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This paper briefly reviewsthe development and characteris-tics of China’s Long Marchlaunch vehicle family and thendescribes its future developmentplan and ideas. Development and Status of Long MarchLaunch Vehicle Family China is the first country touse the rocket technology in theworld.The embryonic form ofChina’s rocket had an importantplace in the long course of the de-velopment of space technology inthe world.Over the past 50years,the launch vehicle technol-ogy in the world has been devel-oped to a new level and widely  相似文献   

On October 24 of 2007,a LM-3A launch vehicle took off from Xichang Satellite Launch Center,sending China's first lunar orbiter Chang'e-I on its way to the moon.The successful launch of the lunar satellite marks the third historic landmark in China's space program,following its first satellite launch in 1970 and first manned space flight in 2003.The LM-3A launch vehicle is once again worthy of its honor as a‘Gold Medal Rocket’in China.  相似文献   

<正>The launch of the LM-6 launch vehicle marks that China’s space power system has entered the non-toxic and pollution-free era.The power system of LM-6,engines for all 3 stages of the carrier rocket were developed by the Academy of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion Technology(AALPT),with the highlight of the first two stages engines.The first stage uses a120t liquid oxygen/kerosene(LOX/kerosene)engine and the second stage uses an 18t LOX/kerosene engine.The LOX/kerosene engine fills the gap of the staged combustion cycle engine in China,enabling space power to enter a new and  相似文献   

In this paper, based upon the characteristics of elastic modal combination of large solid bundled launch vehicles, the finite element theory is used to describe the complex elastic vibration of a solid bundled launch vehicle, and a new three-channel unified elastic vibration equation was established. The elastic vibration equation can reflect the coupling between channels and between boosters and core stage. Some issues need consideration in the theoretical derivation, an engineering application...  相似文献   

CASC and China Academy of Sciences (CAS) signed a contract on the development of launch vehicles for the satellite project Strategic Pioneer Program on space science on October 31 in Beijing.According to the contract, CGWIC is the general contractor to arrange the launch service and SAST is responsible for developing three LM-2D launch vehicles. It was the first time that LM launch vehicle would be used for a national program in a commercial mode. This new attempt was expected to facilitate  相似文献   

As China’s only manned launch vehicle, the LM-2 F Launch vehicle successfully launched the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft into its predetermined orbit on June 12, 2021, signifying the successful completion of the first manned launch mission in the construction and key technology test stage of China Space Station(CSS). From the launch of the Shenzhou 11 manned spacecraft on October 12, 2016 to the launch of Shenzhou 12 in 2021, over the past five years, the LM-2 F launch vehicle has been continuou...  相似文献   

China will send its first national dedicated agricultural satellite next year. As one of the three countries in the world capable of launching recoverable satellites, China has conducted space breeding experiments since 1987 by sending recoverable satellites with plant seeds on them into space and then back to ground for mutation screening and new consists of 5 systems such as the launch vehicle system, the satellite system, the launch site system, the TT&C system, and the ground application …  相似文献   

<正>LM-6,China’s new generation launch vehicle,achieved a successful launch at12:50 Beijing time on November 21,2017 from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center.It was the first commercial launch mission of LM-6 since its successful maiden flight in 2015.The LM-6carrier rocket carried 3"Jilin-1"video satellites into space and accurately placed them into their preset orbits.LM-6 is an important member of the nation’s family of new generation of launch vehicles.Developed by the  相似文献   

The LM-5B launch vehicle is a new-generation large launch vehicle specially developed for the construction of China’s space station under its manned space program, and it has the largest launching capacity to low Earth orbit in China. The LM-5B booster is the largest booster ever built in China, which can produce 90% of the total thrust at liftoff, which laid a solid foundation for the successful development of the LM-5B launch vehicle. The booster team has overcome many technical challenges and...  相似文献   

On Feb.8,1994,Long March 3A,a new powerful launch vehicle developed by China,successfully launched a scientific satellite (SJ-4) with 6 detectors on it and a dummy satellite into space from Xi-chang Satellite Launch Center.Based on the LM-3,the LM-3A is designed to launch large communications satellites and has a capability of launching a 2-5-ton satellite into geosynchronous transfer orbit.The scientific satellite launched by the LM-3Ais designed for space environment monitoring and environmental effect testing  相似文献   

The LM-2F launch vehicle is China’s first launch carrier developed for China’s Manned Space Program, which is one of the most important parts of the Program. It is developed from the LM-2E launch vehicle, with addition of two new systems, an escape systemand a fault detection system.  相似文献   

China has successfully test-fired its first four-stage solid-fuel launch vehicle, known as Pioneer I. The launch of the Pioneer I on September 16 from Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center makes China the third country capable of developing such rockets, after the United States and Russia, a spokesman of China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp (CASIC) said.The Pioneer I launch vehicle is capable of putting small satellites and microsats weighing up to 100 kg into near earth orbit to meet the requirements for resource  相似文献   

<正>At 07:01 Beijing time September 20,the newly developed LM-6 launch vehicle lifted off from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center,carrying a record-setting 20microsatellites into space.After over 980 seconds of flight,the LM-6 carrier rocket placed the 20 microsatellites into their preset orbits successfully.The successful first flight of China’s next-generation launch vehicle marks major breakthroughs in the critical technologies in the field of non-toxic and pollution-free launch vehicles,which is of great significance in perfecting the Chinese carrier rocket models and improves the ability to access space.This is the 210th launch of LM launch vehicle family.  相似文献   

<正>The 20 microsatellites,which are manufactured by 6 companies and universities,aboard the LM-6 launch vehicle will conduct a variety of space experiments related to new technologies,new systems and new products,.The 20 microsatellites,the most ever launched at one time by a Chinese carrier rocket,set a new record in China.To meet the launch demands for multiple satellites,all parties related conducted several validations and digital simulations,and developed serialized and standard interfaces for launching multiple satellites,laying a solid technical foundation for the follow-on missions to launch more satellites with a single rocket.  相似文献   

<正>A new LM-11 launch vehicle blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center at 9:41 Beijing time on September25,carrying Pujiang River 1 and other 3microsatellites into space.Following the separation from the rocket,4 microsatellites successfully entered into orbits.LM-11 is a 4-stage solid launch vehicle developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT)under CASC.It is 20.8m in length weighing58 tons and has a takeoff thrust of 120tons.The payload capacity of LM-11 is up to 350kg into a 700km sun-synchro-  相似文献   

At 17:27 Beijing Time of July 15,a roar broke the silence over the launching tower in the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.A LM-2C launch vehicle successfully lifted off with the SJ-11-05 satellite,carrying out its first flight this year.739 seconds later,the satellite separated from the rocket and entered its pre-set orbit smoothly.SJ-11-05 was developed by China Spacesat Technology Co.Ltd for conducting space scientific and technological experiments.The launch vehicle was developed by China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology,also under the CASC.  相似文献   

On October 14, two satellites SJ-9A/B were sent into their preset orbits by a LM-2C/SMA launch vehicle, which is the first flight of a series of China’s civilian technology experimental satellites. SJ-9A and B are the first two satellites in the series of civilian technology experimental satellites designed for tests such as long lifetime and high reliability, high precision and high performance of satellite, domestically developed core components, satellite formation and  相似文献   

LM-3B launch vehicle is a heavy three-stage liquid propellant strap-on launch vehicle, which was developed based on the mature technologies of the LM-3A and LM-2E. It not only has the highest payload capacity to send China's satellites to GTO, but is also one of the most advanced launch vehicles in the world with high reliability, reasonable price and perfect technological design. It can launch over 90% of various kinds of satellites in the international commercial satellite market.  相似文献   

The LM-2E,a large strap-onlaunch vehicle developed by China,represents a major achievement ofthe country in space launch technol-ogy.Many key technologies,in-cluding structural dynamics,aero-dynamics and large payload fair-ing,had been developed and usedin the LM-2E.The large capabilityand high reliability of the vehiclewere verified by the successful testflight in 1990 and the launches oftwo Aussat B communications satel-lites made by Hughes in the UnitedStates.China has been developing  相似文献   

A new telecommunications satellite was launched from Xichang Launch Center on Nov. 30, 1994 and was put into a geosynchronous transfer orbit 24 minutes after its lift-off. It was launched by a Long-March 3A launch vehicle, which was developed earlier in 1994 by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Teehnology. The Long-  相似文献   

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