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<正>从《微微一笑很倾城》到《从你的全世界路过》,近期的电影和电视剧热点中都少不了杨洋的身影.自带高颜值和人设加持让迷妹们前仆后继地中毒成铁杆粉。他的写真集《自在·YOUNG》也引发抢购狂潮——25岁青春特制、高清唯美图片,加上杨洋的成长感悟,让粉丝们如同陪着"咩咩"一路走来。  相似文献   

<正>作家出版社这个世界不总是充满爱和希望的,生活有时候容不下一个满怀理想的你。它折磨你,伤害我,打压你,甚至毁灭了你全部的希望,但绝对不能向它臣服,不能让它改变你。《我不愿向这个世界投降》精选了25篇文章,与温暖虐心无关,与鸡汤小清新无缘,有的只是告诉那个不喜欢妥协的你:继续坚持那个被人嘲笑过很多遍的梦想;那个不想做生活的困兽的你:脚下  相似文献   

我校现有教师的基本状况是:专职教师195人,其中82年以来高校毕业、35岁以下的青年教师有128名,占教师总数的66%;41至50岁教师25名,占教师总数的12.8%;形成低谷.可见培养中青年骨干教师,学科带头人是学校刻不容缓的任务.  相似文献   

<正>时间旅行者的妻子[美]奥德丽·尼芬格/著,夏金、安璘/译上海文艺出版社如果生命是一场旅行,亨利的旅程肯定比常人的更加迂回,患有慢性时间错位症的他,会不知不觉地游离在时间之间。他以为他在二十八岁时是第一次遇到二十岁的克莱尔,而克莱尔却说:"我从小就认识你了";和克莱尔结婚多年后,亨利又突然发现自己回到了童年,而  相似文献   

问:加兰德先生,请说说你的童年和家庭情况.加兰德:我1912年3月19日出生在威斯特法里亚一个叫威斯特赫尔特的小村庄,今年(1994)已经整整81岁了.家里共有4个儿子,我排行第二.我的父亲是一名私人地产登记官,他为人公允但很严厉.我的妈妈很好,战争期间她一直祈祷我们的基地被大雾覆盖,这样我们就无法升空作战了.问:你有...  相似文献   

2009年2月18日,新加坡航空A380客机迎来了其第一百万位乘客。这距离2007年10月25日新航A380客机首飞悉尼仅短短16个月时间。这位幸运的乘客是现年60岁的Royston Pollard先生,他与妻子Eileen女士一起在伦敦希思罗机场准备登上伦敦至新加坡  相似文献   

相信你所做的,做你所相信的。——伊芙·伯爵(Yves G.Piaget) 1874年,伯爵由年仅19岁的乔治·伯爵(Georges-Edouard Piaget)创立至今,仍以其为名承袭并开创历史。要了解伯爵自1874年至今的过百种珍品与历史文献记录,您只要前往伯爵的  相似文献   

正周末,我是偶尔去菜场时,看到的那一枚枚金黄色的小小枇杷。如此诱人,诱使我不由自主地开了口。"老板,这枇杷怎么卖?"摊主是位年约五旬的男子,微微一笑说:"25块一斤。"又说,"正宗的绿色枇杷,你看这个儿,小小的,和市场上卖的不同,那些都用了药水才长大的……"  相似文献   

明明是一个耿直努力且经常被黑的boy,却在一段时间以来常常存在于一个个生动又直击人心的表情包中;他心无旁骛做自己,写歌录音拍戏,特色鲜明的chic味道被越来越多时尚达人发现,新书《迭代2.4》出版之际,为你"活捉"一只率真可爱的"韬三岁"。  相似文献   

<正>梦在青春在俞敏洪著群言出版社俞敏洪最新作品集,收录了他近年来的随笔、演讲实录及媒体报道等。他用亲身经历告诉你,如何在追梦的路途中一路向前,绝不向现实低头、妥协,并最终成就梦想中的人生。他的每一篇文字都在诉说青春与年龄没有关系,有的人20岁就已老去,而有的人80岁却依然拥有一颗年青的心,他说青春就是生命不息,奋斗不止!他说自己身上有一种特质,可以得别人百分之百的信任,不管这个人的身份是他的下属、朋友,还是合伙人,甚至竞  相似文献   

介绍了我国航空工业历史上首套《航空发动机设计手册》面世的过程。指出了撰写《航空发动机设计手册》对于我国航空工业发展的重大作用和深远意义;介绍了对于跨部门、跨单位的大型课题的组织方法;强调了发掘老专家的智慧是提高《航空发动机设计手册》撰写质量的关键。  相似文献   

The binary system AM Herculis = 4U 1814 + 50 gives the first well ascertained example of an X-ray emitting magnetic white dwarf. The orbital period (3.1h) is apparent from X-ray to IR frequencies and in linear and circular polarization. Since the time of the identification of the X-ray source the system has been extensively studied. The observations (which range from 1 MeV to 20 m) are reviewed and compared with the present theory of X-ray emitting white dwarfs.  相似文献   

Sampling observations of a complete 35d cycle of Her X-1 during 1 March to 5 April 1984 with the low and medium energy X-ray detectors of EXOSAT are presented. The intensities measured in the Argon detectors are compared with the UHURU 35d light curve to obtain the turn-on times of two consecutive cycles as JD 2445753.0 ± 1.0, and JD 2445788.0 ± 0.5. The low energy data is used to determine the rotation period and its derivative as: 1.23779200 s ± 50 ns, and (-2 ± 1) × 10-13 respectively, at the epoch JD 2445778.56. Analysis of the pulse arrival phases indicate that during mid-on phase of the 35d cycle there is shift of about 180°. Evidence for the long term correlated changes of P35 and P1.24s is presented, confirming the low quality of the 35d clock and suggesting that the basic clock mechanism must lie in the disk structure itself.  相似文献   

The AM Her star CW1103+254 was observed with the low-energy and the medium-energy instruments of EXOSAT on 3 occasions for a total of 10.5 orbital cycles. Both, soft and hard X-rays from CW1103+254 were detected. We report preliminary results on the time variability of the X-ray emission on time scales from 1 minute to 1 month.  相似文献   

Her X-1 has been observed with EXOSAT for one 35d cycle between March 1 and April 5, 1984 at about 4 day intervals. During three observations, absorption dips were encountered showing fluctuations with time scales in the several hundred seconds range. The data are interpreted with a model where random superposition of absorbing blobs or inhomogeneous structures within the accretion disk, in the line of sight, cause these intensity variations. The calculations give a measure of the extent of the disk both in vertical and radial directions.  相似文献   

We report preliminary results of X-ray and optical observations of the AM Her star HO139-68 during its low state at V 17 to 18. X-rays were detected only during 45 % of the orbital period when the system was optically bright and the radial velocity of the Balmer lines was positive. Our data show no evidence for accretion onto two active poles as indicated by previous X-ray and linear-polarization measurements. We find that the distance of the system based on its K-magnitude is d 130 pc.Based in part on observations collected at the European Southern Observatory at La Silla, Chile.  相似文献   

The AM Her type object E2003+225 was observed with EXOSAT, IUE and ground-based telescopes on 1983 Oct. 12. The brightness of the ultrasoft X-ray component allowed the Objective Grating Spectrometer (OGS) to be used, which gave a model-independent determination of the temperature of the blackbody spectrum. The star was observed again on 1984 July 24 by IUE with simultaneous optical spectrophotometry. The high resolution of this observation revealed complex line profiles, and a systematic velocity much smaller than previously reported. The composite energy distribution is presented.  相似文献   

In March/April 1984 eleven EXOSAT observations of Her X-1 were performed sampling a full 35 day cycle. Spectral analysis of the ME and GSPC data shows that the iron line emission is present during all phases. During the main-on state we see an iron line at 6.65 ± 0.07 keV with a FWHM of 1–2 keV and an equivalent width of 300 to 400 eV. The high resolution GSPC data indicate that the line profiles have external wings and are not simple Gaussian. We report for the first time on the detection of an iron line during the intermediate-on state with about the same parameters as the main-on state line but an equivalent width a factor of 2 larger. During the off state between main-on and intermediate-on we detected a broad iron line feature at about 6.0 keV with an equivalent width of 2 keV. We discuss the Alfven region and a hot corona at the inner region of the accretion disk as the possible sites of the line production.  相似文献   

"中间地带"理论和"三个世界"划分理论,是毛泽东关于不同历史时期国际政治格局的基本战略思想。"中间地带"理论是"三个世界"划分理论的雏形,"三个世界"划分理论更是对"中间地带"理论的进一步发展。在世界多极化和国际关系民主化的背景下,只有采取多边主义和国际合作态度,才能取得共赢的结果。  相似文献   

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