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当今社会,人类自身发展对地球的索取越来越大,已经超出了其能持续供给的限度。所以可持续发展的循环经济理念目前已经从一个概念发展为国家层面的发展战略,正在被我国许多城市广泛实践。廊坊市作为河北省发展速度最快的城市之一,其发展必然要受到生态环境的制约。本文通过生态足迹研究方法分析廊坊市在可持续发展过程中面临的资源需求与供给问题,并提出有参考价值的解决途径。  相似文献   

生物多样性是所有生物种类、种内遗传变异和它们的生存环境的总称,对生物多样性的研究、保护和持续利用是关系到人类社会生存与发展的重要问题。城市生物多样性是城市环境重要组成部分,更是城市环境、经济可持续发展的资源保障。论文在分析城市生物多样性的特征、价值和桂林市城市生物多样性现状的基础上,提出了开展城市生物多样性保护的对策,这对普及生物多样性知识,提高市民保护生物多样性的环境意识是有益的。  相似文献   

2021年6月大运河廊坊段实现了旅游通航,大运河通航以及滨河景观带的建设为沿岸乡村发展旅游业带来新的契机。如何依托运河水道和滨河廊道景观,以及丰富的遗产资源和乡村田园风光在运河沿岸打造一条大运河文化观带,推动两岸乡村旅游发展和产业升级成为廊坊政府与相关部门企业面临的重要课题。本文借用遗产廊道理论,从遗产廊道的视角出发就大运河文化带建设与乡村旅游融合发展提出了一些对策建议,建议包括完善区域旅游交通网络、建设风景路慢行系统、改善乡村人居环境、推动旅游与其他产业融合发展等措施。  相似文献   

江山 《航天》2009,(1):15-15
2008年12月2日日本宇宙航空研究开发机构与联合国教科文组织签署一项合作协议,将使用“先进陆地观测卫星”(又称“大地”)拍摄10余处世界遗产,用于遗产保护。每年将进行两次拍摄,  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快,城市中土壤有机污染日趋严重,许多有机污染物对人类有着致癌和致畸毒性,而城市又是人口高度集中的地区,因此城市土壤中有机污染问题越来越受到关注。本文通过对土壤污染物的环境质量数学模型进行分析研究,提出适合多空介质的环境质量数学模型,并以多环芳烃为研究对象进行分析。  相似文献   

第38届世界遗产大会上中国大运河被列入世界遗产名录。大运河的申遗成功,为推进京津冀一体化进程带来了新的契机。本文以游憩行为作为切入点,在挖掘运河的文化修养价值、地方认同价值、休闲娱乐价值、科学教育价值的基础上,探讨京津冀区域内的运河遗产保护与开发的途径。  相似文献   

航天器可恢复式过流保护技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了可恢复式反时限保护和恒流限流保护的原理,推导了基于真空环境下电缆温度升高模型的反时限保护方程,并用Matlab软件仿真分析了反时限保护过程中母线电压的瞬态跌落过程。针对恒流限流保护,设计了一种改进电路。Saber软件仿真表明,该电路可将电流超调量限制在20%以内。对多种过流保护手段的优缺点进行了总结,提出了一种包含反时限保护和基于MOSFET特性的恒流限流保护的航天器可恢复式过流保护系统框图。  相似文献   

腾月 《航天》2013,(12):38-39
或许不少人在童年时都有数星星的经历。在我的童年记忆里,天上的星星多得数不清。但是,现今城市夜空中的星星越来越好数了,因为城市的夜空越来越亮,稍暗一点的星星就看不见了,只能在天空中看见几十颗特别明亮的星星。不仅城市的夜空如此,城市附近的夜空也被污染得越来越明亮了。当一些偏僻的地区成为旅游胜地之后,日渐增多灯光也令当地的夜空越来越单调了。为了让人们意识到保护夜空的重要性,国际夜空保护组织从2010年开始举办“地球和天空”国际摄影大赛。2013年是第四届,最近大赛结果揭晓。评委从参赛的710幅作品中,选出了10幅获奖作品,其中有5幅获奖作品向人们展示了美丽的夜空景象,而另外5幅作品则展示了光污染的严重性。  相似文献   

中国正处于快速的城市化进程中,城市规模不断扩大,在促进经济、社会、人文发展和拉动国家整体发展水平上发挥了重要作用。然而,随之带来的城市环保、节能、交通、安全、产业转型升级等方面的压力也日益增加,亟需新的城市发展模式与管理工具来有效提升城市发展水平。随着新一代信息技术的广泛应用与"城市精细化管理"理念的转变,"智慧时代"呼之欲出。越来越多的城市提出了在"十二五"期间把建设智慧城市作为转变发展方式、实现可持续发展的重要手段。未来智慧城市建设将在中国掀起新一轮的高潮。一方面,自智慧城市的概念问世以来,世界各国竞相开展了智慧城市的研究与实践,但业界对其定义、内涵的理解不尽相同,甚至与其他信息技术概念发生混淆。因此,如何走出认识误区,把握智慧城市建设内涵与实质成为当前政府主管部门及产、学、研各界亟待明确的问题。另一方面,智慧城市作为信息技术与城市建设的完美结合,涉及技术众多。其中空间技术作为贯穿智慧城市最重要的位置信息获取、传输、定位技术,具有不可或缺的作用。随着中国航天技术的快速发展,可用空间资源越来越多,如何充分发挥空间技术优势,将空间信息融入智慧城市建设并带动空间信息产业发展、促进经济发展转型也是智慧城市发展建设中所需关注的重点。本文在分析智慧城市实质与内涵的基础上,给出了关于智慧城市的定义;梳理了智慧城市的框架体系;归纳了智慧城市国内外发展现状;结合中国航天技术的发展,阐述了空间技术在智慧城市建设中的地位和作用;总结了智慧城市建设的意义。  相似文献   

<正>在航天国际化过程中,如何更好地融入世界,参与、推动和影响世界航天产业发展方向并且增强对国际航天治理的话语权,已成为我们航天国际化考虑的主要内容之一。当然我们也要清醒地看到,在融入世界航天大家庭的过程中,由于受到世界经济和社会发展的影响,以及传统航天大国和早期航天工业国家制定的国际法律、国  相似文献   

我国数据中继卫星系统发展建议   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
天链一号数据中继卫星在轨成功运行,标志着我国在天基信息传输领域的重大突破,今后发展方向是建设中继卫星组网系统,以满足数据中继不断增长的需求.分析表明:经度间距约为180°的地球静止轨道(GEO)双星组网系统,只需在我国本土设立控管站,利用地面高速光纤干线,双星就能对离地高度大于95km的航天器实现100%轨道覆盖的中继...  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the establishment and current development of space activities in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Space activities in Venezuela are focused on the areas of telecommunications, Earth observation and research on the physical properties of the Earth, and have as a primary goal the satisfaction of social needs. Current development of space activities started in 1999 when the new National Constitution recognized the value of outer space as the common heritage of mankind, and the key role of science and technology in promoting human welfare. The Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (ABAE) was created in 2007. Its legal framework recognizes three key elements that drive its policy: the participation of society, capacity building and human training, and international cooperation. Indeed ongoing international cooperation with partners such as China, India, Brazil and Uruguay has already expanded Venezuelan space capabilities, allowing the country to launch its first telecommunications satellite, Venesat-1 in 2008, to plan the infrastructure development for the design of small satellites, and to train 1195 local professionals in space science, technology and applications. Our analysis shows that Venezuela has the potential to become a space leadership country, promoting the social welfare, integration, and sustainable development of Latin American countries.  相似文献   

The conventional methods of Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE) fail to account for local variability in criteria values and criteria preferences, disregarding local influence in spatial decision making. Moreover, understanding the interaction between MCE model input and output has paramount importance in terms of the level of confidence in the model results and their subsequent use in decision making. This research contributes to spatial MCE methodology by articulating the presence of uncertainty included in criteria weights and extending a local MCE technique with a spatially explicit uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. The article presents a methodology for multi-criteria evaluation extended by an integrated uncertainty-sensitivity analysis and illustrates it on the example of a land prioritization model for conservation practices.  相似文献   

The Moon landings of the Apollo programme irrevocably changed the way we see ourselves. Most significantly, this was the first time that humans had set foot on a celestial body other than Earth. The program has left a number of sites on the Moon as well as on Earth. While the management of the sites and artefacts on Earth is fairly straightforward as they are subject to national heritage legislation, it is not so simple with the sites and artefacts on the lunar surface. Moreover, the sites on the Moon differ in one unique aspect from all other heritage sites on Earth: the absence of a lunar atmosphere of any note means that all foot- and track prints of the astronauts are preserved providing a total record of the pioneering phases of human exploration of the Moon. The nascent developments of space tourism, including proposals for lunar heritage tourism, however, threaten the preservation of these traces on the Moon. This paper discusses the terrestrial and in particular the extraterrestrial heritage of the Apollo programme. Set out are the management ethics that need to apply on the lunar surface if this unique heritage is to have a future.  相似文献   

北斗/罗兰C组合导航系统研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
邓方林  梁勇 《宇航学报》2005,26(3):287-290
为解决我国缺乏拥有自主控制权的无源三维导航定位系统与军用、民用领域迫切需要三维导航定位的矛盾,提出了一种将我国已有的"北斗一号"、"长河二号"和军网等资源进行优化组合,构成我国区域性的自主三维导航定位系统的方案。介绍了组合系统的原理与组成,分析了组合系统定位精度。初步研究和实验表明,该方案有助于缓解我国防建设对三维导航定位的急需,克服(或缩小)"长河二号"在东南沿海地区的定位盲区,消除军事装备使用GPS、GLONASS等外国导航系统的风险。  相似文献   

经济全球化和一体化的发展推动了城市化进程,而衡量城市竞争力的强弱就成为评判进而提升城市发展综合水平的需要。本文采用聚类分析的方法,针对河北省重点城市与全国主要城市相比,就经济实力、人民生活、社会实力三个方面的相关指标进行了统计分析,对统计结果作了解读,并提出了提升河北省重点城市竞争力的建议。  相似文献   

The paper presents and discusses the set of field-equations for an interface between two immiscible, uncharged, unpolarized, non-elastic and non micro-polar fluids modelled as a geometrical surface S in arbitrary motion and with thermodynamic and dynamic properties. The crucial assumptions are those implied by a local formulation of the equilibrium thermodynamics of S. The set of equations derived comprises: integral and local forms of the surface balance-equation for a scalar or vectorial extensive property; continuity, normal and tangential momentum and energy equations; surface entropy production; linear phenomenological relations for irreversible surface diffusions and non-equilibrium exchanges of extensive properties between surface and volume phases. Momentum and energy conservation equations are formulated also in terms of a suitably defined surface total enthalpy. Available previous formulations are either not as complete or hold only in more particular cases. Whenever applicable, their results are compared with the present ones and commented upon.  相似文献   

介绍了中国台湾研制的“中华卫星一号”(ROCSAT-1)实验卫星的概况。较详细介绍该卫星上的海洋水色成像仪的构成、主要性能。给出了“中华卫星一号”及其海洋水色成像仪外形图和结构图。  相似文献   

城市经营是我国城市化的主流趋势,也是城市发展的必然选择。本文正是基于城市经营的问题导向,在对城市经营的理论综述的基础上系统研究了廊坊城市经营运作的现状并提出了廊坊大市区经营发展的总体思路。  相似文献   

A comparison between two analytical models of a free turbulent mixing of reacting streams with finite chemical reaction rates is presented and the results of calculations compared with experimental data. The substance is a mixture of the inert non-dissociated nitrogen and oxygen that dissociates and reacts with hydrogen.For the first model the local values of flow parameters along the streamlines were provided by the numerical solution of the conservation equations in the boundary layer form for a multicomponent mixture of perfect gases in the von Mises coordinate system. In the course of this analysis the problem was treated by dividing the flowfield into a large number of regions and by solving the Cauchy problem of the conservation equations for each region.The second analytical model was based on the ignition delay to describe the chemistry in the region of pre-ignition. The external air stream was heated by combustion and the influence of the water vapor and the intermediate species on the reaction kinetics in the mixing zone was numerically investigated.The results of calculation are compared with the experimental data with respect to the location of a visible flame edge under combustion of hydrogen jet in the co-current flow.  相似文献   

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