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Small scale structure in local interstellar matter (LISM) is considered. Overall morphology of the local cloud complex is inferred from Ca II absorption lines and observations of H I in white dwarf stars. Clouds with column densities ranging from 2–100 × 1017 cm–2 are found within 20 pc of the Sun. Cold (50 K) dense (105 cm–3) small (5–10 au) clouds could be embedded and currently undetected in the upwind gas. The Sun appears to be embedded in a filament of gas with thickness 0.7 pc, and cross-wise column density 2 × 1017 cm–2. The local magnetic field direction is parallel to the filament, suggesting that the physical process causing the filamentation is MHD related. Enhanced abundances of refractory elements and LISM kinematics indicate outflowing gas from the Scorpius-Centaurus Association. The local flow vector and Sco data are consistent with a 4,000,000 year old superbubble shell at –22 km s–1, which is a shock front passing through preshock gas at –12 km s–1, and yielding cooled postshock gas at –26 km s–1in the upwind direction. A preshock magnetic field strength of 1.6 G, and postshock field strength of 5.2 G embedded in the superbubble shell, are consistent with the data.Abbreviations LISM Local ISM - SIC Surrounding Interstellar Cloud - LIC Local Interstellar Cloud  相似文献   

The Infrared Space Observatory (ISO), a fully approved and funded project of the European Space Agency (ESA), is an astronomical satellite, which will operate at wavelengths from 2.5–240 m. ISO will provide astronomers with a unique facility of unprecedented sensitivity for a detailed exploration of the universe ranging from objects in the solar system right out to distant extragalactic sources. The satellite essentially consists of a large cryostat containing at launch over 2000 litres of superfluid helium to maintain the Ritchey-Chrétien telescope, the scientific instruments and the optical baffles at temperatures between 2 K and 8 K. The telescope has a 60-cm diameter primary mirror and is diffraction-limited at a wavelength of 5 m. A pointing accuracy of a few arc seconds is provided by a three-axis-stabilisation system consisting of reaction wheels, gyros and optical sensors. ISO's instrument complement consists of four instruments, namely: an imaging photo-polarimeter (2.5–240 m), a camera (2.5–17 m), a short wavelength spectrometer (3–45 m) and a long wavelength spectrometer (43–196 m). These instruments are being built by international consortia of scientific institutes and have been delivered to ESA for in-orbit operations. ISO will be launched in September 1995 by an Ariane 4 into an elliptical orbit (apogee 70000 km and perigee 1000 km) and will be operational for at least 18 months. In keeping with ISO's role as an observatory, the majority of its observing time is being made available to the general astronomical community via a Call for Observing Proposals.  相似文献   

The first 8.5m infrared heterodyne spectrometer has been constructed using tuneable semiconductor (PbSe) diode lasers and was used to measure absorption line profiles of N2O in the laboratory and black body emission from the Moon and from Mars. Spectral information was recorded over a 200 MHz bandwidth using an 8-channel filter bank. The resolution was 25 MHz (6 × 10–6 m) and the minimum detectable (black-body) power was 1 × 10–16 W for 8 min of integration. The results demonstrate the usefulness of heterodyne spectroscopy for the study of remote and local sources in the infrared.We wish to thank Dr Jack Butler and Craig Simpson (Arthur D. Little, Inc.) for their continuing (and successful) efforts to grow better diode lasers during the course of this experiment. We thank the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for the loan of a 40-channel filter bank and associated mini-computer.We thank en masse the dozens of people who loaned equipment to us for the duration of this experiment, and the commercial firms (especially Harshaw, Inc.) which expedited orders for crucial equipment. We thank Dr Bertram Donn, Dr Norman Ness, and Dr George Pieper for administrative, scientific, and financial support; and we thank Mr James Faris for technical assistance and Dr Sol Glicker for preparation of sample gas cells. We thank Dr Thomas Clark for providing the Kohoutek ephemeris, sighting printout, and predicted molecular line positions and for advice and the loan of some equipment. Finally, we wish to acknowledge the strong support accorded us by our wives and families who scarcely saw us during this period.  相似文献   

The question of how low-frequency radio emissions in the outer heliosphere might be generated is considered. It is argued that the free energy contained in an electron beam distribution is first transformed into electrostatic Langmuir waves. The nonlinear interactions of these waves which can produce electromagnetic waves are then treated in the semi-classical formalism. Comparison of the results of the discussed model with electromagnetic radiation coming from upstream of the Earth's bow shock shows that the model adequately explains the generation of plasma waves at planetary shocks. By analogy, this model can provide a quantitative explanation of intensity of radio emissions at 2 to 3 kHz detected by the Voyager plasma wave instrument in the outer heliosphere provided that the electron beams generating Langmuir waves exist also in the postshock plasma due to secondary shocks in the compressed solar wind beyond the termination shock. The field strength of Langmuir waves required to generate the second harmonic emissions are approximately of 100–200 V m–1 for the primary and 50–100 V m–1 for the secondary foreshocks. However, only in the secondary foreshock the expected density is consistent with the observed frequency.  相似文献   

Conclusion For wavelengths < 50m fast and sensitive detectors are available. For wavelengths > 50m the available detectors are far from ideal. Research and development of far infrared detectors for the mixing purpose are highly recommended.  相似文献   

An optical design study for a next generation infrared space telescope has been performed. The concept is that of a passively cooled telescope of minium aperture 2.5 metre with an F/1.2 primary and wavelength coverage from = 2 to at least 40 m, and possibly to 100 m. Compactness, low thermal emission from the optics and structure, diffraction limited imaging at = 2 m, and sensitivity to misalignment aberrations and manufacturing errors were the main considerations for this study. Ray tracing results are presented showing the characteristics of the various designs considered. A preliminary investigation of stray light properties is also given. Special emphasis has been placed on the testing of such a fast primary, and optical systems using a lateral shearing interferometer are described for testing both the primary and the primary/secondary combination.  相似文献   

Thanks to remarkable new tools, such as the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph (GHRS) on board the HST and the EUVE spectrometer on the interstellar side, and Ulysses particle detectors on the heliospheric side, it is possible now to begin to compare abundances and physical properties of the interstellar matter outside the heliosphere (from absorption features in the stellar spectra), and inside the heliosphere (from in situ or remote detection of the interstellar neutrals or their derivatives, the pick-up ions or the Anomalous Cosmic Rays detected by the two Voyager spacecraft).Ground-based and UV spectra of nearby stars show that the Sun is located between two volumes of gas of different heliocentric velocities V and temperatures T (see also Linsky et al, this issue). One of these clouds has the same velocity (V= 25.6 km s–1 from = 255 and =8) and temperature (6700 K) as the heliospheric helium of interstellar origin probed by Ulysses, and is certainly surrounding our star (and then the Local Interstellar Cloud or LIC). This Identification allows comparisons between interstellar constituents on both sides of the heliospheric interface.Ly-alpha background data (absorption cell and recent HST-GHRS spectra) suggest that the heliospheric neutral H velocity is smaller by 5–6 km s–1 than the local cloud velocity, and therefore that H is decelerated at its entrance into the heliosphere, in agreement with interaction models between the heliosphere and the ISM which include the coupling with the plasma. This is in favor of a non negligible electron density (at least 0.05 cm3). There are other indications of a rather large ionization of the ambient ISM, such as the ionization equilibrium of interstellar magnesium and of sodium. However the resulting range for the plasma density is still broad.The heliospheric neutral hydrogen number density (0.08–0.16 cm–3) is now less precisely determined than the helium density (0.013–0.017 cm–3, see Gloeckler, Witte et al, Mobius, this issue). The comparison between the neutral hydrogen to neutral helium ratios in the ISM (recent EUVE findings) and in the heliosphere, suggests that 15 to 70% of H does not enter the heliosphere. The comparison between the interstellar oxygen relative abundance (with respect to H and He) in the ISM and the heliospheric abundance deduced from pick-up ions is also in favor of some filtration, and thus of a non-negligible ionization.For a significant ISM plasma density, one expects a Hydrogen wall to be present as an intermediate state of the interstellar H around the interface between inside and outside. Since 1993, the two UVS instruments on board Voyager 1 and 2 indeed reveal clearly the existence of an additional Ly-alpha emission, probably due to a combination of light from the compressed H wall, and from a galactic source. On the other hand, the decelerated and heated neutral hydrogen of this H wall has recently been detected in absorption in the spectra of nearby stars (see Linsky, this issue).  相似文献   

An analogy is drawn between the current knowledge on terrestrial snow and ice-cap chemistry and the possible composition of snowfall and ice caps of Mars. Terrestrial snowfall reflects the composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Snow cover further interacts with the atmosphere and is the recipient of aerosol and particulate fall-out. The snow is transformed to firn and ice and the chemical signatures become locked into the perennial ice sheets. The chemical profiles of ice thus constitute environmental records of the Earth's past. By considering the present knowledge on the hydrologie cycle of Mars and the chemistry of the atmosphere, a simple analogous model for the chemical profile of the North polar ice cap is proposed. Three major constituents of the ice are discussed: water ice, dust, and occluded air bubbles. The seasonal fluctuations and interannual variability of these components are examined as possible chemical signatures for the dating of ice, elucidating hydrologie processes, and recording long-term climatic change. The model of the north polar cap in summer consists of water-ice fine-dust layers (30–200 m thick) sandwiched between annual dust layers of variable size distribution and thickness (< 1m– > 66 m). The water ice is subjected to metamorphism and grain growth. The interpretation of the physico-chemical profile could lead to increased knowledge on the recent climatic past (1,000–2,000 years), hydrologic reservoirs, and seasonal cycles in the atmospheric dynamics of the planet.  相似文献   

Results of the observations of Geminga (2CG 195 + 4) in the energy range E 1012 eV, carried out in 1979, 1981, and 1983 with the Tien Shan high-altitude facility for recording the erenkov flashes of extensive air showers are reported. The mean flux density averaged over the whole protracted data is (5.7 ± 2.5) × 10–11 quanta cm–1 s–1. The flux is variable with a period 59 s. The character of the period variation with time is hard to be reconciled with earlier findings by other authors. The importance of further simultaneous observations at various energies is indicated.  相似文献   

The modern state of gamma-ray astronomy is reviewed, the paper being mainly devoted to the theoretical models that describe generation of gamma-ray emission under astrophysical conditions. Basic information on the processes of generation and absorption of gamma-rays, as well as the results of observations for various gamma-ray photon energies are reported.In the region of soft gamma-ray emission (i.e., for energies less than tens of MeV), where emission in gamma-ray lines dominates, we also discuss the nature of gamma-ray bursts, the origin of gamma-ray emission from the galactic centre, etc.Discrete sources and, in particular, the mysterious source Cyg X-3 are discussed in the region of very high (E > 1012 eV) and ultra-high (E > 1015 eV) energy gamma-ray emission.A larger portion of the review is devoted to the analysis of cosmic-ray origin on the basis of the available gamma-ray data in the region from several tens of MeV to several GeV. The peculiarity of this energy range is, in particular, in the fact that the diffuse galactic emission was observed mainly there. We also discuss the problem of determination of the cosmic-ray density gradient from the gamma-ray data.The origin of high-latitude gamma-ray emission, the problem of galactic gamma-ray halo, etc., are discussed.The theoretical models explaining the nature of unidentified gamma-ray sources, as well as the results of measurements and theoretical estimations of a gamma-ray flux from SN1987A are analysed.List of Notations m electron mass, m = 9.108 × 10–28 g, - M proton mass, M = 1.672 × 10–24 g, - e electron charge, e = 4.803 × 10–10 CGS - c velocity of light, c = 2.9979 × 1010 cm s–1, - k Boltzmann constant, k = 1.380 × 10–16 erg grad–1, - e electron - p proton - gamma-ray photon - p antiproton - 0 0-meson - -lepton - e + positron - r, , x radio-frequency, gamma-ray, and X-ray emission bands - E total energy of a particle - E k kinetic energy - p particle momentum - spectral index for particles - spectral index for emission - n particle density (concentration) - H magnetic field strength - T temperature - ph energy of low-energy photons - emission frequency - r H Larmor radius of relativistic particles - k wave number - , z cylindric coordinates, in this case the coordinate (radius) along the galactic disk, z perpendicular to the galactic disk - M solar mass, M = 1.99 × 1033 g.  相似文献   

EDISON, a large-aperture, radiatively-cooled telescope, is proposed as the major international mission to follow the current generation of cryogenically-cooled infrared space telescopes. It is being studied at present as a 2.5–3.5 m mixed radiatively- and mechanically-cooled facility optimized to investigate the wavelength range 3–100+ m. This paper outlines the status of the project, discusses some aspects of a smaller-aperture precursor mission, and describes a portion of the baseline science mission.  相似文献   

There is a warm tenuous partially ionized cloud (T104 K,n(HI)0.1 cm–3,n(Hii 0.22–0.44 cm–3) surrounding the solar system which regulates the environment of the solar system, determines the structure of the heliopause region, and feeds neutral interstellar gas into the inner solar system. The velocity (V–20 km s–1 froml335°,b0° in the local standard of rest) and enhanced Caii and Feii abundances of this cloud suggest an origin as evaporated gas from cloud surfaces in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association. Although the soft X-ray emission attributed to the Local Bubble is enigmatic, optical and ultraviolet data are consistent with bubble formation caused by star formation epochs in the Scorpius-Centaurus Association as regulated by the nearby spiral arm configuration. The cloud surrounding the solar system (the local fluff) appears to be the leading region of an expanding interstellar structure (the squall line) which contains a magnetic field causing polarization of the light of nearby stars, and also absorption features in nearby upwind stars. The velocity vectors of the solar system and local fluff are perpendicular in the local standard of rest. Combining this information with the low column densities seen towards Sirius in the anti-apex direction, and the assumption that the cloud velocity vector is parallel to the surface normal, suggests that the Sun entered the local fluff within the historical past (less than 10 000 years ago) and is skimming the surface of the cloud. Comparison of magnesium absorption lines towards Sirius and anomalous cosmic-ray data suggest the local fluff is in ionization equilibrium.Reason has moons, but moons not hers, Lie mirror'd on her sea, Confounding her astronomers, But, O! delighting me.Ralph Hodgson  相似文献   

The X-ray properties of the supernova remnant G 29.7-0.3 are discussed based on spectral data from the EXOSAT satellite. In the 2 to 10 keV range a featureless power-law spectrum is obtained, the best-fit parameters being: energy spectral index =-0.77, hydrogen column density on the line of sight NH=2.3.1022 cm–2. The incident X-ray flux from the source is (3.6±0.1) 1011 erg cm–2 s–1 in the 2 to 10 keV range corresponding to an intrinsic luminosity of about 2. 1036 erg s–1 for a distance of 19 kpc. The source was not seen with the imaging instrument thus constraining the hydrogen column density to be NH=(3.3 ±0.3) 1022 cm–2 and the energy spectral index =1.0±0.15. This new observation is consistent with emission by a synchroton nebula presumably fed by an active pulsar. An upper limit of 1.5% for the pulsed fraction in the range of periods 32ms to 104 s has been obtained.  相似文献   

The dynamics of dust particles in the solar system is dominated by solar gravity, by solar radiation pressure, or by electromagnetic interaction of charged dust grains with the interplanetary magnetic field. For micron-sized or bigger dust particles solar gravity leads to speeds of about 30 to 40 km s–1 at the Earths distance. Smaller particles that are generated close to the Sun and for which radiation pressure is dominant (the ratio of radiation pressure force over gravity F rad/F grav is generally termed ) are driven out of the solar system on hyperbolic orbits. Such a flow of -meteoroids has been observed by the Pioneer 8, 9 and Ulysses spaceprobes. Dust particles in interplanetary space are electrically charged to typically +5 V by the photo effect from solar UV radiation. The dust detector on Cassini for the first time measured the dust charge directly. The dynamics of dust particles smaller than about 0.1 m is dominated by the electromagnetic interaction with the ambient magnetic field. Effects of the solar wind magnetic field on interstellar grains passing through the solar system have been observed. Nanometer sized dust stream particles have been found which were accelerated by Jupiters magnetic field to speeds of about 300 km s–1.  相似文献   

The objective of the Nephelometer Experient aboard the Probe of the Galileo mission is to explore the vertical structure and microphysical properties of the clouds and hazes in the atmosphere of Jupiter along the descent trajectory of the Probe (nominally from 0.1 to > 10 bars). The measurements, to be obtained at least every kilometer of the Probe descent, will provide the bases for inferences of mean particle sizes, particle number densities (and hence, opacities, mass densities, and columnar mass loading) and, for non-highly absorbing particles, for distinguishing between solid and liquid particles. These quantities, especially the location of the cloud bases, together with other quantities derived from this and other experiments aboard the Probe, will not only yield strong evidence for the composition of the particles, but, using thermochemical models, for species abundances as well. The measurements in the upper troposphere will provide ground truth data for correlation with remote sensing instruments aboard the Galileo Orbiter vehicle. The instrument is carefully designed and calibrated to measure the light scattering properties of the particulate clouds and hazes at scattering angles of 5.8°, 16°, 40°, 70°, and 178°. The measurement sensitivity and accuracy is such that useful estimates of mean particle radii in the range from about 0.2 to 20 can be inferred. The instrument will detect the presence of typical cloud particles with radii of about 1.0 , or larger, at concentrations of less than 1 cm3.Deceased.  相似文献   

As an application of our extensive calculations of energies and intensities of atomic lines in very intense magnetic fields of the order of 1011-1013 G we discuss the possibility of observing magnetically strongly shifted iron lines in the spectra of pulsating X-ray sources. Careful estimates of the relevant parameters lead us to the conclusion that it would be profitable to look for magnetically shifted iron line enission in magnetic neutron stars of low luminosity using spectrometers working in the energy range 10 – 100 keV with sensitivities of 10–4 cm–2 s–1 and energy resolutions E/E 10 – 100.This work was supported in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG).  相似文献   

By extrapolating to O/H = N/H = 0 the empirical correlations Y–O/H and Y–N/H defined by a relatively large sample of 45 Blue Compact Dwarfs (BCDs), we have obtained a primordial 4Helium mass fraction Y p=0.2443±0.0015 with dY/dZ=2.4±1.0. This result is in excellent agreement with the average Y p=0.2452±0.0015 determined in the two most metal-deficient BCDs known, I Zw 18 (Z /50) and SBS 0335–052 (Z /41), where the correction for He production is smallest. The quoted error (1) of 1% is statistical and does not include systematic effects. We examine various systematic effects including collisional excitation of hydrogen lines, ionization structure and temperature fluctuation effects, and underlying stellar Hei absorption, and conclude that combining all systematic effects, our Y p may be underestimated by 2–4%. Taken at face value, our Y p implies a baryon-to-photon number ratio =(4.7+1.0 –0.8)×10–10 and a baryon mass fraction b h 2 100=0.017±0.005 (2), consistent with the values obtained from deuterium and Cosmic Microwave Background measurements. Correcting Y p upward by 2–4% would make the agreement even better.  相似文献   

X-ray pulsar Vela X-l was observed with the X-ray astronomy satellite HAKUCHO in five occasions between March 1979 and March 1981. An increase of the pulsation period at an average rate of P/P 3.0 × 10–4 yr–1 was observed over the time span of two years. Besides, variations of the pulse period in the time scale of 10 days were resolved in superposition on the secular spin-down trend. The observed rate of change P - 3 × 10–8, for both spin-up and spin-down, is an order of magnitude greater than the secular spin-down rate.  相似文献   

The visible extragalactic background (though as yet undetected) is insufficient to explain the abundance of heavy elements in galaxies: either there should be some diffuse extragalactic light in the near infrared (from 1 to 10 m) and/or in the far infrared (100 m) if dust has reprocessed the star light. We propose a new space mission to be dedicated to the search and mapping of primordial stellar light from the visible to the mid-infrared (20 m). In this spectrum range, detectors have reached such a sensitivity that the mission should aim at being (source) photon noise limited, and not any longer background photon noise limited. For that purpose, a small passively cooled telescope with large format CCDs and CIDs could be sent beyond the zodiacal dust cloud (which is absent beyond a solar distance of about 3 AU). In that case, the only remaining foregrounds before reaching the extragalactic background, is due to the Milky Way integrated emission from stars and the diffuse galactic light due to scattering and emission by interstellar dust, which are all unavoidable. Maps of the extragalactic light could be obtained at the arcminute resolution with high signal to noise ratio. This mission is the next logical step after IRAS, COBE and ISO for the study of extragalactic IR backgrounds. It has been proposed as a possible medium-sized mission for the post-horizon 2000 ESA program that could be a piggy back of a planetary mission.  相似文献   

Magnetic field experiment for Voyagers 1 and 2   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The magnetic field experiment to be carried on the Voyager 1 and 2 missions consists of dual low field (LFM) and high field magnetometer (HFM) systems. The dual systems provide greater reliability and, in the case of the LFM's, permit the separation of spacecraft magnetic fields from the ambient fields. Additional reliability is achieved through electronics redundancy. The wide dynamic ranges of ± 0.5 G for the LFM's and ± 20 G for the HFM's, low quantization uncertainty of ± 0.002 ( = 10–5 G) in the most sensitive (± 8 ) LFM range, low sensor RMS noise level of 0.006 , and use of data compaction schemes to optimize the experiment information rate all combine to permit the study of a broad spectrum of phenomena during the mission. Objectives include the study of planetary fields at Jupiter, Saturn, and possibly Uranus; satellites of these planets; solar wind and satellite interactions with the planetary fields; and the large-scale structure and microscale characteristics of the interplanetary magnetic, field. The interstellar field may also be measured.  相似文献   

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