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寻找新一代镍基单晶高温合金中Re的替代元素以实现少Re甚至无Re化是当前高温合金领域的研究热点。从扩散系数角度出发寻找具有与Re相当或者更低扩散系数的元素是有效的研究策略之一。在多元合金中,互扩散系数矩阵可全面表征任一合金元素的扩散能力。因此,精确测定不同合金元素在镍基高温合金γ和γ'相中随成分和温度变化的互扩散系数矩阵是当务之急。首先,概述当前镍基高温合金互扩散系数矩阵测定的现状,以及用于多元合金互扩散系数测定的传统Matano-Kirkaldy方法和新型数值回归方法。由于传统Matano-Kirkaldy方法效率低,文献中鲜有镍基高温合金三元及更高组元体系互扩散系数矩阵的报道。本研究小组最近基于Fick第二定律和原子移动性概念发展起来的新型数值回归方法,可用于任意组元合金精准互扩散系数矩阵的高通量测定。随后以Ni-Al-Ta三元合金γ相为例详细阐述新型数值回归法用于合金互扩散系数矩阵高通量测定以及测定结果的可靠性验证过程。之后,简述本研究小组关于镍基高温合金γ和γ'相互扩散系数矩阵测定的最新进展。目前已经完成了核心三元合金体系Ni-Al-X(X=Rh,Ta,W,Re,Os和Ir)γ及γ'相互扩散系数矩阵的高通量测定,并对结果可靠性进行了细致的验证。通过对比不同元素在镍基高温合金中的互扩散系数,初步提出新一代镍基高温合金中Re的可能替代元素及合金成分设计的关键。最后,指出镍基高温合金互扩散系数矩阵测定的下一步工作和互扩散系数矩阵高通量测定的发展方向。  相似文献   

惯性技术是通过惯性传感器敏感载体运动信息,自主建立运动载体姿态基准的手段。随着现代光电探测技术的不断发展,光电武器装备在侦察、监视、定位、导航和通信等场合的应用越来越广泛,惯性技术在光电探测技术与光电设备中的作用也越来越重要。本文介绍了光电探测技术和典型机载光电系统、惯性技术的发展历程,详细介绍了惯性技术在光电探测技术中的应用情况,分析了其对作战方式和作战效能所带来的变化和提升,阐述了惯性技术在光电探测技术应用的未来发展需求和趋势。  相似文献   

E 级计算给 CFD 带来的机遇与挑战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
E 级(Exascale)计算机有望在2020年前后投入使用,E 级计算将给计算科学和科学研究带来革命性的变化。计算流体力学(CFD)作为超大规模计算机应用的重要领域之一,将迎来前所未有的发展机遇,同时也将面临极其严峻的技术挑战。本文对当前国内外超大规模 CFD 计算的现状进行了概述,探讨了未来 CFD 的发展趋势,并对 E 级计算给 CFD 带来的机遇与挑战进行了分析,最后提出了适应未来 E 级计算的 CFD 发展思路与建议。为了实现 E 级计算的宏伟目标,CFD 与计算机科学、应用数学等学科的“协同设计”势在必行。我们期待本文的分析能对我国的高性能计算应用、CFD 发展有一定的启示作用。  相似文献   

陈娟娟  王奇  孙辉 《飞机设计》2020,1(1):66-72
肠道是人体最大的微生物菌库,肠道微生物的群落结构和功能改变会影响人体的免疫和代谢系统,与多种疾病的发生和发展有关。宿主的遗传、年龄、性别、疾病状态、用药、激素水平、生活环境、地域、饮食和生活习惯等均会不同程度地影响人体肠道稳态。饮食和生活习惯不仅会在短期内塑造肠道菌群,长期来看也是调整和干预肠道菌群最有效的方式。有研究认为肠道微生物差异始于宿主基因,但最新的一项研究发现,宿主基因型仅可解释个体间微生物差异的1.9%, 而生活在同一地域环境中、饮食和生活习惯相近的人,其肠道菌群组成和功能更加相似[1]。一项中国人群的研究中也证实了地域是决定肠道菌群特征的决定性因素[2]。这一方面提示我们在进行肠道微生物与疾病的临床干预性研究中应充分考虑宿主生活的地域环境、饮食和生活习惯,另一方面也提醒我们进行地域特异性肠道微生物研究的重要性和价值。我国幅员辽阔, 地域丰富,民族众多,但目前我国的肠道微生物研究多集中在东南沿海等发展程度较高的城市,在西北地区却相当缺乏。 我国西北地区地处高原地带,高海拔,低氧压,昼夜温差大,造就了独特的生活环境、饮食文化和风俗习惯,在当地生活着包括藏、回、东乡、裕固等多个少数民族的人群,因此进行我国西北地区少数民族人群肠道微生物的研究对探究特定地域环境和饮食生活条件下人群的健康和疾病发生及发展具有重要价值,同时,也有助于寻找新的疾病治疗菌株,为地域性高发病和疑难杂症等的预防和诊治提供基于肠道微生物的参考[2]。  相似文献   

Magnetic turbulence is found in most space plasmas, including the Earth’s magnetosphere, and the interaction region between the magnetosphere and the solar wind. Recent spacecraft observations of magnetic turbulence in the ion foreshock, in the magnetosheath, in the polar cusp regions, in the magnetotail, and in the high latitude ionosphere are reviewed. It is found that: 1. A large share of magnetic turbulence in the geospace environment is generated locally, as due for instance to the reflected ion beams in the ion foreshock, to temperature anisotropy in the magnetosheath and the polar cusp regions, to velocity shear in the magnetosheath and magnetotail, and to magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause and in the magnetotail. 2. Spectral indices close to the Kolmogorov value can be recovered for low frequency turbulence when long enough intervals at relatively constant flow speed are analyzed in the magnetotail, or when fluctuations in the magnetosheath are considered far downstream from the bow shock. 3. For high frequency turbulence, a spectral index α?2.3 or larger is observed in most geospace regions, in agreement with what is observed in the solar wind. 4. More studies are needed to gain an understanding of turbulence dissipation in the geospace environment, also keeping in mind that the strong temperature anisotropies which are observed show that wave particle interactions can be a source of wave emission rather than of turbulence dissipation. 5. Several spacecraft observations show the existence of vortices in the magnetosheath, on the magnetopause, in the magnetotail, and in the ionosphere, so that they may have a primary role in the turbulent injection and evolution. The influence of such a turbulence on the plasma transport, dynamics, and energization will be described, also using the results of numerical simulations.  相似文献   

This article reviews our knowledge of long-term changes and trends in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. These changes are part of complex and comprehensive pattern of long-term trends in the Earth’s atmosphere. They also have practical impact. For example, decreasing thermospheric density causes the lifetime of orbiting space debris to increase, which is becoming a significant threat to important satellite technologies. Since the first paper on upper atmosphere trends was published in 1989, our knowledge has progressed considerably. Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases affect the whole atmosphere, not only the troposphere. They cause warming in the troposphere but cooling in the upper atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are not the only driver of long-term changes and trends in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Anthropogenic changes of stratospheric ozone, long-term changes of geomagnetic and solar activity, and other drivers play a role as well, although greenhouse gases appear to be the main driver of long-term trends. This makes the pattern of trends more complex and variable. A?consistent, although incomplete, scenario of trends in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere is presented. Trends in F2-region ionosphere parameters, in mesosphere-lower thermosphere dynamics, and in noctilucent or polar mesospheric clouds, are discussed in more detail. Advances in observational and theoretical analysis have explained some previous discrepancies in this global trend scenario. An important role in trend investigations is played by model simulations, which facilitate understanding of the mechanisms behind the observed trends.  相似文献   

计算飞行力学的产生和发展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
综述了计算飞行力学的产生背景、问题表述、理论框架和飞行力学的计算系统,以及计算飞行力学在未来飞行器研制和应用研究中的重要意义。  相似文献   

WAVES: The radio and plasma wave investigation on the wind spacecraft   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The WAVES investigation on the WIND spacecraft will provide comprehensive measurements of the radio and plasma wave phenomena which occur in Geospace. Analyses of these measurements, in coordination with the other onboard plasma, energetic particles, and field measurements will help us understand the kinetic processes that are important in the solar wind and in key boundary regions of the Geospace. These processes are then to be interpreted in conjunction with results from the other ISTP spacecraft in order to discern the measurements and parameters for mass, momentum, and energy flow throughout geospace. This investigation will also contribute to observations of radio waves emitted in regions where the solar wind is accelerated. The WAVES investigation comprises several innovations in this kind of instrumentation: among which the first use, to our knowledge, of neural networks in real-time on board a scientific spacecraft to analyze data and command observation modes, and the first use of a wavelet transform-like analysis in real time to perform a spectral analysis of a broad band signal.  相似文献   

伸缩机翼变体飞机通过机翼伸缩调整机翼展长,从而改变机翼面积和展弦比,改变飞机的气动布局和机翼的气动特性,满足多任务点的设计要求。简要介绍伸缩机翼变体飞机的发展历史,重点研究一种采用伸缩机翼设计的超音速飞机的气动特性变化。研究结果表明:亚音速时机翼展长伸长,展弦比增大,飞机诱导阻力降低,升阻比提高,可以明显提高飞机的航程;超音速时机翼展长缩短,展弦比减小,飞机的波阻降低,升阻比增大,提高了超音速飞行性能。伸缩机翼概念用于超音速飞机设计时能很好地兼顾亚音速巡航和超音速冲刺。  相似文献   

临近空间低动态飞行器控制研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭建国  周军 《航空学报》2014,35(2):320-331
针对临近空间低动态飞行器出现的新的控制问题,分析和总结了临近空间低动态飞行器控制进展状况和发展趋势。首先,基于飞艇和浮空器等临近空间低动态飞行器的特点,归纳总结了其飞行控制问题。在此基础上,结合这类飞行器的当前发展状况,从飞行器控制角度出发,着重介绍总结了临近空间低动态飞行器在控制系统执行机构配置、数学模型、姿态控制、定点控制、速度控制、航迹优化、轨迹跟踪控制、升空和返回控制、压力控制,以及应用的多种控制策略的研究进展。最后,在已有的控制问题研究发展的基础上,提出了临近空间低动态飞行器在控制研究领域所要解决和关注的若干问题。  相似文献   

有机玻璃残余应力与双折射条纹的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王自明 《航空学报》1985,6(2):141-147
 本文通过实验,讨论了有机玻璃残余应力与双折射条纹(冻结应力条纹和热应力条纹)的定量关系,得出可以根据热应力条纹由应力光学定律直接获取有机玻璃残余应力的结论。作者基于这一论点,考察了不同冷却条件下平板有机玻璃残余应力沿断面的分布规律;研究了热处理工艺参数对消除有机玻璃残余应力的影响;测定了三种不同型号飞机舱玻璃的残余应力。  相似文献   

V: SEA LEVEL: Benefits of GRACE and GOCE to sea level studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The recently published Third Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have underlined the scientific interest in, and practical importance of past and potential future sea level changes. Space gravity missions will provide major benefits to the understanding of the past, and, thereby, in the prediction of future, sea level changes in many ways. The proposal for the GOCE mission described well the improvements to be expected from improved gravity field and geoid models in oceanography (for example, in the measurement of the time-averaged, or ‘steady state’, ocean surface circulation and better estimation of ocean transports), in geophysics (in the improvement of geodynamic models for vertical land movements), in geodesy (in positioning of tide gauge data into the same reference frame as altimeter data, and in improvement of altimeter satellite orbits), and possibly in glaciology (in improved knowledge of bedrock topography and ice sheet mass fluxes). GRACE will make many important steps towards these ‘steady state’ aims. However, its main purpose is the provision of oceanographic (and hydrological and meteorological) temporally-varying gravity information, and should in effect function as a global ‘bottom pressure recorder’, providing further insight into the 3-D temporal variation of the ocean circulation, and of the global water budget in general. This paper summaries several of these issues, pointing the way towards improved accuracy of prediction of future sea level change. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

为研究低压模化对于燃气轮机燃烧室工作特性的影响,采用ANSYS软件的FLUENT模块,对燃烧室在低压模化以及低压1/3尺寸模化条件下的燃气轮机燃烧室分别进行数值模拟研究,并与在全压条件下的燃烧室计算结果进行对比分析。计算结果表明:在低压模化条件下,燃烧室的流线形态与全压下基本相同;由于压力对于化学反应平衡的影响,在低压条件下燃烧室的壁温相比在全压下的平均降低70~100 K,其出口温度场指标比在全压下的更好;由于受燃烧室入口空气压力的影响,在低压条件下燃烧室的燃烧效率和流阻损失均比在全压下的低;另外,由燃烧室压力和尺寸的变化引起的燃烧室内温度分布变化,造成NO源分布的不同及燃烧室内NO的生成速率发生巨大变化,导致燃烧室NOx的排放水平不同,并验证了压力指数。其计算结果可为燃气轮机燃烧室的低压和常压模化试验提供参考。  相似文献   

本文从熵增加的观点描述了事故的本质,剖析了人机系统的实质与特性,提出了风险熵与事故势的概念,给出了计算风险熵与故事势的方法.结果表明,系统具有二重性.在系统运行期间,系统具有封闭体系的特性;在休整期间.系统具有开放体系的特性.事故是运行系统的必然发展趋势,是一种自发过程,是运行系统的固有属性.由于在系统熵增的过程中信息与能量的交换,所以可以把事故定义为系统熵增加的结果.避免事故发生的原理是不断向系统输入信息或负熵以抵消系统内部的熵增加.  相似文献   

We review the evidence for electron acceleration in the heliosphere putting emphasis on the acceleration processes. There are essentially four classes of such processes: shock acceleration, reconnection, wave particle interaction, and direct acceleration by electric fields. We believe that only shock and electric field acceleration can in principle accelerate electrons to very high energies. The shocks known in the heliosphere are coronal shocks, traveling interplanetary shocks, CME shocks related to solar type II radio bursts, planetary bow shocks, and the termination shock of the heliosphere. Even in shocks the acceleration of electrons requires the action of wave particle resonances of which beam driven whistlers are the most probable. Other mechanisms of acceleration make use of current driven instabilities which lead to electron and ion hole formation. In reconnection acceleration is in the current sheet itself where the particles perform Speiser orbits. Otherwise, acceleration takes place in the slow shocks which are generated in the reconnection process and emanate from the diffusion region in the Petschek reconnection model and its variants. Electric field acceleration is found in the auroral zones of the planetary magnetospheres and may also exist on the sun and other stars including neutron stars. The electric potentials are caused by field aligned currents and are concentrated in narrow double layers which physically are phase space holes in the ion and electron distributions. Many of them add up to a large scale electric field in which the electrons may be impulsively accelerated to high energies and heated to large temperatures.  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区机场现状分析及优化建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长江三角洲地区的机场分布密度已居全国之首,并且高于发达国家水平。通过分析比较当地基本情况和国外大都市的机场分布与经营状况,指出现在长三角地区机场的状况和存在的问题。在不修建新的国际机场条件下,提出了优化现有机场资源的思想和一些具体措施。  相似文献   

为获得轴承腔油气两相介质流动与热分析计算方法,探究轴承腔油气两相介质流动换热规律。以某发动机轴承腔结构为对象,运用CFD方法分析轴承腔中两相介质流动速度、温度分布、体积分数和传热系数分布。基于试验获取轴承腔内外不同位置局部温度,利用温度梯度法计算热流获得传热系数。结果表明:两相介质的流动速度随径向高度增大呈现先增大后减小趋势,在无量纲径向高度为0.6时流速最大。轴承腔中转子及壁面之间的区域两相介质的温度随径向坐标增大呈现先减小后增大趋势。轴承腔内滑油主要分布在回油池及轴承腔外壁面上,回油池旁边其剪力分量和重力方向一致区域的油膜较薄,局部传热系数较小,其方向相反区域的油膜较厚,局部传热系数较大。   相似文献   

面向应用领域中许多难度大,技术复杂的设计课题,本文探讨了专家知识的计算机程序系统。  相似文献   

Evolution and composition of baryonic matter is influenced by the evolution of other forms of matter and energy in the universe. At the time of primordial nucleosynthesis the universal expansion and thus the decrease of the density and temperature of baryonic matter were controlled by leptons and photons. Non-baryonic dark matter initiated the formation of clusters and galaxies, and to this day, dark matter largely determines the dynamics and geometries of these baryonic structures and indirectly influences their chemical evolution. Chemical analyses and isotopic abundance measurements in the solar system established the composition in the protosolar cloud (PSC). The abundances of nuclear species in the PSC led to the discovery of the magic numbers and the nuclear shell model, and they allowed the identification of nucleosynthetic sites and processes. To this day, we know the abundances of the ∼300 stable and long-lived nuclides infinitely better in the PSC than in any other sample of matter in the universe. Thus, we know the exact composition of a Galactic sample of intermediate age, allowing us to check on theories of Galactic evolution before and after the formation of the solar system. This paper specifically discusses the nucleosynthesis in the early universe and the Galactic evolution during the last 5 Gyr.  相似文献   

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