 and 50 krad for 15 years of mission duration) for a 14-h orbit is 2.1, 2.7 and 3.1 mm respectively. The 16-h orbit requires an additional 0.5 mm of aluminum to achieve the same results, while the 24-h orbit requires less shielding in the order of 0.2–0.3 mm. Comparison between the AE8/AP8 and AE9/AP9 models was conducted for all selected orbits. Results demonstrated that differences ranged from −70% to +170% depending on orbit geometry.  相似文献   

有许多因素影响空间站轨道高度的选择,包括:任务要求,辐射环境,微流星和空间垃圾,空间站构型,运载器能力,发射窗口以及空间站的补给要求等。从补给运输系统性能考虑,要求空间站的轨道高度低一些,但是从轨道维持出发,希望空间站轨道高度高一些。该文讨论了补给、轨道维持和太阳活动对轨道高度的影响,给出了空间站的最佳运行高度。文中还以载人飞船和航天飞机为运输系统进行了数值计算,得到的主要结论是空间站的最佳运行高度不是常数,而是随着太阳活动情况和补给频繁次数变化。在太阳活动高年期间,空间站轨道高度应提高。当空间站的补给次数增加时,空间站的最佳运行高度应该下降。  相似文献   

The hazard of exposure to high doses of ionizing radiation is one of the primary concerns of extended manned space missions and a continuous threat for the numerous spacecraft in operation today. In the near-Earth environment the main sources of radiation are solar energetic particles (SEP), galactic cosmic rays (GCR), and geomagnetically trapped particles, predominantly protons and electrons. The intensity of the SEP and GCR source depends primarily on the phase of the solar cycle. Due to the shielding effect of the Earth's magnetic field, the observed intensity of SEP and GCR particles in a near-Earth orbit will also depend on the orbital parameters altitude and inclination. The magnetospheric source strength depends also on these orbital parameters because they determine the frequency and location of radiation belt passes. In this paper an overview of the various sources of radiation in the near-Earth orbit will be given and first results obtained with the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer (SAMPEX) will be discussed. SAMPEX was launched on 3 July 1992 into a near polar (inclination 82 degrees) low altitude (510 x 675 km) orbit. The SAMPEX payload contains four separate instruments of high sensitivity covering the energy range 0.5 to several hundred MeV/nucleon for ions and 0.4 to 30 MeV for electrons. This low altitude polar orbit with zenith-oriented instrumentation provides a new opportunity for a systematic study of the near-Earth energetic particle environment.  相似文献   

After spending nearly six years in Earth orbit twenty stacks consisting of radiation detectors and biological objects are now back on Earth. These stacks (Experiment A0015 Free Flyer Biostack) are part of the fifty seven science and technology experiments of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) of NASA. The major objectives of the Free Flyer Biostack experiments are to investigate the biological effectiveness of single heavy ions of the cosmic radiation in various biological systems and to provide information about the spectral composition of the radiation field and the total dose received in the LDEF orbit. The Biostacks are mounted in two different locations of the LDEF. Up to three layers of Lithium fluoride thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLD) of different isotopic composition were located at different depths of some Biostacks. The preliminary analysis of the TLD yields maximum absorbed dose rates of 2.24 mGy day-1 behind 0.7 g cm-2 shielding and 1.17 mGy day-1 behind 12 g cm-2 shielding. A thermal neutron fluence of 1.7 n cm-2 s-1 is determined from the differences in absorbed dose for different isotopic mixtures of Lithium. The results of this experiment on LDEF are especially valuable and of high importance since LDEF stayed for about six years in the prospected orbit of the Space Station Freedom. There is no knowledge about the effectiveness of the space radiation in long-term spaceflights and the dosimetric data in this orbit are scarce.  相似文献   

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