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全国企业整顿领导小组: 为贯彻落实中共中央、国务院《关于国营工业企业进行全面整顿的决定》和赵紫阳总理关于加强标准化工作的指示精神,1982年,我局在石家庄召开了全国采用国际标准经验交流和制订规划座谈会,在抚顺召开了部分省市企业标准化工作座谈会。今年上半年,我局局长程传辉同志、总工程师李玉思同志在国家经委和全国总工会举办的第六期企业管理研究班,就如何加强企业标准化工作问题分别作了报告。  相似文献   

2012年全国标准化工作的总体要求是:全面贯彻落实党的十七届六中全会和中央经济工作会议精神,以邓小平理论和"三个代表"重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以服务科学发展为主题,以支撑加快转变经济发展方式为主线,围绕抓质量、保安全、促发展、强基础,按照"系统管理、重点突破、整体提升"的基本要求,深入实施标准化战略,不断完善标准化体系,推动标准有效  相似文献   

我厂标准化室共有科技人员6名,隶属技术发展科领导。我室不仅具体负责航空辅机产品设计的标准化工作,还主管机床、量刃具、台钟,工装等民品标准化工作,全厂标准化工作的组织和协调也由我室统一归口。1980年我们主要做了以下工作。一,加强组织建设1.建立标准化组织网,在主要技术单位确定兼职标准化员7名,在设计所、工艺科确定标准化业务联系人3名,在机床办公室,工具科设专职标准化员各1名,业务上由标准化室指导。  相似文献   

标准化是现代化工业的产物,是科学地组织生产,实现多快好省的一种重要手段,也是我国生产建设工作中一项重要的经济技术政策。生产愈 现代化,就愈需要标准化。建国以来,在毛主席革命路线指引下,随着我国社 会主义建设的发展,通过贯彻执行一九六二年国务院颁布的《工农业产品和工 程建设技术标准管理办法》,逐步开展了我国的标准化工作。经过无产阶级文 化大革命,狠批了刘少奇一类骗子椎行的反革命修正主义路线,使标准化工作 更好地沿着毛主席的革命路线前进。一九七二年,全国计划会议提出要“把产 品质量提到第一位”,“凡是质量不合标准的产品,一律不准出厂”,这对标准 化工作提出了更高的要求。目前全国范围内的标准化工作的斗、挑、改正在深 入地进行。标准化工作正在我国经济建设和国防建设中发挥积极的作用,它和 其他工作一样,出现了一片大好形势。 航空标准化工作跟全国标准化工作一样,形势也是大好的。去年航空标准 化工作会议以后,各航空企业和科研单位,为了更好地贯彻会议的精神,落实 会议提出的要求,各级党委正在迅速加强对标淮化工作的领导;逐步建立和健全标准化工作机构及标准化工作管理制度。结合整顿产品质量运动,积极而  相似文献   

1983年是标准化工作在全国取得重大进展的一年。各条战线根据国务院1982年底批转的《国家标准局关于加强标准化工作的报告》的精神部署了工作,国防科工委在1983年4月召开了第一次军用标准化工作会议,提出了加速制订和贯彻国家军用标准问题,明确了制订、贯彻国家军用标准中的设计、生产、使用三结合的方针;10月,全国企业整顿领导小组转发了《关于企业标准化工作整顿情况和今后意见的  相似文献   

新机研制中的标准化工作闫清德(六○八研究所)我所每年都承担近十项新矾研制任务,这些任务大多都处于不同的研制阶段。为适应多机型研制工作的需要,提高新机标准化水平,我所重点抓了以下几方面标准化工作。1.在论证阶段建立新机标准化工作系统标准化室主任和新机总...  相似文献   

1979年是国民经济调整的第一年。一年来,在党中央、国务院的领导和关怀下,在国家经委的直接领导下;全国标准化工作加快了前进步伐,取得了很大成绩。 1. 贯彻三中全会精神,及时召开了全国标准化工作会议。  相似文献   

为贯彻今年全国标准化工作会议精神,进一步开展标准化的宣贯工作,扩大标准、计量技术资料的交流、发行,在国家标准局等领导单位的重视支持下,由中国标准化协会、中国标准出版社、计量出版社、北京标准计量书店和机械、航空、航天、电子、化工、冶金等部标准化所联合举办“全国标准计量技术资料展销会”。地点:北京宣武区虎坊路13号,“北京技术交流馆”。时间:1985年6月6日至6月23日。“展销会”门票,将按系统发给  相似文献   

党的十三大提出了在社会主义初级阶段建设有中国特色的社会主义基本路线,确定了我国经济发展战略目标。标准化是国民经济中一项重要的综合性基础工作。搞好标准化工作,对于促进国民经济不断发展,实现第二步、第三步战略目标有着十分重要的作用。我们召开这次会议主要是学习、贯彻十三大精神,总结党的十一届三中全会以来标准化工作的经验,研究加快和深化标准化工作改革,部署1988年的工作。  相似文献   

现将国家标准局“一九八六年全国标准化工作要点”转载如下,以帮助我部各厂、所从事标准化工作的同志了解“工作要点”的内容,领会其精神,便于做好一九八六年的标准化工作。  相似文献   

简介了任务计算机调试设备配套软件在任务计算机仿真环境中的重要作用 ,对该软件设计方法和流程进行了详细的说明 ,主要介绍了VC ++6 .0环境下串行通信和显示控制软件的设计技术 ,并讨论了如何提高应用程序性能的途径。  相似文献   

从科技论文的特点看科技论文的选题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文论述了科技文的特点及选师原则。在特点方面主要就科技论文的科学性,创造性,理论性进行了阐述,在选题方面科技论文选题的客观需要与主条件进行阐述,旨在揭示科技论文的特点与课题选择之间的关系,从而了解其特点,并据此选题,写出符合要求的科技论文。  相似文献   

Impulse action of a cavitation bubble on a rigid wall is studied depending on the distance between them. We determine the distances at which the periphery pressure maximums on a wall are preserved as well as the distances at which these maximums exceed the water hammer pressure.  相似文献   

The ultraviolet spectrum of a redshifted plasma flow appearing over a sunspot observed during the first flight of the High Resolution Telescope Spectrograph (HRTS I) is analysed, and interpreted as a radiatively cooling plasma. For most of the lines emitted from this plasma, the assumption of ionization equilibrium during the cooling is good. However for He II (and other ions with a single electron outside of closed shells), this is not the case. Integrating differential equations for the various ionization fractions of helium and the temperature allows an approximate determination of the abundance of helium relative to other elements whose lines appear in the spectrum of the plasma flow.  相似文献   

The intersections of a loxodrome (rhumb line) and a great circle are of interest for some navigational problems, but a closed-form solution cannot be formulated. An algorithm is given for computing approximations to any desired degree of accuracy using Newton's method. By using the equatorial angle φ as an independent variable all solutions can be found rapidly using the modest computational capabilities of a personal computer  相似文献   

Effect of a transverse plasma jet on a shock wave induced by a ramp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We conducted experiments in a wind tunnel with Mach number 2 to explore the evolution of a transverse plasma jet and its modification effect on a shock wave induced by a ramp with an angle of 24°. The transverse plasma jet was created by arc discharge in a small cylindrical cavity with a 2 mm diameter orifice. Three group tests with different actuator arrangements in the spanwise or streamwise direction upstream from the ramp were respectively studied to compare their disturbances to the shock wave. As shown by a time-resolved schlieren system, an unsteady motion of the shock wave by actuation was found: the shock wave was significantly modified by the plasma jet with an upstream motion and a reduced angle. Compared to spanwise actuation, a more intensive impact was obtained with two or three streamwise actuators working together. From shock wave structures, the control effect of the plasma jet on the shock motion based on a thermal effect, a potential cause of shock modification, was discussed. Furthermore, we performed a numerical simulation by using the Improved Delayed Detached Eddy Simulation(IDDES) method to simulate the evolution of the transverse plasma jet plume produced by two streamwise actuators. The results show that flow structures are similar to those identified in schlieren images. Two streamwise vortices were recognized, which indicates that the higher jet plume is the result of the overlap of two streamwise jets.  相似文献   

The problem of energy-momentum in a body with a finite volume has been causing confusion in the theory of relativity, especially in relativistic thermodynamics. Its correct understanding has been given since the early years of relativity, however, erroneous misunderstandings are still found in papers and textbooks to this date. The present paper introduces a simple paradox to demonstrate the problem, and gives a brief review on a way to handle the energy-momentum correctly.  相似文献   

The natural damped frequencies of a viscous liquid in a circular cylindrical container are obtained for slipping and anchored contact line at the container wall r = a. In addition the response to translational forced excitation has been determined. The results may also be applied to viscous liquid in a micro-gravity environment, as long as the contact angle of the liquid surface to the cylindrical container wall is in the vicinity of π/2, indicating, that the free liquid surface equilibrium position remains a plane surface. It could be found that there exists in contrast to frictionless liquid a small filling range, in which the liquid performs only an aperiodic motion. The adherence condition at the side wall was replaced by the somewhat weaker condition of an anchored contact line.  相似文献   

针对某型弹用发动机火药起动试验件起动试验要求,通过静态烟火试验数据确定火药起动模拟试验设备技术指标,在试验台上进行了高压冷吹和真实火药热吹起动试验,获取了两类试验下模拟转子的起动特性.试验结果表明:通过静态烟火试验和高压冷吹测得不同压力下空气流量、转速数据可以拟合出相关关系式,通过关系式能够预估燃气发生器所用火药量在热吹试验中转子可能最大转速,最后通过0.8kg真实火药热吹试验获取的最高转速与换算压力状态下的冷吹最高转速仅相差116r/min,进一步验证了试验和预估方法的有效性和准确性,可以减少或取消不同装药量火药在模拟转子上的吹转试验,减低在发动机上的试验安全风险,为在发动机上的应用奠定基础.   相似文献   

A scheme involving the use of a lookup table is developed for the excitation control of a synchronous generator. The proposed control scheme, generator speed deviation, and acceleration deviation are taken as the input signals. These input signals are sampled and converted to linguistic terms before they are fed into the controller. The controller generates the desired output (control) signal by using a set of production rules (if-then rules) that are based on previous experience to relate the input signals to the output. The output signal is converted from linguistic terms to a numerical value before it is sent to the excitation system of the synchronous machine. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme, digital simulations of a synchronous generator subject to a three-phase fault under different operating conditions were performed. It was found that the controller can improve the dynamic performance of a synchronous generator over a wide range of operating conditions. Since the controller does not require model identification, it is computationally efficient and is suitable for online excitation control, using a microcomputer  相似文献   

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