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Over the last few years, dynamo theorists seem to be converging on a basic scenario as to how the solar dynamo operates. The strong toroidal component of the magnetic field is produced in the tachocline, from where it rises due to magnetic buoyancy to produce active regions at the solar surface. The decay of tilted bipolar active regions at the surface gives rise to the poloidal component, which is first advected poleward by the meridional circulation and then taken below the surface to the tachocline where it can be stretched to produce the toroidal component. The mathematical formulation of this basic model, however, involves the specification of some parameters which are still uncertain. We review these remaining uncertainties which have resulted in disagreements amongst various research groups and have made it impossible to still arrive at something that can be called a standard model of the solar dynamo.  相似文献   

Active regions on the solar surface are known to possess magnetic helicity, which is predominantly negative in the northern hemisphere and positive in the southern hemisphere. Choudhuri et al. [Choudhuri, A.R. On the connection between mean field dynamo theory and flux tubes. Solar Phys. 215, 31–55, 2003] proposed that the magnetic helicity arises due to the wrapping up of the poloidal field of the convection zone around rising flux tubes which form active regions. Choudhuri [Choudhuri, A.R., Chatterjee, P., Nandy, D. Helicity of solar active regions from a dynamo model. ApJ 615, L57–L60, 2004] used this idea to calculate magnetic helicity from their solar dynamo model. Apart from getting broad agreements with observational data, they also predict that the hemispheric helicity rule may be violated at the beginning of a solar cycle. Chatterjee et al. [Chatterjee, P., Choudhuri, A.R., Petrovay, K. Development of twist in an emerging magnetic flux tube by poloidal field accretion. A&A 449, 781–789, 2006] study the penetration of the wrapped poloidal field into the rising flux tube due to turbulent diffusion using a simple 1-d model. They find that the extent of penetration of the wrapped field will depend on how weak the magnetic field inside the rising flux tube becomes before its emergence. They conclude that more detailed observational data will throw light on the physical conditions of flux tubes just before their emergence to the photosphere.  相似文献   

Solar and stellar activity is a result of complex interaction between magnetic field, turbulent convection and differential rotation in a star’s interior. Magnetic field is believed to be generated by a dynamo process in the convection zone. It emerges on the surface forming sunspots and starspots. Localization of the magnetic spots and their evolution with the activity cycle is determined by large-scale interior flows. Thus, the internal dynamics of the Sun and other stars hold the key to understanding the dynamo mechanism and activity cycles. Recently, significant progress has been made for modeling magnetohydrodynamics of the stellar interiors and probing the internal rotation and large-scale dynamics of the Sun by helioseismology. Also, asteroseismology is beginning to probe interiors of distant stars. I review key achievements and challenges in our quest to understand the basic mechanisms of solar and stellar activity.  相似文献   

We show that the amplitudes of the 27-day variations of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) intensity, solar wind and solar activity parameters have a periodicity with duration of three to four Carrington rotation periods (3–4 CRP). We assume that the general reason for this phenomenon may be related to similar cyclicity of topological structure of the solar magnetic field lines created owing to the asymmetry of turbulent solar dynamo and solar differential rotation transforming the Sun’s poloidal magnetic field to the toroidal (αω effect), and vice versa.  相似文献   

太阳活动主要是由磁场产生的, 因此, 对太阳磁场性质和起源的研究具有重要意义. 太阳发电机理论主要研究的是太阳上观测到的与太阳活动相关的磁场起源、磁场特征、各种活动现象之间的相关性及其变化规律. 其是太阳物理学中有待解决的最基本、最重要的问题. 根据太阳黑子及太阳周期的相关观测, 介绍了构成发电机的基本要素, 具体描述了各种典型发电机模型, 并对其分别进行评述, 进而探讨了目前存在的问题及发展方向.   相似文献   

利用中国科学院北京天文台怀柔太阳磁场望远镜,对日面中心宁静区光球和色球磁场进行了长时间的积分观测。通过对光球、色球以及色球不同层次的长时间积分的观测发现,网络磁元从光球到色球扩展不大,并且部分内网络磁元升到了色球。这些结果对描述太阳磁场的两大模型提出了挑战。   相似文献   

It is established that the large-scale and global magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere do not change smoothly, and long-lasting periods of gradual variations are superseded by fast structural changes of the global magnetic field. Periods of fast global changes on the Sun are accompanied by anomalous manifestations in the interplanetary space and in the geomagnetic field. There is a regular recurrence of these periods in each cycle of solar activity, and the periods are characterized by enhanced flaring activity that reflects fast changes in magnetic structures. Is demonstrated, that the fast changes have essential influencing on a condition of space weather, as most strong geophysical disturbances are connected to sporadic phenomena on the Sun. An explanation has been offered for the origin of anomalous geomagnetic disturbances that are unidentifiable in traditionally used solar activity indices. Is shown, main physical mechanism that leads to fast variations of the magnetic fields in the Sun's atmosphere is the reconnection process.  相似文献   

Numerical calculations in dynamo theory can be performed with several ends in mind. The most theoretical approach seeks to investigate simple models in order to clarify fundamental processes of dynamo theory (for example, the transition to the highly-conducting limit). The most practical approach attempts plausibly to parametrise the more troublesome physical processes (e.g. turbulence, via the alpha-effect), thereby generating a simpler, astrophysically versatile, set of model equations. By an appropriate choice of parameters, these models can reproduce the global aspects of the solar cycle; they have also been used for other late-type stars, but often they contain too many free parameters to have much predictive power. The most ambitious approach takes a set of fundamental equations and integrates them numerically in three dimensions. So far, only the Sun has been modelled in this way, and the results fail to reproduce many important aspects of the solar cycle. This may be due to inadequate treatment of the small scales (these must still be parametrised due to severe limitations on numerical resolution), or it may reflect the possibility that the right input physics has yet to be included.  相似文献   

Observational evidence for solar variability along the cycle has been considered. Two fundamental questions for the understanding of the solar structure and evolution are addressed :One concerning the detection of the large - scale dynamics of the convective zone which may be responsible for the generation and the maintenance of the solar differential rotation. There is evidence of a large - scale axisymmetric pattern (rolls) by observations of the meridional circulation and the transport of angular momentum by fluid motion. The rolls are time - dependent and are related to the torsional wave pattern.The second important question addresses the variability of the convective zone structure (radius and luminosity). Several independent observations favour a pulsation of the convective envelope, through cyclic variations of the radius and luminosity exhibiting the same periodicities as the magnetic sunspot cycle.It is suggested that we are in the presence of two strongly coupled cycles, a magnetic cycle and a convective pulsating cycle. The axisymmetric rolls (and related torsional oscillations) could be the main convective influence on the production of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The differential rotation of the patterns of the large-scale solar magnetic field during solar activity cycles 20 and 21 is investigated. Compact magnetic elements with the polarity of the general solar magnetic field have larger speed of rotation than the elements with the opposite polarity. The surface of the Sun was divided by 10°-zones. In all of them the average rotation rate of the magnetic elements with negative polarity is little higher than that of the magnetic elements with positive polarity, except for 50°-zone of the south hemisphere and at the 10° latitude of the north hemisphere.

The rates of differential rotation for large-scale magnetic elements with negative and positive polarities have similar behavior for both cycles of the solar activity.

The rotation rate varies at polarity reversal of the circumpolar magnetic fields. For the cycle No 20 in 1969–1970 the threefold reversal took place in the northern hemisphere and variations of rotation rate can be noticed for magnetic elements both with positive and negative polarity for each 10°-zone in the same hemisphere.  相似文献   

Recent developments in kinematic dynamo theory are described. Attention is restricted to the case of large magnetic Reynolds number dynamos. The nature of the “slow” Braginsky dynamo, which operates on the magnetic diffusive timescale, is outlined. The possible existence of “fast” dynamos, which grow on the time scale of the convective motions is discussed. Only steady flow is considered but the case of particle paths confined to stream surfaces is carefully distinguished from the case with chaotic particle paths. The underlying theme is that of flux expulsion with magnetic field confined to ropes and sheets.  相似文献   

The Sun is the nearest stellar and astrophysical laboratory, available for detailed studies in several fields of physics and astronomy. It is a sphere of hot gas with a complex and highly variable magnetic field which plays a very important role. The Sun shows an unprecedented wealth of phenomena that can be studied extensively and to the greatest detail, in a way we will never be in a position to study in other stars. Humans have studied the Sun for millennia and after the discovery of the telescope they realized that the Sun varies with time, i.e., solar activity is highly variable, in tune scales of millennia to seconds. The study of these variabilities helps us to understand how the Sun works and how it affects the interplanetary medium, Earth and the other planets. Solar power varies substantially and greatly affects the Earth and humans. Solar activity has several important periodicities, and quasi-periodicities. Knowledge of these periodicities helps us to forecast, to an extent, solar events that affect our planet. The most prominent periodicity of solar activity is the one of 11 years. The actual period is in fact 22 years because the magnetic field polarity of the Sun has to be taken into account. The Sun can be considered as a non-linear RLC electric circuit with a period of 22 years. The RLC equivalent circuit of the Sun is a van der Pol oscillator and such a model can explain many solar phenomena, including the variability of solar energy with time. Other quasi-periodicities such as the ones of 154 days, the 1.3, 1.7 to 2 years, etc., some of which might be harmonics of the 22 year cycle are also present in solar activity, and their study is very interesting and important since they affect the Earth and human activities. The period of 27 days related to solar rotation plays also a very important role in geophysical phenomena. It is noticeable that almost all periodicities are highly variable with time as wavelet analysis reveals. It is very important for humans to be in a position to forecast solar activity during the next hour, day, year, decade and century, because solar phenomena affect life on Earth and such predictions will help politicians and policy makers to better serve their countries and our planet.  相似文献   

Variations of indices that characterize various systems of the large-scale solar magnetic field (LSSMF) - magnetic field multipoles of different order, LSSMF energy index, index of the effective solar multipole, etc.- are compared with variations of the solar irradiance in different frequency ranges during 1978–1996. The role of the local and global magnetic fields in modulating the solar irradiance is investigated in various time intervals, in particular, in different phases of the 11-year solar cycle.  相似文献   

Dynamical and thermal variations of the internal structure of the Sun can affect the energy flow and result in variations in irradiance at the surface. Studying variations in the interior is crucial for understanding the mechanisms of the irradiance variations. “Global” helioseismology based on analysis of normal mode frequencies, has helped to reveal radial and latitudinal variations of the solar structure and dynamics associated with the solar cycle in the deep interior. A new technique, - “local-area” helioseismology or heliotomography, offers additional potentially important diagnostics by providing three-dimensional maps of the sound speed and flows in the upper convection zone. These diagnostics are based on inversion of travel times of acoustic waves which propagate between different points on the solar surface through the interior. The most significant variations in the thermodynamic structure found by this method are associated with sunspots and complexes of solar activity. The inversion results provide evidence for areas of higher sound speed beneath sunspot regions located at depths of 4–20 Mm, which may be due to accumulated heat or magnetic field concentrations. However, the physics of these structures is not yet understood. Heliotomography also provides information about large-scale stable longitudinal structures in the solar interior, which can be used in irradiance models. This new diagnostic tool for solar variability is currently under development. It will require both a substantial theoretical and modeling effort and high-resolution data to develop new capabilities for understanding mechanisms of solar variability.  相似文献   

本文旨在介绍一项具有重大科学意义和应用价值的深空探测任务构想.该任务将对驱动恒星大尺度爆发过程的中心结构(即磁重联电流片)进行抵近(原位)探测,主要目的是详细研究发生在离地球最近的恒星—太阳上的大尺度磁重联过程的精细物理特征,揭示太阳系中最为剧烈的能量释放过程(即太阳爆发或太阳风暴)的奥秘.该任务的科学目标:磁重联过程...  相似文献   

All possible changes of the solar activity can be expressed by the coronal index of solar activity that represents the averaged daily power of the green corona emitted from the Sun’s visible hemisphere. The representative character of this index allows us to study long-term, intermediate and short-term variations of the Sun as a star. This index can be expressed well as a function of other solar indices. As green line reflects the distribution of the photospheric magnetic fields in the solar corona, the dependence of this index on the solar magnetic field is confirmed by means of statistical analysis of these two parameters. Daily values of the coronal index, as well as of the magnetic field data obtained from the Wilcox Solar Observatory, has been analysed by Fast Fourier analysis and Wavelet Transform analysis for the time period 1966–1998 covering more than three solar cycles. Periodicities of 11.4, 3.2, 2.3, 1.7, 1, 0.29, 0.07 and 0.04 years have been found in both parameters that means once again that the coronal index is probably related to the underlying photospheric magnetic fields and can be used as a global index of solar activity useful for Space Weather studies.  相似文献   

We study the recently presented group sunspot number series and show that a persistent 22-year periodicity exists in sunspot activity throughout the entire period of about 400 years of direct sunspot observations. The amplitude of this periodicity in total cycle intensity is about 20% of the present intensity level. A 22-year periodicity in sunspot activity is naturally produced by the 22-year magnetic dynamo cycle in the presence of a relic magnetic field. Accordingly, a persistent 22-year periodicity in sunspot activity gives strong evidence for the existence of such a relic magnetic field in the Sun. The stable phase and the roughly constant amplitude of this periodicity during times of very different sunspot activity level strongly support this interpretation.  相似文献   

Solar Orbiter will orbit the Sun down to a distance of 0.22 AU allowing detailed in situ studies of important but unexplored regions of the solar wind in combination with coordinated remote sensing of the Sun. In-situ measurements require high quality measurements of particle distributions and electric and magnetic fields. We show that such important scientific topics as the identification of coronal heating remnants, solar wind turbulence, magnetic reconnection and shock formation within coronal mass ejections all require electric field and plasma density measurements in the frequency range from DC up to about 100 Hz. We discuss how such measurements can be achieved using the double-probe technique. We sketch a few possible antenna design solutions.  相似文献   

The Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope (FASR), a telescope concept currently under study, will be a ground based solar-dedicated radio telescope designed and optimized to produce high resolution, high-fidelity, and high-dynamic-range images over a broad frequency range (0.1–24 GHz). As such, FASR will address an extremely broad science program, including the nature and evolution of coronal magnetic fields, the physics of flares, drivers of space weather, and the quiet Sun. An important goal is to mainstream solar radio observations by providing a number of standard data products for use by the wider solar physics community. The instrument specifications and the key science elements that FASR will address are briefly discussed, as well as several operational issues.  相似文献   

The Aditya-L1 is first Indian solar mission scheduled to be placed in a halo orbit around the first Lagrangian point (L1) of Sun-Earth system in the year 2018–19. The approved scientific payloads onboard Aditya-L1 spacecraft includes a Fluxgate Digital Magnetometer (FGM) to measure the local magnetic field which is necessary to supplement the outcome of other scientific experiments onboard. The in-situ vector magnetic field data at L1 is essential for better understanding of the data provided by the particle and plasma analysis experiments, onboard Aditya-L1 mission. Also, the dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) can be better understood with the help of in-situ magnetic field data at the L1 point region. This data will also serve as crucial input for the short lead-time space weather forecasting models.The proposed FGM is a dual range magnetic sensor on a 6?m long boom mounted on the Sun viewing panel deck and configured to deploy along the negative roll direction of the spacecraft. Two sets of sensors (tri-axial each) are proposed to be mounted, one at the tip of boom (6?m from the spacecraft) and other, midway (3?m from the spacecraft). The main science objective of this experiment is to measure the magnitude and nature of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) locally and to study the disturbed magnetic conditions and extreme solar events by detecting the CME from Sun as a transient event. The proposed secondary science objectives are to study the impact of interplanetary structures and shock solar wind interaction on geo-space environment and to detect low frequency plasma waves emanating from the solar corona at L1 point. This will provide a better understanding on how the Sun affects interplanetary space.In this paper, we shall give the main scientific objectives of the magnetic field experiment and brief technical details of the FGM onboard Aditya-1 spacecraft.  相似文献   

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