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雷暴期间宇宙线次级粒子强度变化与大气电场的关联研究,对分析大气电场加速宇宙线次级带电粒子的机制具有重要意义.采用Monte Carlo方法,模拟研究了雷暴电场对宇宙线次级粒子中电子强度的影响.结果显示,在强度为1000V·cm~(-1)的雷暴电场中,高海拔处电子数目呈指数增长,在大气深度约300g·cm~(-2)处达到极大值,与以往研究提出的相对论电子逃逸雪崩机制相符.模拟结果表明,在地面宇宙线观测实验中,要想得到明显的观测效应,雷暴电场距离探测面的高度应600 m,电场厚度应达到约2000 m.模拟结果为分析雷暴电场与地面宇宙线次级粒子中电子强度的关联性提供了重要参考,为进一步模拟研究雷暴期间高山地面宇宙线强度的变化提供了重要信息.  相似文献   

采用Monte Carlo方法,通过模拟研究了不同强度雷暴电场对LHAASO探测面宇宙线次级电子能量的影响.在电场作用下,电子的能量分布发生了变化.在低能段总电子数目增加明显,而在高能段电场的影响不明显.当电场强度为1700V·cm-1(大于逃逸电场)时,能量<120MeV的电子被加速,能量<60MeV的总电子数目呈指数增长(增幅高达约2252%),雷暴电场对次级粒子的加速机制与相对论电子逃逸雪崩机制(RREA)相符.当电场强度为1000V·cm-1(小于逃逸电场)时,能量<70MeV的电子被加速,其数目明显增加,但是增幅(约86%)远小于逃逸电场时的幅度.对电场强度小于逃逸电场时的雷暴电场加速宇宙线次级粒子的物理机制进行了讨论.研究结果可为理解LHAASO实验数据特点以及研究雷暴期间宇宙线强度的变化等提供参考.  相似文献   

现有的行人重识别方法主要关注于学习行人的局部特征来实现跨摄像机条件下的行人辨识。然而在人体部件存在运动或遮挡、背景干扰等行人数据非完备条件下,会导致行人局部辨识信息丢失概率的增加。针对这个问题,提出了一种多尺度联合学习方法对行人辨识特征进行精细化表达。该方法包含3个分支网络,分别提取行人的粗粒度全局特征、细粒度全局特征和细粒度局部特征。其中粗粒度全局分支通过融合不同层次的语义信息来增强全局特征的丰富性;细粒度全局分支通过联合全部局部特征,在对全局特征进行细粒度描述的同时学习行人局部部件间的相关性;细粒度局部分支则通过遍历局部特征来挖掘行人非显著性的信息以增强局部特征的鲁棒性。为了验证所提方法的有效性,在Market1501、DukeMTMC-ReID和CUHK03三个公开数据集上开展了对比实验,实验结果表明:所提方法取得了最佳性能。   相似文献   

基于注意力机制的跨分辨率行人重识别   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
行人图像分辨率的变化对现有的行人重识别方法带来了很大的挑战。针对这一问题,提出了一种新的跨分辨率行人重识别方法。该方法从两方面解决分辨率变化带来的识别困难:一方面通过通道注意力机制和空间注意力机制捕捉人物特征获取局部区域;另一方面通过核动态上采样模块恢复任意分辨率图像的局部区域信息。为了验证所提方法的有效性,在Market1501、CUHK03和CAVIAR三个公开数据集上开展了对比实验,实验结果表明:所提方法取得了最佳性能。   相似文献   

为了能够估价空间重粒子对单个生物细胞的放射生物学效应,我们设计、制成了卤虫卵-核乳胶夹层式生物包.经搭载我国“8885”卫星飞行数天后回收.用图象分析仪研究了空间重离子在核乳胶上留下的径迹及其分布;并实验观察了卤虫卵的前期发育情况.看到:随星飞行过的卤虫卵与地面对照组相比,其发育能力明显降低,表现为孵化率低且发育时间推迟.实验表明:生物样品板-核乳胶影象定位技术能清楚而比较准确地给出卤虫卵(或其他生物细胞)受重离子作用的信息,是重离子生物效应及其作用机理研究的可行实验手段及分析方法之一.  相似文献   

根据车辆重识别中区域置信度不同,提出了基于高置信局部特征的车辆重识别优化算法。首先,利用车辆关键点检测获得对应的多个关键点坐标信息,分割出车标扩散区域和其他重要的局部区域。根据车标扩散区域的高区分度特性,提升局部区域的置信度。使用多层卷积神经网络对输入图片进行处理,根据局部区域分割信息,对卷积得到的特征张量进行空间维度上的切割,获得代表全局信息和关键局部信息的特征张量。然后,通过全连接层特征张量转化为表示车辆个体的一维向量,计算损失函数。最后,在测试阶段使用全局特征,并利用训练好的车标扩散区域提取分支获得高置信局部特征,缩短局部识别一致的车辆目标距离。在典型车辆重识别数据集VehicleID上进行测试,验证了所提算法的有效性。   相似文献   

跨域是行人重识别的重要应用场景,但是源域与目标域行人图像在光照条件、拍摄视角、成像背景与风格等方面的表观特征差异性是导致行人重识别模型泛化能力下降的关键因素。针对该问题,提出了基于多标签协同学习的跨域行人重识别方法。利用语义解析模型构造了基于语义对齐的多标签数据表示,以引导构建更关注行人前景区域的局部特征,达到语义对齐的目的,减少背景对跨域重识别的影响。基于行人图像全局特征和语义对齐后的行人局部特征,利用协同学习平均模型生成行人重识别模型的多标签表示,减少跨域场景下噪声硬标签的干扰。利用协同学习网络框架联合多标签的语义对齐模型,提高行人重识别模型的识别能力。实验结果表明:在Market-1501→DukeMTMC-reID、DukeMTMC-reID→Market-1501、Market-1501→MSMT17、DukeMTMC-reID→MSMT17跨域行人重识别数据集上,与NRMT方法相比,平均精度均值分别提高了8.3%、8.9%、7.6%、7.9%,多标签协同学习方法具有显著的优越性。  相似文献   

正尼莫点附近海域及其上空接纳的首个人类空间站就是礼炮1号。1961年4月12日,莫斯科时间上午9时零7分,加加林乘坐东方1号宇宙飞船从拜科努尔航天发射场起飞,在远地点为301公里的轨道上绕地球一周,历时1小时48分钟,于上午10时55分安全返回,降落在萨拉托夫州斯梅洛夫卡村地区,完成了世界上首次载人宇宙飞行,实现了人类进入太空的愿望。  相似文献   

通过对跨模态检索问题的研究,属性信息的使用可以增强所提取特征的语义表达性,但现有基于自然语言的跨模态行人重识别算法对行人图片和文本的属性信息利用不够充分。基于双重属性信息的跨模态行人重识别算法充分考虑了行人图片和文本描述的属性信息,构建了基于文本属性和图片属性的双重属性空间,并通过构建基于隐空间和属性空间的跨模态行人重识别端到端网络,提高了所提取图文特征的可区分性和语义表达性。跨模态行人重识别数据集CUHK-PEDES上的实验评估表明,所提算法的检索准确率Top-1达到了56.42%,与CMAAM算法的Top-1(56.68%)具有可比性,Top-5、Top-10相比CMAAM算法分别提升了0.45%、0.29%。针对待检索图片库中可能存在身份标签的应用场景,利用行人的类别信息提取属性特征,可以较大幅度提高跨模态行人图片的检索准确率,Top-1达到64.88%。消融实验证明了所提算法使用的文本属性和图片属性的重要性及基于双重属性空间的有效性。   相似文献   

行人重识别是刑侦案件中重要的侦查手段,而跨域是行人重识别的主要挑战之一,也是制约其实际应用的瓶颈问题。在带标签的源域和无标签的目标域学习跨域行人局部语义不变性特征模型。首先,在源域上通过只含有行人标识无部件标签的监督学习方式学习行人的各部件特征,并在源域和目标域上采用无监督学习方式对齐行人部件。然后,基于对齐后的行人全局与局部特征,引入特征模板池存储对齐后的目标域全局和局部特征,并设计了跨域不变性损失函数进行特征不变性约束,提高行人重识别的跨域适应能力。最后,在Market-1501、DukeMTMC-reID和MSMT17数据集之间开展了跨域行人重识别验证实验,实验结果表明,所提方法在跨域行人重识别上取得了显著的性能提升。   相似文献   

分析了日本Nagoya 宇宙线闪烁体望远镜30°, 49°, 64° 倾角的东、西、南、北方向探测数据的变化特点, 运用小波分析方法定性地探讨了磁暴前后宇宙线南北、东西各向异性的变化特征. 研究发现, 当发 生大地磁暴时, 地面宇宙线强度的各向异性特征将发生非常大的变化, 这种变化一般在磁暴发生前10~20 h就开始出现. 当描述这种各向异性特征的各向异性指数的小波系数变化达到一定阈值时, 就可能有大地磁暴发生.  相似文献   

Modern instrument-simulation techniques offer the possibility of increasing the scientific yield from archival space datasets. In this paper, we report on a simulation of the electron response of the University of Chicago’s Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment (CRNE) instrument on the IMP-8 satellite. IMP-8/CRNE returned data from 1973 to 2006. The CRNE particle telescope was designed to measure the isotopic composition of Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) nuclei and has also been used in many studies of protons and ions above 10 MeV/nucleon from solar energetic particle (SEP) events. But CRNE also functions as a highly-capable detector for solar electrons above 0.5 MeV, an energy range that has not been extensively studied. Utilization of the CRNE electron data has heretofore been limited by the fact that CRNE was never calibrated for electrons. We have therefore used the GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation package to model the CRNE response to electrons and (separately) protons for multiple energies and incident angles. The results were used to compute the energy- and angle-dependence of the effective area and the energy-dependence of the geometric factor. The response to protons, which was already well understood, was used to verify the mass model, the simulation settings, and the post-processing software. Our simulation of the IMP-8/CRNE electron response now allows analysis of hundreds of relativistic solar electron events observed by CRNE over the years, including studies of evolution of electron energy spectra with high time resolution. We show examples of these results and briefly discuss potential applications to future scientific investigations.  相似文献   

单星观测条件下弹道主动段估计的误差分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在具有先验信息条件下 ,研究了单颗卫星利用星载红外传感器的角测量对弹道主动段参数估计的误差分析问题 ,通过理论分析 ,结合MonteCarlo仿真实验 ,系统的分析了三个主要误差源对估计弹道的影响 ,并提出了相应的处理策略  相似文献   

Heavy ion induced mutations in genetic effective cells of a higher plant.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Arabidopsis thaliana offers different possibilities for investigating heavy ion induced early and late damage. Mutations in genetic effective cells can yield early damage, in the form of reduced vitality of the descending cell-lines and/or late damage, such as mutation induction visible in the following generations. Investigation is possible on different levels of ploidy (4n, 2n, n). Different genetic effective cells with equal genomes are available. Additionally, several different biological endpoints for each level of genome ploidy can be observed. Recent results of work in this field are presented.  相似文献   

A ground-based electro-optical (EO) array, deployed at the Jilin Space Tracking Base of Changchun Observatory, China, has been in operation since April 2017. The array has 8 small telescopes, each has an aperture of 15 cm and a field of view of 14° × 14°. On average, the array can collect angles data over 3–4 thousand Very Short Arcs (VSAs) of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) space objects each night. Correlation of the VSA angles data with the NORAD catalogue objects results in about 85% of all the VSAs being correlated to NORAD objects. The remaining 15% VSAs angles data could be supposed from uncatalogued objects. The Initial Orbit Determination (IOD) solutions of the VSAs with the range-search method and the association results of the IODs with the geometrical method are presented. The mean IOD success rate is about 91% and the True Positive (TP) rate is more than 86%. In addition, the classical Gauss, Laplace, Gooding and Double-r angles-only IOD methods are applied to process VSA angles data and their performance is assessed. The CBTA method is used to associate the IOD tracks and compared with the geometrical method. A set of procedures for identifying the uncatalogued objects based on the VSA angles data is designed. Processing of the VSA angles data from Aug 4 to Sep 30, 2017 reveals there are possibly 415 uncatalogued LEO objects.  相似文献   

Model experiments in phytotrons have shown that urea is able to cover 70% of the demand in nitrogen of the conveyer cultivated wheat. At the same time wheat plants can directly utilize human liquid wastes. In this article by human liquid wastes the authors mean human urine only. In a long-term experiment on "man-higher plants" system with two crewmen, plants covered 63 m2, with wheat planted to--39.6 m2. For 103 days, complete human urine (total amount--210.7 l) was supplied into the nutrient solution for wheat. In a month and a half NaCl supply into the nutrient solution stabilized at 0.9-1.65 g/l. This salination had no marked effect on wheat production. The experiment revealed the realistic feasibility to directly involve liquid wastes into the biological turnover of the life support system. The closure of the system, in terms of water, increased by 15.7% and the supply of nutrients for wheat plants into the system was decreased.  相似文献   

Quantitative histological study revealed that regeneration of sectioned guinea pig facial nerve is accelerated by exposure to a moderate hypergravitic field of 1.6g. A two fold increase in rate of regeneration and in sprouting was observed. Scar tissue formation was significantly reduced in animals exposed to the hypergravitic field. The results confirm a previous study in which regeneration was evaluated clinically and by qualitative histology.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to heavy particles on behaviors mediated by the central nervous system (CNS) are qualitatively different than the effects produced by exposure to other types of radiation. One behavior mediated by the CNS is the amphetamine-induced taste aversion, which is produced by pairing a novel tasting solution with injection of amphetamine. When the conditioning day is three days following irradiation, exposing rats to low doses of 56Fe particles (600 MeV/n or 1 GeV/n) eliminates the taste aversion produced by injection of amphetamine, which is dependent upon the integrity of the central dopaminergic system, but has no effect on the aversion produced by injection of lithium chloride which is mediated by the gastrointestinal system. In contrast to the effects obtained using heavy particles, exposing rats to 60CO gamma rays or to fission spectrum neutrons has no selective effect upon the acquisition of either amphetamine- or lithium chloride-induced taste aversions. When the conditioning day occurs four months following exposure to 1 GeV/n 56Fe particles, there is an enhancement of the amphetamine-induced taste aversion. The implications of these findings for approaches to risk assessment are considered.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic effects of X-rays and Au ions were investigated in repair-proficient CHO-K1 cells and their radiosensitive mutant strain xrs5, which shows a defect in the rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks. Both cell lines were synchronized by mitotic shake off, irradiated in G1-phase with either 250 kV X-rays or 780 MeV/u Au ions (LET: 1150 keV/micrometer) and chromosome aberrations were analyzed in first post-irradiation metaphases. Isoeffective doses of X-rays for the induction of aberrant cells and aberrations per cell were about 14 times lower for xrs5 than for CHO-K1 cells. After high LET radiation the difference in the cytogenetic response of both cell lines was drastically diminished. Furthermore, the analysis of the aberration types induced by sparsely and densely ionizing radiation showed for both cell lines specific changes in the spectrum of aberration types as LET increases. The experimental results are discussed with respect to the different types of lesions induced by sparsely and densely ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

A review is being presented concerning behavioural, biochemical, histochemical and electronmicroscopical data on the influence of altered gravitational forces on the swimming performance and on the neuronal differentiation of the brain of cichlid fish larvae and adult swordtail fish that had been exposed to hyper-gravity (3g in laboratory centrifuges), hypo-gravity (>10(-2) g in a fast-rotating clinostat) and to near weightlessness (10(-4) g aboard the Spacelab D-2 mission). After long-term alterations of gravity (and parallel light deprivation), initial disturbances in the swimming behaviour followed by a stepwise regain of normal swimming modes are induced. Parallel, neuroplastic reactivities on different levels of investigation were found, such as adaptive alterations of activities of various enzymes in whole brain as well as in specific neuronal integration centers and an intraneuronal reactivity on ultrastructural level in individual brain parts and in the sensory epithelia of the inner ear. Taken together, these data reveal distinct adaptive neuroplastic reactions of fish to altered gravity conditions.  相似文献   

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