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This paper presents the sensitivity analysis of a class of receivers called finite-lag receivers, introduced by the authors in [1] through [3]. Since these receivers are based on the use of fixed-lag smoothing techniques, algorithms for the calculation of large-scale and small-scale sensitivities of fixed-lag smoothing are derived using a state augmentation approach. Steady-state analysis of these algorithms shows that an explicit relation can be obtained between sensitivity coefficients of fixed-lag smoothing and filtering. The specific case of sensitivity to variations in the measurement (channel) noise is considered as an example. These results are applied to study the sensitivity performance of the finite-lag receivers for analog communication. It is shown, for example, that finite-lag receivers for AM signals, besides being superior in performance [1]-[3], [11], in terms of output SNR or error variance, are also much less sensitive to the additive noise power level, compared to zero-lag receivers.  相似文献   

In modern secondary surveillance radar (SSR) the monopulse technique is currently introduced for the measurement of the azimuth of the targets. The monopulse technique is based on a suitable processing of signals received by a multiple antenna. In SSR the signals are generated by a transponder on the aircraft as replies to interrogations from ground equipment, and consist of trains of pulses. The monopulse measurements can be carried out on the basis of a single pulse from each train, so that it provides a great number of azimuth estimates. Many monopulse measurement devices exist, corresponding to different processing techniques. From the point of view of accuracy and precision, their behaviors differ with respect to the sources of errors, both internal (noise and imperfect calibrations) and external (interference and propagation effects). The four main types of monopulse receivers are analyzed here with respect to the effects of the internal error sources on the resulting measurement accuracy. After an introductory discussion of the performances of the receivers, a detailed analysis is carried out on the basis of a general mathematical model. The results are given in an analytical form and in some comprehensive diagrams.  相似文献   

王经典 《航空电子技术》2010,41(1):37-40,44
设计了一种通用结构的数字自动增益放大器(AGC)模型,用Matlab工具搭建该自动增益放大器算法模型并仿真,随后用硬件描述语言(HDL)描述了AGC模块的硬件模型,并用Modelsim工具对其进行仿真与验证。通过对Matlab算法模型和HDL硬件模型的仿真结果分析,可以看出该通用结构的AGC能在短时间内调节输出信号的动态范围,为后续的电路提供稳定的数据输入。  相似文献   

The many advantages of junction field-effect transistors (FET) in commutation applications have prompted a serious effort to extend the technology without sacrificing performance and, in many areas, to realize an improvement over low-level commutator performance attainable by more conventional electronic means (especially Bright switches), so that these devices may be employed in general application, high-accuracy, low-level commutation. This paper is devoted to a generalization of knowledge recently gained during the development of such equipment, which will aid potential designers and users in their understanding and application of low-level FET commutators. A discussion of device characteristics is offered as the starting point of design. A number of topics are then discussed, including offset drift and scatter, gain drift and scatter, source and amplifier loading, crosstalk, and common-mode rejection. Also, several useful design guidelines, in the form of generalized expressions, are derived or furnished for the reader's use. Finally, in order to lend veracity to the design techniques suggested, the performance data of a low-level FET commutator developed following these techniques are offered for consideration.  相似文献   

作为一种新的空中作战平台,无人战斗机在设计时需要考虑许多安全因素,包括飞行器安全、协同安全、任务安全、控制安全和信息安全,文章对此进行了详细的讨论。  相似文献   

通信辅助有助于降低卫星导航信号捕获的搜索模糊度,因此接收机可通过改进捕获算法以提高捕获灵敏度。但是,目前在同等条件下捕获灵敏度提升量与通信辅助精度的量化关系尚不明确。通过约束平均捕获时间和捕获算法计算复杂度两项指标的门限值,对接收机辅助信息精度与捕获灵敏度提升量之间的关系进行量化分析,得出相应条件下的最优捕获算法参数。分析表明,在频率搜索范围以1/2的幂次进行逐渐压缩的过程中,捕获灵敏度提升量最高约为4dB,且随频率搜索范围压缩程度的提高而逐渐缩小。根据评估方法得到的最优捕获算法参数受捕获概率指标、虚警概率指标等影响较小,可预置于接收机中,根据具体情况进行选择。  相似文献   

The increase in estimation error near boresight with a sum and difference amplitude comparison monopulse receiver can be prevented by using an adequate maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

基于TMS320LF2407A的便携式陀螺电源的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种基于TMS320LF2407A的高性能陀螺逆变电源系统,采用SPWM技术获得了恒压恒频的三相正弦交流电输出,具有集成度高、低功耗的特点,利用DSP对电源输出的各种信号进行监测,提高了系统的可靠性;采用陷波滤波和低通滤波相结合的滤波电路,有效减少了电源输出的开关谐波分量。结果表明,电源各项指标均满足陀螺仪的要求。  相似文献   

本文从基础素描的设计性思维导入入手,分析了设计性思维活动在基础素描中的应用原理及设计性基础素描思维方式对工业设计创新的影响和作用。  相似文献   

关于构建民用飞机设计保证系统的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
建立设计保证系统是国际民用飞机适航发展的主流趋势,本文首先介绍了欧洲航空安全局和中国民用航空局对设计保证系统的要求,然后分析了两个适航当局对规章要求的差异,并根据两个适航当局规章的要求解析了设计保证系统的三大职能所包含的要素,最后提出了对构建民用飞机设计保证系统的一些思考和建议。  相似文献   

Terrestrial inertial navigation is typically performed using an instrumented platform stabilized in a ?local-level? configuration for convenient generation of geographic navigation information. The local-level geographic reference must be maintained by torquing the system gyros, a requirement which may be incompatible with high-precision inertial sensors currently under development. Gyro torquing in a gimballed navigation system can be avoided by employing a ?space-stable? mechanization of the platform where an inertial, rather than geographic, reference is used for navigation calculations. The software design problems associated with this concept, especially those related to the application of Kalman filtering, are the principle focus of this paper. Although the space-stable configuration has been used extensively for spacecraft navigation and guidance, it has not been widely applied to terrestrial navigation, either for air or marine applications. The chief problem in this application is to perform navigation in local-level coordinates, using system outputs generated in an inertial reference frame. It can be demonstrated that, although the navigation system error dynamics are identical for the local-level and space-stable configurations, the dynamics of the sensor errors which drive these systems are quite different. These differences in sensor error propagation characteristics impose new requirements for the design of procedures to accomplish system calibration, alignment, and reset. This paper outlines a Kalman filtering approach which is applicable to all of the above procedures, and presents numerical results to demonstrate its effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文从标量形式的USLIP格式出发,从理论上分析了通量限制器与LED性质和空间离散精度的关系。利用Roe平均矩阵的U特性和广义数值Riemann不变量的概念,将此类格式应用于二维翼型跨声流场的数值模拟,针对提供的来流条件,考查了不同的通量限制器对流场计算精度的影响。  相似文献   

介绍了X25650工作原理、硬件接口设计和软件编程;讨论了X25650各种时序的组成和使用注意事项,叙述了DSP和X25650时序配合、中断优先级的选择。  相似文献   

A numerical method is described for predicting the detection probability of a frequency compressive pulse receiver. The approach is general; i.e., input pulse envelope shapes, pulse offset frequencies, and filter magnitude responses are arbitrary. The performance of the frequency compressive receiver is analyzed and compared to that of a crystal video receiver for a specific case.  相似文献   

硬着陆的判断标准在业内一直以来都存在争议,本文结合实际疑似硬着陆事件,从飞机维修角度对飞机制造厂家以及报文规范制定厂家的标准进行分析,提出相对合理的维修建议。  相似文献   

根据卫星通信中遇到的极化问题及其对移动地面站的影响,针对不同极化卫星间的差异,从电磁场理论中极化的定义和分类出发,给出不同极化电磁波电场信号表示方法,以某型移动卫通站天线馈源结构为例,介绍了不同状态下极化工作方式和线极化方式中线极化面调整的机理,然后结合单通道单脉冲跟踪接收机工作原理,对天线跟踪水平极化信标时线极化角与跟踪接收机相位间的关系进行了详细分析,为解决实际应用中遇到的跟踪接收机相位漂移问题提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

朱绍强  杨石宝 《飞机工程》2007,(1):21-22,39
军用飞机总体设计应从系统效能的角度考虑,在系统效能的权衡过程中,应加强对LCC的研究。利用现代建模技术,建立了基于系统效能的LCC模型,优化了系统效能的指标参数,获得军机最佳效、费比方案。  相似文献   

航空发动机风扇叶片硬物冲击损伤的统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国内近20年民用航空发动机风扇叶片外物损伤的数据进行了统计,依据发动机维修手册对风扇叶片硬物冲击损伤的类型进行了分类,并对各种硬物损伤类型进行了统计分析和总结。  相似文献   

采用VAR三次熔炼方法制备含有YG8刀具硬质合金杂质的铸锭,铸锭经开坯改锻制成Φ40 mm棒材,超声波探伤确定杂质位置。用光学显微镜和扫描电镜对杂质边缘的组织形貌及成分进行分析。研究结果表明,硬质合金部分熔化,边界含有明显的过渡区域,过渡区含有钛合金基体元素和刀具硬质合金元素并发生了扩散。杂质的存在会引起应力集中,容易萌生疲劳裂纹,进而影响产品的使用性能。  相似文献   

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