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We present a mathematical model, worked out on the basis of the law of binder composite material (CM) decomposition suggested by authors for numerical solution of the heat and mass transfer problems in the heat protective CM under conditions of aero-gas-dynamic heating. The model makes it possible not to consider hard-realizable chemical kinetics of the binder decomposition and can practically be applied to any CM under high temperature conditions. Numerical examples are given.  相似文献   

Non-destructive testing of composites is an important issue in the modern aircraft industry.Composites are susceptible to the barely visible impact damage which can affect the residual strength of the material and occurs both during production and operation.The continuum model for describing the damaged zone is presented.The slip theory relations used for a continuous distribution of slip planes are applied.At the initial stage,the isotropic background model is used.This model allows the material slippage along the fractures based on the Coulomb friction law with the small viscous addition.In this regime,the govern system of equations becomes rigid.To overcome this difficulty,the explicit-implicit grid-characteristic scheme is proposed.The standard ultrasound diagnostic procedure of damaged composite materials is successfully simulated.Compared with the trivial free-surface fracture model,different reactions on the compression and stretch waves are registered.This approach provided an effective way for the simulation of complex dynamic behavior of damage zones.  相似文献   

采用自主研制的电热损伤实验装置,通过CFRP试样电流、温度场的测试,给出了CFRP试样的电热温度与电流强度之间呈线性递增的关系;通过力学性能的测试,初步揭示了CFRP材料随电加热温度的提高,其拉伸强度呈现"增加—稳定—降低"的趋势;弹性模量及泊松比均呈现"降低—稳定—降低"的趋势。还通过电镀工艺优化和预紧力的精确控制,成功解决了CFRP试样与电极接触电阻过大和不稳定的难题。电镀铜处理试样的接触电阻可控制在0.39Ω以下,且具有良好的重复性。  相似文献   

利用表面温度测量来反演热传导问题中的热源项是一类典型的热传导逆问题,在采用有限体积法对三维稳态热传导问题进行数值求解的基础上,将该热传导逆问题转化为优化问题,基于灵敏度分析建立了反演算法。采用该算法对一典型算例的计算结果表明:建立的算法是有效的,具有较好的抗噪性能。此外,对反演算法中计算收敛准则的选取进行了较深入的分析,结果表明,由于热传导逆问题的不适定性,优化过程中目标函数值越小并不意味着反演结果与真值更为接近,可以通过设定合适的收敛准则来模拟正则化项的作用,克服不适定性的影响。  相似文献   

The analytical solution of a nonlinear nonstationary inverse problem of heat conduction for a bodies with low heat conduction coefficients of one-dimensional geometry is presented. The solutions obtained make it possible to restore the boundary conditions rather exactly using the results of heat flux measurements.  相似文献   

Multiaxial fatigue life prediction of composite materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to analyze the stress and strain fields in the fibers and the matrix in composite materials,a fiber-scale unit cell model is established and the corresponding periodical boundary conditions are introduced.Assuming matrix cracking as the failure mode of composite materials,an energy-based fatigue damage parameter and a multiaxial fatigue life prediction method are established.This method only needs the material properties of the fibers and the matrix to be known.After the relationship between the fatigue damage parameter and the fatigue life under any arbitrary test condition is established,the multiaxial fatigue life under any other load condition can be predicted.The proposed method has been verified using two different kinds of load forms.One is unidirectional laminates subjected to cyclic off-axis loading,and the other is filament wound composites subjected to cyclic tension-torsion loading.The fatigue lives predicted using the proposed model are in good agreements with the experimental results for both kinds of load forms.  相似文献   

聚合物转化陶瓷(polymer derived ceramics,PDCs)制备技术简单,烧结温度低,可设计性强,40年来得到了极大的发展。本文综述了多孔PDCs的研究进展,包括模板法、发泡法、冷冻铸造技术、增材制造技术等制备方法;此外,还对陶瓷前驱体如聚碳硅烷、聚硅氧烷、聚硅氮烷等分子侧链设计以调整陶瓷产物的组成、微结构、力学性能等的研究现状进行了综述;提出未来发展的方向是增材制造技术制备多孔 PDCs及陶瓷前驱体分子层面的设计。  相似文献   

段玉龙  王硕  贺森  万琳 《航空材料学报》2022,40(9):095401-1-095401-9
为分析多孔材料对预混气体爆炸特性参数的影响效果,采用自主搭建的爆炸实验平台,探究不同孔隙度和厚度的多孔材料对当量比为1的甲烷/空气预混气体爆炸的作用行为。实验研究表明,不同孔隙度的多孔材料对爆炸火焰和超压具有促进或抑制两种不同的影响。孔隙度较小时,爆燃火焰传播速度随着材料厚度的增大而降低,并在厚度较大时,火焰有短暂的传播延时现象。孔隙度较大时,预混火焰冲击多孔材料时发生淬熄,但随后一段时间内,由于负压抽吸作用,在已爆区域一侧的材料表面产生扩散燃烧现象,且扩散燃烧程度与材料厚度成反比关系。多孔材料的固相结构能降低压力的泄放效率,同时可吸收能量,进而提高爆炸超压的上升速率,降低超压峰值。当每英寸长度孔数δ=10的多孔材料促进火焰传播时,与当量比为1的预混气体爆炸相比,超压峰值最大可提高约2倍,造成更严重的后果。火焰冲击δ=20的多孔材料时发生淬熄,最大超压衰减可达47.17%,δ=30时最大超压衰减了24.62%。  相似文献   

The paper presents an improved technique and the results of strength analysis for the aircraft structural elements with a structural defect like an arbitrary shape delamination.  相似文献   

为了研究复合材料雷击防护(lightning strike protection,LSP)系统在雷电流作用下的损伤规律,基于雷击过程中的能量守恒关系,建立复合材料层合板雷击防护的电-热耦合数学模型。在此基础上,在ABAQUS中建立铝涂层防护的碳纤维增强复合材料(carbon fiber reinforced polymer,CFRP)层合板雷击烧蚀损伤有限元模型,并对雷击烧蚀损伤进行分析,和实验结果对比验证仿真的有效性,得出复合材料层合板在不同峰值雷电流、不同组合波形和不同铝涂层厚度雷电流作用下的烧蚀损伤规律。结果表明:铝涂层厚度相同时,峰值电流从50kA 增大到100kA时,复合材料层合板损伤面积约增大 1.5 倍;10/350波形50 kA峰值雷电流作用下,基准件的损伤面积约为0.05 mm厚度铝涂层防护系统下复合材料损伤面积的4倍。  相似文献   

雷达罩应用5258树脂基复合材料的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验研究了雷达罩所用主要材料5258环氧树脂、预浸料和复合材料制备方法,进行了这些材料及结构的拉伸、弯曲、剪切和介电常数等性能的测试,结果表明5258树脂基体制备的复合材料均具有良好的力学和电学性能,能够满足雷达罩的设计要求。  相似文献   

An approach for designing the compliant adaptive wing leading edge with composite material is proposed based on the topology optimization. Firstly, an equivalent constitutive relationship of laminated glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite plates has been built based on the symmetric laminated plate theory. Then, an optimization objective function of compliant adaptive wing leading edge was used to minimize the least square error(LSE) between deformed curve and desired aerodynamics shape. After that, the topology structures of wing leading edge of different glass fiber ply-orientations were obtained by using the solid isotropic material with penalization(SIMP) model and sensitivity filtering technique. The desired aerodynamics shape of compliant adaptive wing leading edge was obtained based on the proposed approach. The topology structures of wing leading edge depend on the glass fiber ply-orientation. Finally, the corresponding morphing experiment of compliant wing leading edge with composite materials was implemented, which verified the morphing capability of topology structure and illustrated the feasibility for designing compliant wing leading edge. The present paper lays the basis of ply-orientation optimization for compliant adaptive wing leading edge in unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) field.  相似文献   

In this paper, the results of ultrasonic treatment (UST) influence upon the properties of epoxy compositions used in production of composite polymeric materials are presented. Also shown is the fact that the ultrasonic treatment makes it possible to improve significantly the physicomechanical properties of polymeric materials.  相似文献   

为了研究应力与应变的关系问题,采用ASTMD3410对一系列复合材料进行压缩试验.研究结果表明对于低性能复合材料,应力应变呈线性关系,而对于高性能复合材料,应力应变不再呈线性关系,出现了失稳破坏,降低了压缩强度值.针对USN46200的压缩试验出现失稳破坏,分别采取增加厚度和改变试验标准进行试验,结果表明增加试验件厚度不能解决此问题,改变试验标准有效地解决了该问题.对于高性能的复合材料压缩试验建议采用ASTM D6641试验方法.  相似文献   

为了研究复合材料不同的雷击防护(lightning strike protection,LSP)系统在雷电流作用下的损伤规律,对雷击损伤过程和烧蚀机理进行分析,建立复合材料层合板雷击防护的能量平衡数学模型。在此基础上,在ABAQUS中建立复合材料基准件、全喷铝和局部喷铝防护系统的碳纤维增强复合材料(carbon fiber reinforced polymer,CFRP)层合板电-热耦合有限元模型,和实验结果对比验证模型的有效性,对雷击烧蚀损伤特征进行分析,并引入雷击烧蚀损伤指数DI,得出三种不同模型在不同铝涂层厚度、不同峰值雷电流作用下的烧蚀损伤规律,并对两种不同的局部喷铝防护系统下复合材料的损伤特征进行对比分析。结果表明:雷击防护系统下复合材料的烧蚀损伤面积和铝涂层厚度关系进行函数拟合,两者均满足幂函数关系。  相似文献   

碳纤维环氧复合材料对铝合金应力腐蚀性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了碳纤维环氧复合材料与LY12CZ,LC4CS铝合金相互偶接时,在3.5%NaCl溶液中的电偶腐蚀行为,以及所产生的电偶腐蚀对铝合金应力腐蚀性能的影响。测量了复合材料与铝合金在3.5%NaCl溶液中的电偶腐蚀电流及铝合金的腐蚀失重值,应用慢应变速率应力腐蚀(SSRT)、预制疲劳裂纹的双悬臂(DCB)试样应力腐蚀研究方法,研究在腐蚀介质和碳纤维环氧复合材料共同作用下,由于电偶腐蚀的存在,对铝合金应力腐蚀性能的影响。试验结果表明:碳纤维环氧复合材料增加LY12CZ铝合金的应力腐蚀敏感性,缩短断裂时间,而对LC4CS双悬臂(DCB)试样应力腐蚀的研究结果表明,电偶腐蚀对LC4CS铝合金KISCC值影响不大,对(da/dt) 稍有影响,但不十分明显。同时对电偶腐蚀影响铝合金的应力腐蚀机制和行为进行了一定的讨论。  相似文献   

结合空间推进数值模拟方法和流线追踪法发展了气动力、热快速预测技术。针对高速飞行器的算例研究表明,相对常规时间推进方法,基于空间推进法的气动快速预测方法计算效率提高了一个量级,而两者气动力计算精度相当,相对实验热流预测误差在20%以内。所发展的技术为适应气动外形快速选型和优化设计需求提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   

We consider some general problems of improving the strength characteristics of folded cores as well as the corresponding techniques for modifying the core material polymer surfaces with the use of nanotechnologies and the “mass-strength” criteria.  相似文献   

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