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Novel measurements of the seasonal variability in mesospheric temperature at low-latitudes have been obtained from Maui, Hawaii (20.8°N, 156.2°W) during a 25-month period from October 2001 to January 2004. Independent observations of the OH (6, 2) Meinel band (peak height ∼87 km) and the O2 (0–1) atmospheric band emission (∼94 km) were made using the CEDAR Mesospheric Temperature Mapper. The data revealed a coherent oscillation in emission intensity and rotational temperature with a well-defined periodicity of 181 ± 7 days. The amplitude of this oscillation was determined to be ∼5–6 K in temperature and ∼8–9% in intensity for both the OH and O2 data sets. In addition, a strong asymmetry in the shape of the oscillation was also observed with the spring maximum significantly larger than the fall peak. These data provide new evidence in support of a semi-annual-oscillation in mesospheric temperature (and airglow emission intensities) and help quantify its seasonal characteristics.  相似文献   

Winds from a meteor radar at Wuhan (30.6°N, 114.5°E) and a MF radar at Adelaide (35°S, 138°E) are used to study the 16-day waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere (MLT). The height range is 78–98 km at Wuhan and 70–98 km at Adelaide. By comparison, it is found that the zonal components at both sites are generally larger than the meridional ones, and eastward motion of the zonal background winds is favorable for the 16-day waves penetration to the MLT region. The zonal maximum amplitude appears in the autumn (September–October) around 86–98 km at Wuhan and in the winter months and early spring (July–October) around 72–82 km at Adelaide. Differences are found in wave amplitudes and time of appearance between the two years of 2002 and 2003. In 2003, the intensity of the wave amplitudes is relatively smaller than that for 2002 at both sites. The summer 16-day waves are comparatively weaker at Adelaide in both years, but stronger in 2002 at Wuhan near the mesopause and the lower thermosphere (86–98 km). The strong summer waves at Wuhan may come from the winter southern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Mars Global Reference Atmospheric Model (Mars-GRAM 2001) is an engineering-level Mars atmosphere model widely used for many Mars mission applications. From 0 to 80 km, it is based on NASA Ames Mars General Circulation Model (MGCM), while above 80 km it is based on University of Michigan Mars Thermospheric General Circulation Model. Mars-GRAM 2001 and MGCM use surface topography from Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). Validation studies are described comparing Mars-GRAM with a global summary data set of Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data. TES averages and standard deviations were assembled from binned TES data which covered surface to ∼40 km, over more than a full Mars year (February 1999–June 2001, just before start of a Mars global dust storm). TES data were binned in 10° × 10° latitude–longitude bins (36 longitude bins, centered at 5°–355°, by 18 latitude bins, centered at −85° to +85°), and 12 seasonal bins (based on 30° increments of Ls angle). Bin averages and standard deviations were assembled at 23 data levels (temperature at 21 pressure levels, plus surface temperature and surface pressure). Two time-of-day bins were used: local time near 2 or 14 h. Two dust optical depth bins were used: infrared optical depth, either less than or greater than 0.25 (which corresponds to visible optical depth less than or greater than about 0.5). For interests in aerocapture and precision entry and landing, comparisons focused on atmospheric density. TES densities versus height were computed from TES temperature versus pressure, using assumptions of perfect gas law and hydrostatics. Mars-GRAM validation studies used density ratio (TES/Mars-GRAM) evaluated at data bin center points in space and time. Observed average TES/Mars-GRAM density ratios were generally 1 ± 0.05, except at high altitudes (15–30 km, depending on season) and high latitudes (>45°N), or at most altitudes in the southern hemisphere at Ls  90° and 180°. Compared to TES averages for a given latitude and season, TES data had average density standard deviation about the mean of ∼2.5% for all data, or ∼1–4%, depending on time of day and dust optical depth. Average standard deviation of TES/Mars-GRAM density ratio was 8.9% for local time 2 h and 7.1% for local time 14 h. Thus standard deviation of observed TES/Mars-GRAM density ratio, evaluated at matching positions and times, is about three times the standard deviation of TES data about the TES mean value at a given position and season.  相似文献   

A new narrow beam Doppler radar operating at 3.17 MHz has been installed close to the Andøya Rocket Range in Andenes, Norway in summer 2002 in order to improve the ground based capabilities for measurements of turbulence in the mesosphere. The main feature of the radar is a Mills Cross transmitting/receiving antenna consisting of 29 crossed half-wave dipoles. In combination with the modular transceiver system this provides high flexibility in beam forming and pointing. In general, vertical and oblique beams with a minimum one way half-power full-beam width (HPFW) of 6.6° are used. The observations are usually performed with a height resolution of 1 km and with off-zenith beams at 7.3° directed towards NW, NE, SE, and SW. Turbulence intensities have been estimated from the width of the observed signal spectra using an computationally intensive correction method which requires precise knowledge of the antenna radiation pattern. The program uses real-time measurements of the wind field in all determinations. Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates based on radar observations are presented and compared with corresponding climatological summer and winter profiles from rocket measurements, as well as with single profiles from model runs for selected periods from September 2003 to Summer 2004. The mean turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rates based on these radar measurements are about 5 mW/kg at 60 km altitude and about 20 mW/kg at 80 km, in reasonable agreement with mean turbulence intensities obtained from previous rocket soundings at Andenes.  相似文献   

The results from direct ground-based solar UV irradiance measurements and the total ozone content (TOC) over Stara Zagora (42° 25′N, 25° 37′E), Bulgaria are presented. During the period 1999–2003 the TOC data show seasonal variations, typical for the middle latitudes – maximum in the spring and minimum in the autumn. The comparison between TOC ground-based data and Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) satellite-borne ones shows a seasonal dependence of the differences between them.A strong negative relationship between the total ozone and the 305 nm wavelength irradiance was found. The dependence between the two variables is significant (r = −0.62 ± 0.18) at 98% confidence level.The direct sun UV doses for some specific biological effects (erythema and eyes) are obtained. The estimation of the radiation amplification factor RAF shows that the ozone reduction by 1% increases the erythemal dose by 2.3%. The eye-damaging doses are more influenced by the TOC changes and in this case RAF = −2.7%.The amount of these biological doses depended on the solar altitude over the horizon. This dependence was not so strong when the total ozone content in the atmosphere was lower.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray observations from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) of the October 29, 2003 GOES X10 two-ribbon flare are used together with magnetic field observations from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard SoHO to compare footpoint motions with predictions from magnetic reconnection models. The temporal variations of the velocity v of the hard X-ray footpoint motions and the photospheric magnetic field strength B in footpoints are investigated. The underlying photospheric magnetic field strength is generally higher (B  700–1200 G) in the slower moving (v  20–50 km s−1) western footpoint than in the faster (v  20–100 km s−1) moving eastern source (∼100–600 G). Furthermore, a rough temporal correlation between the HXR flux and the product vB2 is observed.  相似文献   

In this review I discuss the various γ-ray emission lines that can be expected and, in some cases have been observed, from radioactive explosive nucleosynthesis products. The most important γ-ray lines result from the decay chains of 56Ni, 57Ni, and 44Ti. 56Ni is the prime explosive nucleosynthesis product of Type Ia supernovae, and its decay determines to a large extent the Type Ia light curves. 56Ni is also a product of core-collapse supernovae, and in fact, γ-ray line emission from its daughter product, 56Co, has been detected from SN1987A by several instruments. The early occurrence of this emission was surprising and indicates that some fraction of 56Ni, which is synthesized in the innermost supernova layers, must have mixed with the outermost supernova ejecta.Special attention is given to the γ-ray line emission of the decay chain of 44Ti (44Ti  44Sc  44Ca), which is accompanied by line emission at 68, 78, and 1157 keV. As the decay time of 44Ti is ∼86 yr, one expects this line emission from young supernova remnants. Although the 44Ti yield (typically 10−5–10−4M) is not very high, its production is very sensitive to the energetics and asymmetries of the supernova explosion, and to the mass cut, which defines the mass of the stellar remnant. This makes 44Ti an ideal tool to study the inner layers of the supernova explosion. This is of particular interest in light of observational evidence for asymmetric supernova explosions.The γ-ray line emission from 44Ti has so far only been detected from the supernova remnant Cas A. I discuss these detections, which were made by COMPTEL (the 1157 keV line) and BeppoSAX (the 68 and 78 keV lines), which, combined, give a flux of (2.6 ± 0.4 ± 0.5) × 10−5 ph cm−2 s−1 per line, suggesting a 44Ti yield of (1.5 ± 1.0) × 10−4M. Moreover, I present some preliminary results of Cas A observations by INTEGRAL, which so far has yielded a 3σ detection of the 68 keV line with the ISGRI instrument with a flux that is consistent with the BeppoSAX detections. Future observations by INTEGRAL-ISGRI will be able to constrain the continuum flux above 90 keV, as the uncertainty about the continuum shape, is the main source of systematic error for the 68 and 78 keV line flux measurements. Moreover, with the INTEGRAL-SPI instrument it will be possible to measure or constrain the line broadening of the 1157 keV line. A preliminary analysis of the available data indicates that narrow line emission (i.e., Δv < 1000 km s−1) can be almost excluded at the 2σ level, for an assumed line flux of 1.9 × 10−5 ph cm−2 s−1.  相似文献   

The large V/m electric fields inherent in the lower mesosphere play an essential role in lower ionospheric electrodynamics. They must be the cause of large variations in the electron temperature and the electron collision frequency and consequently of the transition of the ionospheric plasma in the lower part of the D region into a nonisothermal state. This study is based on the datasets on large mesospheric electric fields collected with the 2.2-MHz radar of the Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Canada (52°N geographic latitude, 60.4°N geomagnetic latitude), and with the 2.3-MHz radar of the Kharkiv V. Karazin National University, Ukraine (49.6°N geographic latitude, 45.6°N geomagnetic latitude). The statistical analysis of these data is presented by [Meek, C.E., Manson, A.H., Martynenko, S.I., Rozumenko, V.T., Tyrnov, O.F. Remote sensing of mesospheric electric fields using MF radars. J. Atmos. Solar-Terr. Phys. 66, 881–890, 2004. 10.1016/j.jastp.2004.02.002]. The large mesospheric electric fields in the 60–67-km altitude range are experimentally established to follow a Rayleigh distribution in the 0 < E < 2.5 V/m interval. These data have permitted the resulting differential distributions of relative disturbances in the electron temperature, θ, and the effective electron collision frequency, η, to be determined. The most probable θ and η values are found to be in the 1.4–2.2 interval, and hence the nonstationary state of the lower part of the D region needs to be accounted for in studying processes coupling the electrically active mesosphere and the lower ionospheric plasma.  相似文献   

The M1.5-class flare and associated coronal mass ejection (CME) of 16 February 2011 was observed with the Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on board the Hinode spacecraft. Spray plasma associated with the CME is found to exhibit a Doppler blue-shift of 850 km s?1 – one of the largest values reported from spectroscopy of the solar disk and inner corona. The observation is unusual in that the emission line (Fe xii 193.51 Å) is not observed directly, but the Doppler shift is so large that the blue-shifted component appears in a wavelength window at 192.82 Å, intended to observe lines of O v, Fe xi and Ca xvii. The Fe xii 195.12 Å emission line is used as a proxy for the rest component of 193.51 Å. The observation highlights the risks of using narrow wavelength windows for spectrometer observations when observing highly-dynamic solar phenomena. The consequences of large Doppler shifts for ultraviolet solar spectrometers, including the upcoming Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) mission, are discussed.  相似文献   

We present results from the simultaneous observations of an anomalous X-ray pulsar (AXP) 4U 0142 + 61 on Sep. 2003. We used RXTE, Subaru, and UH88 telescopes to cover X-ray, near-infrared (NIR) (JHK′), and optical (BVRI) bands, respectively. We obtained a simultaneous broadband spectrum for the first time among AXPs. We found NIR excess in the spectrum, which may be another component different from the optical one. We also found a R band dip. We discuss the broadband spectrum covering the optical and X-ray bands in the framework of a self absorbed synchrotron emission from the magnetosphere of magnetar. We also discuss about the R band dip feature, which could put a restriction on the emission models of magnetars.  相似文献   

The paper presents simultaneously a satellite monitoring of plasma density disturbances and quasi-static electric fields on the one hand, and a ground earthquake monitoring, on the other. The INTERCOSMOS-BULGARIA-1300 satellite was launched on 7th August 1981. It had a perigee of 825 km, an apogee of 906 km and orbit inclination of 81.2°. For satellite’s orbits over sources of earthquakes M  5.5 (seismic data of the World Data Center – Denver, Colorado), in the time period 12.08.1981–30.12.1981, some ionospheric effects are investigated. These effects can be considered eventually as possible earthquake precursors. The paper discusses specific anomalous effects observed in the ionosphere, which cannot be explained by factors of solar-magnetospheric origin. They could be associated with the earthquake growing processes in the lithosphere and troposphere zones above the source. In conclusion the results of ionosphere anomalous effects monitoring are proposed.  相似文献   

An all-sky CCD imager capable of measuring wave structure in the airglow OH, O2 and OI (557.7 nm) emissions was operated in the equatorial region at São João do Cariri (Cariri), Brazil (7°S, 36°W), in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Occurrence of mesospheric bore events was studied using the data from September 2000 to September 2002. Sixty-four bore events were detected during the observation period. Most of the bores showed the complementary effects suggested by Dewan and Picard [E.M. Dewan, R.H. Picard, Mesospheric bores. Journal of Geophysical Research 103, 6295–6305, 1998], except in a few cases where the relative variations were inconsistent with this model.  相似文献   

We present measurements of the thermal conductivity λ(t, P, L) = l/ρ(t, P, L) near the superfluid transition of 4He at saturated vapor pressure and confined in cylindrical geometries with radii L = 0.5 and 1.0 μm (t  T/Tλ(P)  1). For L = 1.0 μm measurements at six pressures P are presented. At and above Tλ the data are consistent with a universal scaling function F(X) = (L/ξo)x/ν(ρ/ρ0), X = (L/ξo)1/νt valid for all P (ρ0 and x are the pressure-dependent amplitude and effective exponent of the bulk resistivity ρ(t, P, ∞) = ρ0tx and ξ = ξ0tν is the correlation length). Indications of breakdown of scaling and universality are observed below Tλ.  相似文献   

The paper presents data from some campaigns at Sura heating facility in 2011–1016. The experiments on probing of the artificial disturbed region of the lower ionosphere were carried out at two observation sites. One of them was located near Vasil’sursk 1 km from Sura facility (56.1°N; 46.1°E) and the other site was located at the Observatory (55.85°N; 48.8°E) of Kazan State University, 170 km to the East. Investigation of the features of the disturbed region of the lower ionosphere based on its diagnostics by the methods of the vertical sounding and oblique backscattering is the main goal of this paper. Ionosphere disturbance was fulfilled by the effect of the powerful radio wave of the ordinary or extraordinary polarization emitted by transmitters of the Sura facility with effective radiated power ERP = 50–120 MW at the frequency of 4.3, 4.7 and 5.6 MHz. Pumping waves were emitted with period from 30 s to 15 min. The disturbed region of the ionosphere in Vasil’sursk was probed by the vertical sounding technique using the partial reflexion radar at the frequency of 2.95 and 4.7 MHz. For the oblique sounding of the disturbed region the modified ionosonde Cyclon-M, operating at ten frequencies from 2.01 to 6.51 MHz was used at the Observatory site. On many heating sessions simultaneous variations of the probing partial reflection signals in Vasil’sursk and backscattered signals in Observatory were observed at the height at 40–100 km below the reflection height of the pumping wave. These observations were correlated with the pumping periods of the Sura facility. Possible mechanisms of the appearance of the disturbance in the lower ionosphere and its effect on the probing radio waves are discussed.  相似文献   

Development of a balloon to fly at higher altitudes is one of the most attractive challenges in scientific balloon technologies. After reaching the highest record setting balloon altitude of 53.0 km using the 3.4 μm film in 2002, we tried to make a thinner balloon film. In 2003, we developed a forming die and an air-ring and succeeded in forming a film with a thickness of 3.0 μm and a width of 220 cm. Using this film, we manufactured a balloon with a volume of 5000 m3 and succeeded in flying the balloon up to an altitude of 46.0 km. We then searched for a good combination of resins to make a thinner and wider film and obtained films with widths of 280 cm, and a thickness of 3.0 μm at first, and then 2.8 μm. In 2004, we performed balloon experiments making a 30,000 m3 balloon with the 3.0 μm film and a 5000 m3 balloon with the 2.8 μm film. Both balloons were well manufactured and reached the highest altitudes of 50.7 and 42.6 km, respectively.  相似文献   

Recent review study done jointly by 19 experts of 17 institutes shows zero trend of temperature in the upper mesosphere. In the light of this latest development, we have examined the long-term changes in electron density, [e], in this region. The study has been concentrated at 80 km. At this altitude, electrons are mainly produced by the interaction of nitric oxide, NO, by solar Ly-α. Any long-term change in this flux will affect trend of [e]. Considering this flux proportional to 10.7 cm solar flux, analysis of available 10.7 cm solar flux data from 1948 to 2003 has been made. A decreasing trend up to about 1970 and then an increasing trend are found. The over-all increasing trend of Ly-α flux during the past five decades is ∼0.17% per year. This increase also gives a ∼0.17% increasing trend per year in [e]. This non-anthropogenic increase is much less compared to the observed increase in [e] which is reported to be >0.7% per year. The observed increase in [e] of this magnitude will then, predominantly, be due to the anthropogenic effect. In zero trend in temperature, significant change in electron loss coefficient, αeff, and [NO] are unlikely to take place to cause a significant change in [e]. The increase in [e] > 0.7% per year then can be explained by considering a decreasing trend in [O2].  相似文献   

We continue monitoring supernova remnant (SNR) 1987A with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. As of 2004 January, bright X-ray spots in the northwest and the southwest are now evident in addition to the bright eastern ring. The overall X-ray spectrum, since 2002 December, can be described by a planar shock with an electron temperature of ∼2.1 keV. The soft X-ray flux is now 8 × 10−13 ergs cm−2 s−1, which is about five times higher than four years ago. This flux increase rate is consistent with our prediction based on an exponential density distribution along the radius of the SNR between the HII region and the inner ring. We still have no direct evidence of a central point source, and place an upper limit of LX = 1.3 × 1034 ergs s−1 on the 3–10 keV band X-ray luminosity.  相似文献   

Variations of galactic cosmic ray intensity have been studied based on the neutron monitors and interplanetary magnetic field experimental data for different ascending and descending epochs of solar activity. The dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the cosmic ray particles rigidity R is stronger in the maxima epoch than in the minima epoch of solar activity. For the period of 1977–1981 (qA > 0) the diffusion coefficient for the minimum epoch is, χmin  R0.7 ± 0.04 and for the maximum χmax  R1.3 ± 0.05; for the period of 1987–1990 (qA < 0), χmin  R0.8 ± 0.05 and χmax  R1.1 ± 0.04. The exponents νy and νz of the power spectral density of the By and Bz components of the IMF in the region of the frequencies (10−6– 4 × 10−6) Hz are larger for the minimum epoch of 1987 (νy  2.0 and νz  1.93) than for the maximum epoch of 1990 (νy  1.43 and νz  1.27).  相似文献   

The hysteresis effect for small energies of galactic cosmic rays is due to two effects. The first is the same as for neutron monitor energies – the delay of the interplanetary processes responsible for cosmic ray modulation with respect to the initiating solar processes, according to the effective velocity of solar wind and shock waves propagation. Then, the observed cosmic ray intensity is connected to the solar activity variations during many months before the time of cosmic ray measurement. The second is caused by the time delay of small energy cosmic ray diffusion from the boundary of modulation region to the Earth’s orbit. The model describing the connection between solar activity variation and cosmic ray convection–diffusion global modulation for neutron monitor energies is here developed by taking into account also the time-lag of the small energy particle diffusion in the Heliosphere. We use theoretical results on drifts and analytically approximate the dependences of drifts from tilt angle, and take into account the dependence from the sign of primary particles, and from the sign of polar magnetic field (A > 0 or A < 0). The obtained results are applied on proton and alpha-particle satellite data. We analyze satellite 5-min data of proton fluxes with energies >1 MeV, >2 MeV, >5 MeV, >10 MeV, >30 MeV, >50 MeV, >60 MeV, >100 MeV, and in intervals 10–30 MeV, 30–60 MeV, and 60–100 MeV during January 1986–December 1999. We exclude periods with great cosmic ray increases caused by particle acceleration in solar flare events. Then, we determine monthly averaged fluxes, as well as 5-month and 11-month smoothed data. We analyze also satellite 5-min data on alpha-particle fluxes in the energy intervals 60-160 MeV, 160–260 MeV and 330–500 MeV during January 1986–May 2000. We correct observation data for drifts and then compare with what is expected according to the convection–diffusion mechanism. We assume different dimensions of the modulation region (by the time propagation X0 of solar wind from the Sun to the boundary of modulation region), for X0 values from 1 to 60 average months, by one-month steps. For each value of X0 we determine the correlation coefficient between variations of expected and observed cosmic ray intensities (the estimation of cosmic ray intensities values is given in Section 3 by Eq. (9), and the determination of correlation and regression coefficients in Section 3 by Eq. (8)). The dimension of modulation region is determined by the value of X0 max, for which the correlation coefficient reaches the maximum value. Then the effective radial diffusion coefficient and residual modulation in small energy region can be estimated.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of the vector of the Stokes parameters characterizing the radiance intensity and the radiance polarization describes the radiation field in the atmosphere. A simplified treatment of light as the scalar has only restricted application. A few studies compared previously results of the vector and scalar radiative transfer models and showed that scalar models are in error by up to 10% for many cases. Though several observational conditions were exploited, an effect of polarization on modeling of UV radiance has not been investigated yet for twilight. The paper presents a preliminary study of modeled UV radiance during twilight taking into account polarization. The intensity and the degree of linear polarization of the scattered UV radiance for two cases of the ground-based observations are discussed. In the first case, radiation incoming from the zenith for the solar zenith angles (SZA) from 90° to 98° is under investigation. Radiation in the solar principal plane for the beginning of twilight (SZA = 90.1°) was calculated in the second case. The study showed that the UV radiation field in the twilight atmosphere can be handled correctly only using the vector theory. The errors of scalar radiative transfer strongly depend on wavelength, line of an observation and solar position. The revealed distortion of the zenith radiance caused by using of the scalar approximation reaches maximum of 15% at 340 nm for the solar zenith angle (SZA) equal to 98°. The shorter wavelengths have the smaller errors, about 5% at 305 nm for SZA = 98°, due to the larger part of the single scattered radiance. The error of the scalar modeling may be as large as −17% for radiance incoming from the horizon for SZA = 90.1°. Scalar radiative transfer models underestimate the integral intensity in the principal plane up to 3–4% ± 0.5% at SZA = 90.1° for wavelengths from 320 to 340 nm. This should be taken into account in problems of radiative budget estimation and remote sensing of the atmosphere exploiting the twilight period.  相似文献   

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