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3C 273 is the most extensively studied quasar both from the ground and from space. Recent satellite observations have given important information on the overall electromagnetic spectrum of 3C 273 in the -ray, X-ray, and UV ranges. The most salient results are: (i) the energy per decade of frequency emitted by 3C 273 is nearly constant between 6000 Å and 500 MeV and is 20 × 1046 erg s-1 for H = 50 km s-1 Mpc-1; (ii) there is no absorption in the soft X-ray range in contrast to the X-ray spectrum of Seyfert nuclei; (iii) the optical and UV spectra cannot be fitted by power-law spectra only, and the energy distribution in this range suggests that a substantial fraction of the energy in the UV is emitted as back-body radiation at 20 000 K. If the peculiar shape of the UV spectrum is indeed caused by black-body radiation, then an estimate of the energy emitted under this form is 2.5 × 1046erg s-1, corresponding to an optically thick disk of 1016 cm in diameter.The UV spectrum of 3C 273 shows absorption lines at zero redshift caused by interstellar matter in the disk and halo of our Galaxy. The strength of C iv 1550 in absorption indicates the presence of a hot outer region in the halo. Extragalactic objects with mostly continuous UV spectra, such as 3C 273, are very promising UV sources which allow us to observe the absorbing material over the entire line of sight throughout the galactic halo.  相似文献   

The paper reviews various approaches to the problem of evaluation and numerical representation of the magnetic field distributions produced within the magnetosphere by the main electric current systems including internal Earth's sources, the magnetopause surface current, the tail plasma sheet, the large-scale systems of Birkeland current, the currents due to radiation belt particles, and the partial ring current circuit. Some basic physical principles as well as mathematical background for development of magnetospheric magnetic field models are discussed.A special emphasis is placed on empirical modeling based on datasets created from large bodies of spacecraft measurements. A review of model results on the average magnetospheric configurations and their dependence on the geomagnetic disturbance level and the state of interplanetary medium is given. Possibilities and perspectives for elaborating the instantaneous models capable of evaluating a current distribution of magnetic field and force line configuration based on a synoptic monitoring the intensity of the main magnetospheric electric current systems are also discussed. Some areas of practical use of magnetospheric models are reviewed in short. Magnetospheric plasma and energetic particle measurements are considered in the context of their use as an independent tool for testing and correcting the magnetic field models.  相似文献   

Through an intensive study of the magnetospheres of the Earth, Mercury, and Jupiter, we have begun to understand how a magnetized celestial body interacts with a magnetized plasma flow. Some of the important findings are:Some of these findings may have significant implications in interpreting a variety of astrophysical processes associated with the magnetosphere of magnetic stars, pulsars and head-tail galaxies and also with transient processes, such as solar flares and flarings of particular types of variable stars, etc.  相似文献   

随着机队的快速扩大,A320的重检及C检需求也明显增加。空客与波音针锋相对的激烈竞争,使得A320与波音737成为世界各地最广泛使用的窄体中型双发客机。在过去的10年,空客开始鲸吞曾由波音737垄断的市场,并不断扩大市场份额,这意味着A320系列飞机的重检(HMV)  相似文献   

The mechanism by which ions are accelerated near the Earth's bow shock and near shocks propagating outward from the Sun in response to solar activity appears to be essentially the same. For both types of shock the solar wind thermal distribution acts as a seed population. Leaked magnetospheric ions and resident flare ions are additional seed populations for the bow shock and outward propagating shocks respectively. The acceleration of solar wind ions at these shocks begins with either the reflection of ions off the shock or leakage of shocked plasma back through the shock. Interaction with a disruption wave field self-generated by these backstreaming ions is responsible for the remainder of the acceleration at the bow shock. Both the disruption wave field and the ambient interplanetary wave field play important roles in accelerating ions at outward propagating shocks, but on different time scales. The geometry of the shock and the duration of field line connection to the shock play decisive roles in determining what is observed.  相似文献   

Kriging模型及代理优化算法研究进展   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
韩忠华 《航空学报》2016,37(11):3197-3225
代理模型方法由于能显著提高工程优化设计问题的效率,在航空航天及其他领域得到了广泛重视,并逐渐发展成为一类优化算法,本文称其为代理优化(SBO)算法。在现有的代理模型方法中,如多项式响应面、径向基函数、神经网络、支持向量回归、多变量插值/回归、多项式混沌展开等,源于地质统计学的Kriging模型具有代表性,是一种非常具有应用潜力的代理模型方法。以飞行器设计领域的优化问题为背景,介绍了Kriging代理模型及应用于优化设计的理论和算法的最新研究进展。首先,概述了Kriging模型的基本理论和算法,并讨论了影响Kriging模型鲁棒性和效率的几个关键性问题。其次,回顾了Kriging模型理论和算法研究的3个最新研究进展,包括梯度增强型Kriging、CoKriging和分层Kriging模型。而后,分析提炼了基于Kriging模型的代理优化算法的优化机制和优化框架,给出了“优化加点准则”和“子优化”的概念,并介绍了目前常用的几种优化加点准则及其相应子优化问题的求解与约束处理;同时,还介绍了最新提出的局部EI加点准则以及代理优化的终止条件。最后,介绍了代理优化在标准测试函数算例验证、飞行器气动与多学科优化设计典型算例确认方面的研究进展,并对当前存在的一些关键科学问题以及未来研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Use of composite structures is exponentially growing in different fields due to their higher strength-to-weight ratio. This application trend requires that accurate theoretical explanations and their finite element models be developed for analyzing sandwich plates before finalizing the designs. This paper reviews the recent research trends of finite element formulations developed for analyzing sandwich plates. This paper reviews the finite element models developed after the year 2000. Initially, the finite element formulations based on first order shear deformation theory, higher order shear deformation theories, mixed solid-shell elements, zig-zag theories and global–local theories are presented. Then, some finite element formulations developed to analyze a very new class of structures called piezoelectric structures are presented. At the end, some formulations to analyze a very critical phenomenon called buckling are presented.  相似文献   

Supersonic or hypersonic flows within and around flight vehicles inevitably involve interactions of strong shock waves with boundary layers. Flows within inlet/isolator configurations, and flows induced by control surface deflections are some examples. Such interactions are time dependent in nature and are often subject to low-frequency, large-scale motion that induces local pressure and heating loads. With recent increases in available computer power, it has now become possible to simulate such interactions at experimentally relevant Reynolds numbers using time-dependent techniques, such as direct numerical simulation (DNS), large-eddy simulation (LES), and hybrid large-eddy simulation/Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (LES–RANS) methods. This paper will survey some recent work in this area and will describe insights in shock/boundary layer interaction physics gained by using these high-fidelity methods. Attention will be focused on studies that compare directly with experimental data at the same (or nearly the same) Reynolds number. Challenges in the application of these techniques to even more complicated high-speed flow fields are also outlined.  相似文献   

Space-related laboratory experiments can play an important role as a complement to observations and active experiments in the magnetosphere. Excluding laboratory experiments for mere developing or testing of techniques for space experiments, we may distinguish between two major types: (1) partial scale model experiments and (2) experiments for clarifying basic plasma physical processes known or expected to be important in the magnetosphere (but without the ambition to simulate actual space configurations). The limitations and potentialities of both types are discussed and examples of experiments are given. It is concluded that there should be an increasing need for the experiments of the second type. In particular, they are needed for the clarification of the response of a thin plasma to electric fields and its ability to carry electric currents. This encompasses such key questions as the nature and role of anomalous resistivity (and electron runaway in its presence), the possible formation of double layers (and the acceleration processes associated with them) and rapid dissipation of magnetic-field energy.  相似文献   

Gas turbines have been used extensively for aircraft and marine propulsions as well as land-based power generation because of their high thermal efficiency and large power to weight ratios. To further increase the thermal efficiency, numerous prior researches on gas turbine blade internal cooling have been intensively carried out, majorly under stationary conditions. However, the stationary studies neglect the effects of Coriolis and buoyancy forces, which should change the velocity, turbulence and temperature distribution under rotating conditions. To elucidate the rotational effects on gas turbine internal cooling, the extensive results collected from recent investigations are discussed, which include the rotation and buoyancy effects on the rib turbulated cooling, pin fin cooling, jet impingement cooling, dimple/protrusion cooling, latticework cooling as well as swirl cooling. The rotational effects on the friction factors and the most employed experimental and numerical methods are also presented. Moreover, recommendations for future research are outlined. Therefore, this review article provides extensive literature information for the design of the next-generation high-efficiency internal cooling for rotating turbine blades.  相似文献   

A theory of the origin and evolution of the Solar System (Alfvén and Arrhenius, 1975, 1976) which considered electromagnetic forces and plasma effects is revised in the light of new information supplied by space research. In situ measurements in the magnetospheres and solar wind have changed our views of basic properties of cosmic plasmas. These results can be extrapolated both outwards in space, to interstellar clouds, and backwards in time, to the formation of the solar system. The first extrapolation leads to a revision of some cloud properties which are essential for the early phases in the formation of stars and solar nebulae. The latter extrapolation makes possible to approach the cosmogonic processes by extrapolation of (rather) well-known magnetospheric phenomena.Pioneer-Voyager observations of the Saturnian rings indicate that essential parts of their structure are fossils from cosmogonic times. By using detailed information from these space missions, it seems possible to reconstruct certain events 4–5 billion years ago with an accuracy of a few percent. This will cause a change in our views of the evolution of the solar system.  相似文献   

The magnetogram inversion technique (MIT) is based upon recordings of geomagnetic variations at the worldwide network of ground-based magnetometers. MIT ensures a calculation of a global spatial distribution of the electric field, currents and Joule heating in the ionosphere. Variant MIT-2 provides, additionally, continuous monitoring of the following parameters: Poynting vector flux from the solar wind into the magnetosphere (); power, both dissipated and accumulated in the magnetosphere; magnetic flux in the open tail; and the magnetotail length (l T) (distance between the dayside and nightside neutral points in the Dungey model). Using MIT-2 and data of direct measurements in the solar wind, an analysis is made of a number of substorms, and a new scenario of substorms is suggested. The scenario includes the convection model, the model with a neutral line and the model of magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling (outside the current sheet), i.e., the three known models. A brief review is given of these and some other substorms models. A new element in the scenario is the strong positive feedback in the primary generator circuit, which ensures growth of the ratio = / Aby an order of magnitude or more during the substorms. Here Ais the Pointing vector flux in the Akasofu-Perrault approximation, i.e., without the feedback taken into account. The growth of during the substorm is caused only by the feedback effect. It is assumed that the feedback arises due to an elongation of the magnetotail, i.e., a growth of l Tby a factor of (23) during the substorm.In the active phase of substorm, a part (the first active phase) has been identified, where the principal role in the energetics is played by the feedback mechanism and the external energy source (although the internal source plus reconnection inside the plasma sheet make a marked contribution). In the second active phase (expansion) the external generator (solar wind) is switched off, and the main role is now played by the internal energy source (the tail magnetic field and ionospheric wind energy).Models of DP-2 DP-1 transitions are also considered, as well as the magnetospheric substorm-solar flare analogy.  相似文献   

I summarize the results of recent research on the structure and particle acceleration properties of relativistic shock waves in which the magnetic field is transverse to the flow direction in the upstream medium, and whose composition is primarily electrons and positrons with an admixture of heavy ions. Shocks which contain heavy ions that are a minority constituent by number but which carry most of the energy density in the upstream medium put 20% of the flow energy into a nonthermal population of pairs downstream, whose distribution in energy space is N(E) E -2, where N(E)dE is the number of particles with energy between E and E+dE. Synchrotron maser activity in the shock front, stimulated by the quasi-coherent gyration of the whole particle population as the plasma flowing into the shock reflects from the magnetic field in the shock front, provides the mechanism of thermalization and non-thermal particle acceleration. The maximum energy achievable by the pairs is ± m ± c 2 = m i c 2 1/Z i, where 1 is the Lorentz factor of the upstream flow and Z i is the atomic number of the ions. The shock's spatial structure contains a series of overshoots in the magnetic field, regions where the gyrating heavy ions compress the magnetic field to levels in excess of the eventual downstream value. These overshoots provide a new interpretation of the structure of the inner regions of the Crab Nebula, in particular of the wisps, surface brightness enhancements near the pulsar. The wisps appear brighter because the small Larmor radius pairs are compressed and radiate more efficiently in the regions of more intense magnetic field. This interpretation suggests that the structure of the shock terminating the pulsar's wind in the Crab Nebula is spatially resolved, and allows one to measure 1 4 × 106, the upstream magnetic field B 1 to be 3 × 10-5 Gauss, as well as to show that the total ion flow is 3 × 1034 elementary charges/sec, in good agreement with the total current flow predicted by the early Goldreich and Julian (1969) model. The total pair outflow is shown to be about 5 × 1037 pairs per second, in good agreement with the particle flux required to explain the nebular X—ray source.The energetics of particle acceleration within the magnetospheres of rotation powered pulsars and the consequences for pulsed gamma ray emission are also briefly discussed. The gamma ray luminosity above 100 MeV is shown to scale in proportion to R 1/2 , as is in accord with some of the simplest ideas about polar cap models. Models based on acceleration in the outer magnetosphere are also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Since long ULF waves are known to play a dominant role in the dynamics of energetic protons. Recent observations have shown that they also contribute to the heating and/or acceleration of both heavy ions and electrons. This review will deal with all the aspects of wave particle interactions that involve electromagnetic ULF waves in the equatorial region of the magnetosphere. We will consider successively Pc-3-4-5 pulsations, magnetosonic waves and ion cyclotron waves. In the latter case, for which both the experimental data and the theoretical interpretation are more advanced, we will discuss the linear, quasi-linear and nonlinear aspects of the interaction. Results of recent numerical simulations of this type of interaction will also be reported. A final section will be devoted to ULF waves observed in the vicinity of the Io torus.  相似文献   

Information can be obtained from energetic particle measurements through the chemical composition, energy spectrum, directional anisotropy, temporal and spatial intensity variations. This is equivalent to saying that there is a distribution functionf k(p,r,t) wherek corresponds to thekth particle species of momentump at positionr and timet.Particle transport is described by the Boltzmann equation, and because the densities are generally low in the case of cosmic rays or energetic solar flare particles, collective transport effects can be neglected. In the absence of magnetospheric motion it is relatively easy to treat the problems of particle transport as simple propagation of charged particles in a stationary magnetic field configuration using, for instance, trajectory calculations in model fields. The method here is to use correlated measurements of the particle distribution at two points along a dynamic trajectory, and in this way to learn something about the geomagnetic field. This approach provides a good basis from which to study magnetospheric dynamics. If the magnetosphere moves, large scale electric fields, turbulent electromagnetic fields and sources and sinks affect the propagation of energetic particles considerably. These effects change the distribution functionf k(p,r,t) and can thus be detected.In this paper, we shall show the importance of the single particle approximation (trajectories in a reference field) in forming the basis of our understanding of the quiet-time penetration of cosmic rays into the magnetosphere, we shall consider the steady dynamics such as wave-particle inter-action and field line reconnection, which is believed to exist nearly all the time, and finally we shall review the work which has been done in the much more complex and less well-understood field of impulsive dynamics such as geomagnetic storms and substorms. This last topic is only just beginning to be investigated in detail, and it is hoped that the study of impulsive dynamics, using energetic particles, may be as successful as the study of the quiet magnetosphere and the steady dynamics.  相似文献   

After some introductory discussions about morphological concepts and limitations of various measurement techniques, existing low energy plasma data, orginating primarily from the GEOS, Dynamics Explorer, and Prognoz spacecraft, is described and discussed. The plasmasphere measurements are not included (but for some observations of plasmasphere refilling). It is finally concluded that we are very far from a complete picture of the low-energy plasma component in the magnetosphere and that this problem has to be given high priority in planning payloads of future space plasma physics missions.  相似文献   

The penetration of fast electrons ( 5 keV) into an artificial magnetosphere and their precipitation on the terrella surface is investigated. These fast electrons act as radioactive tracers allowing the experimental determination of the global picture of plasma flow around the magnetosphere and its intrusion into the latter. Two different zones of precipitation are observed, distinctly separated on the day-side and merging into each other on the night-side. The high latitude penetration region on the day-side is not localized around the neutral points, but is stretched in longitude forming polar cusps toward dusk and dawn. The lower latitude precipitation zone, embracing the whole terrella is due to the particle precipitation from a radiation belt formed in this experiment. The source of these belt particles seems to be located in the plasmasheet on the night side. Besides the polar cusps, a plasma intrusion from the sides of the magnetosphere in the equatorial region is observed. This equatorial gap, originating on the day-side, is gradually transformed into the plasmasheet in the magnetospheric tail. On the basis of these experimental data a model of the magnetosphere is discussed.  相似文献   

王睿  熊鹰  王展智 《推进技术》2016,37(5):992-1000
为了方便开展吊舱推进器设计和混合式CRP(Contra-Rotating propeller)的面元法分析,提出了一种将吊舱和螺旋桨作为整体进行定常面元法求解的可行办法,对相关的面元法基本积分公式进行了分析,说明了定常面元法整体求解的结果与实际结果之间的关系。从吊舱桨尾流区的实际流场状况和计算效果出发,分析了整体求解吊舱推进器的面元法尾涡模型,并对此种尾涡模型的修正予以详细说明。在进行相关的理论分析后,编制了整体求解吊舱推进器的定常面元法程序,对吊舱推进器进行计算分析,并与试验结果和RANS(Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes)方法计算结果进行了对比,最后对本文所提出的定常整体面元法求解方法进行了误差分析。计算结果表明,整体面元法求解吊舱推进器的误差与试验值相比在5%以内;在计算耗时方面,将吊舱和螺旋桨分开的迭代求解面元法是整体求解面元法的1.7倍。  相似文献   

Whereas the entry mechanism of energetic solar particles into the open field line region of the magnetosphere is now a rather well understood process, transport processes of solar particles in the closed field line region are still unclear and under dispute. The main difficulty lies not only in the fact that different field models predict different behavior of the particles in the quasi-trapping region (e.g. cut-off latitude), but that dynamic changes of the magnetosphere as geomagnetic storms and substorms greatly influence the particle distribution. The present review tries to summarize the status of knowledge regarding solar proton behavior on closed magnetospheric field lines. Together with a presentation of recent measurements in the closed field line region relevant theoretical problems are discussed. They fall either under the study of single particle motion in different static magnetospheric configurations (due to different field models or due to real, e.g. ring current induced changes), or under the study of resonant interaction processes as pitch angle scattering and radial diffusion.Invited Lecture, Second Meeting of the European Geophysical Society, September 1974, Trieste, Italy.  相似文献   

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