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Science return and high bandwidth communications are one of the key issues to support the foreseen endeavours on next generation missions [J.L. Gerner, Telemetry, tracking and command of satellites—a perspective, TT&C 2004 Workshop, 7–9 September 2004]. Interplanetary telecommunication systems are required that support the foreseen endeavours. Given the same constraints in terms of mass, power and volume a laser communications terminal can offer an increase in telemetry bandwidth over classical RF technology allowing for a variety of new options, specifically to missions that require large distances, such as to the Moon, to liberation points L1 and L2, ultimately aiming at deep space missions. An increase in telemetry data rate allows the mission to consider the processing of raw scientific data to take place on ground, making use of latest technology further developed during the cruise phase of the probe, rather than applying data pre-processing on-board the satellite. Enhanced sensing techniques that generate more science data return could be used and access to data during flight could be faster. Results of on-going activities will be presented, comprising PPM laser communications and advanced tracking concepts. An overview will be given of the system concept for an integrated RF-optical TT&C transponder. Results will be shown from hardware tests on communications performance in inter-island test campaigns.  相似文献   

The NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) has a new requirement to support high-data-rate Category A (Cat A) missions (within 2 million kilometers of the Earth) with simultaneous S-band uplink, S-band downlink and Ka-band downlink. The S-band links are required for traditional telemetry, tracking & command (TT&C) support to the spacecraft, while the Ka-band link is intended for high-data-rate science returns. The new Ka-band system combines the use of proven DSN cryogenic designs, for low system temperature, and high-data-rate capability using commercial telemetry receivers. The initial Cat A support is required for the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) in 2014 and possibly other missions. The upgrade has been implemented into 3 different 34-meter Beam Waveguide (BWG) antennas in the DSN, one at each of the complexes in Canberra (Australia), Goldstone (California) and Madrid (Spain). System test data are presented to show that the requirements were met and the DSN is ready for Cat A Ka-band operational support.  相似文献   

随着卫星互联网和我国航天测控技术的不断进步,航天测控网络朝着智能化、一体化的方向发展,在自主测控、资源分配等方面进展良好。因此,建立智能天地一体化的航天测控网是我国航天未来发展的重要目标。针对智能航天测控网中的跟踪测轨、遥测和遥控三个方面,分别介绍了相关原理与技术。同时,结合CCSDS提出的空间数据链路标准协议详细介绍了TM、TC、AOS、Proximity-1以及USLP标准,分析了不同标准所使用的技术与实际应用。本文从数据链路层和物理层的角度介绍了智能航天测控系统的工作原理及技术要求,为我国智能天地一体化卫星测控通信网的研究提供参考并予以展望。  相似文献   

随着航天发射和在轨航天器管理任务的不断增加,为支撑各类测控需求,遥测站数量越来越多,测控系统越来越复杂。为了从整体降低对遥测任务及遥测装备的运维管理成本,提升运维信息的应用能力,为各类角色用户提供有效全面的信息支撑,需要建立体系化的遥测装备智能运维系统。构建多级智能化运维体系,通过现代化信息感知和传输技术实现装备信息的多维度快速获取、感知和汇聚,全局性掌控战斗资源,建设运维中心及信息处理平台完成数据的智能融合处理,通过对各装备、各时段数据的比较,关联挖掘信息,深层次利用运维数据,实现资源全景展示、装备状态监视与智能维护、运行效能评估、态势分析与预测等能力,为遥测资源和战斗力部署调度提供直接全面的决策支撑。  相似文献   

在遥测数据常用数据库的基础上 ,应用遥测属性传递标准 TMATS建立了新的测控数据库。新测控数据库实现了设备属性建库 ,从而使处理的参数可与测量设备相联系 ,并实现了与遥控数据库的联系。测控数据库已应用于数据处理中。  相似文献   

为满足运载火箭日益增长的测控需求,网络化测控成为未来运载火箭测控的必然趋势。通过研究IRIG 106-20国际遥测标准中TmNS标准特性、协议栈以及系统架构,提出了基于TmNS的运载火箭天地一体化测控网络的新概念,给出了测控网络系统架构、各部分组成及功能,并对其中涉及的TmNS数据消息传输协议、RF网络接入层协议、TMoIP协议、数据包遥测技术等关键技术进行研究,提出了可行的实现方案,为今后我国新一代运载火箭天地一体化测控通信奠定技术基础。  相似文献   

神舟号载人飞船船载测控通信分系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了神舟号载人飞船船载测控通信分系统中统-S波段(USB)、C波段、遥测、遥控、图像、话音、超短波(VHF)、短波(HF)和天线等子系统的组成、主要功能与特点,以及跟踪测轨、话音通信、遥控、遥测和天线等的可靠性设计。地面试验和飞行试验结果表明,该测控通信分系统都完成了测量任务,完全能满足载人航天工程的高要求。  相似文献   

The growth in NASA's ground network complexity and cost triggered a search for an alternative. Through a lease service contract, Western Union will provide to NASA 10 years of space communications services with a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). A constellation of four operating satellites in geostationary orbit and a single ground terminal will provide complete tracking, telemetry and command service for all of NASA's Earth orbital satellites below an altitude of 12,000 km. The system is shared: two satellites will be dedicated to NASA service; a third will provide backup as a shared spare; the fourth satellite will be dedicated to Western Union's Advanced Westar commercial service. Western Union will operate the ground terminal and provide operational satellite control. NASA's Network Control Center will provide the focal point for scheduling user services and controlling the interface between TDRSS and the rest of the NASA communications network, project control centers and data processing facilities. TDRSS single access user spacecraft data systems should be designed for efficient time shared data relay support. Reimbursement policy and rate structure for non-NASA users are currently being developed.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(4):185-196
As a result of studies undertaken during 1981 and 1982, in support of NASA's Solar System Exploration Committee activities, several new approaches have been identified for development of flight hardware as well as ground systems for the execution of U.S. planetary missions through the close of the century. This paper will summarize these new approaches for achieving lower cost in planetary exploration in three different ways:
  • •• Use of modified “production line” spacecraft developed by aerospace companies for scientific and commercial use in earth orbit—study results will be discussed which demonstrate that with only modest modifications to existing earth orbiting spacecraft, excellent results can be expected at planetary targets in the inner solar system ranging from Venus to the inner portions of the asteroid belt. Use of both communications satellites typical of those used in geosynchronous applications, as well as low earth orbiting scientific and meteorological satellites will be discussed. The range of changes and the rationale for these changes required to perform planetary missions will be displayed in detail.
  • •• The development of a multi-mission modular type spacecraft for planetary missions—a new approach and new flexible spacecraft design proposed for development for planetary missions to comets, main-belt asteroids, and the outer planets will be identified. This Mariner Mark II spacecraft will enable reconfiguration at low cost for adaptation to a wide range of missions. Design concepts which draw heavily on early planetary missions as well as technology developments that are expected to be available in the late 80's and early 90's will be described in detail.
  • •• Development of low-cost multi-mission end-to-end information system—a system design including spacecraft command and data handling system requirements, as well as an architecture for a cost effective multi-mission operations system will be described. This system is intended to be applied to both classes of spacecraft/missions described above.

The navigation constellation will have the capability of supporting Tracking Telemetry and Command (TT&C) operations by inter-satellite link (ISL). The ISL will become an important solution to reduce the shortage of ground TT&C resources. The problems need to be studied urgently in the field of space TT&C network resources scheduling management are how to determine the availability of ISL and how to allocate TT&C resources of ISL. The performance and scheduling constraints of navigation constellation?s ISL are analyzed, and three utilization strategies of ISL to perform TT&C operations are proposed. The allocation of TT&C resources based on ISL falls into two successive phases. Firstly, master satellite determination equation is established by using 0–1 Programming model based on the availability matrix. Mathematical method is used to solve the equation to determine the master satellite and the topology of ISL. Secondly, Constraint Programming (CP) model is used to describe the ground TT&C resources scheduling problem with special requirements of TT&C operations based on master satellite, and a heuristic algorithm is designed to solve the CP model. The equations and algorithm are verified by simulation examples. The algorithm of TT&C resources scheduling based on ISL has realized the synthesized usage of both the ISL and ground resources on TT&C field. This algorithm can improve TT&C supports of territorial ground TT&C network for global navigation constellation, and provides technical reference for the TT&C mission planning of global constellation by using ISL.  相似文献   

天基信息支援的高实效性对测控保障能力提出了严格要求,针对测控保障能力的快速评估问题,提出了一种基于层次分析法的快速评估方法。首先,依据时序和事件逻辑匹配一致性原则,将整个评估流程拆解为天基信息支援对测控需求确定、评估数据收集、制定评估指标和标准、分析评估数据、提供评估反馈和建议5个步骤,并基于拆解步骤项,确定了评估实施流程,设计了评估层级结构模型,提出了评估方法。然后,依据独立性原则确定了评估指标和标准,采用综合赋值法确定了指标权值,得到归一化评估结果,并确定不同标准对应的决策建议。最后,通过实例验证表明,方法能够快速完成测控保障能力评估,并提供对应的合理处置决策建议,可为天基信息支援的辅助决策快速提供有效依据。  相似文献   

对我国遥测技术发展的思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
近半个世纪 ,我国遥测技术的发展令人骄傲 ,它为我国“两弹一星”等重大试验的成功立下了不朽功勋 ;进入上世纪 90年代以来 ,它在规模、体制、频段等诸多方面又上了一个新台阶。进入新世纪以后 ,面临世界遥测技术发展的挑战和我国航天、导弹及常规兵器新型号试验的新需求 ,我国遥测技术应着重深入研究和重点发展空间数据系统、综合基带设备、低仰角跟踪技术、外弹道测量、多目标综合测量、机载遥测系统、遥外测综合跟踪技术和数字化检前记录等设备和技术。  相似文献   

基于SCL的航天器遥控操作平台设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现对航天器的透明控制,航天器控制中心开发设计了遥控操作平台。首先提出了遥控操作平台的硬件组成及运行环境;其次结合航天器测控任务的需求,进行了软件功能设计,将遥控操作平台分为四个层次、六大功能,并详细描述了其数据流图;最后明确了遥控操作平台的内部、外部接口以及安全性措施。该遥控操作平台已成功地完成了我国同步和近地卫星早期以及长期管理阶段的测控任务,极大地提高了我国航天器测控能力和测控网资源的运行效率。  相似文献   

针对多目标测控系统中检前记录数据事后处理的实际 ,提出的多点检测法 ,有效地提高了目标信号捕获的可靠性 ;采用变带宽技术解决伪码动态跟踪问题。在载波跟踪中 ,采用 Costas- AFC复合环作为载波信号的跟踪环 ,既可解决高动态跟踪问题 ,又可很好地满足跟踪精度的要求 ;采用数据反演技术有效地提高了数据利用率 ,保持了数据的完整性。最后总结了利用软件优势提高测量精度的几种方法。实际工作证明 ,所述方法的确是可行的、有效的  相似文献   

对船载遥测接收信道一项最重要的传输特性———门限特性进行理论分析,并指出门限特性对执行测控任务和设备性能检测的特殊意义。首先阐述门限效应产生的本质即增加传输带宽是在恶化输入信噪比的前提下提高输出信噪比,输入信噪比的域值即为门限。结合各种不同的船载遥测信道门限输入信噪比,提出统一的、具有普遍意义的标定方法:即调制度定标和载波信噪比的标定。根据信道本底噪声的不同,又分为射频有线和无线两种测试方式,给出了详细的测试过程和步骤。最后还分析双模环电路由于实现了载波的动态跟踪而能显著降低门限效应。  相似文献   

Recent planning for science and exploration missions has emphasized the high interest in the close investigation of small bodies in the Solar System. In particular in-situ observations of asteroids and comets play an important role in this field and will contribute substantially to our understanding of the formation and history of the Solar System.The first dedicated comet Lander is Philae, an element of ESA's Rosetta mission to comet 67/P Churyumov–Gerasimenko. Rosetta was launched in 2004. After more than 7 years of cruise (including three Earth and one Mars swing-by as well as two asteroid flybys) the spacecraft has gone into a deep space hibernation in June 2011. When approaching the target comet in early 2014, Rosetta will be re-activated. The cometary nucleus will be characterized remotely to prepare for Lander delivery, currently foreseen for November 2014.The Rosetta Lander was developed and manufactured, similar to a scientific instrument, by a consortium consisting of international partners. Project management is located at DLR in Cologne/Germany, with co-project managers at CNES (France) and ASI (Italy). The scientific lead is at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Science (Lindau, Germany) and the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (Paris).Mainly scientific institutes provided the subsystems, instruments and the complete, qualified lander system. Operations are performed in two dedicated centers, the Lander Control Center (LCC) at DLR-MUSC and the Science Operations and Navigation Center (SONC) at CNES. This concept was adopted to reduce overall cost of the project and is foreseen also to be applied for development and operations of future small bodies landers.A mission profiting from experience gained during Philae development and operations is MASCOT, a surface package for the Japanese Hayabusa 2 mission. MASCOT is a small (∼10 kg) mobile device, delivered to the surface of asteroid 1999JU3. There it will operate for about 16 h. During this time a camera, a magnetometer, a thermal monitor and an IR analytical instrument will provide ground truth and thus will even be able to support the selection of possible sampling sites for the main spacecraft.MASCOT is a flexible design that can be adapted to a wide range of missions and possible target bodies. Also the payload is flexible to some extent (with an overall mass in the 3 kg range). For example, the surface package is part of the optional strawman payload for MarcoPolo-R, a European asteroid sample return mission, proposed for ESA Cosmic Vision M-class.  相似文献   

冯小虎  夏景林  张志清 《上海航天》2005,22(Z1):111-116
介绍了风云二号(FY-2)C星地面应用分系统数据与指令接收站(CDAS)的主要技术指标、工作流程,以及与C星的星地接口与地面应用分系统其他部分的接口.说明了CDAS的天伺馈、信道、图像获取(IAS)、三点测距(TRRR)、数据收集(DCP)、遥测遥控(TT&C)、卫星模拟器、标校、时间统-、低速信息传输(LRIT)信息编码与发送等子系统的组成与功能.阐述了C星CDAS的设计原则,以及用群调技术实现DCP的数据解调、用扩频伪码进行TRRR定位、图像处理、TT&C增加图形化界面控制、正交相移键控(QPSK)解调器抗长连"1"功能等关键技术.在轨测试和试运行期间,C星的CDAS不仅解决暴露的问题,而且进行适应性调整.验收前测试结果表明,其功能及技术指标满足业务运行要求,设备工作正常、性能稳定.  相似文献   

新型航天地面测控装备基于商用服务器集群,采用虚拟资源池架构和容器云技术,按需进行测控资源调度和测控业务能力生成。和众多服务设备一样,日志是系统故障诊断的主要途径,由于海量日志可能分散在资源池系统中的不同位置,传统的流式日志采集和分析模式难以大批量管理信息,经常导致系统异常发现不及时、排查效率低、定位难度大等问题,日志的检索和统计缺乏行之有效的手段,弊端明显。针对这种地面测控资源池系统的运维管理需求,本文设计了一种基于容器云的日志管理系统,将平台日志和应用日志聚合管理,根据用户需求和运维目的分类检索并定制可视化日志显示,为使用者精准分析系统异常、快速进行系统维护提供有效支撑。  相似文献   

针对码速率的提高,越来越多的脉冲编码调制-调频(PCM-FM)遥测信号应用了多符号检测(MSD)与Turbo乘积码(TPC)技术,只有合理选取遥测系统的中频带宽,才能保证遥测系统的通信质量。对PCM-FM遥测信号应用MSD+TPC技术时的频谱特性进行了分析,给出了中频带宽在实际应用中的最佳选取方法。  相似文献   

宋青平  刘荣科 《宇航学报》2013,34(11):1496-1501
研究了低载噪比与高动态环境下的深空测控系统频率估计算法,在分析已有方法不足的基础上,提出了一种基于无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)的闭环载波跟踪方法。此方法结合了锁频环鉴别器和UKF的优点,获得了宽的估计范围,高的估计精度和低的载噪比门限。在分析UKF模型的基础上,此方法还减少了原有UKF算法的运算量。仿真过程模拟了接收机的高动态运动轨迹,结果表明此法具有较好的动态适应能力、收敛性能和跟踪精度,能够有效地完成低载噪比与高动态环境下的频率估计。此法与基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)的频率估计算法相比,具有更低的频率估计误差,因此有着良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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