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Energetic outflows appear to occur in conjunction with active mass accretion onto supermassive black holes. These outflows are most readily observed in the 10% of quasars with broad absorption lines, where the observer’s line of sight passes through the wind. Until fairly recently, the paucity of X-ray data from these objects was notable, but now sensitive hard-band missions such as Chandra and XMM-Newton are routinely detecting broad absorption line quasars. The X-ray regime offers qualitatively new information for the understanding of these objects, and these new results must be taken into account in theoretical modeling of quasar winds.  相似文献   

The galaxy cluster 3C 129 contains two radio galaxies, the prototypical head tail radio galaxy 3C 129 and the weaker radio galaxy 3C 129.1. The tail of the first radio galaxy extends over more than 15′ across the sky. In this paper, we report on Chandra spectroscopy observations of the galaxy cluster, complemented by new and archival radio data taken with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 0.33, 1.4, 5, and 8 GHz and by HI-observations performed with the dominion radio astrophysical observatory (DRAO). We describe the Chandra results on the properties of the Intra-Cluster Medium (ICM) and discuss extended X-ray emission detected from the host galaxy of the radio galaxy 3C 129.1 and from the inner jet of the radio galaxy 3C 129. Finally, we report on the results of an ICM/radio plasma pressure balance study along the tail of the radio galaxy 3C 129.  相似文献   

Our current theoretical and observational understandings of the accretion disks around Galactic black-holes are reviewed. Historically, a simple phenomenological accretion disk model has been used to interpret X-ray observations. Although such a phenomenological interpretation is still useful, high quality X-ray data from contemporary instruments allow us to test more realistic accretion disk models. In a simple and ideal case, the standard optically thick accretion disk model is successful to explain observations, such that the inner disk radius is constant at three times the Schwarzschild radius over large luminosity variations. However, when disk luminosity is close to or exceeds the Eddington luminosity, the standard disk model breaks, and we have to consider the “slim disk” solution in which radial energy advection is dominant. Recent observations of Ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), which may not be explained by the standard disk model, strongly suggest the slim disk solution. We compare theoretical X-ray spectra from the slim disk with observed X-ray spectra of ULXs. We have found that the slim disk model is successful to explain ULX spectra, in terms of the massive stellar black-holes with several tens of solar mass and the super-Eddington mass accretion rates. In order to explain the large luminosities (>1040 ergs s−1) of ULXs, “intermediate black-holes” (>100M) are not required. Slim disks around massive stellar black-holes of up to several tens of solar mass would naturally explain the observed properties of ULXs.  相似文献   

The X-ray evolution of the luminosity of normal galaxies is primarily driven by the evolution of their X-ray binary populations. The imprints left by a cosmological evolution of the star formation rate (SFR) will cause the average X-ray luminosity of galaxies to appear higher in the redshift range 1–3. As reported by White and Ghosh [ApJ, 504 (1998) L31] the profile of X-ray luminosity with redshift can both serve as a diagnostic probe of the SFR profile and constrain evolutionary models for X-ray binaries. In order to observe the high redshift (z>3) universe in the X-ray band, it is necessary to avoid confusion from foreground field galaxies. We report on the predictions of these models of the X-ray flux expected from galaxies and the implications for the telescope parameters of future deep universe X-ray observatories.  相似文献   

In order to better understand the characteristics of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) mirror, we have analyzed the in-flight overexposed image (the starburst image) obtained during the solar flare observation. It has been revealed from our study that the intensity distribution inside the shadows shown in the scattering difference image contains little of the scattered component of the PSF and matches almost correctly the extension of the PSF core profile. Also it is found that the scattering wing of the SXT PSF is connected smoothly to the PSF core within the distance of about 100–200 arcsec from the peak. With numerical simulations we have shown that an increase in energy affects not only the level of scattering wing, but also both the shape and the absolute level of the PSF core. The results have revealed, however, that the energy dependence for the SXT PSF cannot be easily estimated with the data obtained from one filter alone, which implies that the data analysis using multiple filters will enable us to determine the absolute amount of scattered component as well as the energy dependence of the SXT PSF. Details on the analysis of starburst image and the results from numerical simulations will be introduced and discussed thoroughly.  相似文献   

摘要: 为满足未来脉冲星导航和空间天文观测任务对X射线望远镜的载荷需求,Wolter I光学系统的研制正逐渐成为新的研究热点,电铸镍方案是当前国内外X射线光学系统镜筒制造的主要技术方案.文章对电铸镍X射线光学系统制造工艺、国内外研制现状、未来应用需求进行了介绍和整理,梳理了电铸镍X射线光学系统研制遇到的关键技术和难点,提出了后续研究发展建议,以促进中国在 X射线脉冲星自主导航、空间探测领域的快速发展.  相似文献   

The Chandra X-ray Observatory was launched on July 23, 1999. The first X-ray photons were detected on August 12 of that same year. Subsequently observations with the Observatory, which features sub-arcsecond angular resolution, have revolutionized our understanding of the X-ray emitting sky providing hosts of spectacular energy-resolved images and high-resolution spectra. Here we present a brief overview of Chandra X-ray Observatory observations of compact X-ray binaries.  相似文献   

We propose a new type of wide band X-ray imaging spectrometer as a focal plane detector of the super mirror onboard on future X-ray missions including post Astro-E2. This camera is realized by the hybrid of back illumination CCDs and a back supportless CCD for 0.05–10 keV band, and a Micro Pixel Gas Chamber detecting X-rays at 10–80 keV.  相似文献   

In the recent years, the discovery of a new class of Galactic transients with fast and bright flaring X-ray activity, the supergiant fast X-ray transients, has completely changed our view and comprehension of massive X-ray binaries. These objects display X-ray outbursts which are difficult to be explained in the framework of standard theories for the accretion of matter onto compact objects, and could represent a dominant population of X-ray binaries. I will review their main observational properties (neutron star magnetic field, orbital and spin period, long term behavior, duty cycle, quiescence and outburst emission), which pose serious problems to the main mechanisms recently proposed to explain their X-ray behavior. I will discuss both present results and future perspectives with the next generation of X-ray telescopes.  相似文献   

Forty years passed since the optical identification of the first isolated neutron star (INS), the Crab pulsar. 25 INSs have been now identified in the optical (O), near-ultraviolet (nUV), or near-infrared (nIR), hereafter UVOIR, including rotation-powered pulsars (RPPs), magnetars, and X-ray-dim INSs (XDINSs), while deep investigations have been carried out for compact central objects (CCOs), Rotating RAdio transients (RRATs), and high-magnetic field radio pulsars (HBRPs). In this review I describe the status of UVOIR observations of INSs, their emission properties, and I present the results from recent observations.  相似文献   

One of the main guidelines for future X-ray astronomy projects like, e.g., XEUS (ESA) and Generation-X (NASA) is to utilize grazing-incidence focusing optics with extremely large telescopes (several tens of m2 at 1 keV), with a dramatic increase in collecting area of about two order of magnitude compared to the current X-ray telescopes. In order to avoid the problem of the source's confusion limit at low fluxes, the angular resolution required for these optics should be superb (a few arcsec at most). The enormous mirror dimensions together with the high imaging performances give rise to a number of manufacturing problems. It is basically impossible to realize so large mirrors from closed Wolter I shells which benefit from high mechanical stiffness. Instead the mirrors need to be formed as rectangular segments and a series of them will be assembled in a petal. Taking into account the realistic load capabilities of space launchers, to be able to put in orbit so large mirror modules the mass/geometric-area ratio of the optics should be very small. Finally, with a so large optics mass it would be very difficult to provide the electric power for an optics thermal active control, able to maintain the mirrors at the usual temperature of 20 °C. Therefore, very likely, the optics will instead operate in extreme thermal conditions, with the mirror temperature oscillating between −30 and −40 °C, that tends to exclude the epoxy replication approach (the mismatch between the CTE of the substrate and that of the resin would cause prohibitively large deformations of the mirror surface profiles). From these considerations light weight materials with high thermal–mechanical properties such as glass or ceramics become attractive to realize the mirrors of future Xray telescopes. In this paper, we will discuss a segments manufacturing method based on BorofloatTM glass. A series of finite element analysis concerning different aspects of the production, testing and integration of the optics are also presented as well.  相似文献   

This article briefly reviews first the progress of spectroscopy in X-ray astronomy from proportional counters, a major instrument in early phase of X-ray astronomy, to gas scintillation proportional counters, X-ray CCD cameras, transmission and reflection gratings, and finally to X-ray micro-calorimeters. As a typical example of spectral features observed from high mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), the spectra observed from Vela X-1 with Chandra grating spectrometers are then presented and compared with computer simulations for high mass binary systems.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to compare optical properties of Abell clusters with X-ray sources.  相似文献   

A strong X-ray emission is one of the defining signatures of nuclear activity in galaxies. According to the Unified Model for Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), both the X-ray radiation and the prominent broad emission lines, characterizing the optical and UV spectra of Type 1 AGNs, are originated in the innermost regions of the sources, close to the Super Massive Black Holes (SMBH), which power the central engine. Since the emission is concentrated in a very compact region (with typical size r?0.1r?0.1 pc) and it is not possible to obtain resolved images of the source, spectroscopic studies of this radiation represent the only valuable key to constrain the physical properties of matter and its structure in the center of active galaxies. Based on previous studies on the physics of the Broad Line Region (BLR) and on the X-ray spectra of broad (FWHMHβ ? 2000 km s−1) and narrow line (1000 km s−1 ?FWHMHβ ? 2000 km s−1) emitting objects, it has been observed that the kinematic and ionization properties of matter close to the SMBHs are related together, and, in particular, that ionization is higher in narrow line sources. Here we report on the study of the optical and X-ray spectra of a sample of Type 1 AGNs, selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) database, within an upper redshift limit of z=0.35z=0.35, and detected at X-ray energies. We present analysis of the broad emission line fluxes and profiles, as well as the properties of the X-ray continuum and Fe Kα emission and we use these parameters to assess the consistency of our current AGN understanding.  相似文献   

时间积分声光相关器光学结构的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出用时间积分声光相关器进行长码的捕捉.以相加时间积分声光相关器为实验系统模型,把系统划分成光源部分、分束部分、扩束部分和光电检测部分,通过对各部分的分析和计算,建立了实验的最佳方案,并用该模型进行了时间积分声光相关器的实验,对实验结果进行了分析.首次在国内完成了时间积分声光实验模型,并给出了满意的实验结果.  相似文献   

The ASTROSAT satellite is an Indian National Space Observatory under development in India. Due for launch in 2010, ASTROSAT will carry a complement of five scientific instruments enabling simultaneous observations from the optical through to the hard X-ray energy band. This capability will enable broad-band spectroscopy and high time-resolution monitoring of both galactic and extra-galactic targets, such as X-ray binaries and AGN. One of the instruments is being built in collaboration with the Canadian Space Agency and another in collaboration with the University of Leicester. ASTROSAT also carries a scanning sky monitor to observe the variable X-ray sky. After an initial period of science verification and guaranteed time, a certain fraction of ASTROSAT observing time will also be made available to the community via a call for proposals. Here I summarise the instrument complement and principle scientific objectives of the mission.  相似文献   

The evolution of luminous QSOs is linked to the evolution of massive galaxies. We know this because the relic black-holes found locally have masses dependent on the properties of the host galaxy’s bulge. An important way to explore this evolution would be to measure dependences of black-hole masses and Eddington accretion ratios over a range of redshifts, i.e., with cosmological age. For low redshift QSOs (and their lower luminosity Seyfert galaxy counterparts) it has been possible to infer black-hole masses from the luminosities and velocity dispersions of their host-galaxy bulges. These masses agree with those virial black-hole masses calculated from the Doppler widths of the broad Hβ emission lines. The latter method can then be extended to more distant and luminous QSOs, up to redshifts of 0.6 with ground-based optical observations. We discuss ways to extend these explorations to higher redshifts – up to 3 using the widths of QSOs’ broad UV emission lines, and in principle, and to redshifts near 4 from ground-based infrared observations of rest-frame Hβ at 2.5 μm. We discuss the possibility of investigating the accretion history of the higher redshift QSOs using measures of Eddington accretion ratio – the soft X-ray spectral index and the eigenvectors of Principal Components Analyses of QSOs’ UV emission-line spectra.  相似文献   

We present medium resolution near-infrared host galaxy spectra of low redshift quasars, PG 0844+3490844+349 (z = 0.064), PG 1226+0231226+023 (z = 0.158), and PG 1426+0151426+015 (z = 0.086). The observations were done by using the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) at the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. The full width at half maximum of the point spread function was about 0.3 arcsec by operations of an adaptive optics system, which can effectively resolve the quasar spectra from the host galaxy spectra. We spent up to several hours per target and developed data reduction methods to reduce the systematic noises of the telluric emissions and absorptions. From the obtained spectra, we identified absorption features of Mg I (1.503 μm), Si I (1.589 μm) and CO (6-3) (1.619 μm), and measured the velocity dispersions of PG 0844+3490844+349 to be 132 ± 110 km s−1 and PG 1426+0151426+015 to be 264 ± 215 km s−1. By using an MBH–σMBHσ relation of elliptical galaxies, we derived the black hole (BH) mass of PG 0844+3490844+349, log(MBH/M)=7.7±5.5log(MBH/M)=7.7±5.5 and PG 1426+015,log(MBH/M)=9.0±7.51426+015,log(MBH/M)=9.0±7.5. These values are consistent with the BH mass values from broad emission lines with an assumption of a virial factor of 5.5.  相似文献   

Millisecond X-ray time variability studies of accreting low-magnetic-field neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries probe the motion of matter in regions of strong gravity. In these regions, general relativity (GR) is no longer a small correction to the classical laws of motion, but instead dominates the dynamics: we are studying motion in strongly curved spacetime. Such millisecond X-ray variability studies can therefore provide unique tests of GR in the strong-field regime. The same studies also constrain neutron-star parameters such as stellar mass and radius, and thereby the equation of state (EOS) of ultradense matter. I briefly review the status, and discuss the prospects for mapping out space-time near accreting stellar-mass compact objects, and measuring the EOS of dense matter, through millisecond timing, particularly with an eye towards future missions. The overwhelming consideration for timing sensitivity is collecting area: contrary to most applications, the signal-to-noise ratio for the aperiodic timing phenomena produced by accretion flows increases proportionally with count rate rather than as the square root of it. A 10 times larger instrument turns 1σ effects into 10σ effects (or does as well in 1% of the time). With the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), using 0.6 m2 collecting area, we have found several timing diagnostics from the accretion flow in the strong field region around neutron stars and black holes, as well as signals from neutron star surface hot spots. Combined work between RXTE and the new sensitive X-ray spectrographs onboard Chandra and XMM can already begin to clinch the geometry and physical mechanisms underlying these signals. Future instruments, larger in area by an order of magnitude and in some cases with enhanced spectral capabilities, are expected to turn these diagnostics of GR into true tests of GR. They are also expected to put strong constraints on neutron-star structure, and thereby on the EOS of supranuclear density matter.  相似文献   

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