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美国伊顿公司创建于1911年,总部在美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰市,1993年进入中国,总部设在上海,依托国内的精兵强将,10多年来长足发展。5月21~23日,"2007伊顿宇航中国客户支援大会"在海南的三亚召开。这是伊顿公司航空事业部60多年来首次在北美以外的国家召开此类会议,来自国内各大航空公司、空客、民航总局以及相关企业的重要客户都出席了大会。  相似文献   

近年来,伊顿宇航积极开拓中国市场并取得了一定业绩。在不久前举行的北京航展期间,本刊记者就伊顿宇航未来在中国的发展方向等问题专访了伊顿宇航客户解决方案及服务副总裁强生(Einar Johnson)。  相似文献   

叶永平 《航空港》2012,(12):96-98
这里流传着奇妙的爱情传说,连一生中最甜蜜的"蜜月"(honeymoon)也起源于此。这里,便是美丽的爱尔兰……在传统的爱尔兰婚礼后,人们用特殊的高脚玻璃杯(无把)盛装足够多的蜂蜜送给新娘和新郎,这样他们就能在婚礼后的一个月里享用,"蜜月"(honey moon)这个词就是这样被创造出来的,人们相信吃蜂蜜是预示婚姻好的开端的最好的一种方式;而这里义因为有许多古堡承办了名人婚礼而名声大噪。  相似文献   

英国温莎和上海完全是天壤之别的。温莎是一个传统的英式小镇,坐落在泰晤士河畔,离伦敦东部20英里,小卵石铺就的街道两旁坐落着小商店和餐馆,而上海是一个生机勃勃的现代化大都市,到处都是马路,商店和人。那么是什么使温莎变得特别呢?首先她是英国女王的主要住所温莎城堡的所在地,而且她有着被世界公认的最著名的学校——伊顿公学。  相似文献   

<正>目前正在全球热播的《唐顿庄园》其背景乃英国乔治五世时虚构的庄园,而荷兰的德哈尔古堡则是真实版的欧洲古典庄园。该古堡是荷兰历史最悠久、面积最大、最奢华的古堡,这是一座迷人的城堡:宫廷式花园外有护城河环绕,中世纪用于攻防的塔楼、悬吊桥和城墙仍巍然屹立,有典型的新哥德式建筑的古堡,城内有湖泊、花圃、玫瑰庭院、数百年的成片树林、修剪整齐的灌木和绿油油的草地。如此仿佛童话世界中梦幻般的古堡在欧洲实属少有。  相似文献   

张艳 《航空世界》2011,(11):20-21
9月22日,美国伊顿公司宇航集团亚太区总裁周涛先生在第十四届北京航展开幕当天接受了《航空世界》记者的采访.通过周涛先生的介绍,为我们解读了一个百年企业仍然富有活力并蓬勃发展的秘笈.与此同时,伊顿宇航在不断发展当中不仅有与空客A380在5000Psi液压系统上的合作,还有与中国C919大飞机项目航油管路合资公司的全面介入...  相似文献   

被称为"德意志之父"的莱茵河是一条全长1320公里的国际河流,其中大约698公里流经德国境内,与岸边错落分布的古堡及葱茏的葡萄园构成了美妙的风景。从吕德斯海姆到科布伦茨之间的莱茵河谷,则是游客观赏的"黄金河段"。2002年夏,莱茵河谷中游河谷被列为联合国科教文组织世界遗产。  相似文献   

<正>光明日报出版社帕瓦娜,是伊朗古语里的"蝴蝶"。一个怀抱勇气的追梦女孩。一个不为人知的惊人秘密。这不是一个真实的故事,却在阿富汗真实的发生着。不管你是否勇敢,却终将勇敢起来,就像女孩帕瓦娜,怀揣着最后一份希望,直到破茧而出,完成重生和蜕变……父亲逝去,帕瓦娜再次陷入了困境。在残垣断壁之中,偶遇的两个孩子,让所有冰冷的心灵获得了再次的温暖。战争中短暂的美好,看不到希望之前的绝望,还有分分离离的离别,让女孩帕瓦娜再次成长起来。  相似文献   

德国是欧盟国家最早向中国旅游者开放的欧洲国家,美丽的莱茵河、神秘的古堡、现代化的城市、悠久历史的积淀、浓郁的民族风情令无数造访过德国的中国旅游者留下了难忘的回忆。2004年,欧盟国家将整体向中国游客开放。为吸引更多亚洲游客尤其是来自中国的游客,德国国家旅游局董事会主席何朵英女士一上任,就为德国旅游推广确立了未来的发展方向和战略,2004年主打"文化"和"健康"两张旅游主题牌。  相似文献   

据《圣经》记载,以色列是一片"流着奶和蜜的土地"。但是,我始终弄不清楚上帝的真实想法,他让这块土地上流淌着牛奶和蜂蜜,让犹太人成为他的子民,甚至还牺牲了爱子耶稣的生命,却又从未让这块土地有过和平。  相似文献   

“提高党员素质,加强基层组织,服务人民群众,促进各项工作”,是保持共产党员先进性教育活动的目标要求。要努力达到这一要求,就必须在活动中结合学校实际抓住重点,解决好党员、干部队伍里的思想和学校工作中存在的突出问题,加以整改,缩小与兄弟先进院校间的差距,实现西安航专的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

Many measurements of ionospheric temperature have been made during the last decade and have shown a considerable departure from thermal equilibrium there. Theoretical work has led to a general understanding of the processes which determine the energy balance of the charged particles, and most features of the experimental results are well understood in the F-region. The position in the E-region where different methods of measurement, known to agree fairly well at greater heights, appear to disagree is less clear, whilst in the D-region no direct observations of charged particle temperature exist. The theoretical expectation here is that, on account of the rapid exchange of energy amongst the particles by collisional processes, temperature equality will prevail.This review is based on material published up to January, 1970.On leave of absence from Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London.  相似文献   

从大学英语写作测试到写作教学的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
写作测试在大学英语测试中一直具有重要的地位和作用,有效地检验和反映了学生语言应用能力。通过分析大学英语测试中写作测试的得分现状,指出英语写作一直是大学英语教学中的薄弱环节;根据学生习作实例归纳出主要问题:结合教学经验和实践,从多方面分析了具体原因,总结出基础训练结合系统训练的指导思想,并提出分化整合、循序渐进的英语写作教学方法。  相似文献   

网络时代大学生思想教育面临的挑战与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
互联网作为当今最具影响力的媒体之一,深刻地影响和改变着人们的工作、生活、学习和思雏方式。在网络时代的冲击和挑战下,大学生思想政治教育面临着很多新问题,要求思想政治教育工作者不断提出新的对策,进一步加强和改进大学生思想政治教育。  相似文献   

Observational evidence suggests that most — if not all — binary X-ray sources are neutron stars. The evolutionary status and possible formation mechanisms of the type I (massive) and type II (low-mass) X-ray binaries are discussed. The difference between the standard massive X-ray binaries and the Be/X-ray binaries is ascribed to a somewhat different evolutionary history and status, and possible reasons for the existence of short- and long — period X-ray pulsars are discussed. Type II X-ray sources in globular clusters were most probably formed by capture processes; their formation rate inferred from the observations indicates that only a small fraction ( 1 to 10 percent) of the originally formed neutron stars have remained in their clusters. Type II sources in the galactic bulge may also have formed from cataclysmic binaries in which a white dwarf was driven over the Chandrasekhar limit by accretion.  相似文献   

Conclusions During the past three years there have been significant extensions of the solar data available. Over most of the solar spectrum between 1 – 2200 the new or improved observations have led to interesting problems in line identifications. The identifications have in turn led to new methods of determining the physical conditions in the solar atmosphere, eg electron density determinations from the Hei like ion intercombination line to forbidden line ratio (Gabriel and Jordan, 1969b). The majority of the strong lines have now been identified, either by theoretical considerations or from the extensive laboratory data which have recently become available. However, weak lines may also aid the understanding of the chromosphere and corona and work on the identifications of all remaining features observed must continue.  相似文献   

Relativistic solar proton events   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Energetic solar flare particles contain rich information concerning mechanisms of particle acceleration on the Sun and subsequent transport through turbulent interplanetary space. Even the most energetic particles, in particular protons with kinetic energy above 500 MeV, may undergo coronal and interplanetary propagation effects, disturbing their accelerated injection spectrum after release from the solar flare. Relativistic solar proton events are recorded by neutron monitors at ground level. A detailed knowledge of the response of these ground-based detectors to the impact by a beam of protons on the top of the atmosphere is required to analyze these observations. The spectral index of arriving protons can be obtained from the response of the world-wide network of neutron monitors provided their directional anisotropy is known. The spectral index may also by determined from the relative enhancements in count rates of two similar detectors at different altitudes but similar asymptotic cones of acceptances, or from the relative enhancements of two detectors with different spectral sensitivities but at the same location of high latitude. Ground level enhancements from solar flare protons have been recorded at Sanae, Antarctica, since 1971 by two neutron monitors with different sensitivities to primary protons in the rigidity range from 1 GV to 5 GV. Spectral indexes of about 20 of these more energetic solar flare proton events have been determined from the two detector enhancements recorded at Sanae. These indexes do not show any increase (softening of the relativistic proton spectra) with increasing heliolongitude away from the preferred IMF connection region as was obtained for 20–80 MeV protons. Furthermore, most of the enhanced count rates show fluctuations larger than statistical, indicative of propagation in a mostly turbulent interplanetary magnetic field.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the present state of knowledge of the abundances and physical state of interstellar atomic and molecular hydrogen. Much new data in this area have been obtained in recent rocket observations. There have also been new developments as a result of ground-based infrared and 21-cm observations, and theoretical research.Rocket observations of the Lyman- interstellar absorption line of atomic hydrogen indicate that, in many directions in the sky, atomic hydrogen is up to a factor of 10 less abundant than previously indicated by 21-cm emission measurements. In the direction of the Orion Nebula, most of the absorbing gas appears to be concentrated in the near vicinity of the nebula and to have a temperature considerably lower than the average of 100 K obtained from 21-cm emission measurements. Molecular hydrogen appears essentially absent from the general interstellar medium, as confirmed by theoretical studies of photodissociation processes. However, ground-based infrared and 21-cm studies indicate that the hydrogen in dark dust clouds is mostly molecular.  相似文献   

The SNC (Shergotty-Nakhla-Chassigny) meteorites have recorded interactions between martian crustal fluids and the parent igneous rocks. The resultant secondary minerals — which comprise up to 1 vol.% of the meteorites — provide information about the timing and nature of hydrous activity and atmospheric processes on Mars. We suggest that the most plausible models for secondary mineral formation involve the evaporation of low temperature (25 – 150 °C) brines. This is consistent with the simple mineralogy of these assemblages — Fe-Mg-Ca carbonates, anhydrite, gypsum, halite, clays — and the chemical fractionation of Ca-to Mg-rich carbonate in ALH84001 "rosettes". Longer-lived, and higher temperature, hydrothermal systems would have caused more silicate alteration than is seen and probably more complex mineral assemblages. Experimental and phase equilibria data on carbonate compositions similar to those present in the SNCs imply low temperatures of formation with cooling taking place over a short period of time (e.g. days). The ALH84001 carbonate also probably shows the effects of partial vapourisation and dehydration related to an impact event post-dating the initial precipitation. This shock event may have led to the formation of sulphide and some magnetite in the Fe-rich outer parts of the rosettes.Radiometric dating (K-Ar, Rb-Sr) of the secondary mineral assemblages in one of the nakhlites (Lafayette) suggests that they formed between 0 and 670 Myr, and certainly long after the crystallisation of the host igneous rocks. Crystallisation of ALH84001 carbonate took place 0.5 Gyr after the parent rock. These age ranges and the other research on these assemblages suggest that environmental conditions conducive to near-surface liquid water have been present on Mars periodically over the last 1 Gyr. This fluid activity cannot have been continuous over geological time because in that case much more silicate alteration would have taken place in the meteorite parent rocks and the soluble salts would probably not have been preserved.The secondary minerals could have been precipitated from brines with seawater-like composition, high bicarbonate contents and a weakly acidic nature. The co-existence of siderite (Fe-carbonate) and clays in the nakhlites suggests that the pCO2 level in equilibrium with the parent brine may have been 50 mbar or more. The brines could have originated as flood waters which percolated through the top few hundred meters of the crust, releasing cations from the surrounding parent rocks. The high sulphur and chlorine concentrations of the martian soil have most likely resulted from aeolian redistribution of such aqueously-deposited salts and from reaction of the martian surface with volcanic acid volatiles.The volume of carbonates in meteorites provides a minimum crustal abundance and is equivalent to 50–250 mbar of CO2 being trapped in the uppermost 200–1000 m of the martian crust. Large fractionations in 18O between igneous silicate in the meteorites and the secondary minerals (30) require formation of the latter below temperatures at which silicate-carbonate equilibration could have taken place (400°C) and have been taken to suggest low temperatures (e.g. 150°C) of precipitation from a hydrous fluid.  相似文献   

Høg  E.  Pagel  B.E.J.  Portinari  L.  Thejll  P.A.  Macdonald  J.  Girardi  L. 《Space Science Reviews》1998,84(1-2):115-126
The primordial helium abundance YP is important for cosmology and the ratio Y/Z of the changes relative to primordial abundances constrains models of stellar evolution. While the most accurate estimates of YP come from emission lines in extragalactic H II regions, they involve an extrapolation to zero metallicity which itself is closely tied up with the slope Y/Z. Recently certain systematic effects have come to light in this exercise which make it useful to have an independent estimate of Y/Z from fine structure in the main sequence of nearby stars. We derive such an estimate from Hipparcos data for stars with Z Z and find values between 2 and 3, which are consistent with stellar models, but still have a large uncertainty.  相似文献   

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