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In this study we explore physical scaling laws applied to solar nanoflares, microflares, and large flares, as well as to stellar giant flares. Solar flare phenomena exhibit a fractal volume scaling, V(L)  L1.9, with L being the flare loop length scale, which explains the observed correlation between the total emission measure EMp and flare peak temperature Tp in both solar and stellar flares. However, the detected stellar flares have higher emission measures EMp than solar flares at the same flare peak temperature Tp, which can be explained by a higher electron density that is caused by shorter heating scale height ratios sH/L ≈ 0.04–0.1. Using these scaling laws we calculate the total radiated flare energies EX and thermal flare energies ET and find that the total counts C are a good proxy for both parameters. Comparing the energies of solar and stellar flares we find that even the smallest observed stellar flares exceed the largest solar flares, and thus their observed frequency distributions are hypothetically affected by an upper cutoff caused by the maximum active region size limit. The powerlaw slopes fitted near the upper cutoff can then not reliably be extrapolated to the microflare regime to evaluate their contribution to coronal heating.  相似文献   

The symmetry and time development of X-ray spectral lines are examined for many flares using Yohkoh Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) observations. We examine the degree of line blueshift and asymmetric broadening as a function of flare impulsiveness. The results of the analysis present a consistent observational picture for the 16 flares that were studied. The blueshift of the total flare spectrum increases with increasing fractional rate of change of flux. This result supports models that predict stronger heating in flares results in more blueshifted plasma. It also suggests that most flares will exhibit very weak or no blueshifts if the peak fractional energy release rate remains relatively low. This will be the case if stationary plasma builds up quickly by early ‘gentle’ evaporation or rapid slowing of moving plasma, even when most of the hot plasma is generated by explosive chromospheric evaporation.  相似文献   

X-ray spectrometer RESIK has observed spectra in the four wavelength bands from 3.3 Å to 6.1 Å. This spectral range contains many emission lines of H- and He-like ions for Si, S, Ar and K. These lines are formed in plasma of coronal temperatures (T > 3 MK). Analysis of their intensities allows studying differential emission measure distributions (DEM) in temperature range roughly between 3 MK and 30 MK. The aim of present study was to check whether any relationship exists between the character of DEM distribution, the event phase and the X-ray flare class. To do this we have calculated and analyzed the DEM distributions for a set of flares belonging to different GOES classes from the range B5.6–X1. The DEM distributions have been calculated using “Withbroe–Sylwester” multiplicative, maximum likelihood iterative algorithm. As the input data we have used absolute fluxes observed by RESIK in several spectral bands (lines + continuum). Respective emission functions have been calculated using the CHIANTI v. 5.2 atomic data package.  相似文献   

Four multi-loops or arcade flares showing strong impulsive soft X-ray brightenings on Yohkoh/SXT frames have been selected. By inspection of light curves of individual pixels, the areas of brightening have been localised. Evidences that non-thermal electron beams easily penetrate through whole flaring structures have been found. In some footpoints of the flaring structures during the impulsive phase the evidence of the chromospheric evaporation driven by non-thermal electron beams has been detected. The velocities of the upflowing plasma have been estimated. Derived values are in a wide range among 220 and 750 km/s. The SXT images of the investigated flares have been compared with the Yohkoh/HXT images. Generally good spatial and temporal coincidence between soft and hard X-ray emission from footpoints of flaring structures during the impulsive phase have been found but some exceptions occur. An explanation of the reported exceptions based on the magnetic field configuration has been proposed.  相似文献   

We find that the heliolongitudinal distribution of solar flares associated with earth-observed solar proton events is a function of the particle measurement energy. For solar proton events containing fluxes with energies exceeding 1 GeV, we find a Gaussian distribution about the probable root of the Archimedean spiral favorable propagation path leading from the earth to the sun. This distribution is modified as the detection threshold is lowered. For > 100 MeV solar proton events with fluxes > or = 10 protons (cm2-sec-ster)-1 we find the distribution becomes wider with a secondary peak near the solar central meridian. When the threshold is lowered to 10 MeV the distribution further evolves. For > 10 MeV solar proton events having a flux threshold at 10 protons (cm2-sec-ster)-1 the distribution can be considered to be a composite of two Gaussians. One distribution is centered about the probable root of the Archimedean spiral favorable propagation path leading from the earth to the sun, and the other is centered about the solar central meridian. For large flux solar proton events, those with flux threshold of 1000 (cm2-sec-ster)-1 at energies > 10 MeV, we find the distribution is rather flat for about 40 degrees either side of central meridian.  相似文献   

X-ray flares and acceleration processes are in one complex of sporadic solar events (together with CMEs, radio bursts, magnetic field dissipation and reconnection). This supposes the connection (if not physical, but at least statistical) between characteristics of the solar energetic proton events and flares. The statistical analysis indicates that probability and magnitude of the near-Earth proton enhancement depends heavily on the flare importance and their heliolongitude. These relations may be used for elaboration of the forecasting models, which allow us to calculate probability of the solar proton events from the X-ray observations.  相似文献   

Coronal hard X-ray (HXR) sources were discovered by the Yohkoh HXT telescope in about two dozen limb flares: Impulsive and gradual ones. On the basis of HXT data, we investigated the spatial evolution of coronal sources. Slow ascending motions of sources are seen in several flares. In five events, it was possible to estimate the velocity of the upward motion with values between 10 and 30 km/s. We present these observational results and conclude that coronal source motions should be studied statistically using the RHESSI high-resolution HXR imaging data. We discuss the possibility that coronal HXR emission is generated as bremsstrahlung of the fast electrons accelerated in collapsing magnetic traps due to joint action of the Fermi-type first-order mechanism and betatron acceleration.  相似文献   

We present here a study of Solar Energetic Particle Events (SEPs) associated with solar flares during 2010–2014 in solar cycle 24. We have selected the flare events (≥GOES M-class), which produced SEPs. The SEPs are classified into three categories i.e. weak (proton intensity?≤?1?pfu), minor (1?pfu?<?proton intensity?<?10?pfu) and major (proton intensity?≥?10?pfu). We used the GOES data for the SEP events which have intensity greater than one pfu and SOHO/ERNE data for the SEP event less than one pfu intensity. In addition to the flare and SEP properties, we have also discussed different properties of associated CMEs.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray observations from the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) of the October 29, 2003 GOES X10 two-ribbon flare are used together with magnetic field observations from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) onboard SoHO to compare footpoint motions with predictions from magnetic reconnection models. The temporal variations of the velocity v of the hard X-ray footpoint motions and the photospheric magnetic field strength B in footpoints are investigated. The underlying photospheric magnetic field strength is generally higher (B  700–1200 G) in the slower moving (v  20–50 km s−1) western footpoint than in the faster (v  20–100 km s−1) moving eastern source (∼100–600 G). Furthermore, a rough temporal correlation between the HXR flux and the product vB2 is observed.  相似文献   

We have studied soft and hard X-ray images of 13 solar flares from six active regions observed by the Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS). Our results indicate the presence of pre-hard X-ray burst excesses in the 11.5–30.0 keV range, indicating a slow buildup of the acceleration process or a strong preheating. During the impulsive phase, all of the events show the simultaneous energization of neighboring field structures, which, in the case we show in some detail, share about equal amounts of the released energy. This association seems to be indicative of strong acceleration and energy release triggered by the interaction between magnetic loops.  相似文献   

The comparative study of radiation in the different spectral ranges, including X-ray and radio observations, can establish constraints for the electron acceleration/injection mechanisms. This paper will focus on the activity prior and during the impulsive phase of solar flares. Observations give evidence for electron acceleration prior the impulsive phase. The association between type III groups and hard X-ray bursts becomes closer with increasing starting frequency of the former observed during the impulsive phase. It is shown that pure type III burst groups, when they are X-ray associated, do not correspond to an intense X-ray emission. At the opposite, the type III/V events can be associated with strong X-ray emission. Radioheliograph observations bring constraints on the geometry of the injection/acceleration site.  相似文献   

We review the recent advances in the field of energy transfer and dissipation in solar flares. New observations and theoretical results have been obtained during the SMY and discussed in several workshops. Important new results have been provided by imaging hard X-ray and radio observations, high resolution spectra in the soft X-ray range, polarization measurements and combined optical, gamma- and X-ray data. We summarize results on the following topics: a) interpretation of hard X-ray bursts; b) heating and cooling of X-ray flare plasmas; c) chromospheric heating and evaporation; d) white-light flares. An overall picture of the importance of transfer processes is given, together with prospects for development of future research topics.  相似文献   

Yohkoh soft X-ray observations have revealed coronal X-ray plasma ejections and jets associated with solar flares. We have studied an X-ray plasma ejection on 1993 November 11 in detail, as a typical example of X-ray plasma ejections (possibly plasmoids expected from the reconnection model). The results are as follows: (1) The shape of the ejected material is a loop before it begins to rise. (2) The ejecta are already heated to 5 – 16 MK before rising. (3) The kinetic energy of the ejecta is smaller than the thermal energy content of the ejecta. (4) The thermal energy of the ejecta is smaller than that of the flare regions. (5) The acceleration occurs during the impulsive phase. These results are compared with the characteristics of X-ray jets, and a possible interpretation (for both plasmoids and jets) based on the magnetic reconnection model is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A differential emission measure technique is used to determine flare spectra using solar observations from the soft X-ray instruments aboard the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics Dynamics and Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment satellites. We examine the effect of the solar flare soft X-ray energy input on the nitric oxide (NO) density in the lower thermosphere. The retrieved spectrum of the 28 October 2003 X18 flare is input to a photochemical thermospheric NO model to calculate the predicted flare NO enhancements. Model results are compared to Student Nitric Oxide Explorer Ultraviolet Spectrometer observations of this flare. We present results of this comparison and show that the model and data are in agreement. In addition, the NO density enhancements due to several flares are studied. We present results that show large solar flares can deposit the same amount of 0.1–2 and 0.1–7 nm energy to the thermosphere during a relatively short time as the Sun normally deposits in one day. The NO column density nearly doubles when the daily integrated energy above 5 J m−2 is doubled.  相似文献   

Radio emissions during and outside solar flares are tracers of energetic electrons from the bottom of the corona to the interplanetary space. This review focusses on impulsive flares, where joint analyses of radio, hard X-ray and γ-ray observations proved to be powerful probes of the properties of accelerated electrons and of the sites in the corona where they are accelerated. Evidence of electron acceleration and transport in the corona from microwave imaging and decimetre wave spectroscopy is reviewed and compared, and recent work on the interpretation of microwave spectra in terms of energetic electron spectra is discussed. The two directions for future instrumentation are the extension to shorter wavelengths, with the aim of probing relativistic electrons, and solar dedicated spectral imaging from centimetric to metric waves to provide a unified view of the acceleration signatures that stem so far from different instruments with either spectroscopic or imaging capabilities.  相似文献   

An analysis of D-region electron density height profile variations, induced by four isolated solar X-ray flares during period from September 2005 to December 2006, based on the amplitude and the phase delay perturbation of 22.1 kHz signal trace from Skelton (54.72 N, 2.88 W) to Belgrade (44.85 N, 20.38 E), coded GQD, was carried out. Solar flare data were taken from NOAA GOES12 satellite one-minute listings. For VLF data acquisition and recordings at the Institute of Physics, Belgrade, Serbia, the AbsPAL system was used. Starting from LWPCv21 code (Ferguson, 1998), the variations of the Earth-ionosphere waveguide characteristic parameters, sharpness and reflection height, were estimated during the flare conditions. It was found that solar flare events affected the VLF wave propagation in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide by changing the lower ionosphere electron density height profile, in a different way, for different solar flare events.  相似文献   

Proton and electron heating of a flaring atmosphere is compared in a kinetic approach for the particles ejected from a non-neutral reconnecting current sheet (RCS) located above the top of reconnected flaring loops in a two-ribbon flare. Two kinds of high-energy particles are considered: particles accelerated by a super-Dreicer electric field and those ejected from the reconnection region as neutral outflows, or separatrix jets. The beam electrons are assumed to deposit their energy in Coulomb collisions and Ohmic heating of the ambient plasma particles by the electric field induced by the precipitating beams. The protons are assumed to deposit their energy in generation of kinetic Alfvén waves (KAWs), which, in turn, dissipate due to Cherenkov resonant scattering on the ambient plasma electrons. The beam electrons are found to provide a fast (within a few tenth of a second) heating of the atmosphere that is well spread in depth from the corona to the lower chromosphere. The protons are shown to precipitate to the lower atmosphere much slower (up to few seconds for beam and up to 10–20 s for slow jets). Slow jet protons provide heating of the two compact regions: the first located at the top of a flaring loop just below the RCS, and the second one appearing at the transition region (TR) and upper chromosphere; fast beam protons deposit their energy in the TR and chromosphere only.  相似文献   

First order Fermi shock acceleration of electrons, protons and alpha particles is compared to observations of energetic particle events. For each event, a unique shock compression ratio produces spectra in good agreement with observation. The simple model predicts that the acceleration time to a given energy will be approximately equal for electrons and protons and, for reasonable solar parameters, can be less than 1 second to ~ 100 MeV.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the processes that energize and trigger M- and X-class solar flares and associated flux-rope destabilizations. Numerical modeling of specific solar regions is hampered by uncertain coronal-field reconstructions and by poorly understood magnetic reconnection; these limitations result in uncertain estimates of field topology, energy, and helicity. The primary advances in understanding field destabilizations therefore come from the combination of generic numerical experiments with interpretation of sets of observations. These suggest a critical role for the emergence of twisted flux ropes into pre-existing strong field for many, if not all, of the active regions that produce M- or X-class flares. The flux and internal twist of the emerging ropes appear to play as important a role in determining whether an eruption will develop predominantly as flare, confined eruption, or CME, as do the properties of the embedding field. Based on reviewed literature, I outline a scenario for major flares and eruptions that combines flux-rope emergence, mass draining, near-surface reconnection, and the interaction with the surrounding field. Whether deterministic forecasting is in principle possible remains to be seen: to date no reliable such forecasts can be made. Large-sample studies based on long-duration, comprehensive observations of active regions from their emergence through their flaring phase are needed to help us better understand these complex phenomena.  相似文献   

A coronal explosion is a density wave observed in X-ray images of solar flares. The wave occurs at the end of the impulsive phase, which is the time at which the flare's thermal energy content has reached its maximum value. It starts in a small area from where it spreads out, mainly into one hemisphere, with velocities that tend to rapidly decrease with time, and which are between ~ 103 and a few tens of km s?1. We interpret them as magneto-hydrodynamic waves that (mainly) move downward from the low corona into denser regions.  相似文献   

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