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Significant progress has been achieved in India in demonstrating the utility of remote sensing data for various oceanographic applications during the last one decade. Among these, techniques have been developed for retrieval of ocean surface waves, winds, wave forecast model, internal waves, sea surface temperature and chlorophyll pigments. Encouraged from these results as well as for meeting the specific and increasing data requirements on an assured basis by oceanographers, India is making concerted efforts for developing and launching state-of-the-art indigenous satellites for ocean applications in the coming years.

The first in the series of ocean satellites planned for launch is Oceansat-1 (IRS-P4) by early 1999. Oceansat-1 carries on-board an Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) and a Multi-frequency Scanning Microwave Radiometer (MSMR). OCM will have 8 narrow spectral bands operating in visible and near- infrared bands (402–885 nm) with a spatial resolution of 360 m and swath of 1420 km. The MSMR with its all weather capability is configured to have measurements at 4 frequencies viz., 6.6, 10.65, 18 & 21 GHz in dual polarisation mode with a spatial resolution of 120, 80, 40 & 40 km, respectively with an overall swath of 1360 km. The Oceansat-1 with repetitivity of once in two days will provide global data for retrieval of various oceanographic and meteorological parameters such as chlorophyll (primary productivity), sea surface temperature and wind speed, besides a host of other parameters of relevance to meteorology.

A full fledged satellite for ocean applications known as Oceansat-2 (IRS-P7) is also planned for launch during 2002. This satellite with payload mix of microwave (Scatterometer, Altimeter & Passive Microwave Radiometer), Thermal (TIR) and Optical (OCM) sensors, will provide greater in-sight into the global understanding of ocean dynamics/resources. This mission is expected to provide a complete set of oceanographic measurements, which are useful for providing operational oceanographic services.

Efforts are also on towards development of missions having multi-frequency, multipolarisation and multi-look angle microwave payloads including Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and advanced millimeter wave sounders, besides development of imaging spectrometers by 2005.

A well-knit plan has been initiated in India for utilisation of planned Oceansat data. Important efforts initiated in this direction include SATellite Coastal and Oceanographic Research and Ocean Information Services, which are being carried out on an integrated basis aiming at providing services to the down stream users. The paper highlights these efforts in India towards providing an operational ocean information services in the coming years.  相似文献   

文章从科技查新工作的内涵以及国防科技查新的意义和作用出发,结合航天工程实践中的查新实践,分析如何提高查新工作中的检索质量和效率,探讨科技查新在航天工程实践中的应用,介绍了常用的数据库资源,并对今后改进国防科技信息资源服务提出了思考和建议。  相似文献   

This paper presents the robotic vision technologies newly developed for satellites and space station robotic applications at the Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Laboratory of the University of Waterloo and at the Vision, Intelligence and Robotics Technologies Corp. (VIRTEK). The first part of the paper presents how the PAMI-VIRTEK Vision technologies are engineered to support the STEAR (Space Station, Strategic Technologies in Automation and Robotics Program) sponsored by the Canadian Space Agency. The second describes the use of stereo CCD camera for sensing the deformed shape of a third generation satellite. It addresses the notion of shape interpolation and error reduction.  相似文献   

科技信息研究是科技发展战略研究的基础,是科学决策的依据。文章归纳了科技信息研究中涉及的几个重要方面,包括科技信息研究在科技发展战略决策各环节中的作用、科技信息研究的选题检索、成果体现与评价的基本标准以及科技信息研究人员的素质要求等,得出了有关结论和启示。  相似文献   

分析了现代作战环境下无人机面临的新威胁。介绍了多波束技术的原理和特点,分析了多波束干扰机对这些威胁的适应能力,包括对有源相控阵雷达的适应能力和多目标干扰能力。最后分析了多波束技术在无人机平台上的应用。  相似文献   

为了满足宇航系统对高速、宽带数据和图像传输产品小体积、轻质化的需求,研究光传输高速高密度集成技术.基板采用带状差分线设计和叠层组装工艺,提高集成密度、缩小体积提升了系统组装的空间,并通过建模仿真设计分析高速信号完整性;将光器件设计在外壳底板上,实现高效散热结构设计,同时提高了光器件使用可靠性;采用混合集成微组装工艺,硅...  相似文献   

低轨星座网络具有覆盖范围广、传输时延少、顽存能力强等优点,在宽带互联网接入服务、物联网、导航增强等方面具有重要应用。星间路由是星座网络的关键技术,直接影响其服务性能。众多学者对路由展开广泛且深入的研究。首先基于拓扑获取方式、传输数据方式、路由计算地点及计算方式等分类方法分析并归纳了低轨星座路由。其次从时间虚拟化、虚拟节点、动态拓扑更新路由以及拥塞避免角度介绍了典型路由及其改进,总结并对比了主要路由的特点,最后在此基础上提出了低轨星座路由的发展趋势。  相似文献   

面对越来越迫切的气象和气候预测及大气环境监测需求,利用主动星载仪器在全球范围内探测云和气溶胶参数成为快速发展的研究领域。相比被动遥感仪器,主动仪器可以获取云和气溶胶参数的垂直分布信息,这将在天气气候模式的改进方面发挥重要作用。通过云和气溶胶遥感需求分析,从雷达数据应用角度,首先介绍了数值模式对云和气溶胶的科学参数需求和定量需求,进一步分析了云和气溶胶联合观测的需求,以及星载微波激光雷达的探测特点;然后对国内外正在规划的星载云和气溶胶微波激光雷达探测任务进行了综述,包括仪器指标和数据产品设计;最后展望这一领域的应用前景。  相似文献   

In recent years Micro Systems Technology (MST) was introduced to manufacture miniaturized components for satellite subsystems, like small sensors, valves, micromotors, antennas and many more. These components can be used to build a new class of satellites weighing considerably less than 10 kg, with the capabilities comparable to present microsatellites. With the possibility of cheap mass production of such nanosatellites new applications become possible. However, the construction of very small satellites is connected with problems concerning launch, orbit control and, deorbiting. Furthermore the reduction of size creates certain limits for power consumption, data rates and optical resolutions which have to be carefully considered.  相似文献   

梳理了国内外空间站天基测控通信应用的概况,针对近地载人航天对测控通信系统的高要求,分析提出中继卫星系统的发展建议,以及导航卫星和低轨卫星星座系统的特点优势。调整中继卫星轨位、增加中继激光链路、采用全景波束全时监控模式,以及导航卫星和低轨卫星星座作为必要补充等途径,可为载人航天测控通信提供更好的灵活性、可用性和效费比。为载人航天天基测控通信发展提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

Venus remains one of the great unexplored planets in our solar system, with key questions remaining on the evolution of its atmosphere and climate, its volatile cycles, and the thermal and magmatic evolution of its surface. One potential approach toward answering these questions is to fly a reconnaissance mission that uses a multi-mode radar in a near-circular, low-altitude orbit of ∼400 km and 60–70° inclination. This type of mission profile results in a total mission delta-V of ∼4.4 km/s. Aerobraking could provide a significant portion, potentially up to half, of this energy transfer, thereby permitting more mass to be allocated to the spacecraft and science payload or facilitating the use of smaller, cheaper launch vehicles.Aerobraking at Venus also provides additional science benefits through the measurement of upper atmospheric density (recovered from accelerometer data) and temperature values, especially near the terminator where temperature changes are abrupt and constant pressure levels drop dramatically in altitude from day to night.Scientifically rich, Venus is also an ideal location for implementing aerobraking techniques. Its thick lower atmosphere and slow planet rotation result in relatively more predictable atmospheric densities than Mars. The upper atmosphere (aerobraking altitudes) of Venus has a density variation of 8% compared to Mars' 30% variability. In general, most aerobraking missions try to minimize the duration of the aerobraking phase to keep costs down. These short phases have limited margin to account for contingencies. It is the stable and predictive nature of Venus' atmosphere that provides safer aerobraking opportunities.The nature of aerobraking at Venus provides ideal opportunities to demonstrate aerobraking enhancements and techniques yet to be used at Mars, such as flying a temperature corridor (versus a heat-rate corridor) and using a thermal-response surface algorithm and autonomous aerobraking, shifting many daily ground activities to onboard the spacecraft. A defined aerobraking temperature corridor, based on spacecraft component maximum temperatures, can be employed on a spacecraft specifically designed for aerobraking, and will predict subsequent aerobraking orbits and prescribe apoapsis propulsive maneuvers to maintain the spacecraft within its specified temperature limits. A spacecraft specifically designed for aerobraking in the Venus environment can provide a cost-effective platform for achieving these expanded science and technology goals.This paper discusses the scientific merits of a low-altitude, near-circular orbit at Venus, highlights the differences in aerobraking at Venus versus Mars, and presents design data using a flight system specifically designed for an aerobraking mission at Venus. Using aerobraking to achieve a low altitude orbit at Venus may pave the way for various technology demonstrations, such as autonomous aerobraking techniques and/or new science measurements like a multi-mode, synthetic aperture radar capable of altimetry and radiometry with performance that is significantly more capable than Magellan.  相似文献   

正电磁频谱是关乎国家安全和发展的重要战略资源,开发利用电磁频谱是建设科技强国的重要支撑。太赫兹波是最后一段被集中开发利用的电磁频谱,位于微波和红外之间,处于宏观经典理论向微观量子理论过渡的区域。太赫兹技术关乎国家电磁频谱安全和制信息权优势,是新一代航天信息技术发展的战略方向。太赫兹技术是多学科交叉技术,涉及到电子信息全产业链。在学科方面,太赫兹技术涉及微电子学与固体电子学、半导体激光光学、  相似文献   

This Australian discussion paper, developed over a period of 12 months with input from a wide selection of scientists throughout the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) and prepared for CSIRO by C B Faudry, G P Harris and G J Huntington, recognizes that methodologies in space science are tools to be used in the support of CSIRO's science programs. It addresses the strengths and capabilities of CSIRO in the area of space science and puts forward policies, identifies roles and areas of opportunity for CSIRO. Implementation strategies are suggested. Following this step, the CSIRO Office of Space Science and Applications (COSSA) in consultation with Instiutes and Divisions will develop further the coherent strategy for space science research in CSIRO and use it to prepare a rolling strategic plan for this important area of science in the organisation. Copies of the report are available from COSSA at the address below.  相似文献   

多比特相位量化仿真技术及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在基于信号的系统仿真中构建与原始信号有一定关联性的新信号,需要充分利用脉冲信号的脉内信息进行各种调制处理,提出了一种多比特相位量化仿真模型。通过对两种原始信号与利用相位信息进行重构得到的信号进行波形或频谱的比较,验证了这种多比特相位量化仿真模型的正确性。仿真试验证明,采用多比特相位量化和信号重构能方便地实现移频调制和各种带宽的噪声调制。  相似文献   

Medical and surgical applications of space biosensor technology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hines JW 《Acta Astronautica》1996,38(4-8):261-267
Researchers in space life sciences are rapidly approaching a technology impasse. Many of the critical questions on the impact of spaceflight on living systems simply cannot be answered with the limited available technologies. Research subjects, particularly small animal models like the rat, must be allowed to function relatively untended and unrestrained for long periods to fully reflect the impact of microgravity and spaceflight on their behavior and physiology. These requirements preclude the use of present hard-wired instrumentation techniques and limited data acquisition systems. Implantable sensors and miniaturized biotelemetry are the only means of capturing the fundamental and critical data. This same biosensor and biotelemetry technology has direct application to Earth-based medicine and surgery. Continuous, on-line data acquisition and improved measurement capabilities combined with the ease and flexibility offered by automated, wireless, and portable instruments and data systems, should provide a boon to the health care industry. Playing a key role in this technology revolution is the Sensors 2000! (S2K!) Program at NASA Ames Research Center. S2K!, in collaboration with space life sciences researchers and managers, provides an integrated capability for sensor technology development and applications, including advanced biosensor technology development, spaceflight hardware development, and technology transfer and commercialization. S2K! is presently collaborating on several spaceflight projects with dual-use medical applications. One prime example is a collaboration with the Fetal Treatment Center (FTC) at the University of California at San Francisco. The goal is to develop and apply implantable chemical sensor and biotelemetry technology to continuously monitor fetal patients during extra-uterine surgery, replacement into the womb, through birth and beyond. Once validated for ground use, the method will be transitioned to spaceflight applications to remotely monitor key biochemical parameters in flight animals. Successful application of NASA implantable biosensor and biotelemetry technologies should accelerate the advancement of this and other modern medical procedures while furthering the exploration of life in space.  相似文献   

航天器材料的空间应用及其保障技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着对应用卫星长寿命、高可靠要求的不断增长,对于航天器材料的空间应用可靠性及其保障技术日益受到重视。文章分析了航天器材料空间应用的要求及其空间环境效应试验评价技术,介绍了航天器材料保障技术的进展和发展趋势。在地面严格控制材料空间应用的性能并提供基于空间环境效应的充分数据是保障高品质航天器长寿命高可靠的重要手段。  相似文献   

The Faculty of Engineering at The University of Nottingham, UK, has developed interdisciplinary, hands-on workshops for primary schools that introduce space technology, its relevance to everyday life and the importance of science, technology, engineering and maths. The workshop activities for 7–11 year olds highlight the roles that space and satellite technology play in observing and monitoring the Earth's biosphere as well as being vital to communications in the modern digital world. The programme also provides links to ‘how science works’, the environment and citizenship and uses pixel art through the medium of digital photography to demonstrate the importance of maths in a novel and unconventional manner.The interactive programme of activities provides learners with an opportunity to meet ‘real’ scientists and engineers, with one of the key messages from the day being that anyone can become involved in science and engineering whatever their ability or subject of interest. The methodology introduces the role of scientists and engineers using space technology themes, but it could easily be adapted for use with any inspirational topic.Analysis of learners’ perceptions of science, technology, engineering and maths before and after participating in ENGage showed very positive and significant changes in their attitudes to these subjects and an increase in the number of children thinking they would be interested and capable in pursuing a career in science and engineering. This paper provides an overview of the activities, the methodology, the evaluation process and results.  相似文献   

科技工作对于任何一个行业的发展,其必要性是毋庸置疑的。中国民航在快速发展和规模总量跃居全球第二的基础上,正努力实现从民航大国向民航强国的转变,加强科技实力,提高创新能力,促进民航产业全面发展,不仅是一项必要的工作,更是一项紧迫的工作。作为民航运输核心基础保障部分的空管系统,如何适应民航强国战略的要求,做好空管系统科技工作,提升空管系统的总体工作质量和技术水平,是开展空管系统科技工作必须要回答的问题。  相似文献   

今天我们在这里召开集团公司第一次工艺工作会。会议的目的是:全面总结集团公司工艺工作所取得的成绩,认真分析存在的问题和薄弱环节,针对形势和任务的特点,明确集团公司工艺工作的总体思路和发展目标,制定切实可行的措施,以提高集团公司工艺管理和技术水平,增强集团公司的核心竞争力,促进集团公司产业化发展,加速实现铸造国际一流宇航公司的目标。一、形势与任务集团公司成立以来,型号科研生产取得了举世瞩目的成就。这些成绩的取得离不开工艺水平的大幅度提高,离不开广大工艺工作者的奋力拼搏,正是由于工艺强有力的支撑作用,我们才具备了…  相似文献   

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