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文章通过对比历史上相关的悲剧理论,阐述了马克思、恩格斯悲剧冲突的必然性理论的形成与完善,指出马克思恩格斯关于悲剧冲突的历史必然性理论是悲剧学史上关于悲剧冲突必然性观念的一次质的飞跃。  相似文献   

亚里斯多德对文学作品中的悲剧理论的阐述在文学的发展史上起着重要的作用.他的情节结构理论和悲剧理论的其他六部分,常被用来分析莎士比亚的作品.  相似文献   

心榕 《航天》2012,(1):44-48
四十年前,苏联的联盟号飞船发生了一起特大灾难性事故,三名航天员不幸惨死在凯旋归来的空中,成为继苏联的联盟一号和美国的阿波罗4A号飞船之后的又一幕航天悲剧。而对于这幕悲剧,人们或根本不了解,或了解得不如联盟一号那么详细。现在,让我们将多年来陆续公开的片断串联起来,一起回顾这幕比联盟一号更惨痛的悲剧,缅怀死于不归之路的英雄航天员。  相似文献   

<伤逝>中的女主人公子君是鲁迅笔下中唯一的知识女性.她具有反抗精神,但她个人的力量之薄弱,是无法与当时严酷无比的社会现实相抗衡的,最终被旧制度所吞噬.她的悲剧除了深刻的社会根源之外,子君本身也存在着多方面的不成熟,她对个性解放的曲解、对婚姻生活的茫然、对涓生的过分依赖、对生存能力的放弃,是导致子君人生悲剧的主观原因.  相似文献   

本文从贫穷及个体孤独两方面探讨了美国现实主义作家伊迪丝·华顿如何利用自然环境为表现形式决定了《伊坦·弗洛美》中主人公的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

王山而 《航天员》2009,(4):74-77
1986年1月28日,发生在美国佛罗里达州上空的“挑战者”号航天飞机灾难,是世界航天界永远难以忘怀的悲剧,7名航天员的牺牲让人们也似乎更加明白,航天这一充满高风险的职业在整个人类发展史有着特殊而伟大的意义。  相似文献   

本文从贫穷及个体孤独两方面探讨了美国现实主义作家伊迪丝·华顿如何利用自然环境为表现形式决定了<伊坦·弗洛美>中主人公的悲剧命运.  相似文献   

Jasz.  PR  包自更 《上海航天》1989,(3):34-37
对美国在波斯湾击落伊朗客机的悲剧,最近有关报告证明不是“宙斯盾”指挥和控制系统的责任.该报告指出“宙斯盾”系统仍然能出色地完成任务.  相似文献   

美国航天飞机故障一览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宗言 《中国航天》2003,(5):15-19,23
美国航天飞机在22年的飞行中曾发生过大大小小的故障无数起。挑战者号和哥伦比亚号悲剧只是这些故障的最高“体现。这里我们有选择地把美国航天飞机此前发生的各类故障罗列于此,不难看出偶然出现的飞行灾难其实有其必然性。  相似文献   

2010年1月4日,为了不再重演“挑战者”号航天飞机发射事故的悲剧,NASA现在不仅正在为取代航天飞机的航天器研发乘员逃生系统,该局还计划开发一个备份逃生系统,在遇到紧急情况时,航天员可通过它脱离危险。  相似文献   

论贾谊的教育思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾谊是我国古代比较系统地提出教育思想的人之一。他的教学内容以儒家礼教为中心,以道德教育为目标,从而建构了他的教育思想的基本框架。他首倡胎教,他总结的一些经验和理论与现代的胎教思想不谋而合。他强调环境对教育的重大影响,认为良好的环境有利于提高品德,增长学识。在教与学这个矛盾中,他强调教师的积极主导作用,并明确指出了教师的职责和任务。  相似文献   

戴维洛奇是当代英国杰出的小说家兼评论家,因其特殊身份,其作品中涉及到了形形色色的文学理论.近十几年来,国内学术界对他的小说创作多有评论,但从女性主义角度解读的尚不多见.本文将从女权主义中"自我"和"他者"的观点评析戴维洛奇的<换位>.  相似文献   

戴维洛奇是当代英国杰出的小说家兼评论家,因其特殊身份,其作品中涉及到了形形色色的文学理论。近十几年来,国内学术界对他的小说创作多有评论,但从女性主义角度解读的尚不多见。本文将从女权主义中"自我"和"他者"的观点评析戴维洛奇的《换位》。  相似文献   

We investigate how ideas from the International Environmental Agreement (IEA) literature can be applied to the problem of space debris mitigation. Space debris pollution is similar to other international environmental problems in that there is a potential for a “tragedy of the commons” effect: individual nations bear all the cost of their mitigation measures but share only a fraction of the benefit. As a consequence, nations have a tendency to underinvest in mitigation. Coalitions of nations, brought together by IEAs, have the potential to lessen the tragedy of the commons effect by pooling the costs and benefits of mitigation. This work brings together two recent modeling advances: (i) a game theoretic model for studying the potential gains from IEA cooperation between nations with asymmetric costs and benefits, (ii) an orbital debris model that gives the societal cost that specific actions, such as failing to deorbit an inactive spacecraft, have on the environment. We combine these two models with empirical launch-share data for a “proof of concept” of an IEA for a single mitigation measure—deorbiting spacecraft at the end of operational lifetime. Simulations of empirically derived and theoretical launch distributions among nations suggest the possibility that voluntary coalitions can provide significant deorbiting gains relative to nations acting in the absence of an IEA agreement.  相似文献   

弗兰西斯·司各特·菲茨杰拉德是现代美国著名作家,被称作爵士时代的代言人.他的多数作品描绘的是二十世纪二十年代美国年轻一代的期望、不满和失望.1925年出版的<了不起的盖茨比>是菲茨杰拉德写作生涯的顶点.书中主人公盖茨比从多个角度反映了作者的生活和精神历程,从而被认为是作者的缩影.  相似文献   

2012 marks the 20th anniversary of Alexandre Ananoff's death. Born in 1910 in Tbilisi, Georgia, the Russian–French space expert and enthusiast Alexandre Ananoff is known for being the organiser of the first International Astronautical Congress at La Sorbonne University, Paris, in September–October 1950, as well as being the author of the famous book L’Astronautique (1950) and for advising fellow author Hergé for his book adventures of Tintin on the Moon. The purpose of our paper is to present his complete works promoting space, from his first public presentations after discovering the works of Tsiolkovsky in the late 20s to his analysis of the first Sputnik launch in the popular French magazine Paris Match in 1957.A. Ananoff was a real ambassador for astronautics and a pioneer in space education for the general public—probably the first one in France. He built a unique collection of books and novels about space travel (donated before his death to the French Air and Space Museum of Paris-Le Bourget), wrote dozens of articles, gave numerous lectures and corresponded with most of the space pioneers around the world. However, he was criticised for being an autodidact and was very disappointed by the lack of consideration accorded him within his own country. During the 60s, he progressively stopped his space activities to turn his attention to becoming a specialist of 18th century French painters. He published his Memoirs of an Astronaut in 1978 and gave his last lecture at IAC in September 1979. He died in Paris on 25 December 1992, aged 82. His last wish was that his ashes could be sent on the Moon, an end accomplishment for all his efforts.  相似文献   

多孔超高燃速推进剂的燃烧理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了有关多孔透气性超高燃速推进剂的代表性燃烧理论,其包括对流燃烧理论、两相流燃烧理论和非均一燃烧理论,介绍了它们的基本观点和主要结果,指出了彼此间的差异。  相似文献   

介绍了以低温绝对辐射计(Absolute Cryogenic Radiometer)作为标准探测器的低背景红外辐射源校准技术的原理、设备、关键技术以及校准结果不确定性的分析方法,同时阐述了该技术的先进性和重要性。  相似文献   

Daniel Goldin set the record for longevity as administrator of NASA, serving from 1992 to 2001. Active and controversial, he was unusually visible as a self-proclaimed ‘agent of change’. Coping with a turbulent political environment, Goldin directed NASA from the end of the Cold War to the early 21st century. He effected change in the multitude of programs under his aegis, especially the Space Station and robotic Mars program. He was hailed at one point as a miracle worker and poster boy of government reinvention for his ‘faster, better, cheaper’ strategy of ‘doing more with less’. But Goldin left the agency under fire for cost overruns and reforms that reached too far. Using a policy innovation process approach, this paper traces Goldin's eventful years at NASA, his policy ends and administrative and technological means. It analyzes the record of success and failure of one of the most, influential administrators in NASA history. That record provides useful lessons for how an administrator gains, uses, and loses power in the US space policy system.  相似文献   

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