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本刊讯北京时间11月3日15时20分,我国在酒泉卫星发射中心用长征2D运载火箭,成功地发射了一颗返回式科学与技术试验卫星。这是我国在不到20天的时间里,连续进行的第三次航天发射。此前,我国于10月15日成功发射了神舟5号载人飞船;10月21日成功发射了中巴地球资源卫星和中国创新1号小卫星。有关方面负责人指出,这样高密度的航天发射,在我国航天史上从未有过。这表明我国航天发射水平与运载火箭及航天器研制能力日益增强。这次发射升空的科学与技术试验卫星是我国自行研制的第18颗返回式卫星。与以往的返回式卫星相比,这颗卫星整体性能有较大改…  相似文献   

<正>1987年8月,我国通过第九颗返回式科学试验卫星成功将第一批农作物种子等生物材料送入太空,开启了我国航天育种研究与发展的新时代。截至2017年年底,通过返回式卫星和神舟飞船,我国共计搭载生物种质材料29次,直接推动了我国航天育种的研究、发展与产业化。  相似文献   

中国第一颗遥感卫星装载一台可见光全景相机,首次实现了从太空拍摄地面目标,使中国成为继美苏后第三个掌握返回技术的国家。文章回顾了中国返回技术和返回式卫星的发展历程,给出了返回式卫星在航天活动中的地位,描述了中国第一颗返回式卫星技术方案的确定过程,总结了中国第一颗返回式卫星的技术水平和创新点。文章对返回式卫星研制在中国卫星研制中的历史作用给予充分肯定,展望了返回式卫星的前景。  相似文献   

一、第一颗人造卫星发射成功——中国进入太空时代1970年4月24日,中国第一颗人造地球卫星东方红一号用长征一号运载火箭发射成功,标志着中国进入太空时代。从此,航天空间科技在国民经济和国防建设中逐渐成为不可或缺的重要力量。东方红一号卫星重173公斤,初始轨道参数是:近地点439公里,远地点2384公里,倾角68.5度,运行周期114分钟。其任务是进行卫星技术试验,探测电离层和大气密度。二、返回式卫星发射成功——掌握返回技术名列世界第三1975年11月26日,长征二号运载火箭成功发射返回式卫星,卫星在轨运行3天后,按预定计划顺利回…  相似文献   

孙青 《中国航天》2005,(9):22-22
8月29日16时45分,长征2号丁运载火箭在酒泉卫星发射中心成功地将我国第22颗返回式科学与技术试验卫星送入太空。这是中国航天在一个月内第二次成功发射返回式科学与技术试验卫星。火箭飞行9分多钟后,星箭分离,西安卫星测控中心传来的数据表明,卫星已顺利进入预定轨道。这颗返回  相似文献   

王希季,火箭总体、航天器系统和航天返回技术专家,是中国航天技术的开创者之一。1958年以来,一直从事航天技术工作,在探空火箭、运载火箭和返回式遥感卫星、载人航天器等方面贡献卓著。曾负责研制成功了中国的15种实用探空火箭,主持完成了中国第一种卫星运载火箭和第一种返回式遥感卫星的方案论证、方案设计,担任过返回式遥感卫星系列的总设计师。是中国火箭探空技术学科和航天器进入与返回技术学科的创始人,太空资源和航天技术体系新概念以及工程设计学和卫星设计学新原理的提出者。  相似文献   

林华宝院士是我国知名的航天技术专家 ,是返回式卫星技术带头人 ,为我国成为世界上第三个掌握卫星回收技术的国家作出了重要贡献 ,为各种返回式卫星和载人飞船安全着陆开辟了道路。 1997年当选为中国工程院院士。 2 0 0 1年起担任《航天返回与遥感》编辑委员会顾问。 2 0 0 3年 8月 16日林华宝院士因心脏病突发逝世 ,享年七十二岁林华宝院士简介  相似文献   

钱学森对中国航天工程的涉及面很广,文章的论述仅限于1966年到1976年钱学森在中国返回式卫星工程方面的工作,重点论述了钱学森及其领导的航天队伍在研制中国第一种返回式遥感卫星的过程中所取得的业绩,目的是揭示钱学森及其领导的航天队伍对开创中国返回式卫星的历史性贡献。  相似文献   

宋健强调:要有勇气将我国科技进一步推向世界前沿20世纪中国航天科技最杰出的成就是什么?最令炎黄子孙扬眉吐气的壮举是什么?4月23日曾经为我国航天科技事业作出杰出贡献的几十位院土,来到神舟号试验飞船的诞生地——北京西郊唐家岭,评选出可以永载史册的10座空间科技丰碑。我国的航天科技事业始于70年代。1970年4月24日,我国用长征一号运载火箭成功地发射了第一颗人造地球卫星东方红一号,揭开了新中国航天活动的序幕。此后,在我国航天科技领域发生的其他具有重大意义的事件是:1975年发射成功返回式卫星、1984年发射成功同步静止轨…  相似文献   

正50载栉风沐雨,50载春华秋实。从1967年11月至2017年11月,我国航天光学遥感器的研制已经走过了50年的发展历程。1967年11月,由王大珩院士带领全国的专业人才,在北京成立了我国第一支航天光学遥感器的研制队伍——"6711工程组",它标志着我国航天光学遥感器的研制正式起步。十年磨剑,1975年工程组研制成功我国第一颗返回式遥感卫星装载的胶片型相机,使我国成为  相似文献   

本文介绍了在我国返回式卫星舱内辐射剂量测量的一些结果,分析了轨道高度和舱体质量厚度对舱内剂量的影响。卫星舱内的复杂屏蔽引起各位置上的剂量有所不同,测量结果表明:最高和最低剂量点剂量水平之比在500km高度的轨道时为1.58,在300km高度的轨道时为1.23。本文还对近地空间的辐射危害及其防护问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

霍尔电推进技术的发展与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
霍尔电推进具有推力密度大、推力功率比大、比冲高及系统可靠等优点,在20世纪60~70年代突破关键技术、完成空间试验后,在俄、美、欧等航天器上获得大量应用,执行位置保持、轨道转移、轨道调整和深空探测主推进等任务。目前,100 W级到5 k W级功率的霍尔推力器已经实现在轨应用,100 k W功率的霍尔推力器已在研制中。针对未来载人深空探测、GEO卫星、低轨和超低轨卫星及轨道机动飞行器等任务需求,霍尔电推进朝着更大功率包络,更强多模式调节能力,更高性能,更长寿命及推进剂多样化等方向发展。在分析霍尔电推进技术特点和适用任务后,对国内外霍尔电推进技术的发展现状、任务应用等进行了综述,最后对霍尔电推进的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Hydrogen will assume a key role in Europe's effort to adopt its energy dependent society to satisfy its needs without releasing vast amounts of greenhouse gases. The paradigm shift is so paramount that one speaks of the “Hydrogen Economy”, as the energy in this new and ecological type of economy is to be distributed by hydrogen. However, H2 is not a primary energy source but rather an energy carrier, a means of storing, transporting and distributing energy, which has to be generated by other means.Various H2 storage methods are possible; however industries' favourite is the storage of gaseous hydrogen in high pressure tanks. The biggest promoter of this storage methodology is the automotive industry, which is currently preparing for the generation change from the fossil fuel internal combustion engines to hydrogen based fuel cells. The current roadmaps foresee a market roll-out by 2015, when the hydrogen supply infrastructure is expected to have reached a critical mass. The hydrogen economy is about to take off as being demonstrated by various national mobility strategies, which foresee several millions of electric cars driving on the road in 2020.Fuel cell cars are only one type of “electric car”, battery electric as well as hybrid cars – all featuring electric drive trains – are the others. Which type of technology is chosen for a specific application depends primarily on the involved energy storage and power requirements. These considerations are very similar to the ones in the aerospace sector, which had introduced the fuel cell already in the 1960s. The automotive sector followed only recently, but has succeeded in moving forward the technology to a level, where the aerospace sector is starting considering to spin-in terrestrial hydrogen technologies into its technology portfolio. Target areas are again high power/high energy applications like aviation, manned spaceflight and exploration missions, as well as future generation high power telecommunication satellites. Similar trends can be expected in the future for RADAR Earth Observation satellites and space infrastructure concepts of great scale.This paper examines current activities along the hydrogen value chain, both in the terrestrial and the aerospace sector. A general assessment of the synergy potential is complemented by a thorough analysis of specific applications serving as role models like a lunar manned base or pressurised rover, an aircraft APU or a high power telecommunications satellite. Potential performance improvements and cost savings serve as key performance indicators in these comparisons and trade-offs.  相似文献   

文章指出我国在应用卫星与卫星应用、载人航天和深空探测三大航天领域取得了巨大成就,为中国的经济、社会发展做出了巨大贡献,也展示了中国的综合实力。经过几十年的发展,中国进入太空能力得到了很大的发展,但在太空利用能力和太空控制能力的建设上还有更大的发展空间。随着我国航天事业的发展,用户对航天器的高可靠、长寿命的要求迫切,作为航天器功能实现的技术基础,环境、材料等基础研究工作应该去适应这种发展需求,加快基础能力的建设与发展。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the recoverable satellites China has developed over the past forty years.The main missions,technical specifications,scientific and technical experiments of these satellites,including the SJ-10 scientific experiment satellite launched on April 6,2016 are introduced.Recommendations for future technical upgrades for recoverable satellites are also proposed in the paper.  相似文献   

China now has thirty years of experience in space. This article traces the development of China's space efforts and the successes China has achieved in space technology, particularly satellites and launchers. China's future plans for space activities are examined, including plans for cooperation with friendly countries, manned space flight, facilities to launch larger space vehicles, and participation in a permanent space station.  相似文献   

FG-23A发动机是返回式卫星的制动发动机,由中国航天工业总公司河西化工公司研制,自1992年以来,已连续3次成功应用,将卫星安全送回地面预定位置。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1987,15(8):583-586
On-orbit servicing of spacecraft and payloads is one of the most viable economic justification for a permanent, manned space station. Services include the changeout of Orbital Replaceable Units (ORU's), the replenishment of consumables, general maintenance, on-orbit assembly and repair of failures. Among economic and operational advantages are: longer spacecraft operational lifetime; lower acquisition cost of satellites; improved spacecraft performance. A comparison is made between space station and shuttle-based servicing.  相似文献   

航天器回收用静压高度控制器的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
静压高度控制器是载人飞船启动回收着陆系统的关键部件,也是返回式卫星和其它航天器回收系统启动信号的一种方式,其经受恶劣环境,性能、要求高。静压高度控制器又分为膜盒式和硅压力式,文章主要论述了硅压力静压高度控制器在回收系统中的作用,主要介绍了它的工作原理和组成,研制中解决的电路、结构及可靠性方面的问题,并给出了试验结果和研制结论。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1986,13(9):527-536
The planned construction of a permanently manned space station in low earth orbit has reopened the discussion about the establishment of a manned lunar base within the next 25 years for exploration of the Moon and space. Several studies demonstrate that a lunar base very modest in size may cost $50 to 90 billion spread over 25 years which would fit into the expected NASA budget for this period. Having these cost in mind the authors present a concept having a greater effectiveness based on the following operational characteristics: (1) The development of a low cost heavy-lift launch vehicle for cargo transportation and propellant supply reduces the specific transportation cost by one order of magnitude compared to the existing Space Shuttle system. (2) Orbital transfer vehicles with LOX/LH2 technology should be preferred over advanced propulsion systems because of proved technology and cost reduction by utilization of lunar produced LOX. (3) The evolution of the lunar base towards a lunar colony and manufacturing facility could only be initiated by a powerful transportation system allowing for cost-effective space construction projects and manned spaceflight to other planets.The lunar base program of this paper is based on a schedule considering a 8 years development, 5 years lunar base assembly and 20 years operational phase during which the lunar crew will increase from 60 to 180 people. Launch rates will be 10 shuttle launches and 10 HLLV launches p.a. at the average. Development costs of the transportation and lunar base system will amount to $29 billion. Adding hardware and operational costs for lunar base assembly results in the acquisition cost of $49 billion. Total life cycle costs are estimated to be in the order of $101 billion considering a 20 years operational phase which will cost $2.6 billion p.a. at the average. For the 2508 man-years spent in lunosphere the relative cost will be $40.2 million per man-year of which space transportation will cost $25.0 million per man-year.  相似文献   

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