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In a previous paper by Schmidt et al. (2008), from CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation data, a comparison was made between a Gaussian filter applied to the “complete” temperature profile and to its “separate” tropospheric and stratospheric height intervals, for gravity wave analyses. It was found that the separate filtering method considerably reduces a wave activity artificial enhancement near the tropopause, presumably due to the isolation process of the wave component. We now propose a simple approach to estimate the uncertainty in the calculation of the mean specific wave potential energy content, due exclusively to the filtering process of vertical temperature profiles, independently of the experimental origin of the data. The approach is developed through a statistical simulation, built up from the superposition of synthetic wave perturbations. These are adjusted by a recent gravity wave (GW) climatology and temperature profiles from reanalyses. A systematic overestimation of the mean specific wave potential energy content is detected and its variability with latitude, altitude, season and averaging height interval is highlighted.  相似文献   

Measurements of dynamic parameters of atmospheric gravity waves, mainly the vertical wavelength, the momentum flux and the momentum flux divergence, are affected by large uncertainties crudely documented in the scientific literature. By using methods of error analysis, we have quantified these uncertainties for frequently observed temporal and spatial wave scales. The results show uncertainties of ~10%, ~35%, and ~65%, at least, in the vertical wavelength, momentum flux, and flux divergence, respectively. The large uncertainties in the momentum flux and flux divergence are dominated by uncertainties in the Brunt-Väisälä frequency and in spatial separation of the nightglow layers, respectively. The measured uncertainties in fundamental wave parameters such as the wave amplitude, intrinsic period, horizontal wavelength, and wave orientation are ~10% or less and estimated directly from our nightglow image data set. Other key environmental quantities such as the scale height and the Brunt-Väisälä frequency, frequently considered as constants in gravity wave parameter estimations schemes, are actually quite variable, presenting uncertainties of ~4% and ~9%, respectively, according to the several solar activity and seasonal atmosphere scenarios from the NRLMSISE-00 model simulated here.  相似文献   

MST radar studies at low latitude stations have documented regions in the mesosphere from where enhanced echoes (Low Latitude Mesospheric Echoes (LMEs)) are observed. Such echoes cannot, in general, be explained by considering the dynamical aspects (such as turbulence, winds, waves, etc.) of the region alone. Mesospheric dust/aerosols can enhance the radar echoes considerably and dust is known to exist at all heights and latitudes of the mesosphere. This study investigates the presence of dusty plasma in the mesosphere through the heterogeneous ion-chemistry of the region.Dust of meteoric origin is incorporated in the conventional ion chemistry scheme and the equilibrium height profiles of charged and neutral dust densities corresponding to effective dust sizes (radii) of 1, 10 and 30 nm are computed for the equatorial quiet daytime conditions.The model derived dust density profiles show structures with respect to dust size, height and season that are indicative of the possible role of mesospheric dust in the production/enhancement mechanisms of the LMEs observed over the equatorial station at Gadanki (13.5°N, 79.2°E), India.  相似文献   

Several global gravity models (GGMs) are freely available in the public domain, which can be utilised to study the earth's gravity field in almost every part of the globe. The present study compared the free-air gravity anomalies calculated from the five GGMs EGM2008, EIGEN6C4, GECO, XGM2019e_2159, and SGG-UGM-2 archived by the International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM) with respect to shipborne gravity in the Bay of Bengal. The average correlation coefficient and covariance are ~ 96 % and ~ 450mGal2. The mean difference between the shipborne and the modelled gravity is ? 5 mGal. Relatively higher amplitude gravity differences observed at the continental-oceanic transition, the 85°E and Ninetyeast ridges, and the western basin are possibly due to high gradient, dominant density contrasts, and rugged topography. The average standard deviation and root-mean-square-error (RMSE) of the differences are ~ 6.5 mGal and ~ 7.5 mGal. A significantly lower standard deviation and RMSE found for the models generated at higher degree/order compared to lower degree/order is due to diminishing omission error of the GGMs with increasing degrees of truncation. The spectral analysis and coherence estimation of the modelled gravity demonstrate excellent correspondence for anomalies wider than ~ 25 km. The agreement between anomaly amplitudes and shapes and calculated statistics indicates that the accuracy and resolution of the modelled gravity data are certainly good enough for regional-scale studies aiming to map Moho topography and mantle structures. However, the delineation of shorter wavelength features originating from the shallow-level basement/sedimentary might be uncertain and requires further validations. The present study confirms that all five models show promising results in terms of their accuracy and resolution. Moreover, the SGG-UGM-2 and XGM2019e_2159 models compare favourably with respect to the GECO, EIGEN6C4 and EGM2008 models in the Bay of Bengal.  相似文献   

Atmospheric temperatures and vertical velocities obtained from the VEGA balloon measurements indicate that the dynamical heat flux is upward and has an amplitude that ranges from 0 to 360 W m−2 in the middle cloud region. The static stability is positive and ranges from 0 to 2.0 K km−1. Time series analysis of these results indicates that convection is the principal mechanism for generating the large vertical motions. Gravity waves were also detected at these levels and account for about 15% of the covariance between temperature and vertical velocity.  相似文献   

Recent high-resolution satellite observations of gravity waves in the middle atmosphere have shown correlations with the strength of the stratospheric jet stream, surface topography, and tropical convection. Seasonal variations of wave-induced stratospheric radiance variances are often the manifestations of modulations of these sources and refractive influences. In this paper, we focus on the seasonal climatology of gravity waves observed by the UARS MLS, while also showing some new results from GPS and AMSU instruments. Our analysis is aided by MWFM modeling of mountain waves at high latitudes and CMAP precipitation indices in the subtropics to provide a clearer picture of global gravity wave dynamics.  相似文献   

GOCE is the first satellite with a gravitational gradiometer (SGG). This allows to determine a gravity field model with high spatial resolution and high accuracy. Four of the six independent components of the gravitational gradient tensors (GGT) are measured with high accuracy in the so-called measurement band (MB) from 5 to 100 mHz by the GOCE gradiometer. Based on more than 1 year of GOCE measurements, two gravity field models have been derived. Here, we introduce a strategy for spherical harmonic analysis (SHA) from GOCE measurements, with a bandpass filter applied to the SGG data, combined with orbit analysis based on the integral equation approach, and additional constraints (or stabilization) in the polar areas where no observation is available due to the orbit geometry. In addition, we combined the GOCE SGG part with a set of GRACE normal equations. This improves the accuracy of the gravity field in the long-wavelength parts, due to the complementarity of GOCE and GRACE. Comparison with other models and with external data shows that our results are rather close to the GPS-levelling data in well-selected test regions, with an uncertainty of 4–7 cm, for truncation at degree 200.  相似文献   

The influence of viscosity and thermal conduction in the critical level problem is studied with a linear time dependent model. Our results agree with previous analytical results. For large Reynolds numbers the reflection and transmission of the wave are the same as in the inviscid case, despite the fact that the wave is radically altered by viscosity near the critical level. It is shown that the inviscid results largely depend on the approximation adopted.  相似文献   

A new two-dimensional, time-dependent and fully nonlinear model is developed to numerically simulate plane wave motions for internal gravity waves in a non-isothermal and windy atmosphere that accounts for the dissipation due to eddy and molecular processes. The atmosphere has been treated as a well mixed total gas with a constant mean molecular weight. The effects of Rayleigh friction and Newtonian cooling are applied near the upper boundary of the model to simulate the radiation conditions as well as to act as a sponge layer; lateral boundaries are periodic over a horizontal wavelength to simulate a horizontally infinite domain. The thermal excitation to initiate upward propagating waves is spatially localized in the troposphere and is a Gaussian function of time. A time-splitting technique is applied to the finite difference equations that are derived from the Navier–Stokes equations. The time integration for these highly coupled equations is performed using an explicit second order Lax–Wendroff scheme and an implicit Newton–Raphson scheme. The wave solutions derived from the model are found to be broadly agreeable with those derived from a Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin theory.  相似文献   

Upper atmospheric CO above 24 km has been observed over Poker Flat (147°W, 65°N, altitude 0.61 km), Alaska using ground-based solar absorption infrared spectroscopy. This is the first reported detection of stratospheric–mesospheric CO using this method from the ground. The results clearly indicate that there is a seasonal variation of the CO profile with enhanced abundances in spring while remaining low from May onwards.The Poker Flat Research Range is one of the many measurement sites that constitute the Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC). The method used in this work, estimating the CO partial column abundances above the middle stratosphere, can be applied to spectra observed using FTIR spectrometry at many other NDSC sites. This suggests the availability of this established technique as a new method for CO measurements in the upper atmosphere.  相似文献   

Coordinated mesospheric night-airglow measurements have been carried out from two stations, Gadanki (13.5° N, 79.2° E) and Allahabad (25.5° N, 81.9° E), India during April 2009 to study the common gravity wave features. With two nights of coordinated measurements we find some of the wave periodicities to be similar at the two locations. Simultaneous OH and O2 intensity measurements over Gadanki reveal these features to be upward propagating gravity waves while the coordinated OH intensity measurements of similar waves from Allahabad show the large spatial extent of these waves.  相似文献   

A new neural network (NN) based global empirical model for the foF2 parameter, which represents the peak ionospheric electron density, has been developed using extended temporal and spatial geophysical relevant inputs. It has been proposed that this new model be considered as a suitable replacement for the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) and International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) model options currently used within the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model for the purpose of F2 peak electron density predictions. The most recent version of the model has incorporated data from 135 global ionospheric stations including a number of equatorial stations.  相似文献   

The results of investigations of wave processes with periods 2 hours on their influence and on the night sky airglow intensity are given. The observations were carried out by multichannel spectrometer for three seasons of 1985–1988 at the optical testing ground Maimaga (γ = 63°N; λ = 129, 5°E). The synchronous detection of two and sometimes of three emissions of night sky airglow yielded the oppotunity to track a vertical travel of waves and to estimate their parameters. In most cases the waves propagate upward, i.e. the sources of waves were below mesosphere. The estimated vertical velocity change within 0,9-3,3 m/s and vertical wave length - within 18–85 km. A horizontal velocity varies from 83 to 330 m/s. The wave activity (the occurence frequency) and their amplitude in winter is higher than in spring. The estimated energies transfered by waves to the upper atmosphere are in winter 3.8·10−3 W/m2 and in spring 2.7·10−3 W/m2.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a statistical analysis made on the electron density data obtained over one year by the Relaxation Sounder (RS) onboard the GEOS-2 ESA satellite. The annually overaged daily profile is given. A seasonal variation of the plasma density in the equatorial plane is clearly apparent, i.e. the electron density is larger in summer than in winter. By combining the equatorial electron density data and data obtained in the auroral ionospheric region, we can deduce the parameters of the Volland convection electric field model and calculate the associated field-aligned current distributions, which roughly agree with the observed ones.  相似文献   

This study reports on observations of large-scale atmospheric gravity waves/traveling ionospheric disturbances (AGWs/TIDs) using Global Positioning System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) and Fabry–Perot Interferometer’s (FPI’s) intensity of oxygen red line emission at 630?nm measurements over Svalbard on the night of 6 January 2014. TEC large-scale TIDs have primary periods ranging between 29 and 65?min and propagate at a mean horizontal velocity of 749–761?m/s with azimuth of 345–347° (which corresponds to poleward propagation direction). On the other hand, FPI large-scale AGWs have larger periods of 42–142?min. These large-scale AGWs/TIDs were linked to enhanced auroral activity identified from co-located all-sky camera and IMAGE magnetometers. Similar periods, speed and poleward propagation were found for the all-sky camera (60–97?min and 823?m/s) and the IMAGE magnetometers (32–53?min and 708?m/s) observations. Joule heating or/and particle precipitation as a result of auroral energy injection were identified as likely generation mechanisms for these disturbances.  相似文献   

Mesospheric frontal-type gravity waves are an uncommon type of wave disturbance that occurs in the mesospheric OH, Na, O2, and O(1S) nightglow. They are understood to be the result of gravity waves exhibiting various degrees of non-linear behavior. Despite their similar appearance in all-sky images, careful analysis reveals that there are at least two distinct types of frontal wave disturbances, each with completely different consequences in terms of vertical momentum transport and deposition. Therefore, a correct identification is important in order to characterize their propagation modes. In this report we present the frontal gravity wave activity that occurred during a twelve-month period at Millstone Hill (42.6°N, 172.5°W), a mid-latitude site, to illustrate their range of behaviors.  相似文献   

An along-track analysis of temperature height profiles measured by the CRISTA satellite instrument was performed to obtain height profiles of absolute values of gravity wave momentum flux. Global distributions of momentum flux from CRISTA are compared to results of the Warner and McIntyre gravity wave parameterization scheme. Only a limited range of horizontal and vertical wavelengths is visible to the CRISTA instrument. Therefore the model results have to be filtered accordingly to make comparisons meaningful. We demonstrate the importance of such a wavelength filtering which significantly increases the correlation of observed and modeled momentum fluxes.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with observations of wave activity in the period range 1–60 min at ionospheric heights over the Western Cape, South Africa from May 2010 to July 2010. The study is based on the Doppler type sounding of the ionosphere. The Doppler frequency shift measurements are supplemented with measurements of collocated Digisonde DPS-4D at SANSA Space Sciences, Hermanus. Nine geomagnetically quiet days and nine geomagnetically active days were included in the study. Waves of periods 4–30 min were observed during the daytime independent of the level of geomagnetic activity. Amplitudes of 10–30 min waves always increased between 14:00 and 16:15 UT (16:00–18:15 LT). Secondary maxima were observed between 06:00 and 07:00 UT (08:00–09:00 LT). The maximum wave amplitudes occurred close to the time of passage of the solar terminator in the studied region which is known to act as a source of gravity waves.  相似文献   

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