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目前太阳对地球能量平衡影响的研究大都是以太阳总辐射通量密度作为输入参数的. 本文以美国航空航天局(National Aeronautics and Space Administration,NASA)太阳辐射与气候实验项目的卫星实测数据为基础,对太阳上升相(2010年上半年)和下降相(2007年12月)期间太阳光谱变化对地球能量平衡的影响进行了研究. 结果表明,2010年上半年较强的太阳总辐射通量密度主要是由紫外及红外波段的能量增强引起的,其在200~400nm 和760~4000nm波段内的平均能量分别增加了0.11%和0.05%,而在 400~760nm可见光区的能量却呈减小趋势,平均减小量为0.05%. 通过对MLS2.2全球臭氧日数据进行再分析后发现,相对于2007年12月,2010年上半年平流层臭氧浓度也有所增加,其中在太阳紫外辐射呈现较大增强的2月和3月,其臭氧增量也相对较大,最大值分别出现在33km和40km处,值为0.6mL·m-3和0.62mL·m-3. 因此,可见光区能量减弱与平流层臭氧浓度增加的双重削弱作用致使虽然2010年上半年的太阳总辐射通量密度较大,但是到达对流层顶的太阳辐射却有所减小,最大减小量出现在3月,值为0.15W·m-2. 这一结果说明,太阳活动或总辐射通量密度的增强也有可能对地球对流层系统起到冷却作用.  相似文献   

从太阳极紫外辐射研究的重要性出发, 介绍了太阳极紫外辐射E10.7指 数及其作用, 详细阐述了利用两个能道的太阳辐射观测值计算极紫外辐射E10.7指数的计算方法. 利用该方法对实测太阳辐射数据进行处理, 计算获得了2000-2005年的每日E10.7指数, 并将计算结果 与Solar2000模式的输出结果进行对比分析, 验证了该计算方法的可行性, 对比结果表明, 最大相对误差在20%以内, 平均相对误差均在10%以内.  相似文献   

Interstellar dust models, previously constrained only from the extinction curve, have been radically changed with the arrival of IRAS observations of the dust infrared emission. An important component of interstellar dust is likely to be made of small particles that show a fluctuating temperature upon impinging single photons and which can produce large near and mid infrared excesses ubiquitously observed in the Galaxy and external galaxies. The analysis of COBE data should soon improve our understanding of dust infrared emissivity and particularly for big grains in the submillimeter domain. We will discuss the key observations (spectral features, broad-band colors, correlations with gas tracers…) which put the best constraints on any dust models and show that the next generation of IR/submm satellites (ISO, SIRTF…) should improve our knowledge of interstellar dust composition and the dust redistribution of the stellar energy inside galaxies.  相似文献   

The mass-loading concept is discussed in relation to the dynamics of magnetoplasma streaming through rarefied background gas. Changes in energy and momentum flux (generally losses) can outweigh the increases in mass flux. Suprathermal ion components cannot be simply described in fluid terms: as shown by the probes to comet Halley, the main cometary ions are depleted by interaction with the background gas faster than they are scattered and thermalised by plasma turbulence. MHD instabilities tend to isotropize pitch angles but do not thermalise the ions, while wave steepening into a bow shock occurs outside positions expected from mass-loading. In the strongly-loaded subsonic region, charge exchange of suprathermal ions causes energy losses that can be more significant than further increases of mass. Non-parallel pick-up of new implanted ions, large gyroradii and finite spatial scales also limit the validity of fluid models.  相似文献   

The two components of the space radiation environment, galactic cosmic rays and solar energetic particles, are of special importance for the planning of space missions and designing space vehicles for flights in the inner heliosphere. There is a constant need for developing and updating the models for calculating the fluxes of these particles for purposes of forecasting radiation conditions anticipated for future flights, including missions to the Moon and Mars.  相似文献   

One of the unresolved questions currently in cosmology is that of the non-linear accelerated expansion of the universe. This has been attributed to the so called Dark Energy (DE). The accelerated expansion of the universe is deduced from measurements of Type Ia supernovae. Here we propose alternate models to account for the Type Ia supernovae measurements without invoking dark energy.  相似文献   

The ozone reference model which is to be incorporated in the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA) is described and compared with other measurements of the Earth's ozone distribution. Ozone vertical structure models from approximately 25 to 90 km are provided combining data from five recent satellite experiments (Nimbus-7 LIMS, Nimbus-7 SBUV, AE-2 SAGE, Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) UVS, and SME IR). The results include the latest improvements in the SBUV algorithms using the most recent estimates of ozone cross sections. Also, the latest refinements in SME algorithms are incorporated. These algorithm improvements have improved agreement between the satellite data sets. Standard deviations are provided of monthly zonal means, and an estimate of the interannual variability is given. The models based on satallite data compare well with the Krueger and Minzner mid-latitude model incorporated into the U. S. Standard Atmosphere which is based on rocket and balloon measurements. Other comparisons are shown with Umkehr and more recent balloon data. Models are also provided of total columnar ozone reflecting recent improved estimates of ozone cross section. Information is provided on semiannual and annual variations. Other systematic variations including estimates of diurnal variations in the mesosphere will be included in the CIRA document.  相似文献   

Ozone reference models are proposed here similar to the Keating and Young 1985 models which were prepared for the new COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere. This paper updates tables provided in the Keating and Young ozone model, giving improved monthly zonal mean total column ozone in 10° latitude increments, improved monthly zonal mean ozone volume mixing ratios (ppmv) from 20 to 0.003 mb in 10° latitude increments, and conversion tables providing ozone vertical structure in other units. Also, a new table is provided giving ozone vertical structure as a function of altitude (from 25 to 80 km), latitude, and month. The models are based on measurements from six contemporary satellite instruments.  相似文献   

Since the publication of the last COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA 1972) valuable progress has been achieved in improving our understanding of the terrestrial thermosphere. As a result, several empirical models are now available for numerous applications. The reliability of these models is discussed within the framework of known physical phenomena. The most recent published advances deal with longitudinal and universal time effects. Some general shortcomings are pointed out in order to stimulate farther progress.  相似文献   

Since the importance of the coupling mechanisms between the mesosphere and the thermosphere has increasingly been recognized, the structure and variation of turbulence has become one of the subjects of extended investigations and discussions. In spite of the fundamental role of turbulence, theoretical difficulties and lack of observational information restrict its applicability to atmospheric modeling. In the following paper the basic ideas of the parameterization of turbulence and the most important observational techniques and results are reviewed. The comparison of observations with theoretical model calculations shows the difficulties which underly current investigations and indicates the trends of future research.  相似文献   

Precision radar tracking data taken in 1985 on two spherical satellites has been used to evaluate atmospheric density models: Jacchia 1971 [CIRA 1972], Jacchia 1977, and MSIS 1983, using Cook's definition of Cd /2/. The satellites have perigee heights of 270 km and 780 km. For each day, using numerical integration, an independent trajectory was computed, including a drag scale factor (S). The difference of S from unity represents the error in the atmospheric model used to compute the drag. At 270 km the three models performed equally well, as S was consistently close to unity. This was true for all hour angles and latitudes. At 780 km the scale factors ranged from 0.1 to 1.8 for all models. However, for the Jacchia 1977 model, the average scale factor was 0.943, and represents the best model at that altitude. Computer timing was also done. For orbit computation, drag models need further improvement, and the Jacchia 1977 model seems the best available today in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency.  相似文献   

High-energy heavy ions in the galactic cosmic radiation (HZE particles) may pose a special risk during long term manned space flights outside the sheltering confines of the earth's geomagnetic field. These particles are highly ionizing, and they and their nuclear secondaries can penetrate many centimeters of body tissue. The three dimensional patterns of ionizations they create as they lose energy are referred to as their track structure. Several models of biological action on mammalian cells attempt to treat track structure or related quantities in their formulation. The methods by which they do this are reviewed. The proximity function is introduced in connection with the theory of Dual Radiation Action (DRA). The ion-gamma kill (IGK) model introduces the radial energy-density distribution, which is a smooth function characterizing both the magnitude and extension of a charged particle track. The lethal, potentially lethal (LPL) model introduces lambda, the mean distance between relevant ion clusters or biochemical species along the track. Since very localized energy depositions (within approximately 10 nm) are emphasized, the proximity function as defined in the DRA model is not of utility in characterizing track structure in the LPL formulation.  相似文献   

A survey of empirical models of particles (electrons, protons and heavier ions) of the Earth's radiation belts developed to date is presented. Results of intercomparison of the different models as well as comparison with experimental data are reported. Aspects of further development of radiation condition modelling in near-Earth space, including dynamic model developing are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent astronomical observations of supernovae and cosmic microwave background indicate that the universe is accelerating. Scalar–tensor theories of gravity give rise to suitable cosmological models where a late-time accelerated expansion is naturally realized. In an alternative proposal the cosmic acceleration is generated by means of a scalar field (quintessence), in a way similar to the early-time inflation. In this paper, we consider two classes of cosmological models with scalar fields. The first one corresponds to the Jordan–Brans–Dicke tensor–scalar theory with a cosmological scalar and the second one contains a conformally coupled scalar field with quartic potential. In both type of models the cosmological dynamics is described and the deceleration parameter is evaluated. The values of the parameters are specified for which a late-time accelerated expansion is realized.  相似文献   

The behavior of an aqueous-dominant multicomponent cometary model is examined at high doses of ionizing radiation. The system is composed of a water mixture of HCN (0.2 mol dm-3), CH3CN (0.04 mol dm-3), C2H5CN (0.02 mol dm-3), CH3OH (0.12 mol dm-3) and HCO2H (0.01 mol dm-3. It was exposed to gamma rays at doses up to 18.5 MGy. The chemical kinetic database used in the computer treatment of experimental data consists of 79 reactions. A complex mixture of products has been synthesized: gases, amino acids, carboxylic acids and polymeric material. The results suggest that the pristine material in cometary nuclei may have been chemically altered by the action of cosmic rays and embedded radionuclides.  相似文献   

针对以概率统计为基础信道估计收敛速度慢、状态估计存在非合理性的问题进行研究,提出了一种新的多用户检测方法.该算法以隐马尔可夫模型为基础,为了避免由于相邻状态序列后向概率相差很大而造成的信道估计发散,采用固定延迟的方法,利用锯齿延时的办法计算后向序列概率以减少计算复杂度.根据前后序列之间的相关性和最陡下降法,提出了解相关最小均方(DLMS)多用户上行复合信道的盲估计. 考虑到由于发射序列状态之间可能存在时序非继承性,而搜索与前向序列对应的具有最大转移概率的后续序列,给出了最大后验(MAP)多用户检测方法.计算机仿真实验表明,该算法提高了信道响应估计速度,具有全局收敛性和系统的稳定性.   相似文献   

The existence of a multiplicity of models of the Earth's magnetosphere raises the question: when are two of them equivalent in representing the real magnetosphere? The isomorphism of any two models of the Earth's magnetosphere is defined in terms of magnetic field characteristics. To assess to what degree empirical models are isomorphic with physical ones, two magnetospheres are compared: the magnetosphere of Mead and Fairfield [1975] and the physical magnetosphere proposed by Buneman, [1993]. Parameters realizing the isomorphism are found for the Buneman magnetosphere and the distribution in space of magnetic field characteristics are presented for both models.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the data base and empirical models that are available for the global representation of electron density in the topside ionosphere. Topside sounder and incoherent scatter measurements are the prime data sources. We assess their data volume and compatibility. Several empirical models are discussed (IRI, Bent, SLIM, and FAIM) and their specific characteristics and differences are pointed out. Global and temporal trends as predicted by these different models are compared and contrasted with measured results. Most models use vertical height rather than a field-aligned height coordinate, although it is well known that topside electrons are confined to moving along magnetic field lines. We examine several magnetic coordinate systems and evaluate their merits for empirical modelling.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research work is to validate the ionospheric models (IRI and CHIU) to assess its suitability and usefulness as an operational tool. The ionospheric model is a computer model designed to predict the state of the global ionosphere for 24 h. The scope was limited to conduct comparisons between the predicted F2 layer critical frequencies (f0F2) against observed ionosonde data. The ionospheric prediction model (IPM) was designed to predict by using monthly median sunspot number, while the observation data are taken from two digital ionospheric sounding stations (Okinawa, 26.28N, 127.8E and Wakkanai, 45.38N, 141.66E) which lies within the mid-latitude region of the globe. Analysis of the f0F2 data from stations for year (2001) with high solar activity and year (2004) with low solar activity, four months (March, June, September and December) chosen based primarily on data availability. From results it seen that the ratio between monthly median predicted and observed f0F2 values for each model used in this research work and for the chosen months was nonlinear with local time, so the empirical formula for applying correction factors were determined, these formula can be used to correct the error occurred in predicted f0F2 value.  相似文献   

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