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This paper presents the concept of cognitive assistant systems which represents an approach to ensure the highest degree possible of situation awareness of the flight crew as well as a satisfactory workload level. This concept offers the solution to counteract susceptibility to pilot errors typical of lack of attention or other cognitive limitations. It is founded on cognitive system engineering. This technology enables a cockpit design in order to systematically comply with the requirements of ‘Human-Centred Automation (HCA)’. The underlying approach behind the concept has become real with the development of the cockpit assistant system prototype family CASSY/CAMA as described in this paper. CASSY/CAMA has been extensively tested in a flight simulator and successfully field tested with the ATTAS (Advanced Technologies Testing Aircraft System) of the DLR. Some of the test results with CAMA will be presented in this paper.  相似文献   

飞机引导控制指令的选择直接影响到飞行控制性能,对引导控制指令的种类和优劣进行研究具有重要意义。首先,以纵向为例,分析认为可选择的引导控制指令有俯仰角指令、法向过载指令和垂直速率指令;然后,在几个合理假设的基础上,采用理论分析方法对上述三种引导控制指令进行比较,所得结论如下:在抑制风对迎角、高度的干扰,以及抑制参数摄动对高度的干扰等方面,能力由高到低分别为过载指令、垂直速率指令和俯仰角指令。最后,通过仿真对上述结论进行了辅助验证。  相似文献   

The utilization of the GPS system for Aircraft Flight Guidance/Test (AFGT) is a research project in China. The paper describes the concepts and the technical realization of such a system, including three components: ground subsystem, on-board subsystem and data communication link using TDMA technique. The purpose of the proposed AFGT system is to calibrate and verify performance of an on-board radar. Therefore, it must meet the requirements of evaluation of radar performances in several areas: accuracy, coverage range, and others. The AFGT System's displays are separately: a Moving Colored Digital Map on which flight trajectories, waypoints, and heights of aircrafts are clearly marked; and a Polar Coordinate Figure on which the bearings, headings, and distances of aircrafts relative to the origin of the ground control center are shown. The AFGT may monitor and guide several aircrafts flying in the pointed airspace. It support airport surface surveillance and air traffic control at the terminal area. A real-time software package RTTEST, which includes tracking display software and on-flight test software for radar evaluation, has conducted simulation with satisfactory position accuracy  相似文献   

飞机全动平尾颤振特性风洞试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钱卫  张桂江  刘钟坤 《航空学报》2015,36(4):1093-1102
高机动飞机全动平尾颤振设计的重要手段就是颤振模型风洞试验。针对一个飞机的全动平尾,采用了单独平尾和中央固支的后机身-平尾组合体两种方案的低速颤振风洞试验,研究平尾的基本颤振耦合机理以及后机身垂尾气动力干扰的影响。然后采用半模跨声速颤振风洞试验研究马赫数对颤振特性的影响和机翼干扰对平尾颤振边界的影响。介绍了低、高速颤振模型的设计和风洞试验的结果,并综合形成了完整的平尾颤振特性规律,尤其在跨声速颤振风洞试验中,使用不同超重系数的颤振模型,研究了质量参数对颤振边界的影响规律。风洞试验结果显示,全动平尾颤振特性研究必须考虑后机身的弹性支持,并且需要使用不同的模型方案考虑机身、机翼和垂尾的气动力干扰,跨声速风洞模型需要考虑超重系数的影响。该研究获得了全动平尾颤振特性的一般规律,可作为相关飞行器设计的参考。  相似文献   

舰载机综合复飞决策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
舰载机在着舰过程中,由于种种干扰偏离理想下滑轨迹后,飞行员必须及时准确地作出复飞决策并采取相应的动作。针对这一问题,对已有的复飞下边界准则进行了进一步的完善,并推导和确定了复飞上边界准则。然后首次将基于小扰动动力学模型的着舰系统与基于终端预估方程的复飞决策系统相结合,设计了基于改进型复飞边界准则的综合复飞决策系统,得到了相应的综合复飞区及复飞边界,并针对不同着舰情况对综合复飞决策系统进行了仿真验证。结果表明,该系统能够及时判断出舰载机是否进入复飞区,复飞是否安全,从而大大提高了舰载机的着舰效率和着舰安全性。  相似文献   

2.4m跨声速风洞作为中国目前唯一的大型跨声速气动力试验设备,在中国大型飞机研制中发挥着十分重要的作用。因此,对该风洞试验数据质量的评估、控制和改进提高是一项紧迫的工作。笔者通过完善不确定度计算方法、详细标定基本不确定度源和编制评估软件等工作,建立了该风洞大型飞机试验的不确定度评估方法,并对某大型飞机模型试验结果开展了具体的评估与分析,澄清了该风洞大型飞机试验数据的质量水平。  相似文献   

Mode decision-maker is a critical component in the logic-based Integrated Estimation and Guidance(IEG) system. For the best possible estimation and guidance performance, the mode decision delay of the mode decision-maker should be limited to a range as small as possible. This paper presents a numerical method for computing the maximal admissible mode decision delay that varies with time-to-go. Particular attention has been paid to highly maneuvering target interception in terminal guidance. The results of this research offer useful guidelines for the design of the mode decision-maker in IEG systems.  相似文献   

舰载机智能复飞决策技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步改进复飞技术,针对复飞环境,提出了一种在原军用推力操纵的基础上,加入具有保持迎角恒定的升降舵模糊控制的复飞系统,从而有效地增强了低动压状态下飞机的机动能力。给出了复飞决策准则,设计了基于模糊控制的复飞决策系统,并对具有该复飞决策系统的舰载机自动着舰导引系统进行了仿真验证。结果表明,该复飞决策系统明显地缩小了复飞边界区,大大提高了着舰和复飞的安全性,可实现自动复飞,减轻了飞行员的负担。  相似文献   

Real-time and accurate fault detection is essential to enhance the aircraft navigation system’s reliability and safety. The existent detection methods based on analytical model draws back at simultaneously detecting gradual and sudden faults. On account of this reason, we propose an online detection solution based on non-analytical model. In this article, the navigation system fault detection model is established based on belief rule base (BRB), where the system measuring residual and its changing rate are used as the inputs of BRB model and the fault detection function as the output. To overcome the drawbacks of current parameter optimization algorithms for BRB and achieve online update, a parameter recursive estimation algorithm is presented for online BRB detection model based on expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. Furthermore, the proposed method is verified by navigation experiment. Experimental results show that the proposed method is able to effectively realize online parameter evaluation in navigation system fault detection model. The output of the detection model can track the fault state very well, and the faults can be diagnosed in real time and accurately. In addition, the detection ability, especially in the probability of false detection, is superior to offline optimization method, and thus the system reliability has great improvement.  相似文献   

Following a review of well-known CFD packages, this paper presents the mathematical and methodical ideas, which became the basis of the numerical method for a solution of the Reynolds (time)-averaged Navier–Stokes equations (RANS), relevant to supporting testing an aircraft configuration in wind tunnels (WTs). The estimation of finite speed of information propagation due to diffusion is given. Explicit and implicit methods for numerical solution of gasdynamic equations are compared. Stability conditions, taking into account both interaction of convection with diffusion and presence of exponentially varying modes of solution, are considered. Three methods of time stepping organization are described—global, local and fractional time stepping. Numerical boundary conditions for simulation of flow in the WT are proposed. Examples of method implementation for the European Transonic Windtunnel (ETW) case are presented.  相似文献   

刘大伟  熊贵天  刘洋  许新  陈德华 《航空学报》2019,40(2):522205-522205
宽体客机航程远、巡航马赫数高,其气动设计对风洞试验数据精准度要求很高。通过完善中国空气动力研究与发展中心FL-26风洞试验数据修正技术和设备,对宽体客机高速风洞测力试验数据进行支撑/洞壁干扰、模型变形及流场畸变等系统修正,获取干净、可靠的风洞试验基准数据,为开展雷诺数、静气动弹性和动力影响等相关性修正奠定基础。研究表明:支撑干扰试验时,尾腔压力分布测量位置和假支杆长度伸入模型尾腔50 mm即可获得可靠的支撑干扰试验结果;在试验包线范围内,洞壁干扰对宽体客机模型升力、阻力和俯仰力矩系数影响较小;试验模型变形对宽体客机气动特性影响较为明显,马赫数0.85时模型变形后的升力线斜率减小0.005左右,焦点前移0.021 bA,需进行相关修正。  相似文献   

基于多性能参数的民用航空发动机实时性能可靠性预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任淑红  左洪福 《航空动力学报》2010,25(12):2811-2815
以民用航空发动机为研究对象,运用性能退化可靠性理论,对发动机的性能可靠性进行了研究.通过分析发动机性能退化过程,利用状态空间方法建立了时变性能退化模型,并通过卡尔曼滤波对性能趋势进行预测;然后考虑各性能参数之间的相关性,运用随机过程理论建立了基于多性能参数的实时性能可靠性预测模型,从而对发动机的退化时间进行实时预测;最后通过实例证明该方法是有效的,并且易于工程实现,同时,也为航空公司进行发动机机队科学管理提供了基础.   相似文献   

倾转三旋翼飞行器地面效应风洞试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈坤  史志伟  孙加亮 《航空学报》2015,36(9):2884-2891
倾转旋翼飞行器在近地悬停或低速前飞时有明显的地面效应,对飞行器的气动载荷有强烈影响。针对倾转三旋翼(TTR)飞行器的地面效应问题,采用0.5 的缩比模型,在低速回流式开口风洞中设计了可移动地面平台,模拟TTR飞行器悬停和低速前飞时的离地高度,利用杆式天平测量机体所受载荷大小并使用粒子图像测速(PIV)技术捕捉机体下方的动态流场。试验结果表明:当TTR飞行器悬停离地高度在1.25倍旋翼直径以下时,地面效应影响显著,机体受到的最大上载荷约为旋翼总推力的4%,并观测到明显的涡旋喷泉流现象;在低速前飞状态,受旋翼尾流和前向来流影响,相对于悬停状态机体所受上载荷明显减小,喷泉流中心后移。试验结果对TTR无人飞行器动力系统选择,控制増稳系统设计以及借助地面效应优势提高承载能力具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

吴惠松  林麒  彭苗娇  柳汀  冀洋锋  王晓光 《航空学报》2019,40(11):123144-123144
设计了一种用于飞行器双机编队飞行的风洞试验模型绳系并联支撑机构,模拟在周边有障碍物的有限空间通道中的飞行运动。以直升机为例,根据工况参数设计了双绳牵引并联机构作为飞行器模型的支撑,建立了基于可移动的滑轮铰点与直升机模型编队协同飞行的运动学模型,对系统的静刚度进行了分析,并通过试验验证了旋翼转动对该绳系支撑系统动刚度的影响,给出了在有限空间通道中模拟双机编队飞行与着陆过程中绳与绳之间、绳与模型之间的干涉算法,并对该支撑机构的绳系结构进行了干涉分析。结果表明,所设计的支撑机构能有效解决模拟飞行器模型双机编队在有限空间中飞行运动时的支撑干涉问题,而且系统刚度达到低速风洞试验的稳定性要求,是低速风洞中支撑飞行器模型进行编队飞行试验的有效解决方案。  相似文献   

飞机舱门类部件气动载荷风洞试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了飞机舱门类部件气动载荷的多种预测方法,并对舱门类部件载荷试验技术进行了讨论。在工程实践中,发现使用部件测力风洞试验和表面测压试验两种方法给出的舱门类部件关闭状态气动载荷相差较大。经试验验证,缝隙效应导致关闭状态下舱门类部件测力方法存在较大的误差,难以准确预计气动载荷。建议采用表面测压的方法给出关闭状态下舱门类部件的气动载荷。  相似文献   

This article deals with the disturbance attenuation control of aircraft flying through wind shear via Linear Parameter Varying(LPV) modeling and control method. A Flight Dynamics Model(FDM) with wind shear effects considered was established in wind coordinate system. An LPV FDM was built up based on function substitution whose decomposing function was optimized by Genetic Algorithm(GA). The wind disturbance was explicitly included in the system matrix of LPV FDM. Taking wind disturbance as external uncertainties, robust LPV control method with the LPV FDM was put forward. Based on ride quality and flight safety requirements in wind disturbance, longitudinal and lateral output feedback robust LPV controllers were designed respectively,in which the scheduling flight states in LPV model were actually dependent parameters in LPV control. The results indicate that LPV FDM can reflect the instantaneous dynamics of nonlinear system especially at the boundary of aerodynamic envelope. Furthermore, the LPV FDM also can approach nonlinear FDM's response in wind disturbance special flight. Compared with a parameter-invariant LQR controller designed with a small-disturbance FDM, the LPV controllers show preferable robustness and stability for disturbance attenuation.  相似文献   

李安醍  李诚龙  武丁杰  卫鹏 《航空学报》2020,41(8):323726-323726
针对无人机在城市空域环境和密集交通流下的避撞决策问题,提出马尔科夫决策过程(MDP)和蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)算法对该问题进行建模求解。蒙特卡洛树搜索算法在求解过程中为保证实时性而使其搜索深度受限,容易陷入局部最优,导致在含有静态障碍的场景中无法实现避撞的同时保证全局航迹最优。因此结合跳点搜索算法在全局规划上的优势,建立离散路径点引导无人机并改进奖励函数来权衡飞行路线,在进行动态避撞的同时实现对静态障碍的全局避撞。经过多个实验场景仿真,其结果表明改进后的算法均能在不同场景中获得更好的性能表现。特别是在凹形限飞区空域仿真模型中,改进后的算法相对于原始的蒙特卡洛树搜索算法,其冲突概率降低了36%并且飞行时间缩短47.8%。  相似文献   

舰载机自动着舰引导与控制研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
舰载机自动着舰是一项复杂的系统工程。本文概述与总结了舰载机自动着舰系统及着舰引导与控制关键技术的发展现状;阐述了自动着舰系统的发展历程、设计规范,详细描述了自动着舰系统的基本架构和工作原理。在总结舰载机自动着舰引导与控制关键问题的基础上,详细概述和分析了舰载机数学建模、着舰引导、着舰飞行控制、动力补偿/自动油门控制、甲板运动建模、预估和补偿控制、舰尾气流建模与抑制、雷达噪声抑制与误差标校、复飞/逃逸决策与控制等关键技术的研究进展。最后,对舰载机自动着舰引导与控制的研究成果作了总结,并对未来发展方向进行了展望。本文旨在促进舰载机自动着舰技术的发展。  相似文献   

在飞机的飞行中,动力装置与飞机机体间的干扰是复杂的,因此在进行实际飞机设计的过程中,风洞实验是不可缺少的。本文重点介绍了进排气动力装置的引射器模拟器的设计。  相似文献   

2.4米跨声速风洞大展弦比飞机测力试验技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对大展弦比飞机的气动布局特点,在2.4米跨声速风洞中开展了大展弦比飞机测力试验技术研究。该项研究建立了大升阻比高精度天平设计技术和模型支撑系统设计平台,研制了专用大升阻比高精度测力天平和模型支撑系统。在国内高速风洞中建立了大型跨声速风洞模型设计新准则。研究结果表明:所提出和制定的方案是科学合理的,为我国大飞机研制提供了可靠的技术支撑。  相似文献   

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