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<正>On November 29, 2022, the Shenzhou 15 manned spaceship blasted off atop a Long March 2F launch vehicle from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, launching the 3-astronaut crew,FEI Junlong, DENG Qingming and ZHANG Lu, into space successfully. This was the last launch mission during the construction phase of China’s space station.  相似文献   

为增强空间站对舱外载荷的支持能力,提升舱内外货物的进出效率,减少航天员出舱次数,降低航天员出舱风险,空间站梦天实验舱设计了货物自动进出舱功能。本文从货物进出舱功能方案出发,介绍了包括货物转运功能、外舱门功能、泄压、复压、气体复用功能在内的关键子功能的地面试验验证及在轨试验验证工作。地面及在轨试验验证结果对比表明:货物进出舱方案设计合理,地面验证结果和在轨数据一致性好,产品性能稳定,有效地提高了空间站货物进出舱效率。  相似文献   

正The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs(UNOOSA) and the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA) jointly held a press conference in Vienna on June 12, and announced the first projects for conducting scientific experiments on board the China's Space Station, including 9 projects from 17 countries and 23 institutions.In May 2018, CMSA and UNOOSA announced a call for a joint opportunity to all countries in the world, especially  相似文献   

Queqiao relay communications satellite was developed to provide relay communications services for the lander and the rover on the far side of the moon. From entering into its halo mission orbit around the Earth-moon libration point 2 on June 14, 2018, it has operated on orbit more than fifteen months. It worked very well and provided reliable, continuous relay communications services for the lander and the rover to accomplish the goals of Chang'e 4 lunar far side soft landing and patrol exploration mission. The on-orbit operation status of Queqiao relay communications satellite is summarized in this paper.  相似文献   

<正>空间站机械臂技术是航天领域一项技术耦合性强、系统集成度高、技术难度相当大的综合技术,是载人航天、深空探测、在轨服务等领域的一项重要关键技术。空间站机械臂是中国首个自主研制的面向宇航工程应用的大型空间机器人系统,在空间站系统中承担大型舱段转位与辅助对接,支持航天员出舱活动、舱外状态巡检、舱外设备安装及维修,以及载荷照料等重要任务。它涉及机械、电子、热学、动力学与控制、计算机、路径规划、感知与测量、自主智能、算法与软件,以及光学、材料、遥操作、人机交互、地面试验验证等多学科技术,系统复杂,新技术多,设计与验证难度大。  相似文献   

As China’s only manned launch vehicle, the LM-2 F Launch vehicle successfully launched the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft into its predetermined orbit on June 12, 2021, signifying the successful completion of the first manned launch mission in the construction and key technology test stage of China Space Station(CSS). From the launch of the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft on October 12, 2016 to the launch of Shenzhou 12 in 2021, over the past five years, the LM-2 F launch vehicle has been continuou...  相似文献   

The problem of excessive radiated emission for a certain type of laser scanner is discussed in this paper. Firstly, the frequency characteristics of the laser scanner can be obtained by traditional test methods. According to the frequency and electronic equipment characteristics, the interference source can be estimated and established. Then based upon analysis, modified methods are proposed. By applying the above methods, the interference source can be identified and the amount of radiated emission from the scanner can be reduced effectively. Finally, the scanner can operate in a compatible manner with other electronic systems at the same time. The above methods can provide a reference for electronic equipment design ensuring electromagnetic compatibility and passing the radiated emission test.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the satellite system running status and key events. This satellite has been observing the Earth for six years after its launch into a 645 km sun-synchronous orbit. Through the health trend analysis of the platform and subsystems, the orbit, power supply, rotating parts status, temperature, fuel consumption and so on are introduced in detail. The cameras' status also are monitored and analyzed.  相似文献   

Based on current research, the development trend of reusable liquid rocket engines was analyzed. Key technologies and research focuses of the reusable liquid rocket engine have been analyzed and summarized, and then suggestions on the development of future key technologies are proposed.  相似文献   

The research status on the development of large segmented solid boosters is introduced, showing that the key technologies of the motor have now been acquired and meet the operational requirements of the rocket, which may provide a reference for subsequent development of large segmented solid booster motors and their application in space launchers with solid strap-on boosters.  相似文献   

这2颗卫星拟于2011年8月发射,将与后续发射的另外2颗卫星一起验证“伽利略”卫星导航系统的性能。  相似文献   

LM-8 inherited mature modules from other launch vehicles, adapting the overall design through the combination of engine throttling, wind compensation and load relief control, so as to reduce the aerodynamic load during flight. This paper proposes a rapid evaluation method for load relief performance, which takes launch vehicle's characteristics, wind field, control parameters, aerodynamic deviation and structure deviation into consideration, and provides a quick estimation method for load relief performance. The load relief performance of the LM-8 launch vehicle estimated by this method achieved 10%-20% in pitch and 20%-40% in yaw. The specific results are related to parameter deviation, the altitude of wind shear and the relationship between wind direction and trajectory angle. Simulation results for a typical case with six degrees of dynamic freedom of flight proves that the comprehensive load relief performance would be between 14% to 34%, which is in line with the aforementioned method. In addition, simulation results indicate that the more severe the wind shear is, the better performance of load relief can be achieved.  相似文献   

At present, the moon and Mars are the main focus of deep space exploration, scientific pursuits are the initial goal, and extensive cooperation leads to a greater prospect. China has made many scientific achievements and built considerable infrastructure through its lunar and Mars exploration activities. In the future, China will continue to carry out deep space exploration activities with scientific goals as the driving force, develop the International Lunar Research Station, explore the sun, i...  相似文献   

2008年,举世瞩目的国际空间站建设工作进入高潮.2月7日,亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机把欧空局的"哥伦布"实验舱送上国际空间站;3月9日,欧洲用大推力阿里安5ES火箭首次发射"凡尔纳"自动转移飞行器(ATV),将大大缓解空间站运输紧张局面;3月11日,奋进号航天飞机升空,把加拿大双臂机器人"巧手"和"希望""日本实验舱-实验后勤舱-增压段" (JEM-ELM-PS)送往国际空间站组装.  相似文献   

灵活能干看"巧手" 3月11日与"实验后勤舱一增压段"一起升空的还有加拿大研发的"巧手"双臂机器人,是由加拿大专门为空间站制造的,耗资2.74亿美元.它臂长约3.4米,肩宽约2.4米,高约3.7米,装5台摄像机、2只"抓手"和全套工具,可算是太空中最复杂的机器人,需通过三次太空行走来安装.  相似文献   

高分多模卫星(GFDM-1)对控制分系统姿态测量精度、姿态确定精度、卫星姿态控制能力、卫星机动能力、可靠性和地面验证方面都提出了更高的要求。文章针对高分多模卫星的特点,对控制分系统的体系结构、技术方案、可靠性设计、寿命试验等方面进行了概述,重点论述了卫星控制分系统基于二级总线的轻小型化体系结构、高精度高稳定度姿态控制技术、敏捷机动姿态轨迹规划技术、长寿命高可靠设计方案。根据卫星在轨运行数据,给出了控制分系统单机和系统性能指标在轨验证情况。  相似文献   

作为卫星在轨对地探测的有效载荷,星载辐射计在轨扫描转动时的动平衡特性直接影响卫星在轨探测精度和姿态稳定度。文章介绍星载辐射计动平衡技术研究现状和发展趋势,并基于现有地面动平衡技术的局限和型号发展需求提出在轨动平衡技术的初步设想,阐述了在轨动平衡配平技术、测量技术和实时调整反馈控制技术,可为今后类似旋转式星载辐射计的动平衡设计和动平衡控制方法提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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