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《哭沈引垮,;三,”一回】歹 可Tk I LrLr.,。、;。;;。;;;;。;;、;;;,否1,/回【二】【歹 厂-回了气邑 引「,,。,;;;;”;;;;’;;.-6邑7巴沁’“..、。“:,_5?2\55fy;。-1.’-0∥-.。”≤?蓥_^功u_!ll 0。※i个娄攀;健jli /9夕,‘l_,”i,“C芒iiji平r。≯,j≯ J l,刃汜 ,=?归 乡呶。■i。》蒺萋囊鬻囊鋈攀萎幂一半●III●J,1I-JI’’ /’、f_/● >、I●●●J剩用宇宙宝问祝贺一九九二年固阿守一问皋,、-月题词…  相似文献   

国际标准化组织航天分技术委员会(ISO/TC20/SC14)第十四届年会于2004年5月24至5月28日在俄罗斯首都莫斯科召开,中国代表团由中国航天标准化所组团,并由一院、五院有关专家参加。参加会议的除中国外,还有美国、英国、法国、德国、日本、乌克兰和东道主俄国。ECSS的代表作为相关组织的代表也参加了会议。美国JPL的Mr.GaelSquibb作为SC14主席主持了会议。会议主要内容如下:●修改本次年会的日程安排,即修改文件N300;●批准去年第十三次东京年会的决议,即批准文件N273;●任命起草委员会成员,他们分别由美国和法国各一位专家组成;●标委…  相似文献   

跚星胀即出P骠a 卜、In女 ^ ∞ r、 r、In掣,h 卜、.n卜、 In - ” h In h InIn V、n U、ln n v、n々畏∞罩≥筌o。0 H N苫 一一一小n墨一 n寸a t卜、 In a In h p-.a 0§一∞0o。a趔器』1暑∥吣疆置缸账_曰J.按越一>一粤韫≮铽卿R罨fK嚣暖鞲EJgsoD0窿 。锵r孕挺销籁谗状婶睦谗岳蜮.霉摊h采《<崭舞芸.接越韫≮霖R长匪恒茁礤《々匿怅。武笾品ls0Q0娶《々霹吣.刨譬啦≮懈r直鞋硝血删日划捌。 。磐管匿趔峰敞豁陋涩工堕。恒州鼎●馨*,。七bN恻缸博斟挺搦揆蜒蛏幅帐+耀瓣较姆 旺聒拯哑N删繇林实葚哑粼繇林姑';L益释槲墨n键趟瞿f廛谢一…  相似文献   

<正>China announced at GLEX 2017that the Chang’e 4 probe will carry four scientific payloads from international cooperation programs,including a lowfrequency radio spectrometer of the Netherlands,a small analyzer for neutral atoms from Sweden,a neutron dosim-  相似文献   

<正>The Tianzhou 1 cargo spacecraft was launched atop a LM-7 launch vehicle from the Hainan Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site at 19:41 Beijing time on April20.About 596 seconds after the liftoff,the cargo spacecraft separated from the carrier rocket and entered its preset orbit,the launch mission was declared a success.Consisting of a cargo capsule and a  相似文献   

<正>On May 17,China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC) and PT Palapa Satelit Nusantara Sejahtera(PSNS) signed a contract to build and launch the PalapaN1 communications satellite in Jakarta,Indonesia.PSNS is a satellite operator,a joint venture of Indosat Ooredoo and PT  相似文献   

<正>At 23:18 Beijing time on January 5,a LM-3B carrier rocket lifted off from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center,sending a communication technology test satellite into its preset orbit.This successful launch was a good start for China’s launch missions in 2017.The Communications Technology Test Satellite 2 was developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology.It is a next-generation telecom-  相似文献   

<正>The first satellite jointly developed by China and France,China-France Oceanography Satellite(CFOSAT),will be launched on a LM carrier rocket in the second half of 2018 announced at a press conference jointly held by the China National Space Administration(CNSA)and French embassy in Beijing.The satellite is being tested at a Beijingbased AIT center of CNSA.CFOSAT is an oceanic satellite supported under a joint project of CNSA and the National Center for Space Studies(CNES)of France.It will carry a  相似文献   

<正>China launched a Venezuelan remote sensing satellite,VRSS-2,into a preset orbit from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 12:13 Beijing time on October 9.The satellite was launched by a LM-2D carrier rocket which was developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology.This is the 33rd launch of the LM-2D launch vehicle  相似文献   

<正>China launched a new communications technology experiment satellite into its preset orbit atop a LM-3B launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center at 23:21 Beijing time on October 17.The communications technology  相似文献   

<正>The 20 microsatellites,which are manufactured by 6 companies and universities,aboard the LM-6 launch vehicle will conduct a variety of space experiments related to new technologies,new systems and new products,.The 20 microsatellites,the most ever launched at one time by a Chinese carrier rocket,set a new record in China.To meet the launch demands for multiple satellites,all parties related conducted several validations and digital simulations,and developed serialized and standard interfaces for launching multiple satellites,laying a solid technical foundation for the follow-on missions to launch more satellites with a single rocket.  相似文献   

<正>China launched the GF-10 satellite into orbit using a LM-4C launch vehicle from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center at02:5 1 Beijing time on October 5.The satellite entered the preset orbit successfully.Developed by the Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST),GF-10 is a microwave remote sensing satellite in the China High-Resolution Earth Observation System,a national  相似文献   

<正>Aspokesman of China's Manned Space Program announced on October 27 that China's Manned Space Station Program had been formally launched.It was also released that a national long-term man-tended space laboratory of a comparatively large size will be set up around 2020.  相似文献   

HUMAN SPACEFLIGHT PROGRAM To make breakthroughs in important technologies such as astronaut extravehicular activities and spacecraft rendezvous and docking; To carry out the development of a space laboratory of a certain scale that is man-tended in short term and autonomously operates in orbit in long term;  相似文献   

<正>Chang’e 5-T1,the Earth re-entry demonstrator in phase III of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Program was sent on an Earth-Moon free return trajectory onboard a LM-3C launch vehicle at 2:00 am Beijing Time on October 24,2014.Chang’e 5-T1 also carried a private mission to the moon as a piggyback payload called the 4M mission(Manfred  相似文献   

<正>A L M-5 launch vehicle was launched at 19:23 Beijing time on July2 from the Hainan Wenchang launch site to carry out its second launch mission.Due to a rocket anomaly the mission was a failure.Experts are investi-  相似文献   

<正>At 0:16 Beijing time on October 17,the APSTAR-9communications satellite was launched by a LM-3B launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center.The satellite entered its geosynchronous transfer orbit precisely.The launch achieved a complete success.  相似文献   

<正>China’s space lab Tiangong 2 successfully de-orbited and reentered the atmosphere in a controlled manner on July 19 after operating 1,036 days in space. A small amount of debris fell into a preset safety area in the South Pacific Ocean."TheTiangong2spacelabnotonlyhascarriedoutall plannedandextensiontasksperfectly,ithasfinallydrawntoa  相似文献   

<正>日本发射光学侦察卫星日本H-2A-202型运载火箭2009年11月28日在种子岛宇宙中心发射了"情报收集卫星"(IGS)3a(又称"光学3号机")侦察卫星。IGS-3a属第二代光学侦察  相似文献   

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