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Turbulence is ubiquitous in astrophysics. It radically changes many astrophysical phenomena, in particular, the propagation and acceleration of cosmic rays. We present the modern understanding of compressible magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence, in particular its decomposition into Alfvén, slow and fast modes, discuss the density structure of turbulent subsonic and supersonic media, as well as other relevant regimes of astrophysical turbulence. All this information is essential for understanding the energetic particle acceleration that we discuss further in the review. For instance, we show how fast and slow modes accelerate energetic particles through the second order Fermi acceleration, while density fluctuations generate magnetic fields in pre-shock regions enabling the first order Fermi acceleration of high energy cosmic rays. Very importantly, however, the first order Fermi cosmic ray acceleration is also possible in sites of magnetic reconnection. In the presence of turbulence this reconnection gets fast and we present numerical evidence supporting the predictions of the Lazarian and Vishniac (Astrophys. J. 517:700–718, 1999) model of fast reconnection. The efficiency of this process suggests that magnetic reconnection can release substantial amounts of energy in short periods of time. As the particle tracing numerical simulations show that the particles can be efficiently accelerated during the reconnection, we argue that the process of magnetic reconnection may be much more important for particle acceleration than it is currently accepted. In particular, we discuss the acceleration arising from reconnection as a possible origin of the anomalous cosmic rays measured by Voyagers as well as the origin cosmic ray excess in the direction of Heliotail.  相似文献   

Astrophysical fluids have very large Reynolds numbers and therefore turbulence is their natural state. Magnetic reconnection is an important process in many astrophysical plasmas, which allows restructuring of magnetic fields and conversion of stored magnetic energy into heat and kinetic energy. Turbulence is known to dramatically change different transport processes and therefore it is not unexpected that turbulence can alter the dynamics of magnetic field lines within the reconnection process. We shall review the interaction between turbulence and reconnection at different scales, showing how a state of turbulent reconnection is natural in astrophysical plasmas, with implications for a range of phenomena across astrophysics. We consider the process of magnetic reconnection that is fast in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) limit and discuss how turbulence—both externally driven and generated in the reconnecting system—can make reconnection independent on the microphysical properties of plasmas. We will also show how relaxation theory can be used to calculate the energy dissipated in turbulent reconnecting fields. As well as heating the plasma, the energy dissipated by turbulent reconnection may cause acceleration of non-thermal particles, which is briefly discussed here.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection may play an important role in heating the corona through a release of magnetic energy. An understanding of how reconnection proceeds can contribute to explaining the observed behavior. Here, recent theoretical work on magnetic reconnection for coronal conditions is reviewed. Topics include the rate that collisionless (Hall) reconnection proceeds, the conditions under which Hall reconnection begins, and the effect of secondary islands (plasmoids) both on the scaling and properties of collisional (Sweet-Parker) reconnection and on the onset of Hall reconnection. Applications to magnetic energy storage and release in the corona are discussed.  相似文献   

Verbunt  Frank 《Space Science Reviews》2000,92(3-4):614-614
Space Science Reviews -  相似文献   

The concept of reconnection is found in many fields of physics with the closest analogue to magnetic reconnection being the reconnection of vortex tubes in hydrodynamics. In plasmas, magnetic reconnection plays an important role in release of energy associated with the magnetic shear into particle energy. Although most studies to date have focused on 2D reconnection, the availability of 3D petascale kinetic simulations have brought the complexity of 3D reconnection to the forefront in collisionless reconnection studies. Here we briefly review the latest advances in 2D and compare and contrast the results with recent 3D studies that address role of anomalous transport in reconnection, effects of turbulence on the rate and structure, among others. Another outcome of recent research is the realization of a deeper link between turbulence and reconnection where the common denominator is the generic formation of electron scale sheets which dissipate the energy through reconnection. Finally, we close the review by listing some of the major outstanding problems in reconnection physics.  相似文献   

扩散焊接及其在航空航天领域的应用   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
扩散焊接是制造航空航天构件非常重要的连接技术。本文简略地介绍了它人特点,分类,连接机理,焊接设备以及它们在航空航天领域的应用。  相似文献   

Enough UV radiation was generated before z = 5 to have ionized the intergalactic medium. If this comes from stars (probably aggregated in systems of subgalactic scale), one straightforwardly calculates that the associated nucleosynthesis would be sufficient to produce a universal abundance of order 1 percent of solar. The first pre-galaxies may eventually be detectable by their direct UV emission, with characteristic spectral features at Lyman alpha; high-z supernovae may also be detectable. Other probes of the IGM beyond z = 5, and of the epochs of reheating and reionization, are discussed, along with possible links between the diffusion of pregalactic metals and the origin of magnetic fields.  相似文献   

美国的民用航空工业曾经在世界上占据绝对支配地位,即使在今天也依然处于领先地位,美国政府对此功不可没。美国对民用航空工业的支持政策可以分为3类:一是直接针对民用航空工业的支持,二是针对航空运输业的规制与支持政策,三是针对其他领域的规制与支持政策。  相似文献   

In large-scale systems of interest to solar physics, there is growing evidence that magnetic reconnection involves the formation of extended current sheets which are unstable to plasmoids (secondary magnetic islands). Recent results suggest that plasmoids may play a critical role in the evolution of reconnection, and have raised fundamental questions regarding the applicability of resistive MHD to various regimes. In collisional plasmas, where the thickness of all resistive layers remain larger than the ion gyroradius, simulations results indicate that plasmoids permit reconnection to proceed much faster than the slow Sweet-Parker scaling. However, it appears these rates are still a factor of ~10× slower than observed in kinetic regimes, where the diffusion region current sheet falls below the ion gyroradius and additional physics beyond MHD becomes crucially important. Over a broad range of interesting parameters, the formation of plasmoids may naturally induce a transition into these kinetic regimes. New insights into this scenario have emerged in recent years based on a combination of linear theory, fluid simulations and fully kinetic simulations which retain a Fokker-Planck collision operator to allow a rigorous treatment of Coulomb collisions as the reconnection electric field exceeds the runaway limit. Here, we present some new results from this approach for guide field reconnection. Based upon these results, a parameter space map is constructed that summarizes the present understanding of how reconnection proceeds in various regimes.  相似文献   

杜涛  吴子牛  杨勇 《航空学报》2006,27(2):198-203
针对带小时间尺度的源项的方程描述的流动问题,提出了混合解析/数值方法。混合解析/数值方法的基本思想是:分裂原始方程组为对流-扩散部分的偏微分方程和源项的常微分方程。偏微分方程采用合适的数值方法求解,而常微分方程采用解析方式积分。模型方程的理论误差研究表明,混合方法提高了源项处理的精度,降低了混合方法的整体数值误差。分析同时表明,基于时间分裂的算法在求解含源项双曲系统的定常类型问题,会存在数值振荡。为此发展了非分裂方式的混合解析/数值方法,在湍流模型数值计算中提高了数值稳定性,而且加快了计算的收敛速度。  相似文献   

在国际竞争中,欧美跨国企业通过设置知识产权壁垒,对我国企业进行阻击,薄弱的技术积累和知识产权的欠缺,使我国许多企业在融入经济全球化的过程中处于明显劣势。通过深入分析波音公司和空客公司这两家国际民机制造行业垄断企业的专利申请年度分布、申请地区分布和申请技术主题分布,从时间、空间及技术三维的角度勾勒出这两家公司的专利布局特点,并在总结波音公司和空客公司的专利策略基础上,对我国大飞机项目提出启示及建议。  相似文献   

规制与放松规制:美国铁路体制改革的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国落后的铁路管制体系导致铁路企业无法充分利用市场竞争机制对市场环境做出快速调整,从而在市场竞争中处于一种被动的局面。为此,铁路产业的规制改革势在必行,其根本目的在于提高铁路业的效率与竞争力。美国铁路业经历了规制与放松规制过程。19世纪末至20世纪中后期,美国联邦政府对铁路业进行了严格的经济规制,但是随着经济的发展,美国政府意识到对铁路严格管制的弊端,开始对铁路业放松管制,铁路业又重新恢复了活力。因此,政府规制一定要审时度势,政府规制政策的出台与制定需要适时地根据实际形势和情况的改变而进行调整。此外,要以规制立法为先导进行铁路改革,并且建立独立的政府规制机构。  相似文献   

To further extend study on celestial attitude determination with strapdown star sensor from static into dynamic field, one prerequisite is to generate precise dynamic simulating star maps. First a neat analytical solution of the smearing trajectory caused by spacecraft attitude maneuver is deduced successfully, whose parameters cover the geometric size of optics, three-axis angular velocities and CCD integral time. Then for the first time the mathematical law and method are discovered about how to synthesize the two formulae of smearing trajectory and the static Gaussian distribution function (GDF) model, the key of which is a line integral with regard to the static GDF attenuated by a factor 1/ L s (L s is the arc length of the smearing trajectory) along the smearing trajectory. The dynamic smearing model is then obtained, also in an analytical form. After that, three sets of typical simulating maps and data are simulated from this dynamic model manifesting the expected smearing effects, also compatible with the linear model as its special case of no boresight rotation. Finally, model validity tests on a rate turntable are carried out, which results in a mean correlation coefficient 0.920 0 between the camera images and the corresponding model simulated ones with the same parameters. The sufficient similarity verifies the validity of the dynamic smearing model. This model, after parameter calibration, can serve as a front-end loop of the ground semi-physical simulation system for celestial attitude determination with strapdown star sensor.  相似文献   

Interchange reconnection at the Sun, that is, reconnection between a doubly-connected field loop and singly-connected or open field line that extends to infinity, has important implications for the heliospheric magnetic flux budget. Recent work on the topic is reviewed, with emphasis on two aspects. The first is a possible heliospheric signature of interchange reconnection at the coronal hole boundary, where open fields meet closed loops. The second aspect concerns the means by which the heliospheric magnetic field strength reached record-lows during the recent solar minimum period. A?new implication of this work is that interchange reconnection may be responsible for the puzzling, occasional coincidence of the heliospheric current sheet and the interface between fast and slow flow in the solar wind.  相似文献   

Noack  Lena  Snellen  Ignas  Rauer  Heike 《Space Science Reviews》2017,212(1-2):877-898
Space Science Reviews - Exoplanet detection missions have found thousands of planets or planet candidates outside of the Solar System—some of which are in the habitable zone, where liquid...  相似文献   

湍流边界层速度分布的显式表示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据不可压缩湍流边界层内的Reichardt立方律,得到了比现有的A.J.Musker和A.Liakopoulos的公式更加符合Spalding公式及实验数据的湍流边界层内速度分布的显式表达式。  相似文献   

The low-frequency periodic error of star tracker is one of the most critical problems for high-accuracy satellite attitude determination.In this paper an approach is proposed to identify and compensate the low-frequency periodic error for star tracker in attitude measurement.The analytical expression between the estimated gyro drift and the low-frequency periodic error of star tracker is derived firstly.And then the low-frequency periodic error,which can be expressed by Fourier series,is identified by the frequency spectrum of the estimated gyro drift according to the solution of the first step.Furthermore,the compensated model of the low-frequency periodic error is established based on the identified parameters to improve the attitude determination accuracy.Finally,promising simulated experimental results demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.The periodic error for attitude determination is eliminated basically and the estimation precision is improved greatly.  相似文献   

为支撑宽体客机发动机总体方案论证,以齿轮驱动涡扇发动机5路分流星型齿轮减速器为研究对象,分析了星型齿轮减速器所受重力载荷及人字齿轮啮合时产生的扭矩对传扭支架受力的影响。在考虑重力载荷的基础上,根据啮合扭矩对星型齿轮减速器安装角度进行了计算并使用有限元软件对结果进行了验证。结果表明:当齿轮啮合扭矩为顺航向顺时针时,应使任意支架连杆处于3点钟位置;当齿轮啮合扭矩为顺航向逆时针时,应使任意支架连杆处于9点钟位置。  相似文献   

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