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当您乘坐飞机遨游蓝天,尽情享受云中漫步无比惬意的时候,您可曾想到,天气是影响飞行安全的重要因素,航空气象预报则是保障飞行安全不可缺少的重要环节。气象中心预报室这个作为新疆空管局对外服务的文明窗口,肩负着制作发布气象预报的任务,为航空飞行提供准确的气象服务,确保航空飞行安全正常。这个室在负责制作乌鲁木齐国际机场的航空天气预报的同时,还制作库尔勒、和田、且末等机场的航站天气预报,并对专机、人工降雪、急救等特殊飞行任务提供航空气象保障服务。2006年,这个由11名青年组成的预报室荣获了全国级"青年文明号"。  相似文献   

天气对飞行的影响在航空界从来都是不可忽视的问题,特别是高原天气对航空的影响更为突出。飞行流量越大,天气对飞行的影响就越突出,飞行流量越大,航空公司对气象服务的需求、依赖性越强。预报准确率的提高将减少航班的返航、备降等不正常情况,给航空公司带来不可忽视的经济效益。飞行流量正逐年增大已是不争的事实,因此,加强高原机场航空气象的研究,做好航空气象服务保障工作将是我们面临的现实课题和长期而艰巨的任务。  相似文献   

西北空管局以科学发展观为指导,认真贯彻民航局空管局《关于开展“航空气象服务年”活动的通知》精神,紧紧围绕“航空气象服务助飞行安全快捷”这一活动主题,以安全为中心,运行为主线,服务为根本,精心组织,周密安排,扎实搞好“航空气象服务年”活动,全面提升气象服务能力,确保航空运输持续安全。  相似文献   

引言航空气象服务是关系飞行安全、正常和效益的重要因素,气象条件不仅对飞行安全有直接的影响,对航空运输企业的营运效益也有着至关重要的作用。日益增多的特殊天气比已往更严重地威胁着飞行安全,基于航  相似文献   

针对秋季气候多变的特点,为作好复杂气象条件下的飞行气象服务工作,确保区域内的飞行安全。9月6日,甘肃空管分局举办了航空气象预报技术比武活动,空管局有关领导亲临现场进行了指导。[第一段]  相似文献   

随着我国民航事业的发展,民航飞行安全保障对航空气象服务的要求越来越高。影响飞行活动最经常的气象要素有三个:能见度、云和风。其中,在飞行的起、降过程  相似文献   

朱东升 《空中交通管理》2006,(B12):36-37,23
航空气象服务是空管工作的重要组成部分,天气预报的准确率直接影响到飞行安全与正常。因此研究和探索人为因素对飞行的影响,找出切实可行的保障方法和管理措施,减少和预防“错、忘、漏”现象对飞行安全的影响,是我们必须重点研究解决的问题。  相似文献   

空中交通管理系统是通过管理多架飞机起降和航行来保障飞行秩序和安全的系统,同时还负责空域的管理,参与制定飞行规则和飞行程序,为航空器提供通信、导航、监视服务、航行情报服务、航空气象服务告警服务等,来实施空中交  相似文献   

一、前言机场的航空气象要素指的是与机场上空的航空飞行活动密切相关的一些气象元素或天气现象,主要包括地面风、低云、降水、雷暴以及低能见度、地面气温、气压和湿度等。系统地分析机场的航空气候特点、研究和揭示各个航空气象要  相似文献   

随着数值预报技术的不断发展,以及各种监测手段的不断完善,预报员在天气预报的制作过程中,可以获得比过去多得多的辅助手段的帮助,天气预报的准确率也比过去有了长足的进步,预报员在天气预报制作过程中的劳动强度也有所减轻。同时,由于预报员不再参与放行、接收飞机的决定,相对而言,航空气象服务部门的安全压力大大减轻了,但这并不能说明航空气象服务的重要性被降低,只能说明航空气象服务的方式需要改进。  相似文献   

ADS-B在美国   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是“广播式自动相关监视”(ADS-B)技术研究和应用的先行者之一。继1991年,瑞典首次成功利用飞行座舱显示器(CDTI)演示ADS-B功能之后,美国从1992年就开始在芝加哥的O’Hare机场开展ADS-B技术的早期应用研究。进入21世纪,美国首先在阿拉斯加地区通用航空飞机上推广应用ADS-B技术。2002年,美国联邦航空局FAA终于出台了ADS-B数据链发展政策以及支持ADS-B技术发展的规划蓝图。一、美国的AD S-B技术发展规划(一)近期规划:(2002年—2006年)(1)定义ADS-B最初发展阶段的国内技术系统底层结构;(2)允许“袖珍型”(不具备上行广播…  相似文献   

H P Klein 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):927-938
Past U.S. space biological experiments in space, using non-human specimens, are discussed and evaluated. Current plans for future experimentation in this field are also given.  相似文献   

The results of biomedical investigations carried out in the U.S.S.R. manned space missions are discussed. Their basic result is well-documented evidence that man can perform space flights of long duration. The investigations have demonstrated no direct correlation between inflight or postflight physiological reactions of crewmembers and flight duration. In all likelihood, this can be attributed to the fact that special exercises done inflight efficiently prevented adverse effects of weightlessness. However, human reactions to weightlessness need further study. They include negative calcium balance and anemia as well as vestibulo-autonomic disorders shown by crewmembers at early stages of weightlessness. Attention should be given to psychological, social-psychological and ethical problems that may also limit further increase in flight duration.  相似文献   

Gravity plays a role in many different levels of human motor behavior. It dictates the laws of motion of our body and limbs, as well as of the objects in the external world with which we wish to interact. The dynamic interaction of our body with the world is molded within gravity's constraints. The role played by gravity in the perception of visual stimuli and the elaboration of human movement is an active research theme in the field of Neurophysiology. Conditions of microgravity, coupled with techniques from the world of virtual reality, provide a unique opportunity to address these questions concerning the function of the human sensorimotor system. The ability to measure movements of the head and to update in real time the visual scene presented to the subject based on these measurements is a key element in producing a realistic virtual environment. A variety of head-tracking hardware exists on the market today, but none seem particularly well suited to the constraints of working with a space station environment. Nor can any of the existing commercial systems meet the more stringent requirements for physiological experimentation (high accuracy, high resolution, low jitter, low lag) in a wireless configuration. To this end, we have developed and tested a hybrid opto-inertial 6 degree-of-freedom tracker based on existing inertial technology. To confirm that the inertial components and algorithms will function properly, this system was tested in the microgravity conditions of parabolic flight. Here we present the design goals of this tracker, the system configuration and the results of 0g and 1g testing.  相似文献   

Rhythm disorders observed in space have always been minor but they are not unfrequent. They include: ventricular or supra-ventricular extrasystoles, nodal arrhythmias, auriculo-ventricular conduction disorders. There are several etiopathogenetic hypotheses: a strict selection must permit its elimination of an underlying heart disease; the potassium deficiency is often advanced but its role is not certain; the role of catecholamines is also discussed; the role of hypervagotony is extensively analysed as great clinical and electro-cardiographic evidence speaks for it. It can induce disorders which are more serious than those observed so far, particularly fibrillation or intermittent atrial flutter; weightlessness itself could partly condition the vagotonic state; and the effects of fluid shifts are also discussed from this point of view. The possible therapies for various atrial, nodal, ventricular disorders are reviewed, with greater detail for vagal atrial arrhythmias.  相似文献   

本刊讯2000年12月20日,随着中国第50万块增值税专用发票防伪芯片的诞生,航天信息股份有限公司成立。这家由中国航天机电集团公司、哈尔滨工业大学等12家航天领域的知名企业和高校共同投资设立,以航天金穗公司、航天金卡公司和斯大公司为主体的高科技公司今年将在国内上市。防伪税控系统是原航天金穗高技术有限公司开发研制的一项专利技术,它的发明和推广使用是辅助我国税收征管的强有力手段,它成功地解决了国民经济中有关税务征管的重大难点问题。国家税务总局金人庆局长对于由防伪税控系统等构成的“金税工程”曾有过这样的评价:“是…  相似文献   

"Crickets in Space" (CRISP) was a Neurolab experiment by which the balance between genetic programs and the gravitational environment for the development of a gravity sensitive neuronal system was studied. The model character of crickets was justified by their external gravity receptors, identified position-sensitive interneurons (PSI) and gravity-related compensatory head response, and by the specific relation of this behavior to neuronal activation systems. These advantages allowed us to study the impact of modified gravity on cellular processes in a complex organism. Eggs, 1st, 4th and 6th stage larvae of Acheta domesticus were used. Post-flight experiments revealed a low susceptibility of the behavior to microgravity and hypergravity (hg) while the physiology of the PSI was significantly affected. Immunocytological investigations revealed a stage-dependent sensitivity of thoracic GABAergic motoneurons to 3g-conditions concerning their soma sizes but not their topographical arrangement. Peptidergic neurons from cerebral sensorimotor centers revealed no significant modifications by microgravity. The contrary physiological and behavioral results indicate a facilitation of 1g-readaptation by accessory gravity. proprioceptive and visual sense organs. Absence of anatomical modifications point to an effective time window of microgravity or hg-exposure related to the period of neuronal proliferation. Grant numbers: 50WB9553-7.  相似文献   

Man in space.     
Today, more than 20 years after the first in the world man's space walk, soviet cosmonautics gained large experience of extravehicular activity (EVA). Space suits of high reliability, onboard facilities for passing through the airlock, sets of special tools and technological rigging, as well as procedures for carrying out various EVA's were developed. In the course of the Salyut-7 space station orbital operation the EVA's have become regular. The author of the report as the participant of the EVA's considers the main steps of man activities in space and analyzes specific problems arised in performing such activities.  相似文献   

本文叙述了前苏联第一种洲际弹道导弹P - 7弹上控制系统的前期研制和试验历史 ,介绍了燃料消耗控制、视速度调节、法向和横向控制这些子系统的构成原理  相似文献   

对于美国联邦航空局(FAA)来说,空中交通管制员的新旧补充享有很高的优先权。当财政预算紧缩的时候,空中交通管理系统负责提高训练标准并且招聘更多的年轻人加入空中交通管制队伍中。  相似文献   

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