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A magnetohydrodynamic model of the solar wind flow is constructed using a kinematic approach. It is shown that a phenomenological conductivity of the solar wind plasma plays a key role in the forming of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) component normal to the ecliptic plane. This component is mostly important for the magnetospheric dynamics which is controlled by the solar wind electric field. A simple analytical solution for the problem of the solar wind flow past the magnetosphere is presented. In this approach the magnetopause and the Earth's bow shock are approximated by the paraboloids of revolution. Superposition of the effects of the bulk solar wind plasma motion and the magnetic field diffusion results in an incomplete screening of the IMF by the magnetopause. It is shown that the normal to the magnetopause component of the solar wind magnetic field and the tangential component of the electric field penetrated into the magnetosphere are determined by the quarter square of the magnetic Reynolds number. In final, a dynamic model of the magnetospheric magnetic field is constructed. This model can describe the magnetosphere in the course of the severe magnetic storm. The conditions under which the magnetospheric magnetic flux structure is unstable and can drive the magnetospheric substorm are discussed. The model calculations are compared with the observational data for September 24–26, 1998 magnetic storm (Dst min=−205 nT) and substorm occurred at 02:30 UT on January 10, 1997. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We discuss quasi-static and dynamic models of the magnetotail response to perturbations imposed by the solar wind, focusing particularly on the formation of thin current sheets, their structure and breakup.  相似文献   

The solar wind at Mars interacts with the extended atmosphere and small-scale crustal magnetic fields. This interaction shares elements with a variety of solar system bodies, and has direct bearing on studies of the long-term evolution of the Martian atmosphere, the structure of the upper atmosphere, and fundamental plasma processes. The magnetometer (MAG) and electron reflectometer (ER) on Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) continue to make many contributions toward understanding the plasma environment, thanks in large part to a spacecraft orbit that had low periapsis, had good coverage of the interaction region, and has been long-lived in its mapping orbit. The crustal magnetic fields discovered using MGS data perturb plasma boundaries on timescales associated with Mars' rotation and enable a complex magnetic field topology near the planet. Every portion of the plasma environment has been sampled by MGS, confirming previous measurements and making new discoveries in each region. The entire system is highly variable, and responds to changes in solar EUV flux, upstream pressure, IMF direction, and the orientation of Mars with respect to the Sun and solar wind flow. New insights from MGS should come from future analysis of new and existing data, as well as multi-spacecraft observations.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the solar corona as observed during solar minimum with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer, UVCS, on SOHO is discussed. The large quiescent coronal streamers existing during this phase of the solar cycle are very likely composed by sub-streamers, formed by closed loops and separated by open field lines that are channelling a slow plasma that flows close to the heliospheric current sheet. The polar coronal holes, with magnetic topology significantly varying from their core to their edges, emit fast wind in their central region and slow wind close to the streamer boundary. The transition from fast to slow wind then appears to be gradual in the corona, in contrast with the sharp transition between the two wind regimes observed in the heliosphere. It is suggested that speed, abundance and kinetic energy of the wind are modulated by the topology of the coronal magnetic field. Energy deposition occurs both in the slow and fast wind but its effect on the kinetic temperature and expansion rate is different for the slow and fast wind.  相似文献   

Recent studies evidenced that the magnetotail dynamics looks like the one of an avalanching system. This fact has been related with a near criticality dynamics and modelled by singular diffusion and transport equations. Here, we discuss some features of the Earth’s magnetotail dynamics using a thermodynamic approach. In detail we discuss the role played by fluctuations in singular diffusion and relaxation processes from a non-equilibrium thermodynamics point of view. Moreover, the emergence of non-Gaussian statistics is discussed in the framework of the thermodynamics of composite systems.  相似文献   

Traditionally modeling for space science has concentrated on developing simulations for individual components of the solar terrestrial system. In reality these regions are coupled together. This coupling can be as simple as the driving of the magnetosphere – ionosphere – thermosphere system by the solar wind or as a complicated as the feedback of the ionospheric conductivity and currents on the magnetosphere. As part of the CISM project we are beginning a concentrated effort to compressively model the entire system. This approach includes chains of models. In the first chain physics based numerical models are utilized while in the second chain empirical models are coupled together. The first half of this paper discusses the numerical modeling approach by highlighting the coupling of pairs of regions within the system. In the second section we present results from empirical models which are combined to make long term forecasts of conditions in the geospace environment. It is expected that a validated and reliable forecast model for space weather can be obtained by combining the strongest elements of each chain.  相似文献   

The heliospheric counterparts of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at the Sun, interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs), can be identified in situ based on a number of magnetic field, plasma, compositional and energetic particle signatures as well as combinations thereof. We summarize these signatures and their implications for understanding the nature of these structures and the physical properties of coronal mass ejections. We conclude that our understanding of ICMEs is far from complete and formulate several challenges that, if addressed, would substantially improve our knowledge of the relationship between CMEs at the Sun and in the heliosphere.  相似文献   

Order of magnitude variations in relative elemental abundances are observed in the solar corona and solar wind. The instruments aboard SOHO make it possible to explore these variations in detail to determine whether they arise near the solar surface or higher in the corona. A substantial enhancement of low First Ionization Potential (FIP) elements relative to high FIP elements is often seen in both the corona and the solar wind, and that must arise in the chromosphere. Several theoretical models have been put forward to account for the FIP effect, but as yet even the basic physical mechanism responsible remains an open question. Evidence for gravitational settling is also found at larger heights in quiescent streamers. The question is why the heavier elements don't settle out completely. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The main effects caused by the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) are analyzed in cases of supersonic solar wind flow around magnetized planets (like Earth) and nonmagnetized (like Venus) planets. The IMF has a relatively weak strength in the solar wind but it is enhanced considerably in the so-called plasma depletion layer or magnetic barrier in the vicinity of the streamlined obstacle (magnetopause of a magnetized planet, or ionopause of a nonmagnetized planet). For magnetized planets, the magnetic barrier is a source of free magnetic energy for magnetic reconnection in cases of large magnetic shear at the magnetopause. For nonmagnetized planets, mass loading of the ionospheric particles is very important. The new created ions are accelerated by the electric field related to the IMF, and thus they gain energy from the solar wind plasma. These ions form the boundary layer within the magnetic barrier. This mass loading process affects considerably the profiles of the magnetic field and plasma parameters in the flow region.  相似文献   

We review the results obtained in the frequency range of Pc3 (22-100 mHz) and Pc4 (7-22 mHz) pulsations at Italian Antarctic stations in the southern polar cap (“Mario Zucchelli”, at Terra Nova Bay, TNB, 80˚.S; “Concordia”, the Italian/French base at Dome C, DMC, 89˚.S). The absence of a midnight enhancement in the pulsation power suggests a negligible substorm influence at extreme latitudes, while the sharp noon enhancement, which appears only at TNB, is determined by the closer proximity of the station to cusp related phenomena. The relationship between the frequency of the band-limited signals and the interplanetary magnetic field strength, the cone angle influence, and the higher correlation of the Pc3 power with the solar wind speed in the morning hours suggest a global scenario in which upstream waves would be mainly responsible for the mid-frequency activity in the polar cap. However, the polarization pattern is odd with respect to the predictions for tailward propagating modes.  相似文献   

Kamide  Y.  Kihn  E.A.  Ridley  A.J.  Cliver  E.W.  Kadowaki  Y. 《Space Science Reviews》2003,107(1-2):307-316
We report the recent progress in our joint program of real-time mapping of ionospheric electric fields and currents and field-aligned currents through the Geospace Environment Data Analysis System (GEDAS) at the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory and similar computer systems in the world. Data from individual ground magnetometers as well as from the solar wind are collected by these systems and are used as input for the KRM and AMIE magnetogram-inversion algorithms, which calculate the two-dimensional distribution of the ionospheric parameters. One of the goals of this program is to specify the solar-terrestrial environment in terms of ionospheric processes, providing the scientific community with more than what geomagnetic activity indices and statistical models provide. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper I will briefly summarize the present status of our knowledge on the four different sorts of solar wind, their sources and their short- and long-term variations. First: the fast solar wind in high-speed streams that emerges from coronal hole regions. Second: the slow solar wind emerging from the non-active Sun near the global heliospheric current sheet above helmet streamers and underlying active regions. Third: the slow solar wind filling most of the heliosphere during high solar activity, emerging above active regions in a highly turbulent state, and fourth: the plasma expelled from the Sun during coronal mass ejections. The coronal sources of these different flows vary dramatically with the solar activity cycle.  相似文献   

The question of multifractality is of great importance because it allows us to investigate interplanetary hydromagnetic turbulence. The multifractal spectrum has been investigated with Voyager (magnetic field) data in the outer heliosphere and with Helios (plasma) data in the inner heliosphere. We use the Grassberger and Procaccia method that allows calculation of the generalized dimensions of the solar wind attractor in the phase space directly from the cleaned experimental signal. We analyze time series of plasma parameters of the low-speed streams of the solar wind measured in situ by Helios in the inner heliosphere. The resulting spectrum of dimensions shows a multifractal structure of the solar wind attractor. In order to quantify that multifractality, we use a simple analytical model of the dynamical system. Namely, we consider the generalized self-similar baker’s map with two parameters describing uniform compression and natural invariant measure on the attractor of the system. The action of this map exhibits stretching and folding properties leading to sensitive dependence on initial conditions. The obtained solar wind singularity spectrum is consistent with that for the multifractal measure on the weighted baker’s map.  相似文献   

The composition of the solar wind is largely determined by the composition of the source material, i.e. the present-day composition of the outer convective zone. It is then modified by the processes which operate in the transition region and in the inner corona. In situ measurements of the solar wind composition give a unique opportunity to obtain information on the isotopic and elemental composition of the Sun. However, elemental — and to some degree also isotopic — fractionation can occur in the flow of matter from the outer convective zone into the interplanetary space. The most important examples of elemental fractionation are the well-known FIP/FIT effect (First Ionization Potential/Time) and the sometimes dramatic variations of the helium abundance relative to hydrogen in the solar wind. A thorough investigation of fractionation processes which cause compositional variations in different solar wind regimes is necessary to make inferences about the solar source composition from solar wind observations. Our understanding of these processes is presently improving thanks to the detailed diagnostics offered by the optical instrumentation on SOHO. Correlated observations of particle instruments on Ulysses, WIND, and SOHO, together with optical observations will help to make inferences for the solar composition. Continuous in situ observations of several isotopic species with the particle instruments on WIND and SOHO are currently incorporated into an experimental database to infer isotopic fractionation processes which operate in different solar wind regimes between the solar surface and the interplanetary medium. Except for the relatively minor effects of secular gravitational sedimentation which works at the boundary between the outer convective zone and the radiative zone, refractory elements such as Mg can be used as faithful witnesses to monitor the magnitude of these processes. With theoretical considerations it is possible to make inferences about the importance of isotopic fractionation in the solar wind from a comparison of optical and in situ observations of elemental fractionation with the corresponding models. Theoretical models and preliminary results from particle observations indicate that the combined isotope effects do not exceed a few percent per mass unit. In the worst case, which concerns the astrophysically important 3He/4He ratio, we expect an overall effect of at most several percent in the sense of a systematic depletion of the heavier isotope. Continued observations with WIND, SOHO, and ACE, and, with the revival of the foil technique, with the upcoming Genesis mission will further consolidate our knowledge about the relation between solar wind dynamics and solar wind composition. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

针对如何获取运动平台的实时加速度和在精确跟踪加速度的同时限制位移,建立了系统动力学模型以计算加速度,使用虚拟弹簧法限制位移。在Matlab环境下,搭建了整个伺服控制系统。仿真结果表明,控制系统在保证平台位移不脱离限制区域的基础上,实现了加速度的精确跟踪。  相似文献   

It is a crucial issue to know where magnetic reconnection takes place in the near-Earth magnetotail for substorm onsets. It is found on the basis of Geotail observations that the factor that controls the magnetic reconnection site in the magnetotail is the solar wind energy input. Magnetic reconnection forms close to (far from) the Earth in the magnetotail for high (low) solar wind energy input conditions.With the early Vela spacecraft observations, it was believed that magnetic reconnection started inside the Vela position, likely at 15 RE. The later ISEE/IRM observations put magnetic reconnection beyond 20 RE. The Vela event studies were made for highly active conditions, while the ISEE/IRM survey studies were made for moderate or quiet conditions. The finding of the factor that controls the site of magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail resolves the apparent discrepancy among various spacecraft results, and suggests solar cycle variation of the magnetotail reconnection site.  相似文献   

Although the average composition of solar energetic particles (SEPs) and the bulk solar wind are similar in a number of ways, there are key differences which imply that solar wind is not the principal seed population for SEPs accelerated by coronal mass ejection (CME) driven shocks. This paper reviews these composition differences and considers the composition of other possible seed populations, including coronal material, impulsive flare material, and interplanetary CME material.  相似文献   

Exposure to the solar wind can have significant long term consequences for planetary atmospheres, especially for planets such as Mars that are not protected by global magnetospheres. Estimating the effects of solar wind exposure requires knowledge of the history of the solar wind. Much of what we know about the Sun’s past behavior is based on inferences from observations of young solar-like stars. Stellar analogs of the weak solar wind cannot be detected directly, but the interaction regions between these winds and the interstellar medium have been detected and used to estimate wind properties. I here review these observations, with emphasis on what they suggest about the history of the solar wind.  相似文献   

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