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利用产品差异化理论和博弈理论,建立了双寡头航空公司市场竞争定价的不完全信息静态博弈模型,假定双方经营相同航线、选择相同机型、面临相同旅客,而在产品价格和服务水平方面存在差异性,在文献【1】中证明了这种博弈不存在纯策略均衡,按照纳什均衡解存在性理论,对混合战略均衡进行求证,得出结论:双方价格和服务水平的大小关系一致时,其市场份额和期望利润的关系与之相同;双方两因素关系随机变化时,其市场份额及期望利润同其变化程度有关,即结果不确定。  相似文献   

我国航空公司机票价格博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要从博弈论完全信息条件下"囚徒困境"的角度,以及完全信息条件下有先后定价次序的价格竞争角度分析我国民航业的双寡头航空公司机票价格定价策略,然后从不完全信息混合博弈角度分析航空公司与民航总局监管博弈,最后根据以上论证对民航总局管控和航空公司机票定价策略提出相关建议。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,一种商品的价格与这种商品所处的市场结构密切相关。在完全竞争市场条件下,没有任何人或企业可以决定价格,价格是由市场供求规律自发调节决定的。而在完全垄断市场,价格是由垄断企业一家说了算。因此,在讨论哪些因素影响价格时,首先要分析中国民航国内客运市场的类型和特征。 一、中国民航 国内旅客市场结构分析 根据经济学的市场结构理论,按照市场中 竞争和垄断程度的不同,将形形色色的市场分成四种不同的类型:完全竞争市场、完全垄断市场、垄断竞争市场和寡头垄断市场。划分的基本依据是:(1)市场中参…  相似文献   

股票的市场溢价一直是金融界学者关注的很有意义的课题。文章将股票价格的跳跃性纳入考虑的范围中,在已知的三因子模型基础上加入价格跳跃性因子(RJV),利用这一改进的三因子定价模型来研究和预测投资组合的股票溢价。文章通过使用汽车和交通运输行业的十五只股票数据建立模型实证研究,由回归分析的显著性结果可知,股票价格的跳跃性与股票溢价之间确实存在一定程度的正相关,改进的股票三因子定价模型具有合理性。但由于不同企业不同行业所受股价跳跃的影响存在差异,因此模型有待改进和完善。  相似文献   

通过引入拍卖方式构建新的人力资本定价模型,论述人力资本价值计量中的机会成本同时也体现在人力资本收益阶段,并以此为出发点揭示劳动力市场高薪威胁的本质,提出民族企业面临外资企业、中小企业面临大型企业高薪政策威胁时,摆脱困境的三种方法:降低企业利润率;建立良好的企业文化,激发员工的工作热情及归属感;完善企业组织管理,给员工营造良好的工作环境,并将员工利益与企业利益结合起来.文章认为后两种方案较为可行,应结合使用.  相似文献   

航空公司市场竞争定价博弈模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用产品差异化理论和博弈理论,在传统的豪泰林定价模型基础上,建立了航空公司市场竞争定价博弈模型,分析了旅客类型以及航空公司需求情况,证明了在旅客对价格极其敏感的情况下,这种博弈不存在纯战略均衡。  相似文献   

为了模拟电力市场中发电商采取不同策略的博弈行为,在考虑输电网约束条件下将动态Bertrand博弈模型引入电力市场,建立有限理性条件下的投资模型,并运用有限理性法和不完全信息法实现了投资模型由静态到动态的转化过程,求解了动态模型的价格均衡,并分析了均衡点的稳定状态,给出其经济解释。  相似文献   

基于博弈论模型的多机协同对抗多目标任务决策方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据多机协同对抗多目标的空战特征,以敌我双方可能的相互攻击组合方式作为策略集,由敌我双方对抗态势分析定量结果确定支付函数,建立完全信息静态博弈模型.通过求解博弈模型的混合策略纳什均衡解,并结合一定作战经验,形成任务决策方法.以无人作战飞机编队对抗敌地对空防御系统为例,对本文所研究的任务决策方法进行了验算.  相似文献   

文章运用鲁宾斯坦轮流出价的谈判博弈理论,以电煤价格谈判为切入点,探讨了煤—电租的分成问题;以煤电双边垄断的纵向交易为例,构造了电煤价格谈判模型,指出在煤电纵向交易关系中,电煤供求关系、双方的耐心程度、市场势力都给双方的利益关系造成影响,因此,煤电企业必须在实际操作中更加重视这些关系。  相似文献   

一、选择的矛盾东航货运未来发展战略是在未来十年中分三阶段实现转型最终目标:第一阶段,专注航空,开始转型,标杆企业是汉莎航空货运;第二阶段,具备物流企业特征,实现转型;第三阶段,完成转型,成为中国的UPS。中货航有两个战略选择:战略选择一,按照中货航既定的战略以上海为核心,集中力量做稳上海市场,以客机腹舱作为支持,着力发展国际航空货运,先做精,再做大。战略选择二,乘国家大力发展国内航空货运、振兴物流产业之际快速扩张,  相似文献   

本文通过解跨声速小振动方程求解假想外场,给出进行自适应壁风洞实验的迭代方案。结果表明:二者具有较好的一致性。本文研究表明:两种方案均有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

针对传统控制策略对小型无人机系统计算能力要求高、结构要求复杂的特点,提出了一种新的控制策略,即只采用角速率陀螺和GPS传感器配置,控制器结构采用两层回路实现(即角速率回路和轨迹控制回路)。利用输出反馈二次调节器设计方法得到了相应的控制器结构参数。最后,通过仿真比较了新控制策略和传统控制策略在轨迹控制过程中的控制效果。仿真结果表明,所提出的控制策略具有与传统控制策略相似的控制效果,但新策略下的控制器结构和系统复杂程度都更简单。  相似文献   

家族企业战略管理是家族企业可持续成长的一个重要因素。基于国外学者的论点,从家族企业资源、家族企业战略决策、家族企业战略类型和家族企业战略工具这四个方面做出评述。在此基础上,紧密结合家族企业治理特性和治理维度,初步建立了家族企业战略管理理论模型,并提出对我国家族企业战略管理实践的启示。  相似文献   

Autonomous space vehicles need adaptive control strategies that can accommodate unanticipated environmental conditions. Although it is not difficult to construct alternative control strategies, a proper evaluation frequently can only be done by actually trying them out in the real physical environment. It therefore becomes imperative that any candidate control strategy be deemed safe - i.e., it does not damage any systems - prior to being tested online. How to do this has been a challenging problem. We propose a solution to this problem. Our approach uses an evolutionary algorithm (EA) to intrinsically evolve new control strategies. All candidate strategies are checked for safety using formal methods. More specifically, an EA evolves a series of finite state machines (FSMs), each of which encodes a unique control strategy. Model checking guarantees whether all safety properties are satisfied in the strategy. A numerical example is included to illustrate our approach.  相似文献   

Previous test sequencing algorithms only consider the execution cost of a test at the application stage. Due to the fact that the placement cost of some tests at the design stage is considerably high compared with the execution cost, the sequential diagnosis strategy obtained by previous methods is actually not optimal from the view of life cycle. In this paper, the test sequencing problem based on life cycle cost is presented. It is formulated as an optimization problem, which is non-deterministic polynomial-time hard (NP-hard). An algorithm and a strategy to improve its computational efficiency are proposed. The formulation and algorithms are tested on various simulated systems and comparisons are made with the extant test sequencing methods. Application on a pump rotational speed control (PRSC) system of a spacecraft is studied in detail. Both the simulation results and the real-world case application results suggest that the solution proposed in this paper can significantly reduce the life cycle cost of a sequential fault diagnosis strategy.  相似文献   

隋东  邢娅萍  涂诗晨 《航空学报》2021,42(2):324300-324300
针对恶劣天气条件下可用空域资源不足导致的航班大面积延误问题,基于复杂网络修复理论和交通流分配理论,借鉴交通网络设计思想提出了一种航路网络修复优化策略。首先,建立了航路网络修复场景,基于气象信息生成了恶劣天气飞行受限区。然后,建立了上层模型以修复成本最低为目标函数、下层模型为多约束交通流分配模型的双层规划修复模型,应用改进粒子群算法对模型整体进行求解,结合K最短路径算法对下层模型进行求解。最后,提出局部和全局两类指标对航路网络修复效果进行评估。基于典型航路网络,以两类基础修复策略为对比方法,同时对比了实际运行结果,研究了不同修复策略的修复效果和适用性。仿真结果表明:航路网络修复优化策略既能弥补原有拓扑结构修复策略的结构受限不足,又能解决拓扑结构调整修复策略带来的巨额协调费用问题,能够保证在对正常运行航班干扰最小的同时,以最小的修复成本使所有受影响的航班都恢复正常运行,对于减缓航路拥堵和航班延误有极大的意义。  相似文献   

The Nash strategy in game theory has often been criticized as being ineffective in competitive multi-team target assignment problems, especially when compared with other simplistic strategies such as the random or greedy targeting strategies. This criticism arises from the fact that the Nash strategies may yield unpredictable results when paired with non-Nash strategies in non-zero sum games. In addition, the Nash equilibrium is generally more difficult to compute than strategies which do not attempt to anticipate the strategy of the other side. The authors seek to show that in multi-team target assignment problems the Nash strategy is superior to such simplistic strategies while also remaining computationally feasible. To demonstrate this point, an attrition model was considered, consisting of two teams of nonhomogeneous fighting units simultaneously targeting each other and compare the outcomes when various combinations of four targeting strategies are used on each side. The four strategies are: 1) the random strategy where each unit selects its target randomly, 2) the unit greedy strategy where each unit chooses the target that optimizes its own performance only, 3) the team optimal strategy where the units coordinate their choice of targets so as to optimize the overall team performance while ignoring the possible strategy choices by the other team, and 4) the team Nash strategy, calculated under the assumption that the other team is also using a Nash strategy. Because the computational requirements for calculating the team Nash strategies may become unfeasibly large, an efficient method was discussed for approximating the Nash strategies using a neighborhood search algorithm called unit level team resource allocation (ULTRA). The results were compared for all 16 possible combinations of these four targeting strategies and show that for each team the Nash strategy outperforms all other strategies irrespective of the strategy employed by the other team  相似文献   

The emergence of a world-wide duopoly in the design and production of large commercial aircraft at the end of the 1990s and cutbacks in aerospace and defense has put significant pressure on the number of avionics manufacturers. A similar duopoly exists very nearly for US military aircraft. In 1999, mergers created two large avionic suppliers in the USA. European avionics suppliers have also been consolidating. At worst, these larger entities will have a negative effect upon US aerospace employment, and further discourage the best and brightest engineers. Commuter and general aviation, where competition still reigns (more than ten manufacturers exist in 2000), may lead the avionics charge into the future  相似文献   

刘东  付明杰  万自永  杨勇  张华 《航空学报》2007,28(5):1276-1280
 轧制曲线是环件轧制工艺设计的核心问题,尤其对钛合金和高温合金这类难变形材料环件,它是影响显微组织和尺寸精度的关键因素。采用不同类型的轧制曲线对相同尺寸GH4169合金矩形截面环进行了双向轧制实验研究,主要分析了轧制曲线类型对环件温度、环件径向增长速率、双向轧制力的影响。结果表明,“上凸型”轧制曲线有利于控制环件温升,“下凹型”轧制曲线则能较好地降低轧制力能和提高环件尺寸精度。另外,为了能更有效地控制环件截面角部的温升,保证截面组织均匀,提出了GH4169合金这类难变形材料矩形截面环轧制的特殊轧制曲线。  相似文献   

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