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Understanding of the space debris environment and accuracy of its observation-validated models are essential for optimal design and safe operation of satellite systems. Existing ground-based optical telescopes and radars are not capable of observing debris smaller than several millimeters in size. A new experimental and instrumental approach – the space-based Local Orbital Debris Environment (LODE) detector – aims at in situ measuring of debris with sizes from 0.2–10 mm near the satellite orbit. The LODE concept relies on a passive optical photon-counting time-tagging imaging system detecting solar photons (in the visible spectral range) reflected by debris crossing the sensor field of view. In contrast, prior feasibility studies of space-based optical sensors considered frame detectors in the focal plane. The article describes the new experimental concept, discusses top-level system parameters and design tradeoffs, outlines an approach to identifying and extracting rare debris detection events from the background, and presents an example of performance characteristics of a LODE sensor with a 6-cm diameter aperture. The article concludes with a discussion of possible sensor applications on satellites.  相似文献   

The development of a fiber based laser architecture will enable novel applications in environments which have hitherto been impossible due to size, efficiency and power of traditional systems. Such a new architecture has been developed by the International Coherent Amplification Network (ICAN) project. Here we present an analysis of utilizing an ICAN laser for the purpose of tracking and de-orbiting hyper-velocity space debris. With an increasing number of new debris from collisions of active, derelict and new payloads in orbit, there is a growing danger of runaway debris impacts. Due to its compactness and efficiency, it is shown that space-based operation would be possible. For different design parameters such as fiber array size, it is shown that the kHz repetition rate and kW average power of ICAN would be sufficient to de-orbit small 1–10 cm debris within a single instance via laser ablation.  相似文献   

Small (1–10 cm) debris in low Earth orbit (LEO) are extremely dangerous, because they spread the breakup cascade. Pulsed laser active debris removal using laser ablation jets on target is the most cost-effective way to re-enter the small debris. No other solutions address the whole problem of large (~100 cm, 1 t) as well as small debris. Physical removal of small debris (by nets, tethers and so on) is uneconomical because of the energy cost of matching orbits. In this paper, we present a completely new proposal relative to our earlier work. This new approach uses rapid, head-on interaction in 10–40 s rather than 4 minutes, using 20–40 kW bursts of 100 ps, 355 nm UV pulses from a 1.5 m diameter aperture on a space-based station in LEO. The station employs “heat-capacity” laser mode with low duty cycle to create an adaptable, robust, dual-mode system which can lower or raise large derelict objects into less dangerous orbits, as well as clear out the small debris in a 400-km thick LEO band. Time-average laser optical power is less than 15 kW. The combination of short pulses and UV wavelength gives lower required fluence on target as well as higher momentum coupling coefficient. An orbiting system can have short range because of high interaction rate deriving from its velocity through the debris field. This leads to much smaller mirrors and lower average power than the ground-based systems we have considered previously. Our system also permits strong defense of specific assets. Analysis gives an estimated cost less than $1 k each to re-enter most small debris in a few months, and about 280 k$ each to raise or lower 1-ton objects by 40 km. We believe it can do this for 2000 such large objects in about four years. Laser ablation is one of the few interactions in nature that propel a distant object without any significant reaction on the source.  相似文献   

Dietrich Rex   《Space Policy》1998,14(2):95-105
An appraisal of current and future risks from space debris is presented with the aid of calculations carried out by the MASTER model. The efficacy of various technical options -- such as fuel venting, de-orbiting and use of a graveyard orbit -- for counteracting the problem is discussed. The article then focuses on governmental and international cooperative measures and looks at the recent work done by subcommittees of the UN COPUOS.  相似文献   

This report summarises the presentations which took place at the ‘Space Traffic Control – Is the Space Debris Problem Solvable?’ conference hosted by the Royal Aeronautical Society on the 2nd July 2013. The conference sought to promote discussion over methods to deal with the issue of space debris in particular and speakers included representatives from the European Space Agency, the United Kingdom Space Agency, practitioners and academia. Themes which emerged during the conference included the urgency of the problem of space debris, the need for short-term and long-term solutions, the necessity for the development and implementation of space debris remediation technologies to complement existing mitigation efforts and, last but not least, the wider applications of space traffic control. Regarding the sub-title of the conference, ‘is the space debris problem solvable?’, it would appear from the presentations that while there is the potential for future management of the issue through debris remediation and harmonised mitigation efforts, no comprehensive solutions exist at the time of writing.  相似文献   

在当前天基激光移除碎片方案设计中,通常采用kJ级高能激光器、100 m/s大速度增量和简单降轨模型计算移除系统参数,然而kJ级天基高能激光器尚未实现。文章基于目前实验室现有的J级激光器水平,参考现阶段碎片移除方案,针对特定区域的目标空间碎片,结合碎片轨道特性信息建立降轨模型,仿真研究目标碎片在低能量天基激光驱动下的运动过程和降轨效果,分析了影响目标碎片降轨效果的因素。对部署在500 km轨道高度的天基平台移除附近碎片的仿真结果表明,速度增量和降轨高度的变化具有累积效应,提高频率、增大有效作用距离等可延长激光烧蚀驱动时间,进而增强碎片降轨效果。分析表明,J级小能量激光器通过长时间的烧蚀,也可有效驱动和移除1~10 cm碎片。  相似文献   

卫星激光测距作为地基光电望远镜系统重要技术应用,可直接精确测量空间碎片距离,提升碎片目标轨道监测精度。基于上海天文台60 cm口径激光测距望远镜,应用百赫兹重复率高功率激光器、高效率激光信号探测系统等,建立了空间碎片激光测距系统,实现了对距离500~2600 km、截面积0.3~20 m2的碎片目标观测,测距精度优于1 m,具备了碎片目标常规测量与应用能力。此外,开展了空间目标白天监视技术研究,实现了亮于6星等恒星的白天观测,并进行了望远镜局部指向误差模型分析,分析结果可应用于空间碎片白天激光观测的目标监视与引导。  相似文献   

In November 1986, more than 20 years ago, an H8 upper stage of Ariane 1 exploded in orbit nine months after the end of its mission. So as to avoid the generation of debris in low Earth orbit, a dedicated complementary development modified the design, introducing systematic passivation of the stage. Ever since this event, space debris mitigation has been a major concern for all launcher activities in Europe.After a short recall of the launchers currently operated by Arianespace as well as those currently developed by ESA with CNES, particularly for the safeguard authority, including the most promising future evolutions, the set of applicable regulations is described. These rules are fundamentally derived from the IADC Guidelines (hence the UNCOPUOS ones), translated into European Code of Conduct and in some more applicable Standards, such as the one prepared by ESA. The process of preparing ISO standards, mainly through the ECSS Working Group, is also described.Three major families can be identified: minimization of Mission Related Objects, Passivation of stages at the end of mission, and orbital protected zones including the so-called 25-year rule.The paper describes how European launchers do or will fulfill these applicable standards, quantifying the efficiency of the mitigation rules, and describing improvement actions currently under study.  相似文献   

激光驱动飞片系统模拟空间碎片超高速撞击   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
文章介绍了北京卫星环境工程研究所采用激光驱动飞片系统将厚度5μm的铝质飞片发射到8.3 km/s.该驱动系统采用调Q钕玻璃激光,脉宽15 ns,最大能量达到20 J.针对热控材料、舷窗玻璃及OSR等外部表面功能材料开展了超高速撞击实验研究,取得初步研究结果.实验结果表明激光驱动飞片技术可很好地用于模拟微流星/空间碎片超高速撞击效应研究.  相似文献   

利用声发射传感器对空间碎片的撞击数据进行实时采集监测,用以对航天器在轨安全防护提供预警。该系统基于LabVIEW虚拟仪器技术,采用图形化编程语言实现了高速数据的采集。具有数据采集、实时波形显示、数据存储等功能,编程简捷、精度高、稳定性好,且人机界面友好。  相似文献   

为构建利用柔性机械臂捕获空间碎片的系统仿真模型,首先分析梳理空间碎片捕获典型任务流程,包括轨道转移、位置保持、路径规划、动量稳定控制等阶段;然后针对任务流程分别搭建基于Simu Link的路径规划、动量缓冲控制、姿态控制、动力学和轨道仿真等子系统;各个子系统之间以TCP/IP的方式进行数据交互,最终完成空间碎片软捕获任务姿轨控仿真系统的构建。  相似文献   

文章介绍了Kirtland空军基地的Phillips实验室的激光驱动飞片装置,对其设计原则、驱动方法和试验结果进行分析,并指出这种方法的优点和不足。  相似文献   

无控航天器、火箭末级以及空间碎片再入地球大气层后可能未烧尽,残存的小碎片高速撞击地面,对人类安全和生态系统构成极大威胁。提前预测其再入轨迹并采取预防措施能够有效降低地面风险。文章对无控航天器和空间碎片再入工程预测模型,包括航天器模型、动力学模型、气动热模型和烧蚀解体模型的研究现状进行跟踪与总结,也介绍了国内外有公开资料的工程应用软件,并讨论若干关键问题和进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

空间模拟碎片释放装置技术方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为配合空间碎片主动清除技术的演示验证试验,提出了一种空间模拟碎片释放装置的技术方案:由模拟碎片及分离解锁装置组成。模拟碎片不具备任何合作特征,最初通过压紧杆与分离解锁装置相连,释放时由火工切割器切断压紧杆,模拟碎片在压缩弹簧的驱动下与分离解锁装置分离。最后,通过静载、模态、运动特性分析及分离解锁试验验证了该释放装置设计的正确性。  相似文献   

Low earth orbit has become increasingly congested as the satellite population has grown over the past few decades, making orbital debris a major concern for the operational stability of space assets. This congestion was highlighted by the collision of the Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 satellites in 2009. This paper addresses the current state of orbital debris regulation in the United States and asks what might be done through policy change to mitigate risks in the orbital debris environment. A brief discussion of the nature of orbital debris addresses the major contributing factors including size classes, locations of population concentrations, projected satellite populations, and current challenges presented in using post-mission active debris removal to mitigate orbital debris. An overview of the current orbital debris regulatory structure of the United States reveals the fragmented nature of having six regulating bodies providing varying levels of oversight to their markets. A closer look into the regulatory policy of these agencies shows that, while they all take direction from The U.S. Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices, this policy is a guideline with no real penalty for non-compliance. Various policy solutions to the orbital debris problem are presented, ranging from a business as usual approach to a consolidated regulation system which would encourage spacecraft operator compliance. The positive aspects of these options are presented as themes that would comprise an effective policy shift towards successful LEO conservation. Potential economic and physical limitations to this policy approach are also addressed.  相似文献   

There exists a population of defunct satellites in the geo-stationary arc that potentially pose a hazard to current and future operational satellites. These drifting, non-station-kept objects have a variety of ages and sizes, and many are trapped in libration orbits around the Earth?s two gravitational potential wells (the non-spherical nature of the Earth gives rise to two geo-potential wells or “stable points” that affect objects in geostationary and geosynchronous orbits), whereas others were boosted to higher altitudes into so-called “graveyard” orbits.  相似文献   

第36届COSPAR会议空间碎片专题综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第36届世界空间科学大会(COSPAR)下设空间碎片专题交流分会。为便于了解当前国际上空间碎片研究的动向,文章首先介绍了该专题会议的概况,然后将会议交流的26篇文章分为空间碎片观测与预警、空间碎片探测与数据库、空间碎片防护、空间碎片减缓4个部分进行了简要总结和综述。  相似文献   

天基激光清除空间碎片方案与可行性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了激光烧蚀驱动机理和空间碎片降轨清除原理,通过分析计算确立了空间碎片降轨清除判据和2 种降轨清除模式。理论计算给出了清除1200、800 和500 km 三个典型低地球轨道上空间碎片所必须的速度增量、激光器功率、单脉冲能量、激光发射镜直径等主要参数值。对比分析显示现有的硬件指标和条件能够满足清除低地球轨道上空间碎片的设计要求,因此,天基激光清除空间碎片方案从技术角度是可行的。  相似文献   

空间碎片撞击在轨感知技术研究综述   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着航天发射活动的日益频繁,空间碎片环境随之恶化。为了应对空间碎片的撞击威胁,人们提出了用空间碎片撞击在轨感知系统实时监测航天器在轨遭受空间碎片撞击的情况。文章在对国内外相关研究机构研究成果的调研基础上,介绍了国内外在空间碎片撞击在轨感知技术领域的研究现状,对各国基于超高速撞击声发射技术的空间碎片撞击在轨感知技术的发展状况进行了全面评述,重点介绍了国内的研究进展。最后基于国内航天事业需要,探讨了未来发展方向。  相似文献   

文章利用一组二级轻气炮发射2017-T4 铝质球形弹丸撞击6061-T6单层铝板的地面试验数据,通过选择适当的函数模型,采用多元函数拟合的方法,得到了碎片云前端速度与靶板厚度、弹丸直径和弹丸速度关系的三元二阶多项式模型。再用另外一组数据对该模型进行检验,验证了其对碎片云前端速度具有较好的预测效果。将以上两组数据同样用于建立“无量纲化”模型进行碎片云前端速度预测,并与前述多项式模型的预测结果进行比较发现,该多项式模型预测的方均根误差及平均相对误差均明显优于“无量纲化”模型。该多项式模型可用于预测空间碎片撞击航天器产生的碎片云的前端速度,有助于航天器的空间碎片防护设计。  相似文献   

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